The Five Elements Realm, as the name implies, is full of endless Five Elements powers, exhausting other attributes of spiritual power, and being full of crises. It is rumored that the archaic powerhouses have fallen into them, which is a well-known ferocious land. [<{?

But there are also endless opportunities in the Five Elements Realm. For example, the Five Elements Beads are naturally produced in the Five Elements. After being excited, the five elements can be shielded by the stars. Because the Five Elements circulate and fill each other, this object has a very strong defense ability.

Other treasures such as gold bead, water bead, wood bead, fire bead, earth bead, etc., which can be improved after being absorbed and refined, are countless.

In addition, there are various books of magical powers and magical treasures left by monks from the Five Elements Realm, which once caused a lot of shock in the spirit world.

The Five Elements Realm has been opened for a long time, and the number of people who have harvested treasures is quite large, but those who ridicule them are dense and cannot be counted. The name of the fierce land is deserved.

After receiving the message from Jianzu, Xiao Chen has begun to gather information on the Five Elements Realm. Fortunately, the human race is powerful. Even the Five Elements Realm with few rumors outside the world, there are records of this place in the Terran Collection. Although most of these classics are extremely precious, in Xiao Chen's current status, it is not difficult to consult such things.

After spending 2 days, Xiao Chen finally took all the information about the Five Elements Realm into his head, and after confirming that there were no omissions, he turned and left the library. Be prepared in advance so that you do n’t get busy in a sudden situation, and you can find a solution more easily when you encounter a crisis. Xiao Chen knew this well and always did so.

On the 3rd day, Xiao Chen awakened from self-cultivation, raised her hand to transfer a letter of jade Jane into her hands, and penetrated into her consciousness, her eyebrows could not help but wrinkle slightly, her face couldn't help gloom.

The ancestor of the sword called Xiao Chen to go to the palace of the West King to discuss the ruins and open the dispatch list of monks? He himself is a member of the ruins, why is his opinion solicited? It seems something is wrong today.

Xiao Chen thought for a moment, then suddenly raised his eyes and looked cold, and the corner of his mouth showed a cold color!

It is necessary to see, who are they who secretly shot to destroy this matter!


The Kunlun Xi King Hall is a military plane, and the ancestors of the ethnic group must not be allowed to approach it without authorization, otherwise they will be severely punished with felony and will not be tolerated!

Clouds and mist linger, mountains and forests are lush, and a crooked gravel trail circling down the mountain top. The environment seems quiet, but I don't know how many eyes converge here. Any wind and grass can't hide their sight.

The monk Qingpao stepped forward and looked up at the palace hidden in the clouds. Although his vision was blurred and he could not see the whole picture, he added a bit of mystery and felt the heavy pressure coming from it. Can't help but be in awe.

Xiao Chen paused slightly, his eyes sharp like a blade, as if penetrating the endless space, and fell inside the hall, a slight coldness appeared in the corners of his mouth, and he strode forward.

After climbing the mountain, for a moment, the West King's Palace was in the distance.

The teal palace is a little rough, but in line with the simple and tough construction style, it adds a few branches to the hall to kill it. If it is a tiger on the ground, it occasionally shows its minions.

The 39 ancestors in the West King's Hall are all here. They are in front of the square bluestone table, with sword ancestors as the ancestors, Wenqu ancestors, King Yan, and Nanshan ancestors. They all have different faces, and the atmosphere in the hall is slightly Significantly depressed.



The faint footsteps from far to near, Jianzu took a deep breath and forced the anger in his heart, but the meaning of the coldness in his eyes remained undisguised.

The ancestor of Wenqu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, facing the sword ancestors of the late Archaean period, which put him under tremendous pressure, but now the ancestor of the Jade Palace is not in a position where he can never be forced to retreat, otherwise the situation that has been established for many years is short. Will fall apart. At this moment, while Jian Zu's attention was shifting, his eyes flashed in his mind, thinking about how to stop Xiao Chen from entering the Five Elements Realm. A sword ancestor has been aggressive to make it difficult for him to fight. If there is another Xiao Chen with an ancient level of combat power, now it is really the trend, so he must take the lead and reject the sword ancestor's proposal to stop Xiao Chen from entering the Five Elements Realm. Hope.

Fortunately, the appearance of Xiao Chen not only caused a great threat to the strength of the Jade Palace, but the subtle attitude of Yan Wang also pleased the ancestors of Wenqu, plus the ambiguous attitude of several neutral ancestors. It greatly encouraged the ancestors of Wenqu's ancestors, otherwise he alone would dare to openly challenge the decision of Jianzu.

The war between humans and demons, the sword ancestors took the opportunity to control most of the forces of the human race, which has caused the alert of the faction forces within the human race. A unified and powerful master, this goes against their interests.

The ancestor of Wenqu sneered. He made a move by taking advantage of it to combine the forces of the sword with the sword ancestors. If he wins, the sword ancestors will have more difficulty in the future if they want to truly control the power of the human race. The prestige is deeper, and unless the ancestors of the Jade Palace return, they will have no day to stand up.

Therefore, this contest must not fail!

Today's seemingly simple matter of the five-element realm involves seemingly simple involvement between human and faction forces. In silence, Xiao Chen was once again pushed to the cusp of the wind and became the focus of attention.

Xiao Chen stepped into the temple, his face was calm, his dark eyes were like the ocean of stars, with a hint of chill, "Disc Xiao Chen, meet the ancestor." Respectfully, but only the sword ancestor, now he has such qualifications With confidence.

This hand virtually lifted the position of the sword ancestor, making the ancestor of Wen Qu's face changed, his face was slightly gloomy.

Yan Wang's eyes flickered slightly, his brows frowned slightly, and Xiao Chen's eyes passed by.

Jianzu's eyes flashed a little admiration, and said lightly, "Xiao Chen doesn't have to be courteous. Today's husband calls you to come and what you must know."

Xiao Chen nodded and said, "The disciples already know the truth of the matter, but this matter is also a matter for the disciples. It is said that the disciples should go to one of the five elements monks for this purpose, and should not intervene in the list." In his eyes, he was just a little puzzled.

Jianzu nodded faintly, and said quietly, "The husband did say that he and you are in the place of the ruins, but there have been some changes in this matter, so the husband will call you, hoping to hear your opinions . "

Xiao Chen's face was surprised, "I don't know which Taoist dissent about the disciples' entry into the ruins, but the disciples have to ask for some reasons."

The sword ancestor was silent, his eyes fell on the ancestor of Wenqu.

In the hall, all the weird hearts suddenly felt suddenly, and secretly said a powerful means of cooperation. This Xiao Chen was not an easy generation. He went straight to the theme and sang a few words with the sword ancestor and pulled out the master of the tune. It seems that the visitor is not good.

The ancestor of Wenqu felt the glances looming from his surroundings. He couldn't help cursing hard, but he had no choice but to speak stubbornly. "Xiao Chen, my friend, I have some objections to this matter, and I just talked with my friends. Something. "

This weird was preparing to say some prepared words, Xiao Chen suddenly waved his hand and interrupted it directly, "Since it is necessary to discuss it, this seat is always difficult to stand here, Shizu, I do n’t know Xiao Chen is here Are there seats in the temple? "

The sword ancestor's eyes glanced from the ancestors of Wenqu who were flushed, only to feel that his whole body was soothing, and his face was a little more smiled. Because of this, they can naturally get a place in the palace of the West King. "

Xiao Chen smiled and glanced at the bluestone long table. "Even so, I don't know where the disciples should sit?"

There was a smile in Jianzu ’s eyes, and he clearly understood Xiao Chen ’s meaning. He coughed and said, “I wait for the monks to take their strength as their honor. The situation is a bit special and it is not easy for my husband to arrange this. "

"This is a bit of a problem. Although the disciples don't care about some vanity names, they are not good enough to weaken the reputation of my Kendo department." Xiao Chen frowned. "So the disciples can only choose seats by themselves. Taoists feel that Xiao has arrogant arrogance, and can naturally point out. "

At this point, a lot of old monsters in the West King's Hall have tasted them. At this moment, they suddenly lifted up, showing shock in their eyes. No one expected that Xiao Chen would choose such a tough method!

The ancestor of Wen Qu was so immersed in the water. At the moment, I do n’t know when the situation has been completely taken over by the ancestors of Jian Jian and Xiao Chen. Without any chance of refutation, he has been forced to retreat.

Xiao Chen's gaze swept across the ancestors of Wenqu without accident. "Wenqudao friends, this seat met with the ancestor at the beginning, hoping to be closer to his elderly, I wonder if you are willing to let the seat down? "

Although Xiao Chen's thoughts had been guessed, at the moment when he heard him formally speak, it still made the hearts of a group of ancestors suddenly felt that things didn't seem to be what they thought.

Xiao Chen didn't have too much entanglement into the human race, and also did not have too much scruples. He acted quite unscrupulously, and he was strong in strength, and it seemed unwise to provoke this existence.

The hall was silent, all wooden eyes fell on the ancestor of Wenqu, waiting for his reply on the matter.

The ancestor of Wen Qu's mouth twitched slightly, and the fists in his robe sleeves were shaking, which is enough to show the extent to which this strange mood has been stirred. The whole mind is haunted by shame, making his eyes chill!

Bullying too! It's too bullying!

The ancestor of Wenqu was about to shoot the case, but his gaze swept over Xiao Chen, watching the sharp chill in his eyes, which caused him to tremble with a chill, his body stiff, as if poured by cold water.

He is provoking me on purpose!

The moment of this thought, a chill rose from the spine of the back, and suddenly rose and spread to the whole body of the ancestor of Wenqu!


[Second more, 21 on time and 3 more! 】

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