Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 303: Magical Captain Chi attacked

Master Zichuan's Pu Dao is actually not the enemy of this Qingpao ancestor's magical powers!

Above the void, although the two swordsmanships are still evenly matched, it is not difficult to show a little induction. Although the mighty power of the demon handsome Zichuan is very strong, it has only instantaneous power. Once the explosion destroys the pursuit of the highest destruction force, it will last Sexuality is its greatest weakness. [八 [(? 一 中文 (W] W〉 W].] 8> 1) Z} W.COM

Therefore, it is true that one slaps one's spirits up and downs, and exhausts three times.

Xiao Chen's Triassic split-day Fengmang was able to stop the brilliant blow of the demon handsome Zichuan Park Dao, and he has already gained the absolute upper hand in this magical slaughter. But even so, he didn't show the slightest favor at this moment. Through the magical powers, a pure sword blasted into Xiao Chen's mind, turned into a second bright sword, and went straight to his Yuan Shen to be cut off!

This, I am afraid, is the true power of the monster handsome Zichuan magical power!

One piece cuts into two parts, one cuts the flesh and the other cuts the Yuan Shen. The magical powers of the same level may not be able to retreat even if they are shot at the same level, but the magical powers are defeated in front of Xiao Chen today!

The split-day front slams his sword hard, and prevails without defeat.

The ancient Bodhi tree resisted the sword cut, and kept the balance.

Who can predict this situation!


Pu Daodaoman collapsed suddenly, his face was instantly pale under the traction of Qichuan, the demon handsome Zichuan, and his body was smashed into a hundred-killed city by being severely hit, smashing a corner of the mighty Demon military army that was built into a rotten !!

In Youzhou Station, even if the two large suspension 6 are not in contact, it seems that you can also feel the power fluctuations spilled from the ground by the demon handsome Zichuan. Numerous monks breathe air-conditioner in unison, forming an astonishing situation.


Head-to-head confrontation, the ancestor of the Qing Pao who suddenly came up with my people actually defeated Zichuan, the demon commander!

After the reflection came, the exclamation of mountain excitement exploded!

Jianzu's brows were tightly frowned. Although his face was calm, his eyes were a little strange, with shock, joy, and even a little suspicion?

As for the other five ethnic ancestors, they are also deeply shocked at the moment. Whether they believe it or not, the facts before them should not be questioned. There was also the calm-hearted man who was returning to God at this moment, and seemed to see some familiar flavors from the monk's hands, and his face suddenly changed.

For example, the ancestor of Nanshan showed shock, but rejoiced.

For example, the ancestor of Wenqu frowns low, but it is difficult to hide the gloom.

For example, the ancestor Yan Wang's eyes were blank, and a trace of chill crossed his eyes.

But at this moment no one paid attention to them, and no one noticed the changes in the appearance of the patriarchs in this short period of time. The figure of the blue robe standing in the void is now the focus of sight between heaven and earth!

The broken demon handsome Zichuan Damang, the strength of the ruled line breaks the Tianfeng Mang and sneaks, like a shocking bang, sweeping through, the whole body is exuded with a horrible destruction, passing through the hundred killing cities, no one dares There is a slight block!

The defeat of the monster handsome Zichuan is like a slap in the face and a face, and the monk monk who has been hit is dizzy and buzzing in his ears, looking at Xiao Chen, and some are just endless awe!

Xiao Chen inhaled deeply, forcibly depressing the emptiness in his body. Now that he has reached the end of the crossbow, forcing three rule lines to force him to withstand horrible wear and tear, and he can persist without a single idea.

Now, he fortunately defeated the demon handsome Zichuan to deter all the monks in the hundred-killed city, but Xiao Chen knew that once he showed any unwillingness at this moment, countless awe-inspiring monks in the surrounding area would swarm up and tear him apart. Into pieces!

Has reached the last step, absolutely no accidents!

Xiao Chen snapped his tongue sharply, a faint **** smell came out of his mouth, stepped under his feet, followed the sky after the split sky, and walked in vain. He kept a calm and indifferent look, and did not hide any paleness on his face. But the more so, the more inscrutable a feeling is formed in the monk monk's heart, only that the pressure on the chest is getting heavier, and he is afraid to look directly at the cultivation of the blue robe.

The whole deadly city was dead, in the countless fearless eyes, Xiao Chenmai walked in and walked farther and farther, and finally stepped down, stepped out of the range of the demon clan, and turned his lips to reveal the points where the demon handsome Zichuan was. Sneer, then turned and waved to tear the space, the figure disappeared.

The monster handsome Zichuan jumped fiercely in his heart, and seemed to be ashamed to be seen through the thoughts of his heart. His face became slightly red, but then he secretly rejoiced. Previously, Xiao Chen crossed the hundred killing cities. The monster handsome Zichuan wanted to take a few shots. After all, hesitant to dare not take risks again and again, but he had his own calculations, all depends on how the monk Qingpao reflected after leaving the first step of the demon war zone. To escape from the crisis, no matter how cautious the mind is, it is bound to reveal joy, as long as Xiao Chen reveals the slightest joy, the old man will not hesitate to shoot. But at this moment Xiao Chen behaved so obviously, he clearly had a hole card in his hand, maybe he was just waiting for his shot!

"It ’s so good to be a savage and cunning human race!" The demon handsome Zichuan gritted his teeth secretly. If he loses today, his reputation will be damaged, and he will definitely cause countless troubles in the future. Leaving this wonderful opportunity, for a grass-roots-free demon clan to control the entire ethnic army has already caused a lot of dissatisfaction of the demon clan forces, this time will certainly encourage the council to collect some of the power in his hands.

Perhaps this Qingpao monk was originally a conspiracy of the human race. He was deliberately sent into the demon war zone to hide it for the sake of making him famous and even being transferred back to the clan.

The more handsome Zichuan the more he thought about it, the more likely it was, he could not help but hate his teeth, and the more gloomy his face.

However, the next moment, when he clearly saw that it was not far from the human race station, a figure flashed out of the ethereal light, and his face was exhausted and weak. He felt that he was not breathing, and almost bleed. !!

In the hundred killing cities, countless monster monks looked at each other, only to feel that they were thrown a slap on their face, their faces were hot, their teeth were gritted in their mouths, and cursed were mean and sly monks!

But at this moment they want to kill, but it is too late!


Nether light flashed, several figures appeared directly, as sword ancestors, followed Nanshan ancestors, Wenqu ancestors, Shangyun ancestors, Shakya ancestors, and Yan king ancestors. Morning guard.

No matter what their real thoughts are at this moment, it is impossible for them to make any small actions under the eyes of countless human monks. Even if they do not want to, they can only hold their noses to protect the people behind them.

The sword ancestor took a step forward, thinking about holding a fist in the direction of Baisha City, and said, "Since the demons can't leave my tribal monk, the previous grievances will end here. I wonder what Zichuan Taoyou would like?"

There was a blast of swords in his mouth. Although he was still not sure what he thought, the strength shown by the monk in the green robe at this moment was enough to make him go all out to keep it!

For this reason, the sword ancestors did not hesitate to carry the battle of the human race!

In the city of hundreds of killers, the demon handsome Zichuan heard his face suddenly become extremely ugly, and his breath was so cold that the surrounding monks were embarrassed, and even did not dare to make a big gasp.

But at this moment, he did n’t wait for the monster handsome Zichuan to open his mouth, but suddenly there was a sneer of laughter from far away, "The wild ancient powers must not shoot at monks below their own level during the non-war period. You can do it if you expose it! "

In the distance, the dark and dark demon clouds cover the sky, the endless magic energy is raging and raging, and the cold is pressing!

The Devil Comes!

The ancestor of the sword ancestor suddenly went dark, suddenly turned into a sword in his body and broke out. Numerous swordmangs were born from nothingness, and the size of a hundred feet whistled in the void, killing them.

The devil handsome Wei Chi came up and stepped in the vanity. Four demon ancestors followed, and the mighty magic exploded from them. Hao Hao Tang Tang carried endless momentum and slaughtered coldly.

"Wei Chidao friends, are you trying to intervene in my tribe today, and embarrass my tribe?" The sword ancestor spoke slowly, but his voice was calm and endless.

Wei Shuaiwei turned up indifferently, and Wen Yan slightly shook his head. "If other monks, this coach will never interfere in today's affairs, but this person must die." Between the opening words, the old demon's eyes fell like a knife.

"Xiao Chen is a friend, I wonder if the coach has mistaken your identity?"

Xiao Chen!

This mysterious ancestor of the Qingpao ethnic tribe turned out to be the arrogant ethnic tribe in the ethnic battlefield hundreds of years ago!

Wei Chi attacked and saw the weird split-sky front with his own eyes. Although he couldn't believe it, the fact that he was naked in front of him could not be questioned! This weird and horrible supernatural power is only possessed by Xiao Chen in the spirit world. Wei Chi attacked and thought he would never misread it!

Although I do n’t know how badly this human race Xiao Chen experienced, he could soar in strength in just a few hundred years to reach the realm of the moment, but Wei Chi was unwilling to think about it. At this moment, the only thought in his heart was to change it. Kill him and let him utterly ridicule! This person does not die, and according to the current length, he will inevitably become a true strong among the human race in the future, and may even be promoted to the ancient times to break the balance between the three races of humans, demons, and demons, causing unpredictable consequences.

This unstable factor must be wiped out as soon as possible to eliminate the future problems. So at this moment, Wei Chi came up and led 4 demon ancestors behind him directly, and gave up the idea of ​​sitting on the wall to watch the tiger fight. He shot at himself and killed Xiao Chen!

In the city of 100 kills, the demon handsome Zichuan's face suddenly changed, his pupils contracted violently, and his mind set off a stormy sea!

Xiao Chen!

It was him again!

In the battlefield of the ethnic group, the death and wounds of the monster tribe Tianjiao died, and even the two peaks of the monster tribe sent their shots, and they never left this son, making the reputation of the monster tribe! But who can think of it, just a few hundred years later, he has reached the point where he is today, and even brought him down in the head-on battle!

What a horror of this length!

Must die!

Otherwise, miss today ’s opportunity, and see you in the future. Who knows to what extent this human race, Xiao Chenxiu, will reach, perhaps today will make them the only opportunity to eradicate the scourge, and must not be missed!


[The first change today, the second change at 17 pm, and the second change at 21 pm. Seek red tickets, monthly tickets, and rewards! 】

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