This praise is extremely high, it looks like a compliment, but it is a naked means of killing!

Even if he had to let go in the end, the demon commander Yuchi still brought a lot of trouble to Xiao Chen, and a light sentence might produce endless killing power. [八[[一[(<〈中<文[

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed sharply, but he did not make it. He bowed his hand and smiled and said, "Thank you for the compliment of the demon commander. The younger generation can be regarded as a clear grudge and grievance. Shuai still has a chance to meet."

This remark vaguely expresses the hostility to the demon commander Yuchi, but the most important point is to show Xiao Chen's attitude. He will not cause trouble for no reason, but it will not be a soft persimmon by others. In the future, he will be an enemy or a friend. It is still unknown, and it can be considered as trying to resolve the influence of this bluff.

The demon commander Wei Chi attacked with a smile. This small method was acceptable last time. If he used it continuously, he seemed too petty. He showed his demeanor slightly and turned and led the 4 demon ancestors to tear the space away.

Sword Ancestor’s heart is determined. Only after the Jade Palace Ancestor is trapped in the Divine Abyss, he can take over the power of the human race. Although the cultivation base is strong, the monks under his command have many face and dissatisfaction. He also wants to thoroughly establish his prestige through a ethnic war. . But this does not mean that he will be stupidly desperate for all consequences. Although the Human Race is strong, the combination of the two groups of demons and monsters will undoubtedly be the end of the jade and stone, and it will definitely hurt the vitality of the Human Race. The chance of establishing prestige in the future is that there is no need to rush for a while.

As the demons retreated, some sprites in the dark center naturally did not dare to continue to provoke them, leaving the demons alone, the sword ancestor secretly sneered, even if the war really started, he was in his arms, just taking this opportunity to rectify the power in his hands and hold him firmly In your own hands.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, but she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in her heart. It was naturally the best result to be able to avoid the useless battlefield. Surely the Yaozu must retreat at this moment?

But at the moment when such a thought came into his mind, the monster commander Zichuan suddenly sneered, and said coldly: "No matter what, it is an indisputable fact that the cultivation of the human race kills the half ancestor of the monster. The clan will never give up!"

"From now on, the two races of you and me will officially start war!"

After the shout fell, the demon commander turned and led the ancestors of the demon race to take a direct break and fall into the city of Hundred Kills. The next moment, the silent city of Hundred Kills suddenly exploded with terrible murderous intentions, and countless formations were operating. Out of wind and rain.

Jian Ancestor sneered slightly at the corner of his mouth, and did not show any worry about it. He turned around and waved Xiao Chen into the Youzhou Post, and the five humans with different expressions turned and followed them.


The war between the two races of humans and monsters exploded fiercely, killing soaring to the sky, tragic and frantic hedges and strangling groups, accompanied by the blooming of blood, countless creatures perished.

Facing the confrontation between the two most powerful terrorist war machines in the spirit world, the surrounding ethnic groups chose to shrink in unison. Even the demons became cautious, for fear of being involved in this fierce battle accidentally.

When the war broke out, Xiao Chen had stayed in Youzhou Station for a full two months, and the terror loss in his body finally recovered. In the secret room, the green-robed monk sitting cross-legged suddenly opened his eyes, a dazzling light flashed in the dark eyes, and then converged into a warm color, stretched up and waved to break the restriction, and pushed out the door.

"Ancestor!" Two celestial and three-level monks outside the secret room hurriedly bent down and respectfully saluted, with awe in their eyes.

Xiao Chen nodded, thought slightly, and said, "Where is Lord Jian Ancestor now?"

The two celestial and three-level monks looked at each other, and their faces suddenly showed embarrassment, "The ancestors and Lord Swordsman's whereabouts are unknown to the two subordinates. Please forgive me." Although this matter is not a fault, for this one The ancestors who don't understand the nature of the mind, they think it is better to be more cautious.

Xiao Chen laughed dumbly and waved his hand. It was no longer difficult for the two of them. As their identity, they were indeed not qualified to be in contact with the whereabouts of Jian Ancestor, but he had already left the customs, presumably Jian Ancestor would be summoned soon after he got the news, so don't worry. .

Thinking of this, he arbitrarily lifted and swept across the courtyard here, frowning and stepping forward, his figure suddenly appeared in the clouds, looking towards Baisha City.

The sky was dark and the clouds were tumbling. Although the endless distance was blocked by layers of forbidden formations, Xiao Chen still seemed to be able to sense the tragic general trend coming from that direction. This was the smell of war.

Xiao Chen frowned tightly, the expression in his eyes was uncertain, it was obvious that the thoughts in his heart were surging.

At this moment, he suddenly raised his hand, and a letter from the jade slip fell directly into his hand, and the sound of the sword ancestor suddenly heard when the divine sense penetrated into it, "In the Qi'an Hall, come to see the old man." Although it was flat and mild, but It is still difficult to hide the faint and sharp aura, and the sword intent rages in every word and deed, which is enough to prove why the sword ancestors swordsmanship is powerful.

The jade slip marked the location of Qi'an Temple, and Xiao Chen dropped his figure and went straight to the place.

"Ancestor, Master Sword Ancestor is waiting for you in the hall." The guardian of the temple has obviously received the news. At this moment, he respectfully salutes, and dare not stop it.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, strode into the hall in awe of the surrounding guards, and quickly stepped forward to kneel down on one knee: "Xiao Chen pays homage to Master Master, thank you Master Master for taking shelter." His expression was sincere, and his gratitude came from the bottom of his heart. in.

Jian Ancestor's gaze fell, and he couldn't help showing a little smile on his always cold face, and said warmly: "Don't be polite, Xiao Chen, get up and sit down. The old man waits until today there are things I need to ask you."

Xiao Chen respectfully got up and took a seat, "Master Master, but if you have questions, Xiao Chen will tell the truth."

Jianzu was obviously quite satisfied with Xiao Chen's performance. The smile on his face became heavier. He hesitated slightly and said, "Xiao Chen, the old man already knew that Wan Jian took you as a disciple, and he responded to you in the Ancestral City. The matter is quite clear, but according to the news from the old man, when you left the ancestral city, your cultivation level was the highest but the peak level of the ethnic group. Why can you make your own combat power soar in just a few years and reach the ancient level in one fell swoop?"

Before the questioning, Jian Ancestor also had some doubts. After all, it was about the cultivation level, and most cultivators would be cautious, and even close relatives would not ask at will. But what happened to Xiao Chen was too bizarre. If he hadn't passed through the formation to visit Xiao Chen as a human monk, he would have doubted whether he was taken away by a foreign-class powerhouse. Such an astonishing degree of growth and progress has exceeded the limit of ordinary monks' imagination, so he knew that this matter might have caused Xiao Chen to be secretly dissatisfied, and he chose to speak.

Fortunately, Xiao Chen’s performance was quite normal, and he did not show any hesitation or dissatisfaction. He still maintained respect and awe. "Presumably, the master should have learned something about the disciple from the master. The disciple's cultivation method is very unusual, so he can Before breaking through the celestial and human realm, he can rely on his own cultivation level and many methods to harden the existence of the peak of the race. But for some reasons, the disciple's cultivation level and promotion also need to withstand hardships. To be higher than a big level."

"To be promoted to the tribulation, you need to save 36 terrestrial thunders from the heavens, and to break into the heavens, you need to withstand 72 desolate ancient thunders. Therefore, the disciples will leave the ancestral city to look for treasures that are extremely important to me. Fortunately, this I was lucky. Although I have gone through many twists and turns, I finally got the treasure."

At the moment, Xiao Chen will clarify the matter after leaving the ancestral city, and appropriately conceal and modify some things. The seven points are true and three points are false, which is the least easy to be seen. In addition, the monks in Wuyuan are dead, Xiao Chen is not afraid Things will help one day.

Moreover, Xiao Chen deliberately revealed something about the underground corpse and the strange descendant of the Ziyuan Lord. After Jian Ancestor heard it, his face changed slightly, and his eyes showed a solemn look.

Whether it's an underground corpse or the Lord of Ziyuan, Xiao Chen doesn't have any good feelings about the two of them. If he can make some trouble for them with the hands of the human race, he is naturally willing to do it.

"The disciple got the treasure, the cultivation technique broke through and the supernatural power skyrocketed, and the one who survived the catastrophe of heaven and man reached today's cultivation base, and only then has the cultivation base comparable to the desolate ancient realm."

Jian Ancestor nodded slightly. Although he noticed that Xiao Chen was somewhat ambiguous, he was already extremely satisfied with it. If Xiao Chen really showed him, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to live in the realm of cultivation to this day.

The old monster frowned, thinking for a moment before he tried to speak, "Xiao Chen, the old man has one more question to ask you.. What is your last magical power to shake the monster commander Zichuan?" At the moment, his cultivation base state of mind couldn't help but show a little hot color in his eyes.

Xiao Chen hesitated slightly, and then slowly spoke, "Since the master asked, the disciples naturally did not dare to conceal it, but the disciple did not know what this power was. It was just something obtained by chance, like heaven and earth. The strings in between."

When Jian Ancestor heard this, his face suddenly showed excitement, "It really is the power of rules! Xiao Chen, do you remember how to get the power of this rule?" Jian Ancestor did not grasp the power of the rules, but by chance. Knowing this kind of ancestral level can only come into contact with the power, otherwise it would be impossible to see that Xiao Chen's move today was with the help of rules.

That person once told him that all cultivation bases in this world are illusory, and only rules are the most fundamental existence. Having mastered the rules, even if you don't build great avenues, don't learn supernatural powers, you can explode the power of ruining the sky and destroying the earth with your gestures, being with the sun and the moon, and immortal!

Xiao Chen appropriately showed a little confusion on his face, shook his head slowly, and said: "The disciple doesn't know what happened, and he can see the rules clearly while he is confused. As for the reason, the disciple can't tell."

Jian Ancestor's face was slightly gloomy, and he sighed after a moment. He also knew about the matter. Whether the rules existed between the heaven and the earth, there must be a great opportunity to see, otherwise, even if the cultivation level reaches the sky, he will not enter his method.

Although he had already guessed this matter, but now he got an answer from Xiao Chen, the old monster couldn't help but feel disappointed. After a while, he shook his head and sighed, "No matter, the power of rules is nothing and ethereal. The old man fell behind." Speaking of this, the old strange smiled bitterly. Although he still couldn't hide his loss, he had already walked out of it. "Xiao Chen, you can get the power of rules. It is a great opportunity and luck in the future. It is possible to use this to advance to the realm of ancestors. You must grasp it well, and you must not waste this huge opportunity." Xiao Chen can master the power of the rules in the three quotes of heaven and man, in the eyes of Jianzu, apart from the opportunity There is no more reason.


[Third update, see you fellow Taoists tomorrow! 】

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