"What can I do now to get out of the body?" Xiao Chen didn't pretend to be profound about what he didn't know. Before, he didn't know the rules of the extraterritorial battlefield to wipe out the demon feather third, so he suffered a lot. (Eight (one Chinese [[[文 [[W] W] W}.) 81ZW.COM

Fu Ziqi stabilised his mind slightly. "Now that we are within the range of the demon clan, the news will be transmitted as soon as the demon feathers fall. Now, maybe there are already demon ancestors killing you, and I can only send you hope. You can enter the war zone of my human race one step faster, but now it is the sword ancestor who is in charge of everything in the war zone. I do n’t know if he will protect us. Otherwise, I ’m afraid there will be nowhere in the sky.

Sword ancestor.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered. "Choose the route to the ethnic war zone recently. If you don't want to die, do it immediately."

Fu Ziqi took out a jade slip without saying a word, which recorded three lines, the farthest one was also the safest, interspersed in the gap between the canine teeth of the demon army legion. I can make this map. I do n’t know how many lives Piled up. The second line is a bit risky. It needs to pass through several suspension large 6 stationed by the Demon Legion. Once it is found, it is a life-threatening situation. As for the third way, Fu Ziqi did not think that normal people would choose it. This road is extremely simple. He jestfully drew a straight line from the terrestrial theater to connect the demon territory. The distance between this straight line point and the point is naturally the shortest, but the key is to walk through this road. Through the three demon military bases, seven iron armor defense lines, and even the demon commander Zichuan's garrison. There is no need to think about this road at all, it is a road that does not return to Huangquan.

Xiao Chen took a sweep of Yujian, kept the line in his heart, and destroyed Yujian. The figure whistled and went straight to the northeast.

Fu Ziqi was a little stunned, and then he looked dizzy. Although the second road was a little more dangerous, it seems that choosing this road is the best way now, otherwise he might have been killed without waiting for them to escape from the range of the demon war zone. dead.

However, after half a hour of continuous rushing, Xiao Chen suddenly appeared something very wrong. His face turned white and shivered, "Master, we seem to be going in the wrong direction. You should be in the front. If you go west to some angles, if you move forward, you will reach the Demon Snow Big Six. This is the important military power of the Demon. Is it a bit bad for us to rush in?

Xiao Chen's expressionless face and simple single sentence made Fu Ziqi want to cry without tears. "This is the third way."

According to Fu Ziqi, after the third demon feather is wiped out, the news will definitely anger the entire high level of the demon, and then chase the person who shot at all costs. At that time, the entire demon military stationing arrangement may follow. While moving. In other words, the first route taken by Fu Ziqi could not be reached, and the second route may encounter an unknown crisis. In this case, it is better to choose the third route directly. Although the danger is doomed, now Xiao Chen is fighting. Just time, as long as you get back to Terran territory, you are considered out of danger.

Monk Qingpao roared to tear through the space and sneaked, Fu Ziqi was crying and said nothing, how he looked a little bit windy, cold and cold, different Xiaose.

Ahead of it, Snows 6 was watching.


The sea is the core of the demon war zone. The central guidance of the entire war zone is here. Tens of millions of demon army are stationed. The entire suspension of Da 6 has been transformed into the most suitable place for demon monks to live.

In the big 6 core Dos Lake, as one of the few living floating 6 in the extraterritorial battlefield, it is not too surprising to own a beautiful and clear lake. A horrible ivy-like vegetation monster with thousands of feet in thickness In the rooted lake, its numerous branches and leaves and vines are densely woven together to build a plant hall. This is the core command office of the army of the demon army. Numerous monks who are good at marching and marching back and forth among them. The Tao military order was sent out in an orderly manner, and commanded the entire army of monsters as amazing as a giant.

"In recent days, the human race has been relatively quiet. According to reliable information, the ancestors of the Jade Palace are trapped in the abyss. It is uncertain whether they are alive or dead, and they are likely to fall directly into it." A ancestor of the Yao tribe said with a smile in the Qingteng Hall. Face comforting.

The spiritual realm is endless, with many ethnic groups. The demons and demons have been the overlords of the spiritual realm for hundreds of years. The only human race is a rising star. Today, they can sit side by side with the two races. This undoubtedly makes a lot of demons. It can be unhappy, so the ancestor of the human-level strong Jade Palace is trapped in the abyss, which is naturally a very thankful thing to them.

"The ancestors of the Jade Palace are really powerful. They have been cultivated to have reached the late realm of Taikoo Realm, not far from the realm of Kamiya, but it is a powerful existence that is very likely to make a breakthrough in the last 10,000 years. However, it can save my demon tribe from a big confidant. "Another demon said lightly, but it was difficult to conceal the comfort of his eyes. Obviously, he had some ties with the ancestor of the Jade Palace before.

Zichuan frowned slightly. The demon family from the run-down family came to today with a frightening deterrent between his words and deeds. He noticed a change in his face, and more than ten demon ancestors in the hall slowly shut up. No matter how honorable they are or how powerful they are behind, no one dares to have any respect for Master Zichuan. 30,000 years ago, the adult Zichuan could kill the King of the East River one by one and killed a branded student into the hearts of all the monks and powerful monks. The **** scene made them feel the cold death. Therefore, among the monster army, the status of Lord Zichuan has never been dare to challenge.

"Don't be too excited before things are settled. The existence of the ancestor of the Jade Palace will definitely not be easily ridiculed, but recently the demon feather has been keeping an eye on the human race. If there is a chance, I think the magic The clan should not mind working with us to make the clan suffer a bit ... "But at this moment he hadn't finished speaking suddenly, and frowned slightly looking out of the temple.

A monk at the peak of the demon tribe stepped into the temple with sweat, and fell to his knees with a bang, and kept trembling all over his body.

When the demon ancestors discussed matters, the main hall was closed, and non-emergency affairs must not be entered into the hall to interrupt, so after seeing this sweating monk breaking in, a group of demon ancestors were not anxious, but their eyes were gloomy.

Because they recognized the monk in front of them, the demon palace banned the army commander, and they used to be calm and useful monks, but today they are so disoriented. What happened?

Zichuan waved his hand. The embargo commander was the old man next to the adult. Looking at the calm face of the adult, the fear in his heart calmed down a little, but he suddenly lifted up and snarled. "Master Zichuan, Yuan of the third demon feather The **** jade is broken! My demon tribe has a great ancestor to ridicule. "

The words fell, the whole hall was dead, the monks outside the hall turned white instantly, fell to the ground and buried deeply, a dignified breath slowly appeared, covering the whole hall as if before the volcanic explosion.

Zichuan frowned, and his face remained calm, but only those who really knew him could see in his slightly trembling fingers the emotion of repression in his heart, and asked gently: "Give me Jade Jane."

The embargo commander did not dare to pause for a moment, took out a jade Jane with his hands that had been cracked and offered it.

Zichuan Yang put his hands into his hands and threw them backhand. A clear picture appeared suddenly. The monk in the blue robe stood against his hands. His eyes were dark but dazzling like stars.

"Our ancestors!"

In the hall, dozens of demon ancestors suddenly became thicker in breathing.

Zichuan took a deep look at the figure in the picture, waved it to break it, his face turned dignified, "Master the source and set foot in the ancient times, we can only call it the ancestor of the ethnic group, a rare monk comes out. The power of the people is only a few dozen people, and every ridicule is an intolerable loss. "

"Today you and I are discussing the ancestors of the Jade Palace who have not yet died, but my demon tribe has really cast aside a half-ancestor monk destined to set foot in the ancient times. This tribal robe of the tribe must die."

Speaking of which, Zichuan suddenly stood up, and more than a dozen ancestors of the demons stood up at the same time. The horrible breath broke out like a stormy sea, raging in all directions, such as the recovery of wild beasts, and the desire to eat people.

"It is said that this handsome commander ordered the army to block the line leading to the human race, leaving the Qingpao ancestors at all costs!"

"Holly, Neptune, and Fermo, each led two demon ancestors to hunt and kill. Once killed immediately, there is no doubt that any consequences will be borne by the coach!" Yu Feng was furious.

The demon commander has completely killed.

Whatever the reason, killing his demon ancestral half-ancestor mighty, he must die.

"Yes, Master Zichuan!" The three ancestors of the monster tribe spoke at the same time, each of them selected two cooperating monster ancestors. A total of nine desolate realms existed and left the nautical priests 6 and left instantly through the teleportation method.

Relevant military orders were transmitted to the various garrison garrisons in the highest level of encryption. The behemoth of the entire garrison army began to slowly operate. As for one goal, kill the ancestors of the human race!


Fu Ziqi felt that he was crazy, and he would really go to the monster camp with the adults. His grandmother's death was his own way. The masters of the 7 realms who have always been gentle and elegant can't help but swear, but their eyes fall on the figure in front of them, but they can't help showing some admiration. People who dare to do such fierce things in this world, I'm afraid there is only this adult in front of it. Being able to follow the ancestor-level characters to make a trip to the demon tribe, even if it is dead, is worth it.

In fear and weird excitement, Snows 6 arrived.


[The second change, today is two changes, there are some things on Saturday and weekend, so we will resume 3 changes on Monday. 】

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