Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 301: Big waves


The whole world is trembling, the fusion of water waves and flames, the two fundamental forces of completely opposite attributes, at the instant of contact, they will burst into a terrifying atmosphere of mutual destruction. Once burst, Xiao Chen will bear the brunt, and he will not be killed or injured!

But now that he has chosen to take a shot, he has already expected it. (Eight One Chinese Website W} W) W}. 81ZW. In the space of COM Yuan Shen, the pale golden Yuan Shen suddenly exuded a faint golden light, integrated into Xiao Chen's consciousness, and helped him to fully control the source of water and fire like two giant pythons. This time integrating the power of water and fire, he did not rely on the power of the golden seal. Xiao Chen had to try it out by himself, otherwise he would greatly restrain his growth with the help of treasures.

The terror and chaos breath exploded from Xiao Chen's hands. The battle of the origins of water and fire suddenly darkened the whole world. The mighty mighty pressure fell and caused countless prohibitions in the Dongchi Big 6 demon army camp to start on its own, but it was not able to escape this pressure. With the limitations of the boom, the military camp buildings began to collapse on a large scale, the ground trembled violently, and a horrible crack like a cobweb cracked in the sound of "click", spreading wildly in all directions.

Numerous monks have white faces, their bodies are forcibly crushed to the ground, and they look at the figure of the blue robe that looks like a god. The only thing left in their eyes is horror and awe.

Half of the sky's water and half of the sky's fire were forcibly compressed and merged into them, violently tossed and raged, and the water was vaporized into a white mist that filled the whole world, and Xiao Chen was suffering in this water and fire.

His brow was wrinkled and his complexion was white, but he bit his teeth tightly, but there was no sound, but the fluttering flesh was enough to show how severe pain he was suffering!

At this time, the three demon ancestors were approaching.

Wan Zhang: Qian Zhang .. Bai Zhang ..


Xiao Chen's eyes widened suddenly, although it was slightly dim, but the dark eyes were cold and flowing. "Supernatural powers, big waves wash the sand!" Drinking low, the couple palms shot forward simultaneously.

The next moment, the whole world was quiet for a moment.

Behind Xiao Chen, the tumbling water and fire are perfectly integrated at this moment. The flame burning in the water may be said to be the flowing water waves in the flame. The combination of water and fire is really illogical. in front of.

The fire in the water is more vivid and hot, and the water in the fire is more blue and lingering. It turns into a big wave of water and fire, sweeping out.




Three low, short, muffled sounds came, and the demon ancestors aroused a few waves, but soon died down in the water waves, and the waves kept swept forward.

Taking Holly as the three demon ancestors' faces suddenly became extremely ugly. Watching the waves fall, the three retired, and behind them are the Dongchi Demon Military Forces. If they cannot resist this supernatural power, there will be countless demon Tribe monks snarl among them.

"Shoot, stop this magical power!" Holly Demon ancestor snarled, and the two demon ancestors on his side approached and shot at the same time.

"Golden Shard!"

"Big waves of water!"

"Wooden Seal Town and Earth!"

Jinsheng water, aquatic wood, woody ivy, form a large net covering the sky and earth, blocking water and fire tide!

The three demon ancestors blend together and superimpose, which is almost equivalent to the power of gathering three three genus origins!


The waves of water and fire swept up, squeaking the impact of the big net that covered the sky, and the three demon ancestors stepped back with white feet, but fortunately, the magical power did not collapse, and even the raging waves could not spread a little!

The confrontation of the original forces caused the entire space to be filled with endless destruction and tumultuously tumbling. Only a moment later, this destruction did not dissipate slowly.

The holly demon ancestors, the source demon ancestors, and the thorny demon ancestors looked at the end of the line of sight, and the figure of the blue robe completely disappeared into their eyes. The three of them were slightly hesitant, but none of them dared to step forward to stop them.

In the eyes, the three masters of the demon ancestors felt only bitter mouths.

"Lord Zichuan, the ancestor of the human race Qingpao is undecided, but the magical power has an ancient level of combat power. The three of us lost together and went straight to the war zone of the human race." After half a ring, the demon ancestor Dongqing gloomily opened his mouth. .

"Master Zichuan is sitting in the front line of the town war zone. This ancestor of the tribe can only enter from the war zone of the tribe, otherwise it will be a little slow. Once the demon slaughter is completed, even if he has the power of the ancient times, he will stun!"

"Can't escape, you can't escape!"


"The mysterious ancestor of the mysterious Qingpao rushed to the military ancestors of the demon ancestors in 5 places. After passing the level, they will go straight to the Youzhou Station of the human race!"

"The ancestors of the human race Qingpao merged with the power of water and fire, defeated the holly demon ancestor, the Yuanyuan demon ancestor, and the assassin demon ancestor together, and the repair was undecided.

"The human race changed, with the sword ancestors as the six ancestors in the town of Youzhou Station, and the human race's military forces were transferred to enter the state of first-level combat readiness."

"The monk in the mysterious blue robe broke Jiayu, faced to the east, three levels in the abyss, and defeated 7 ancestors of the demon tribe. According to the demon tribe, the border of the war zone is less than 100 million miles!"

"The monster handsome Zichuan sits in the middle of the battle zone border, and the surrounding army starts to move. The layout of the monster slaughter formation is becoming complete."


Within the demonic war zone, spies from all ethnic groups will send shocking messages together, spreading the entire extraterrestrial battlefield with an amazing degree, making this sudden appearance of the tribal ancestors of the human race suddenly rise to fame and majesty!


Terran War Zone, Youzhou Station.

As a place of confrontation with the demon war zone, there are 8ooo monks stationed here, and the lowest one also has a fit practice. This terrorist military force is now fully operational, and the richness is almost condensed into substance, and the entire big 6 is counted. Shrouded in.

On the wall of the post city, the sword ancestors sit high, and the left and right sides are listed with the Nanshan ancestors, Wenqu ancestors, Shangyun ancestors, Shijia ancestors, and Yan king ancestors. Shake it against the demon clan's heavy killing city.

"Zichuan, weird, did you deliberately put him on the border of the monster war zone, and then killed him with your own hands?" Jianzu groaned in his heart, his face still calm, "The old man will have to see if your intention is Succeed. "

"Boy, if you can survive, it's up to you."


Hundred Kill City of the Demon Race.

"Master Zichuan, according to the express report, the abyss barrier was broken a long time ago. The ancestor of the Qingpao should be running in our army camp and ask the adults to make some arrangements early." The communications officer tried to calm himself, but it was still difficult. Cover the trace of awe in his heart.

Zichuan turned, his eyes were calm. Although he didn't speak, the communications officer developed a feeling of being completely penetrated, and his face suddenly showed shame.

The Yaoshuai didn't punish him, waved his hand slightly, motioned for the old man who had been with him for many years to leave, and looked towards Youzhouyi again, his mouth slightly raised, showing a little smile, all of which were arrogant.

"Be able to make the old man's monk give birth to awe and fear. It seems that I still underestimated the deterrent ability of this series of records, but Baisha City is your end point. The old man is here to wait for you to die."

Zichuan smiled lightly and did not take this matter to heart. As long as the ancestor of the ethnic tribe robe was killed, all fear and awe would disappear.

He's going to kill this guy when he's the last step to success, and his expression must be pretty good by then.


"Sir, not far away is the Baisha City." Fu Ziqi spoke respectfully, revealing awe in his heart. However, at this moment he hesitated slightly, but he still said: "Old ancestors, the 100 Killing City is the place where the demon handsome Zichuan sits. This person is the commander of the demon tribe, and has been repaired for a long time. Kaibaisha entered my Terran War Zone from other areas? "

In a word, this person's heart was disturbed, and he was afraid that it would make the adult unhappy.

Xiao Chen's face was indifferent, and his eyes calmly looked at the looming hundred-killing male city. When he heard the words, he slowly shook his head, and said, "It's too late." The fluctuation of the magical spirit in the air couldn't hide his sense of mind. He developed a feeling of extreme crisis, and even made him have a very clear hunch. Once he was really trapped in it, even if he desperately exploded all his cards, he could not escape the ending.

Xiu Wei arrived at Xiao Chen's realm today. Yuanshen induction can have a clear premonition of his own blessings and evils. Therefore, the only way to live now is to kill the city. Knowing that there are giant tigers in front of you, you still have to stride forward and make your way!

This time, if you do not enter, you will die!

Xiao Chen slowly lifted, a war in the chest cavity slowly breeding, a powerful momentum exploded from his body, this strength is called earth-shaking, like a pair of invisible big hands, stir the whole world change.

From the time when he hit the Snows Big 6 and overwhelmed the demon ancestors, this trend began to brew in Xiao Chen's heart. Every time he broke a level and lost an enemy, he was a strong three-pointer. Until today, this The slow accumulation of potential has reached the point where the stone is shocking, and now he is suddenly bursting with energy in order to help him overcome this last level.

If you break a hundred killing cities, you can enter the Terran War Zone, and the crisis will resolve itself today.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and he unexpectedly waved his backhand with a large sleeve. Fu Ziqi's body was suddenly stiff, and the whole person was instantly blocked. He was then waved into the mustard ring. Today's opponent of World War I is the rumored powerhouse demon handsome Zichuan. Xiao Chen has no certainty of winning. Naturally, he must deal with the matter before shooting, so that he can do his best and not be affected. At this moment, doing things right in the hand, Xiao Chen stepped forward, tearing up the space and roaring stealthily. The powerful breath is like the sword of the sky, pointed by the sword, a hundred killing cities!


"Come here!" Jianzu first felt the mighty momentum rising from the sky, and suddenly he looked up as if he had penetrated the endless space and fell on the source of the breath. Senran's sword burst instantly, echoing it.

At the next moment, the other five ancestors of the human race felt the breath coming from them, and all of them suddenly showed a sense of innocence. The pupils contracted slightly, and it was difficult to hide the shock. The momentum was so strong!

Even though the "swallow" has been previously reported, the ancestors of the Qingpao who are trapped in the demon war zone have Taigujing combat power, but it is not so far heard as it has more psychological impact. If this person can return safely, there will be more people A strong player with 4o ancestors.


[First update today, thank you for the support of your monthly pass. You are 7 votes away from the dragon bone. I do n’t know who can help Baozi burst a gorgeous chrysanthemum ..]

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