Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 304: Calculate

"5 demon ancestors, shoot with the boss, cut off the repair of the human race!" The demon handsome Zichuan drank, 5 demon ancestors in the hundred killing cities took a step forward at the same time, tearing the space together, and instantly appeared outside Youzhou Station, demon anger The writhing and vaguely echoed the dark and magic. Eight {a novel [<[<

In erasing Xiao Chen and beheading the confidant, the demon and the demon will naturally not mind joining forces together to suppress the people! The tacit agreement between the two sides immediately made the situation tense, and the ancestors of the ancestors such as Jianzu became extremely ugly.

Xiao Chen's face was pale and his body's breath was extremely weak. There was no resistance at all, but his face remained calm. If the situation was irresistible, he would go directly into the left eyebrow dojo and use it to resist any crisis. But he will not take such measures until the crisis and despair, otherwise countless powerful monks from the spiritual realm will be robbed wildly, leaving him no place in the spiritual realm.

Taking a breath at this moment, Xiao Chen fell to her knees on one knee and saluted the sword ancestor, respectfully speaking, "Actor Xiao Chen, see Master Shizu!"

The human kendo lineage is inherited from sword ancestors, and the master of Wanjian is his disciple. Xiao Chen has a very close relationship with him naturally. He has already known about this, otherwise he would not know in the human war zone that sword After the protagonist took charge, he came straight without any consideration. Just because Xiao Chen knew that as long as he could enter the Terran War Zone, the sword ancestors would do everything to protect him. Regarding Kendo's reputation as a short guardian, although the subject of Wan Jian is unknown, it does not mean that Xiao Chen does not know it at all.

When applying the power of the rule of the threefold line, Xiao Chen was ready to be seen through his identity. At this moment, he directly unlocked the means of changing face and restored his appearance.

Although Jianzu's face was calm, the surprise and shock in his eyes couldn't be covered. He took a deep look at Xiao Chen and raised his hand to awaken him. "The disciples don't have to be polite, you step back, the ancestor is here today. And see who can hurt you! "

The master of Wan Jian received Xiao Chen as an apprentice. This incident naturally informed the sword ancestor. Although he did not meet the disciple, hearing a series of news from the ethnic group made the sword ancestor very satisfied with Xiao Chen. But he never expected that the first meeting would be like today!

From the peak of the ethnic group to the great power of the ancient times and even the explosive power of the ancient world, Xiao Chen's growth has shaken the sword ancestors. If it were not for the survival of the ancient years, the mind would be tenacious at this moment.

The ancestor of the sword lifted, although the look did not change, but the sword in the body was more cold and overbearing. Obviously, he had made up his mind to protect Xiao Chen from damage at all costs.

Now things are clear, people, monsters, and demons confront each other, and they are sulking and chilling!

Detectives of various ethnic groups who have been closely monitoring the dynamics of people and demons have changed their expressions and gazes after knowing such violent information. When they return to God, they dare to delay a little, and hurriedly spread the matter in the most urgent way. Go back to the military tribes and wait for the adults to deal with it.

The real ancestor of the mysterious human race in the monster war zone is actually the peerless Tian Chen Xiao Chen!

The moment the news spread, it set off endless stormy waves in the entire extraterrestrial battlefield. The ancestors of countless ethnic groups turned up for a moment. Although they did not go in person, the divine thought had penetrated the endless space and landed outside the Youzhou Station of the Terran War Zone.

The confrontation between the three strong races, once confronted with ethnic wars, will surely have an unpredictable impact on the entire extraterritorial battlefield. They must always grasp the progress of the matter in order to make proper preparations for this matter.

The ethnic war is fierce, once it is involved in the explosion, it will make the souls coated with charcoal, and countless monks will fall into it! And the root of this battlefield lies in Xiao Chen!

Xiao Chen is not a sage, and if he has to lead an ethnic war for his own protection, he will not come forward to prevent it although he does not want to. But if there is some possibility of evasion, he naturally doesn't mind trying it.

At this moment, hesitated slightly, stepped forward and saluted the sword ancestor, and said, "Master Shizu, Xiao Chen has something to say, and ask Shizu to give permission."

Jianzu frowned slightly, glanced at Xiao Chen, and nodded slightly, seeing that he did not have the stupid idea of ​​dying to thank the world to eliminate the war.

Xiao Chen saluted again, his eyes flashed slightly to the Devil's place, and said lightly: "The devil captain is late to attack. Today, you brought the Devil's power to chase and kill you, but to report the vengeance of the ethnic battlefield in the past? Xiao Chen will be a big problem for your demons, so you want to be the first to kill the bane today? "Between the words, although the taunting was dim, it was undisguised.

Although everyone understood this in their hearts, no one would say anything about it, and it didn't make any sense except to anger the opponent.

So Jianzu frowned at this moment, but thinking that the master of Wan Jian's letter Xiao Chen should not be the one who speaks well, so I didn't have a socket in it.

Wei Shuaiwei's invasion was indifferent, and when he heard the words, he fell coldly on Xiao Chen, sneer, and said, "Joke! The ethnic battlefield kills his life and death, why would my demons repent in secret?"

Speaking of which, a bit of a flash of light flashed in the eyes of the old demon, "Although Xiao Chen Daoyou has indeed made rapid progress, he has not yet become my devil's confidant, and Daoyou said this too much!" Zuo shot today just because Daoyou violated the iron law of the extraterritorial battlefield, and used the ancient ancient Xiu as the third to slay the demons and semi-ancestors, the demon feathers. If this matter cannot be severely punished, the entire extraterritorial battlefield will ruin the order in the future! "

The old demon spoke at the moment, which was quite different from what he said before, but what about it, he just found a tattered shame, and no one would be more serious about it.

But Xiao Chen's face suddenly showed a little smile. Instead of eating it, she had a good taste. She coughed softly and said, "All the Daoists said by Master Mo Shuai can hear everything clearly, please Let's testify and see if Master Mo Shuai is a mean man who is fat without words and words. "

Speaking of this, a smiley face suddenly appeared on his face, "So Master Mo Shuai, please take a good look. What kind of cultivation is the junior? Have you ever violated the so-called Aragon Treaty?"

In a word, Xiao Chen let go of her self-cultivation, and exposed it to everyone like a transparent person. The breath of heaven and man and the three realms were extremely clear, which instantly made the three ancestors and countless immortal bets. Dumb as a chicken, uttering a half-squeak and speechless ..

Xiao Chen shook his head. "Perhaps at this moment, the Lord Moai Shuai will arguably say that the junior has changed the cultivation atmosphere with the help of some kind of precious power. Now that the junior will set up a soul deed, the adults will have nothing to say."

With one hand stretched out inside the robe sleeve, thinking about the point of his own eyebrow, "Xiao Chenxiu is the three realms of heaven and man, and he has not yet entered the ancient times. . "

The soul is formed, and Xiao Chen is safe and sound, which shows that what he said before is not false.

Heaven and Man Three Realms!

Who would have thought that this warrior was unparalleled, and even the magical power to suppress the demon handsome Zichuan was actually only three levels of heaven and man. Although he did not want to believe it, the fact was in front of him.

Xiao Chen smiled, and looked at Mo Shuaiwei's assault, "I don't know if Master Moshuai thinks that the juniors violated the ancient treaty?"

Wei Chi attacked with a gloomy face, but at this moment he didn't understand that he had fallen into this kid's evil, and he was very murderous!

Xiao Chen asked again, "Adult Mo Shuai has no excuse to continue to participate in today's affairs. I wonder if the adult will retreat from this? Or will Lord Mo Shuai prepare to eat his own words and do not believe the mean villain, and continue to embarrass the younger generation? "

A sip of an adult, which looks like a title, made Wei Chi attack his face with a blue face, and his eyes looked cloudy for a while. Obviously, the thoughts in his heart were twitching.

Retreating from the heart is unwilling, but if you do not retreat, it will be a fate and a shameless shame. Although Wei Chi's attack does not pay attention to the name, but at the moment, in the attention of countless powers, he can't do what he says is fat and fat.

However, this Xiao Chen is the cultivation of heaven and man and the three realms. God, if one day he really promotes the wilderness, I am afraid that only the powerful ancient gods can overpower him in this world! If such people are not eliminated sooner or later, they will be in great trouble in the future!

This choice is difficult!

The ancestor of the sword trembled, and then slowly calmed down after half a ring. His eyes swept away from Xiao Chen and finally fell on the devil's handsome late attack. He said lightly: "Although the demons and demons join forces, although my people are at a disadvantage, they will not hesitate. World War I! If the old man shoots at all costs, even if the fight is bad, he will definitely be able to pull a person back. I do n’t know what the devil thinks? ”In the talk, the horror in the late ancient times was a blast, and the demons were suddenly let out. Powerful face turned wild!

Sword ancestors in the middle of Taikoo can rely on the Qingfeng in their hands to fight against the power of Taikoo in the late Taikoo period. Now that they are promoted to the late Taikoo period, their combat power will skyrocket. If he said that at any cost, it is indeed possible to pull a monk at the same level with him. Scolded together.

Although knowing that this statement was suspected of intimidation, the demon handsome Wei Chi attacked still could not help but jump hard in his heart, because he knew in the heart that if it was really time to fight to death, this may not be possible.

Feeling the obvious threat of the sword ancestor, this old demon retreat finally gained the upper hand.

Even if it is self-defeating, it may not be able to successfully kill Xiao Chen, and it may even be pulled to be buried by the angered sword ancestor. In this case, even if the heart is unwilling, the devil captain lately chose to retreat.

Xiao Chen cannot be killed today, and he may not have a chance in the future.

The magic handsome captain was determined to attack later, and said without expression, "Because of this, the handsome is not involved in today's affairs." Speaking of this, the old demon's eyes fell on Xiao Chen, admiring: "Xiao Chendao friends Qualification potential is really the strongest person the coach has seen in his lifetime. In the future, his achievements will be unlimited, and he will definitely become a human-level powerhouse. It may not be possible to help the humanity to become the strongest group in the spiritual world.

The face of the monster handsome Zichuan suddenly became extremely ugly, and the ancestors of all ethnic groups who came from betting on the gods also changed slightly, showing a bit of coldness.

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