
The powerful detective array under the outer cover of the Big 6 immediately noticed the approach of the alien race, and the screaming alarm sounded at the first moment. The original loose army of the monsters moved instantly, and a fierce atmosphere burst out. 8} 8} 1ZW. Com

A large space crackdown was placed on the Big 6, obviously to avoid invasion of alien ancestors, but now this space crackdown has no effect on Xiao Chen, only a bit more sluggish when tearing the space Feeling, but could not stop him.

The spatial original power of the space avatar burst out at this moment. Although his strength is the weakest among the three avatars, if the life-saving means are mentioned, the sum of the human race and the ancient demon avatars cannot compare with him.

With a shocking degree, Xiao Chen tore through the space several times in a row, and even had not given the monster army time to deal with the explosion, it had penetrated almost half of Snows Big 6.

Fu Ziqi stayed completely, looking at the figure of the adult in front, his body trembling slightly, and an incredible look appeared in his eyes.


At least the power of Taikoo!

The demon Snows 6 military ground, this level of space closure is enough to stop the teleportation magical power of the monk in the ancient and ancient realms. If you want to break it, you can only use a higher level of power, and the adult in front of it This was done easily, and Fu Ziqi couldn't help shaking his eyes, and his eyes were already full of awe and joy. If relying on the power of the deserted realm and making him feel powerless, then the power of the ancient realm gave Fu Ziqi's hope to survive. Perhaps this time under the leadership of adults, they can really break through.

Xiao Chen didn't notice the change in Fu Ziqi's look. At this moment, he looked completely calm. After realizing that things were tricky, he made a decision and rushed to the Terran War Zone as quickly as possible, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Now the only thought in his heart is this matter, whoever dares to stop him will die!

Above Big 6, a demon monk appeared instantly. Looking at the two monks who were rushing into the sky above the clouds, his face was cloudy and uncertain, and finally he gritted his teeth suddenly, "This monk has the most ancient levels To be able to tear the space is most likely to rely on some kind of supreme power. If you ca n’t stop them today and watch them leave, I will sweep my face in the future! "

The demon ancestor gritted his teeth and stepped forward. The figure appeared directly before Xiao Chen to stop him. This town's large-scale suppression of alien monks did not have any blocking effect on the ancestors of the monster tribe, otherwise this person could not catch up with Xiao Chen.

"Since Daoyou has arrived, why bother to leave in a hurry, why not leave it to me for a while?"

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed fiercely, and he ignored the careful temptation of the demon ancestor, tearing forward fiercely with one hand!

Supernatural, tear up the sky!

The face of the demon monster changed suddenly, the pupils contracted to reveal incredible meaning, and eventually turned into fear. In the screaming, a certain magic weapon was hurriedly rushed, but still suffered a severe blow. The figure wolf howled back.

Xiao Chen shot and did not chase him down, and his feet kept falling. After a few short breaths, he completely penetrated the entire Snows Big 6, and the figure disappeared directly into the sight of the fear of many monster monks.

The wounded demons had a pale face, and the fear in their eyes was still difficult to hide. The heart roared wildly, "Who is this person!"

But this point, no one is destined to answer him.

Xiao Chen continued to move forward, but the physical body had begun to absorb spiritual power through the left eyebrow dojo to replenish his internal losses. Now that the situation is critical, he must remain cautious and cautious to keep himself at the peak at all times to calmly cope with all emergencies.

Calm complexion, blue robes rumbling, black turning.

Fu Ziqi suddenly had an inexplicable feeling, that the so-called arrogance of the world was probably the adult in front of him, and a hope of life rose in his heart, giving him a lot of confidence.

Maybe this time, the demons really can't keep them!


"The demon half-ancestors and powerful demon feathers were killed for the third time, and the ancestors of the human race blue robes fled. The news has been confirmed. I don't know how you all think that my demon should be here?" He opened his mouth, his face was calm, and the three scars on the left proved that he had experienced an incomparable fight in a crisis, which added a little bit of hegemony to him.

"The demon ancestors are ridiculed, and this matter will certainly not be resigned. Now the best choice for my devil is to do nothing, and let the wall show freely, otherwise you may cause trouble if you are not careful. "Pang Juan, who is known as the Demon Army's think tank, slowly opened his mouth. This person looked like a middle-aged monk with white eyes, his eyes were warm and bright, and he was obviously the cautious and wise man.

"Mr. Pang Juan's words are very reasonable. Now the contradictions between humans and demons have arisen and cannot be easily reconciled. In this case, I do n’t have to intervene in them."

"Although you must not openly intervene in this, so as not to attract people and demons, but my demons must also be secretly prepared to shoot at the right time. In any case, we must take this opportunity to kill the ancestor of the tribe It is also good to take the opportunity to suppress the arrogance of the human race. Under this premise, it is not unreasonable to even join forces with the demon. "

"That should be it."

Many ancestors of the Mozu slowly spoke and reached a consensus on this matter.

Wei Chi nodded and said, "You Daoyou are the same as what I think. Even so, my demons will pull away and secretly prepare for this and wait for the conflict between people and demons. If this can make the two major groups take a big shot, it is undoubtedly the most Wonderful situation. "

"Come down, follow the development of the magic spurs closely, and once the abnormal situation appears, immediately confess, don't delay!"


Terran War Zone, Kunlun.

"According to the 'Swallows' return, my ancestor of the green robes killed the demon half-ancestors and the third demon feathers, and now leads the 7th master of the 'swallows' to enter the war zone of the tribe and come straight to the range of my war zone. How to deal with it, I also invite you to come up with a charter. "Jianzu is not good-looking, slightly thinner, black complexion, but with a straight back and a sharp breath around his body, it is like a sharp sword , The chill is pressing.

The voice fell, and on the top of Kunwu Mountain, a group of ancestors frowned, apparently feeling the matter was quite tricky.

"The demon tribe is so active, it must be true. Although I do not know why, it is against the rules to kill the demon monk half-ancestor. Now my tribe and the demon tribe are not in a state of wartime. Even if I wait to take refuge, there is nothing I can do. This matter requires long-term consideration. If it is not handled properly, it will most likely cause trouble for my people and make the spirit world's billions of people secretly dissatisfied. "Jade Palace ancestors are true for the Confucianism and Taoism The originator, who was built to reach the late stage of the ancient times, is extremely powerful and naturally has a strong power in the extraterrestrial battlefields. Of the 39 ancestors of the tribe, 9 are ancestors of the Jade Palace. Now he is trapped in the abyss. The strength of this faction is greatly weakened, but the ancestor of the No. 2 character Wen Qu still has a very heavy weight.

The voice of the ancestor of Wenqu dropped, and a sneer came in an instant, "There are more than one trillion monks in my tribe, but there are only 39 ancient ancestors. Any ridicule is an irreparable loss."

"Therefore, my husband proposes to do my best to help my tribal ancestors and protect them from damage."

The opener is a neutral ancestor among the ancestors of the tribe. He is of ordinary origin. His early wife and children all fell into the hands of the monks. He hated the demons the most. Naturally, he did not hesitate to stand in Xiao. Morning around.

The ancestor of Wenqu frowned, but also knew the cause of the matter. At the moment, he said patience, "Shannan Daoyou, it is not the old man who is not willing to propose to take a shot. It is really big, and I can't allow me to wait for my intentions, otherwise it may be a little careless. Trouble, even the hostile war between humans and demons, and even the entire field of extraterrestrial battlefields. The rules that you ca n’t shoot at low-cost monks at will during non-war times are clear to you. I do n’t know that these years have n’t been violated by aliens. But in the end how they ended, I do n’t think the old man has to say much. If my people change their status this time to protect their ancestors, there will be no prestige in the future. ”

The ancestor of Shannan whispered, his face changed for a while, and after all he did not continue to talk.

The ancestor of the sword ancestral glanced slightly at the ancestor of Wenqu, with a little thought, saying: "You and the two people are justified, but this one is more inclined to Nanshan Taoist. Even if my human race can kill the demons, What about half-ancestors? "

"Nanshan Daoyou, Wenqu Daoyou, Shangyun Daoyou, Shakya Daoyou, Yan Wang Daoyou, you 5 people will go to this place to occupy the junction with people and demons, command the human army to prepare for the first level of combat, and respond to the ethnic groups at any time The war broke out. "

"Today, I made a promise. As long as this ancestor of the green robe can safely return to my Terran War Zone, my Terran will take steps to protect him from death, and see who will embarrass my Terran for this matter, at most one battle."

The voice dropped, the old man slowly got up, and the terror burst from his body, shaking the earth.

At the moment when this breath was sensed, the pupils of Wenqu's ancestors contracted violently, and they swallowed back the words that came to their mouths. Keeping silent was the default.

Late Archaic!

No wonder the sword ancestors are so powerful that they have grown unknowingly. The power has already belonged to the peak of the entire extraterrestrial battlefield. Moreover, with their sword repair status, their combat power is amazing. It may not be his rival.

"Adhering to the sword ancestor's order!" His Royal Highness ancestors of the human race reverently salute, and they have already revealed them at several levels in the late stage of Taikoo Realm, saying that it is no exaggeration for adults to show respect.

The ancestor of the sword lifted up, if the thin body showed a scabbard sword, wantonly let go of the sword, "The old man is ready for World War I. Now it depends on whether you have the qualifications for the old man to shoot."

The ancestors of the human race set off, and hundreds of millions of troops moved slowly. The news spread immediately and caused a stormy sea in the entire extraterrestrial battlefield.


[The first change, there is a chapter in the afternoon, asking for some red tickets, it looks too sad. 】

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