Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 297: Cause trouble

"Yangzhou!" The lover was killed, and a trace of the heart's imprint disappeared instantly, leaving the third body of the demon feathers stiffened, the incredible meaning in the heart permeated, and then turned into endless killing. (August 1 in Chinese W].) C] O] M & gt;

"Ah! Whoever kills my lover, the old man must crush you to death!"

The third demon yelled, but did not lose his mind. He turned directly to find the murderer. He received orders from him this time. The main goal was to kill this man and take it back to him. That thing. If things get done, thinking of the horror methods of the adults, the devastating killing power in the third heart of the demon feathers will be directly dissipated by cold water.

Kill the junior Fu Ziqi as soon as possible, recapture the treasure, and then go and find the murderer enemy!

The demon roared in his third heart, tearing the space a bit faster.

Fu Ziqi left the token-like treasure suspended above the sky, and the space was easily torn. A figure of a green robe slowly walked out of it, and his eyes fell slightly on the mountain peak, his hand slightly raised, and there was a stream of light. It fell into his hands and was hidden by Fu Ziqi.

Xiao Chen frowned, waved his hand to break the ban, and played for a while, except that the material was special, and nothing happened. He thought about it backhand and put it into the storage ring. He waved the torn space into it and disappeared.


"The prohibition is broken!" Fu Ziqi's body stiffened in the course of his advance, his face turned pale instantly, and many of his monks were ridiculed in order to get this thing. I didn't expect that in the end, he would be short of success. Feeling that the demon feather approaching behind him was third, Fu Ziqi's eyes gave birth to despair. But at this moment, his heart suddenly moved, and his dim eyes reappeared a little bit of aura, his face was cloudy, and his thoughts were clearly turning.

There was only one breath behind him, which was the third demon feather, but the old man was trying to kill him from beginning to end without stopping for a moment. Obviously the monk who took away the inheritance of the palace order was not him, even It is very likely that it is not the cultivation of the demon clan, otherwise it would have been bright and upright to show up and hunt down with the third demon feather, how would it hide the track secretly. Thinking like this, Fu Ziqi has a little more vitality in his heart. Perhaps he has made good use of this secret monk, and he can still gain vitality today. Even though he knew that the matter was fierce, Fu Ziqi had no choice but to let it go or fight it out.

Certainly, the man's face suddenly regained his fortitude, and he said in a deep voice, "I don't know which predecessor took the inheritance hall order left by the younger, and please show up." During the conversation, the figure stopped directly. , Did not continue to escape.

According to his degree, there is no possibility of escape. Since it is so necessary to continue delaying time, it is better to fight here. If it fails and explodes, it is still possible to finish your own grasp of Fu Ziqi.

The third face of the demon feather suddenly became extremely ugly. He didn't look at Fu Ziqi at all, and he only noticed the inheritance palace order sign. If this thing was chased away from him, he would have to bear the anger of the adult.


The weird figure stopped, his eyes gloomed over Fu Ziqi, but he didn't directly hurt the killer, "You said that the inheritance palace order symbol was taken away? Is this thing not on you?"

Fu Ziqi nodded and spread his hand: "The third adult of the demon feather shot in person. The junior knew that he could not escape, and he did not want to know the death of his brothers. Naturally, he would not obediently wait for the third adult to come to collect it. Before In the escape, the junior will throw the seal of Fu into a floating large 6 somewhere. I did not expect that in a short time, it had actually been taken away. It seems that more than the third adult is eyeing the junior. Fu Ziqi sighed, and smiled bitterly.

The third look of the demon feather was the observer Fu Ziqi's expression, but at the end he could not detect the slightest difference. He was very confident in the ability of a pair of eyes to recognize people. It seems that the tyrants who said this are true. . The idea came to him, and he couldn't help but jump hard in his heart. He was a little more subconscious and cautious, and his eyes slowly swept slowly around him. Could there be a monk secretly hiding his detective trail? Being able to do this, whether to be arrogant or not, for the time being, must also be a master figure who sneaks in and hides. Followed by such people without knowing it, he doesn't know what happened.

Fu Ziqi's mind was a little loose, knowing that he had made the right move in this dangerous move, otherwise he was afraid that he had already killed himself and died. However, this is only a temporary situation. If he cannot be involved in the muddy water, he still cannot escape.

If the one in secret only wanted to inherit the palace order symbol and the treasure was already in hand, he wouldn't have to keep it. Now he might have already left, and the situation now is just that he has deceived the demon feather for a third and left it for a while.

But if it is the second possibility, the secret person has not left, it means that he wants something, and the matter should be related to him. Although he doesn't know what it is, it is enough to save his life.

Fu Ziqi was keenly aware of the third irritable breath of the demon feather. I am afraid that the search for a moment was fruitless. The demon feather high-level person is no longer willing to waste time. He took a deep breath and respectfully said: "The older generation took away the younger brother The inheritance of the palace order in exchange for life is owed to the younger generation. If you are still here, please help. In the future, wherever the younger generation needs help, Fu will respond with no blinks. In the blessing of mana, the sound turned into sound and spread out in all directions. Fu Ziqi seems calm, but his back has been wet with cold sweat, and his life is tense.

The words fell empty and silent, and no sound came.

The third face of the demon feather was ugly, and he took a step forward to kill the killer. If the inheritance order was really taken away, the matter must be immediately taken up by the adult to block the entire theater, and it must be taken back in any case.

"Human junior, die!"

In the low drink, the demon feather shot for the third time and grabbed one hand forward fiercely, in order to directly kill Fu Ziqi. The lover was killed, and the loss of the inheritance order has made his heart anxious, and there is no thought of holding him tortured.

Fu Ziqi's mouth is bitter. It seems that his logical reckoning ability is really not good. Fortunately, he can die without much pain. This is the only thing that can be comforted.

The bloodthirsty color was revealed in the third eye of the demon feather, but at this moment his body suddenly froze. This frantic look of madness had disappeared. All that remained was panic and fear. He stepped hard under his feet to escape the space and escape. .

But after he noticed the approaching breath, it was too late to leave.

"Suppression!" A faint voice came out of the void, and then another figure directly tore through the space. The ordinary face of the black robe with black eyes, but the breath emanating from him made the third feather of the demon feather feel like death. .


Fu Ziqi was surprised and walked around the gate of the gate to feel the value of life. At this moment, he hurried forward to pay respects and salute. "The junior 'Swallow' 7 Master Fu Ziqi met with his ancestors." Suddenly, a group of ancestors appeared on the front line of life and death. Although this ancestor looks rather face-to-face, the human strength is unfathomable and some hidden hole cards are extremely normal. Coupled with the pure human atmosphere of the adult in front of him, it is natural to do nothing at all.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, stepped forward and appeared directly in front of the third demon feather. With one hand extended and pressed down on his forehead, the soul-searching technique was performed instantly.

Fu Ziqi didn't dare to say much, and respectfully stood on the side.

After a while, Xiao Chen put his hands down, twisted his subconscious spirit, wiped out the third demon **** of the demon feather, frowned, frowned with his fingers, and jumped out of Fengzhen to put his corpse in the storage ring. How can he master the power of the source? In half a step, the ancient and powerful, it was not too late to find a way to take out the power of the source, it would be a pity to kill and discard like this.

Fu Ziqi was stunned, then turned pale, and finally had shortness of breath and heavy, a tragic appearance about to faint in the past, "Master, how do you kill him?"

Xiao Chen was digesting the information and frowned upon hearing the words, "Why, isn't it possible?"

Fu Ziqi jumped in his heart, shook his head again and again, dared to say a few more words, and said, "Since the adult has already started, it will be meaningless to talk about these things, let's go quickly, or we may be too late. When it comes to this, Fu Ziqi has the heart to die. At first, he watched the adult in the Qingpao appear to have a good hand, and he was just a handful of people. Who would have thought that he would suddenly kill the third demon feather, and now It still looks like a breeze.

Half a step in ancient times is also the power of mastering the power of the source. This matter will never be easily exposed.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and he nodded his head without saying a word. The sleeve of the robe fluttered and rolled up Fu Ziqi's foot and took the next step, easily tearing away the space. "This block wiped out that demon feather third, is there something wrong? You But it doesn't matter. "

Fu Ziqi swallowed and vomited, fortunately thinking that he might be able to avoid strangulation sooner, but his heart was a little loose, but at this moment, he couldn't help but have some doubts, but he didn't dare to ask, "Return to seniors, extraterritorial The ancient ancient ancestors in the battlefield are subject to certain restrictions. During the non-ethnic war, no monks below the ancient ancient territory are allowed to be shot. Otherwise, it will violate the rules set by the billions of ethnic groups in the spiritual realm and will be strangled by all ancient ancient powers. "

The guy explained it as briefly as possible, looking at the astonishment on Xiao Chen's face, and couldn't help but be shocked, "Sir, you won't know this rule at all, right?"

Looking at Xiao Chen nodded slightly, Fu Ziqi really wanted to die, but thinking that his life was saved by an adult. Without an adult, he had been obliterated, and now he has any qualifications to complain. Thinking of this, his anger was relieved, but he still looked sad, and did not shy away from being pessimistic about the situation at hand.


[The first change, 3 changes will be resumed next Monday, cough, please subscribe for monthly tickets! 】

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