Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 296: Extraterrestrial battlefield

The third demon frowns, looking at Yangzhou's scar, but finally nodded. ? M] No matter how cruel and unscrupulous a person is, he has a soft place in his heart, such as Yangzhou Zhiyu third. As the existence of countless people in the demon clan, the third of the demon feathers is homeless, and naturally the only disciple with appetite and income is petty and trustworthy, almost treating it as a biological son.

Yangzhou bowed his respects respectfully, got up and faced Fu Ziqi, waved his hand, and said, "Stay back a bit, this time I will do it myself."

The monk behind him didn't dare to disobey the little adult who inherited his teacher's traditional reputation for ruthlessness, and carefully backed away.

On Suspended Big 6, monks who dived into the front face were all pale at this moment, and the third glance of the demon feathers faintly swept over them. These guys became stiff for a while, and never dared to be angry anymore. A dense layer was born on their heads. Fine sweat beads.

Fu Ziqi only felt that his mouth was bitter and revenge secretly. He failed to kill the demon cub in a rage that year. Now he has left over the trouble. If he falls into his hands, he will probably die as soon as possible. In his heart, it is inevitable, but in his eyes it is inevitable. It was full of fierceness. This identity was exposed and hunted down by the third demon feather, he never thought of leaving alive. Since it is natural to pull a back before death, this Yangzhou is obviously a good choice.

Yang Zhou stepped forward, a clever dagger appeared in his hand, and a light **** flicker flashed in the palm of his hand. The whole body exuded a cold and strange breath, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and the aura of light flashed. The figure disappeared instantly.

Fu Ziqi took out a weird magic weapon that seemed to bite the cavities. This object was his famous treasure, the cavities file. I didn't know how many alien spies had been wiped out. He drank blood to make it look like a magic soldier, and it was filled with evil spirits.

call out!

The two powerful men in the night fought in an instant, and an astonishing scene broke out instantly. The tooth file and the blood-colored dagger met in the void, the angle was tricky, and the speed was as fast as lightning, strangling together like two poisonous snakes.

Yangzhou has made great progress over the past 100 years, and it is no longer under the Fuzi period. The two men have maintained an equal situation in this battle, and some mistakes on either side may fall into a desperate situation.

The dense contact with the treasures is like a torrential shower, and the hospitable soup is incessant and falls into the ear, giving a very powerful psychological impact.

Fu Ziqi's eyelids flashed, and the tooth file lifted away the common blood dagger of the zygomatic bone, and he moved forward with one hand, and the tooth file opened like a monster who had swallowed, and went straight to the chest of Yangzhou. Stabbed.

Most of the magic weapons for night walkers are highly poisonous, and their toxicity is extremely fast. They can even cause huge damage to monks at the peak of the ethnic group, so for them, injury means death.

Yang Zhou's blood dagger flashed, attacking the enemy had to save where, backhand pierced Fuzi period neck. But the next moment, his face turned pale, and a thick layer of sweat was born behind him. Before the shot, he could always force Fu Ziqi to give up and save himself, but this time instead of giving up, he went faster and made his life easier. Ordinary face In the last piece of perseverance, there was no fear, and some were just a little unwilling.

Yangzhou remembered that this guy was already dead in the middle of no doubt. Naturally, he could let go of the war regardless of everything. It seems that this time he chose to settle the grievances of that year with him.


There was a muffled sound in the void, the bitterness of Fu Ziqi's eyes flashed, and the figure was instantly repelled by the force of the void, just like the ants under the giant's feet, weak enough to have no resistance.

The third demon feather slowly closed his hands, and there was no embarrassment on his face to intervene in the junior fight. For him, he only cared about the people he cared about, and the lives and deaths of the other people, or his eyes, he never let go. In my heart.

Yangzhou stepped back and respected the third salute to the demon feathers.

"Well, now that you have played enough, take them down. If you want to torture him to death with your own hands, the teacher will give you this opportunity." I want to take a shot.

However, at this moment he didn't notice a point. Fu Ziqi stepped back with the help of his shot. Now he has fallen into the "swallows" of the human race, and the surroundings are arranged according to some orderly standard, just like the front.

"Send my lord away!" The scream growled suddenly, and the body of a dozen monks "swallows" instantly turned red, the veins bulging under the flesh, and a violent atmosphere burst out in the body.

"Blood Swallow!" The third look of the demon feather changed, and his eyes became gloomy instantly, but it was too late to take the shot at this moment.

Dozens of clan "swallows" burned out, the fire was red, and the film was like a sea of ​​blood. "Sir, please treat your family members and family members. I will take a step first and take care of you!"

Fu Ziqi's eyes were red, but his face was a lunar calendar. He didn't just nod his head fiercely. The next moment, the sea of ​​blood like red flames suddenly twisted, and suddenly Fu Ziqi's figure disappeared.

The red flames dissipated, and more than ten clan "swallows" had disappeared, leaving no information behind.

The demon's third face was gloomy and watery. At this moment, he suddenly looked up at the end of the endless void. "Even if you use Blood Swallow, do you think you can escape!" not see.

There was a faint smile on Yangzhou's face, "Let the Master be really angry, Fu Ziqi, I'm afraid you and I will say goodbye today, and there will be no day to meet again in the future, you will go well on Huangquan Road."

Speaking of which, he turned to look at Monk Spike, and said lightly, "Kill me, one will not stay."

However, at the moment his voice fell, his face was suddenly pooping, and he looked up at the weird breath fluctuations above the Big Six. At this moment, among the ripples that suddenly appeared, a figure slowly appeared.

Terran monk!

At the moment when he saw the figure of the monk, Yangzhou had a scalp. A strong sense of crisis prevented him from having any thoughts of resistance. All he could think of was to send the news about this person immediately.

However, this matter was destined to become only a thought in his heart. The majestic and magnificent consciousness exploded, and the terrible coercion suddenly fell between this whole world, blocking the void and suppressing it.

Xiao Chen slowly lifted his eyes, brushing his eyes around the desolate and lonely surroundings, and frowning slightly, wondering where he was at this moment? His eyes turned slightly, and fell on the monks of the demons and demons.

Yangzhou suddenly felt a cold in his heart. This feeling of being locked by death gave him endless fear, but at this moment, without waiting for him to have other thoughts, his body flew out of control and fell directly into Xiao Chen's hands. Knowing like a stormy sea, it penetrated into the Yangzhou Yuanshen and ran through the memory wantonly. After a few breaths, Xiao Chensong let his hands go, and the Yangzhou Yuanshen had been shot and killed by accident, and died completely.

This ambitious and vicious Fei Yu future powerhouse, so unclearly stunned in Xiao Chen's hands.

Xiao Chen frowned, and raised his hand again to catch several monster monks from two races to perform soul searching, and finally determined the news that he thought of.

Extraterrestrial battlefield, the place where ethnic groups fight.

It turned out that the dark cracks in the Wuyuan Realm lead here, but one thing is not good. This seems to be the control area of ​​the monster war zone. Once it is revealed, I am afraid a life-and-death fight is inevitable. It should be noted that this is an extraterrestrial battlefield, where the real strong men gather to kill, even if it is repaired in the ancient realm, you can really face the demon strangulation, which is probably the end of the fierce battle.

Xiao Chen frowned. Now the best way is to calmly return to the range of the Terran War Zone through the Demon War Zone. Don't worry about the natural stability at that time, but the key is that he is not familiar with the battlefield outside the territory and wants to penetrate the Demon Front flexibly. It is naturally extremely difficult to return to the Terran War Zone. But at this moment his eyes flashed suddenly, showing a little thoughtfulness, and he felt a decision in his chin.

With a wave of the robe sleeve, no action was seen by him, the demon feathers and the monk of the spurs gathered together for a while, then his eyes darkened and the flesh collapsed into a fly ash and fell completely.

The crisis in the ethnic battlefield is extremely high, and it is impossible to keep the love of women, so at this moment the killer is hurting. Xiao Chen has no sense of intolerance, and slightly discerns the direction. His step is taken next, and his figure disappears.


Fu Ziqi hurries his way. In order to ensure the fastest degree, he even burned his mana cultivation. This extreme way can let him burst out the strongest power in a short time, and his figure turned into a streamer and a roar.

The extraterrestrial battlefield space is extremely stable, and the non-wild ancient power cannot be torn apart. Feeling the horror that was getting closer and closer behind him, he squeezed his lips tightly, his eyes revealing a decided color. There was a flash of aura in his hand, and a pale golden rune-like object appeared in his hand. Fu Ziqi shot a forbidden rune with ten fingers in his hands to completely seal his breath. Looking at the big 6 below, hesitated. Raising it with his hand, it seemed like a stone fell on top of a mountain somewhere, and the figure whistled away without any pause.

The corner of his mouth showed a coldness. If he could not escape, he would directly explode. The information about this matter has been transmitted back to the clan. As soon as he died, no one can find it. The clan secretly sent people forward in the future. Come and take it away.

A moment later, the third figure of the demon feather flashed directly above the suspended Da 6 with a cold face and endless killing in his eyes. At this moment, the sleeve of the robe swept away the space again, and there really was no Fuzi period. Do the hands and feet. As a master of the semi-ancient existence, although he could not tear up the space like a real ancient ancient power, he could still do it through short-distance space shuttles, but he was a little heavier. But now the third demon Yu Fei can not care much, his only idea is to catch up with Fu Ziqi, torture it with the most brutal means to kill!

But at this moment, his figure suddenly stunned, his eyes filled with blood for an instant!


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