"Human Qingpao appeared in Snows Big 6 forcibly, and passed through it with a magical power that defeated the demon ancestors in suspicion, suspected to be Taigujing strong. W] W].] 8> 1ZW.COM"

"The human race changed, taking the sword ancestors as the six ancestors to the junction of the war zone of the two races, and the follow-up army turned to raise the first-level combat readiness."

"The Mozu is calm, and no strange news has come recently."

"A large number of alien spies are flooding in the ethnic war zone, and the number is still increasing rapidly."


A large amount of information was sent back to Haili Da 6 in the fastest way, and was sorted and screened by the staff and sent to the demon ancestor.

"It seems that the tribe is trying to protect this ancestor of the blue robes!" A red demon ancestor opened his mouth, and his face was full of anger. "If this matter cannot be handled properly, my demon ancestor will have no face, and the qingpa ancestor must be To die. "

The demon ancestors in the temple nodded, their faces were gaunt, and their eyes were astonished.

Zichuan frowned, and slowly shook his head after a while. "It was unwise to confront the human race positively. It only ended in a mixed defeat and was profited by the fishermen. Now the demons have no movement, but it does not mean that they will no longer be appropriate. The time is up. "

Speaking of which, the old man paused a bit, looking up at the void as if it penetrated the endless space, and landed in the land of the two races of the demon. "The ancestor of the sword decided to protect the ancestor of the blue robe, but there was no The plan to directly conflict with my demon clan, otherwise he has already started a war between the two clan at this moment and broke into the sphere of influence of my clan war zone to take it away. Obviously, he set the requirements for the ancestor of the tribe's green robe and wanted him to make a shot. , You need to live into the Terran Territory. But before this, our tribe can kill it with great power, and the sword ancestors and the tribal forces behind them will not intervene. "

"Old opponent, does this mean you? Since this is the case, how can the old man let you down, this Qingpao tribe ancestor killed my demon tribe strong ancestor, can this seat allow him to leave the demon war zone alive. "

The demon handsome Zichuan slowly opened his eyes, his eyes cold and cold.


"Sir, in front of you is Dongchi, a demon military base, and there are tens of millions of monks stationed in the demon tribe. It is said that the demon ancestor Xiu Shi guarded it, and it was very difficult to repair magical powers in the late days of ancient times." Fu Ziqi quickly introduced the front. Demon camp, pursed his lips and stepped back a few steps, looking respectful, revealing only the awe of his heart.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly. His face was white, but his eyes were as bright as the stars. Since the beginning of Snows 6 he has passed through 4 places of the Demon Clan successively, and his strength has been gradually increased, but his sneak steps have not If you receive any influence, you will be broken by everything!


Xiao Chen grabbed the degree! He wants to break out of the territory of the demon war zone before the entire demon military force explodes. Otherwise, once enclosed, even if he reveals all his cards, he will fall into the endless demon army.

Xiao Chen looked up at the big 6 floating in front of him, and the killing of his eyes flashed away. The horrific momentum burst from his body, agitating the situation, making the whole world's spiritual power shake endlessly!

Since you can't hide and spend it safely, then you might as well make a living with cultivation, and whoever dares to stop him will kill them all!

And at this moment, from above the Dongchi Suspended Big 6, there is also a monstrous demon power bursting out, a figure directly tearing the space, "Human race robe, this seat has been waiting for you for a long time! Come on! "In the roar, there was a hint of pride in the corner of the weird mouth.

Xiao Chen's heart moved slightly, then his face was completely gloomy, and the direction of the three demon ancestors exploded in the direction behind him. The three of them superimposed into their horrible destructive power, and howling came and killed!


The high level of the Yao tribe apparently saw the route of Xiao Chen. He laid the Tianluodi net here early, and only killed him when he broke into it.

The four demon ancestors shot with great power, which shows that the demon tribe is determined to kill him.

The ancestral ancestral sneer sneered. He turned the soil monster beast into a human body and used the origin of the earth to achieve the ancient avenue. The horror of the defense is amazing. Even if this ancestor of the Qingpao really exists in the ancient world, he is confident that he will It blocks several interest. As long as the three demon ancestors approached behind them, the four people summoned Yuan Ancient Demon Souls to seal the town directly, and they will be allowed to dispose of them at that time.

Tsingpao ancestors, die!

Although Xiao Chen didn't know the hidden feelings, he was keenly aware of the fault. His eyes were cold and surged. The next three ancestors of the demon exploded behind him, his speed suddenly increased by a few points, and his body burst into a tragic trend. !!

Although he didn't know the reason, he intuitively told him that he couldn't get the slightest block, otherwise today's situation is in danger!

"Finger of silence!" In the roar, Xiao Chen pointed forward and dropped suddenly!

The rich, yellowish light suddenly shot from the tip of the falling finger, and a roaring voice came out from it. The contraction condensed into a huge grinding disk. The clearer the word Huangquan on it, the brighter the **** unicorn was. The shadow loomed in the sky.

With the power of the golden seal, merging the unicorn soul beast like a vanity supernatural power, it seems that a spirit **** has been created for this Huangquan Mopan, and the most important point is that there is a slight vitality in the unicorn soul beast! Although dim and covered with endless destruction, he couldn't hide Xiao Chen's induction. Obviously, when the golden seal incorporated the unicorn soul beast into the Huangquan Grand Mill, something that Xiao Chen didn't know was born, and for better or worse he couldn't judge at the moment!

The previous silence refers to the evolution of the Huangquan Grinding Wheel, which has completely inherited the power of the evil and destructive power of this supernatural power, but now this supernatural power has appeared a life force that completely opposes it. The contact between the two may not wait to hurt the enemy. There will be fierce devouring resistance.

But the next moment Xiao Chen felt a little loose, and secretly thanked that his worries did not arise.

I saw that in the Huangquan Grinding Disk at the moment, a trace of **** vitality was scattered from the unicorn soul beast, but it could perfectly integrate with which mighty endless destruction power, and even played a catalytic role. Appearing around the millstone, although the silence was silent or even no breath came out of it, the Huangquan Grand Millstone that looked down at this moment made people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

It seems that it really is an irresistible rolling mill that can easily crush any creature that has resisted in the past!

This supernatural power has skyrocketed!

The stone monster ancestor's face turned white instantly. From this silent disc with a weird halo, all he could feel was the scent of destruction. The strongness of this scent made him all over his hair and gave birth to a chill. Instantly plunged into his flesh and blood god!

"The sea of ​​soil, the sea of ​​soup, guard!"

In the hissing roar, the stone monster ancestor Xiu exploded without reservation, the original power of the earth burst, and the magical power was transformed into a earth-colored energy shield that was ups and downs like a wave. The breath of a mountain.

Huang Quan's attack was for the spear.

The origin of earth protection is for the shield.


The battle of contradictions exploded in an instant, and the Flint Demon figure suddenly flew away. The soil guardian magical power that he claimed to be the first to resist the Taigu Realm was unbeatable under Huangquan, and was defeated by students!

There was blood spilling from the nose and nose, and a trace of destruction force penetrated into the body, destroying all vitality encountered.

The stone ancestor of the stone was struck in an instant, and he did not dare to regenerate the idea of ​​resistance. He sensed the destruction of the body. The paler his face, the more he hurriedly adjusted the power to block the suppression. For many years, the ancient flesh will be completely destroyed.

Xiao Chen said nothing and had no intention of hunting down the demon ancestor. The next step was to tear up the space and leave again.

But at this moment, the three demon ancestors behind were already approaching, and the magical powers shot wildly and went straight to Xiao Chen to suppress it! The three races shot at the peak, the power of power is unimaginable, and the terror has not yet burst out!

Xiao Chen turned around, and there was no pause in the action, and it seemed that he was ready for the moment when the three shot.

"Take my left hand and turn it into an endless tide, annihilating the world."

"Take my right hand and turn it into a mighty sea of ​​fire, and inflame the common people."

In the low groan, Xiao Chen popped up with both hands slowly, the sparkling water in his left hand, the blue waves raging and surging, just like the sea of ​​anger, and exuding a breath of destruction in the toss.

The flames on the right hand turned half of the sky into a crimson color, like a sea of ​​flames. The hot temperature was scattered from it, and the fuming void made it violently twist.

The water and waves on the half side and the flames on the half side seem to miraculously divide the entire world behind Xiao Chen from the center one point at a time. The water and fire confrontation exudes thrilling visual impact, making people shocked!

"Mixing water and fire, transforming the power of destruction, magical powers, and big waves scouring the sand!" Xiao Chen drank, hands crossed fiercely in front of his chest-hehe!


[First change, one change in the afternoon, by the way, asking for a recommendation ticket, looking too sad to remind! 】

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