Thinking of a hundred killing cities, that stunning frontier is about to be cut off, and even the demon handsome Zichuan shot with all his strength and was defeated!

Will he be the opponent of the demon handsome Zichuan? joke!

Then he can resist Xiao Chen's magical powers? This joke is a bit cold!

The ancestor of Wenqu gritted his teeth and thought low, Xiao Chen was surprisingly patient and waited for his answer with a chuckle. Eight {(一 中文 网 [W] WW.81ZW.COM

"Okay, my husband promised!"

The ancestor of Wenqu almost spoke out every word and gritted his teeth, and the breath in his body fluctuated, apparently he was quite excited.

Retreating without a fight, he has fallen behind today. He is not ignorant of this, but he has no coping strategies, otherwise what should he do? Xiao Chen took the opportunity to challenge, then defeated Ku Lala defeated to become a stepping stone for others.

The eldest husband can bend and stretch, so the ancestors of Wenqu endured!

The ancestors of the Jade Palace could not help but feel discouraged. Now that the boss is not there, the second child wants to slap his wrist with the enemy boss. Before being shot, the apprentice gave him a loud slap. what.

It's all here, what else is combative.

For a time, the morale of the ancestors of the Jade Palace fell violently. As for the ancestors of other factions, their eyes were jumping, and 120,000 points of fear were born in their hearts. They were afraid that they would get themselves involved.

Xiao Chen smiled and ignored the changes in the look of the people. He walked to the seat where the ancestor of the sword ancestor originally belonged to the ancestor of the Wenqu ancestors and saluted the former, and then turned to sit down.

The ancestor of the sword was full of comfort, glanced at the ancestor of Wenqu with a complexion in his face, and felt that he was at ease. This briskness is not only to see this person eating, but the most important thing is that he played a preemptive role in today's war, and took the initiative to firmly hold it in his own hands. The matter now seems simple, but how would he not know what was involved in the secret? This war was originally a little disturbed, but now seeing Xiao Chen's shot, undoubtedly made him feel more confident and relaxed.

The monks of the sword ancestors had smiles on their faces, and looked at Xiao Chen without concealing his goodwill, which was in stark contrast to the shameless faces of Wenqu ancestors and others.

"Well, now the friends of Wenqu Dadao can speak, I don't know why the friends rejected the entry of the Five Elements Realm?" Xiao Chen said lightly, although there was no breath, but no one dared to experience the previous events. When he looked down on him for a moment, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became tense.

The ancestors of Wenqu were embarrassed and angry. The disappointed eyes of the monk in this department made him tormented, but it is indeed an old man who has survived endless years. He actually relied on his strong state of mind to suppress the bad breath in his chest. Tao: "Xiao Chen Daoyou, the opening of extraterrestrial remains is a rare opportunity. Each time you open a place, you will be awarded a monk who has excellent qualifications and has made great contributions to my ethnic group. As a reward, Daoyou's cultivation is indeed eligible for entry. Among the ruins, but when it comes to merit, Daoyou did not qualify for the places. "

Although this weird forced the anger, but how can it be completely put down, it is quite rare that it has not burst out, and it is quite aggressive at the moment.

The ancestor of the sword ancestor was slightly distressed. This was something he could not justify. After all, the ancestor of the Wenqu bite the matter and he was not good at suppressing it. Otherwise, it would not have made the monks who shed blood on the tribe's meritorious efforts cold. .

Xiao Chen was extremely calm and calm, and did not mean to refute this.

The ancestor of Wenqu smiled sneerly, and based on this alone, he could get stuck in Xiao Chen and shame his face, not to mention that he didn't just prepare for this. "As far as my husband knows, when Xiao Chen's friends were in Zucheng, Demonstrating the origin of thunder, Dongchi, the military power of the demon tribe, was defeated by the waves of water and fire to stop the three demons from getting away easily. If the old man guessed well, Xiao Chen Taoyou now has at least three sources of water, fire, and thunder! Do you have any objections? "

Speaking of which, this weird didn't give Xiao Chen time to answer at all, and continued to speak, "The monk cultivates a path, and it can be turned into an ancient one. Taoist already has three kinds, so why go to the muddy waters of the Five Elements Realm? The most precious thing is the source of the Five Elements. Even if you get another one, it is only a icing on the cake for Taoists, and it may not be a good thing. The source is a profound and profound one, and it is difficult to cultivate one of them to reach the level of achievement. Difficult, if you are too distracted, it may seem that you can get more powerful right now, but it may not be a good thing in the long run. I think you all should understand this. If you do n’t give up the opportunity to enter the five elements, The descendants of my tribe, maybe they will be able to integrate their origins when they get the chance, and add a stranger to my tribe! "

Many old monsters in the hall were shocked. Although they already knew about it, they learned from the ancestors of Wen Qu that Xiao Chen had three roots or they couldn't help but be shocked in their hearts.

How precious is the origin, how many souls in the spiritual world can ultimately control the origin? Counting from the large ethnic base of the human race, there are only 39 people who claim that there is great power in the ancient world. Even if there are some hidden in the dark, this number will never be passed! It is true that hundreds of millions of monks can produce a powerful person who has mastered the origins, but Xiao Chen has three origins alone. How can he not be envied? And the most important point is that this is only the most conservative estimate, there are at least 3 origins, and maybe even more.. This kind of horrible growth potential is enough to make people fear, so when the ancestors of Wenqu are crowned, they are shit. While arguing, they sneered secretly, but their faces showed approval.

Xiao Chen is already very strong, and he must not be allowed to continue to grow unscrupulously, otherwise there will be a place for them in the future.

The ancestor of Wenqu was keenly aware of the changes in the appearance of the people in the store, and his heart suddenly snapped up. "In addition, there is a third reason for the husband. Xiao Chen Daoyou has three origins, and he also associates with spirits such as demon and demon Fate, if this time enters the Five Elements, it is unknown whether the opportunity will be obtained. Once people are aware of the whereabouts, I am afraid that they will be siege by many aliens. Even if Xiao Chen Taoyou is extremely powerful, I am afraid things will happen. It has become extremely troublesome, and even caused uncontrollable consequences. Therefore, the old man did not agree with Xiao Chen's Taoyou to enter the territory of the Five Elements, and the matter also asked you to think carefully. "

I have to say that the ancestors of this tune are indeed eloquent. Each of these three reasons is dignified and does not give people the feeling of selfishness. In addition, it is very provocative to stir up the fears of everyone. The young man agreed, and nodded one by one in order to make a final judgment on the matter. Once more than half of the ancestors of the ethnic group rejected the sword ancestor's proposal, there is no room for recovery today.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly raised his mouth with a gentle smile. "Wen Qudao is a good reason for friendly students, and it is quite meaningful to consider it carefully." The voice was calm, but it happened to hit After breaking the preparations for everyone to express their attitudes, they all attracted all their eyes, and they all showed a little puzzlement. If Xiao Chen is furious, they may still feel normal, but how weird at this moment, how can things be so peaceful when broken and good things, unlike Xiao Chen's behavior style.

The ancestor of Wenqu could n’t figure out what Xiao Chen meant, and he laughed and said, “Xiao Chen ’s friends know that the old man is by no means a narrow-minded one. What he said may make Taoyou unhappy, but it ’s really Think of Taoists. "

This weird righteousness sounds a bit like a gentleman. The thickness of his skin is obviously proportional to his age.

Xiao Chen nodded, the smile on his face disappeared like frost and snow, and it instantly gloomed. "I know everything in this seat, but I do n’t need to bother with the writer and the writer. Do you think you have the mentor? I really do n’t know the qualification of the seat! "

Xiao Chen turned his face abruptly, and "snapped" in a snap. He simply didn't use the repair, otherwise the bluestone table would be turned into powder at this moment.

Without paying attention to the ancestral ancestors of Wenqu, and not covering up the strange time around his face, Xiao Chen has screamed, "Ethnic merit? I do n’t know what the so-called ethnic merit of Wenqu Taoists is. Is the alien strong a tribe? "

"During the trial of the ethnic group, this one has made several births and deaths. It has begun to kill countless aliens and rise to the top of the battle list. I do n’t know how many future confidants have been erased for my characters. Great achievement! "

"If you think that killing some alien future strong is nothing, then the peak of the alien race can be considered a great achievement. On the end of the ethnic battlefield, the Lord of the Phantoms was hired to kill this seat, but was killed by this seat in the chaos of space. Among them, my elder elders know all about this. This time leaving the ancestral city, in order to compete for a certain treasure, the number of monks who fell into the hands of this tribe in the hands of this seat is also as many as ancestors. In the hands of this seat, the matter involves Xiao's secret and cannot be made public, but Lord Jianzu can testify for this seat! "

"If Wenqu Taoyou thinks this is still not a great achievement, then this one was the third to slay the demon ancestors and half ancestors, and traversed the demon ancestors all the way, defeating many demon ancestors of the demon tribes, even in the city of 100 kill Defeating the demon handsome Zichuan and strengthening my national reputation, I wonder if this is a great achievement? "

Xiao Chen's words were eloquent, his voice was strong, and his breath was bursting. Like a furious male lion, the momentum instantly suppressed the audience.

"With such merit, if this seat is not qualified to enter the remains, who knows?

The last word was loud, such as the sound of a crack, the strong momentum will force the ancestors of Wenqu back a few steps, his face pale.

Xiao Chen sneered, "For the second reason of Wenqu Taoyou, it seems to me that this is really shit, can't we just get more of the original power just because this master has three sources? The reason for coming! Even if the source and seat are not used, you can dedicate it to the ancestor to the master. How to deal with it is naturally the seat's own business. Is it! "

"As for the last point, I do n’t explain much. I only ask Wenqu Daoyou. If no one has leaked the whereabouts of this seat, does anyone know that I entered the Five Elements Realm? This seat gives up this opportunity to enter the Five Elements. "

Drinking low, Xiao Chen's eyes surged.


[Third more is over, all of you Taoists will see you tomorrow. 】

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