In the realm, the combination is dominant, and in the small thousand realms, the ancients are the most respected!

At that time, the downbred children of the Xiao family stepped on the avenue and experienced life and death. Now they have cultivated themselves and can fight wars and ancient times. They have become the peak of the entire Xiaoqian Realm. Taking everything from one thought to another. Eight [<(? One Chinese {<文 网 W} W) W ?. ] 8? 1} Z] W & gt ;. (C) OM] With his current practice, he can already support an independent world in the spiritual realm, shelter his relatives and friends, and shelter the monks waiting to rise in the realm.

Xiao Chen's face was filled with joy, without any concealment. Since then, the breadth of the spiritual realm has been immense, and he already has the strength and breadth of strength. Although the road ahead is still long, at least he has the power to protect himself.

A monk who has not yet been promoted to the ancient but has the ancient combat power will definitely get the attention of the entire ethnic group. The more important the ethnic group is, the more Xiao Chen will have a better prospect. Although the barren ancient realm is not weak, there are two realms of Taigu and Zugu, and there is a higher level of cultivation above the limit of ancient times. However, at that time, the level of power that existed in the Thousand Realms had Xiao Chen who cannot now The imagination is magnificent.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, depressed his irritable heart, slowly lifted it, and has returned to a calm and indifferent state. Now that he has some means, there are countless powerful men in the spiritual realm. I do n’t know how many years have been washed away. The ridiculous old monsters survived in the world, there are definitely many strong ancients in various ethnic groups, and even the old immortals in the two ancient realms of Taigu and Zugu may exist. For example, the jade ancestor of the jade palace, according to the information obtained from the main sword of Wan Jian, is definitely not as simple as the power of the barren ancient realm, otherwise he would not be so jealous. This weird is very likely to be a superpower at the ancient and even ancestral levels.

The higher the revision, the greater the gap between the strengths of each other. Often the difference between the front lines is the difference.

Xiao Chen and the jade palace are already in an endless situation. In the future, when this ancestor of the jade palace meets with soldiers and soldiers, he will inevitably meet with life and death, and by virtue of his current practice, I am afraid that one face will be easily wiped out.

Strength is still too weak! Too weak! In addition to the threat from the ancestors of the Jade Palace, there are hidden dangers from the fire race of the Daqian Realm. Once the identity is exposed, it will lead to the killing of the body. According to the people in Zuo Meidao, if you do n’t have to worry about the Daqian intervention force, you need to have The power of the limit of the ancient, but now Xiao Chen is just a monk who has set foot in the ancient realm of wasteland. It is more than 10 thousand miles away from such a realm.

The thoughts in his heart slowly turned, like a stream of trickles flowing from Xiao Chen's heart, and he wiped out the trace of complacency that had just emerged from his heart, and the only thing left was prudence and caution.

Carefulness makes the long-term ship, and prudence live long. This is the most famous saying explored by many monks in the realm of life. Any arrogant person, even if it is truly an invincible world, has the possibility of overturning the ditch. Xiao Chen is not easy to come to this step, how can he tolerate all the hard work made useless because of his complacency.

Invisibly, Xiao Chen's mind has once again undergone a sublimation and transformation of his mind, and his mind has been revised to a higher level. He has completely settled the level of the mental state corresponding to the power of the ancient and ancient realm. Otherwise, even if he has the power of the ancient, if the state of mind cannot be controlled, it is extremely There may be a situation where the mind is occupied by the power. Therefore, this time, Xiao Chen avoided a very likely crisis, which must be said to be an opportunity.

Xiao Chen didn't know about this. At this moment, he frowned slightly, looking at the collapsed void above his head, which was gradually repairing. There was a cloud of uncertainty in his eyes, obviously his thoughts were turning fast.

After a few breaths, he lifted up arrogantly, and the tenacity in his eyes flashed. Obviously, a decision had been made. The next step was taken without any action from him. The figure penetrated the space directly into the dark void crack.

Now that the matter of Wu Yuanjing has come to an end, Xiao Chen naturally does not want to stay here for a long time. Since he cannot find a way out, he can only break into the dark cracks of the person. Although he is awed and cautious about the spirit world, today Xiao After all, Chen is a horror with a combat power comparable to that of the ancient and powerful. As long as you are careful, there are not many places in the spirit world that can hurt him.

The aura of light flashed slightly, and the figure of the blue robe disappeared into the dark cracks.

A moment later, in the space fluctuations, Xiao Chen's figure reappeared. The gloomy eyes had a murderous flicker, and his eyes glanced coldly around. After half a ring, it was confirmed that nothing was happening, and he frowned before leaving.

Although there is no longer anything that can be moved in Wuyuan Realm, I do n’t know why Xiao Chen feels a little uneasy. Although this feeling is very light, it does n’t make Xiao Chen take it lightly, so he will be repeatedly before and now Temptation, only because there is nothing present, will be helpless.

The gloomy and gloomy sky, the collapse of the void above the clouds slowly closed, and finally returned to its original state, no different from before. But at this moment, Xiao Chen left less than a hundred miles away, and the ground suddenly cracked, and then another dry horror corpse slowly crawled out from the ground, wearing a robe covered with black blood, and carried him. The breath of the whole body converged as much as possible, and he must be able to escape the investigation, which is the function of this blood robe. The corpse got up slowly, his blood-colored eyes looked towards the direction of Xiao Chen's departure, and it flashed with a shocking and hot color, "The atmosphere of the ancient wasteland .. You have reached the ancient wasteland so quickly ..."

The corpse groaned. Although his voice was hoarse and deep, Ren was a little familiar with it.

If Xiao Chen were here, he would definitely be able to hear, this voice is exactly the same as Yishenyuan. In other words ... this corpse is the source of joy!

"Xiao Chen, this seat is in a big position, and the carcass finally got the result I wanted. Now this seat has become a zombie body, and the curse imprinted on the blood of my family is also broken. Who can stop the rise of this seat. "

"Now that I have this wonderful corpse breeding ground, I think you and I will meet in a short time, I hope you will become stronger by then, I will swallow you little by little and take away what you have all!"

Yishenyuan whispered quietly, but the sound of coldness and death was unconscious, and the heart trembled.

The words fell, the ground cracked silently under his feet, and the figure of Yishenyuan immersed in it, but his nervous laughter appeared in his mouth, screaming like a ghost crying, permeating in this unbounded territory, and lasting forever ...


Extraterrestrial battlefield.

Demon clan "feather", demon clan "stab", human clan "swallow" are the most difficult and most difficult night sneak force in the spiritual realm, except for a few sneak-seeking assassinations. They wandered in the darkness and were responsible for exploring the military situation, transmitting information, protecting in secret, and assassination .. The monks who assumed such sturdy things were naturally good at each other and cruel.

Yu, was carefully cultivated by the demon tribe's selection of talents. It is good at spying on military intelligence, messaging, sneaking, and occupying an absolute leading position among the three night king teams.

Sting, the demons choose a horror team composed of dead men. After hearing their name, you can know that its biggest role is to assassinate. From the beginning of the monk crossing to the top of the ethnic group, there is no role that they dare not start. The means are vicious. It is either the enemy's death or the death of his own. There is no other way than that.

Swallows are carefully cultivated by the human race for many years. They are not too distinctive. If they have to be compared, it should be said that there is a great combination of both feathers and spines. But on the other hand, That means they don't have much advantage over feathers and stabs. But even so, the prestige of the human swallow is still on par with the previous two, and it is an audible color changing role in the ethnic battlefield.


Feathers are divided into 7 wings, 7 wings per wing, 7 groups per wing, 7 people in each group, each of them is a monk above heaven and earth, the group leader is three heavens and three heavens, the sky is four heavens, and the wings are ethnic groups Pinnacle, as for the legendary chief of the feathers, no one knows which demon is the big bodhisattva. There are rumors of a certain class of strong in the vein of the royal phoenix, there are rumors of an adult in the council, and rumors of demon A powerful person in the clan who is not able to grow up for many years is mixed. But no matter how you guess, whether it is a monk monk or a strong alien, when it comes to "yu", it will show a look of awe or fear.

This is the status of "Yu" in countless years in exchange for its proud record, and no one dares to question the slightest bit.

"Leader of Kanto, things seem to be a bit wrong. Is there a trace of treasure that is about to be born in this drastic breath?" The leader of Yu 7-wing 5 翎 6 group slowly opened the moon, and there were many concerns.

The leader of the 9th group, Guan Dong, admired the old colleague from all walks of life. He nodded at the moment when he heard the words, "It's really extraordinary. If this momentum is really a treasure, it is absolutely no small feat. . "

Speaking of which, Kanto paused a little, "It's better to pass the matter back to Master Chang, you and I are here waiting for the Lord to command, if there is really an accident, it is not too late to try again."

The full moon should come down, but there is always some anxiety in the heart, and for people who climb over the corpse mountains and blood seas, they are always extremely sensitive to the danger of approaching.

"Everything is up, be careful, this momentum can't be concealed, maybe there are cubs of other ethnic groups following behind, and it is no wonder that others carelessly lose their own lives."

His Majesty's monk heard the words in horror, and slowly nodded silently to the surrounding lurking. As a dancer in the dark night, once you meet the enemy, it is an endless situation in an instant. There is no reason, no reason.



[Hey, before 8 o'clock, the guy who was expecting bun buns would pull out and play small jj ten thousand times ..]

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