Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 309: Dust settled

The ancestor of Wenqu was furious. He never thought that his well-prepared reasons had been refuted by Xiao Chen, and he was also put on a hat that he wanted to be an enemy, and his old face suddenly turned blue-purple. Bayi Chinese Network W] W] W. 81ZW. Com

"Xiao Chen, don't let your blood spurt people, the old man's heart is open."

Xiao Chen sneered at the sleeve of his robe and politely interrupted the old man. "Wenqu Dao's performance at this moment doesn't seem to be open-minded, so why pull these grand flags, don't you feel hot on your face? ? "

Speaking of this, he glanced slowly in the West King's Hall, his eyes chilly, "What's more, even if the identity reveals whereabouts are known, even the demon handsome Zichuan can be defeated, or he will be afraid of others. If there are powerful aliens, one dead, one dead and two dead, what do you think?

The cold-smelling killer slowly spilled out from Xiao Chen's body, pervading the temple, covering everyone.

This statement seems to be aimed at the power of aliens, but it makes the faces of the people in the hall slightly change, and the eyes are filled with jealousy. It is difficult to suppress a little anger, but it is a little scared under this anger!

The whole hall was silent at this moment, and the atmosphere was deadlocked to the extreme.

The ancestor of Wenqu was breathing heavily, his face was full of shame, and it seemed that there was no previous style. Today, this weird was severely hit by Xiao Chen's many thunder measures, and it is quite rare to be able to endure the blood cry without raising his head.

Jianzu's eyes flashed a bit of smile, but his face was astonished. At the moment, he coughed and said: "Xiao Chen sat down and snarled into the body in the West King's Hall on the spot. I do n’t want to be thought of as Kendo. The monks do not know the rules. "

Xiao Chen respectfully claimed that the violent atmosphere outside the body converged cleanly in no time, and arched hands to the crowd, "Xiao was excited at some time, and if there is any excess, please forgive me."

A group of weird people smiled and nodded stiffly, and they talked about where it was so easy to growl on the spot. It was just the threat of naked nakedness. They were brought by the sword ancestor lightly, saying that the ancestor of the sword ancestor has always been short. It seems that it is still light! This is simply the innocent protection of calves, and it is still so straightforward to give people a feeling of vitality and nowhere to breathe, disapproving!

Jianzu frowned, "Now that Xiao Chen and Wenqu each hold their own words, it seems that in the end, it is still necessary to make the final decision of the Supreme Court of the Realm. The old man still agrees with Xiao Chen to enter the Five Elements Realm, and you can express your stand."

The monk of the sword ancestors was very close to Xiao Chen. Seeing that he severely humiliated the forces of the Confucianism and Taoism, he felt more open-hearted. At the moment, one by one, he naturally agreed with them and received 1o votes.

But then the hall fell into a quiet state, and all the weird faces were cloudy and uncertain, obviously the thoughts in his heart were hesitant. The sword ancestors and Xiao Chen both lifted at the same time, their eyes glanced calmly in the hall.

"I agree."

"This objection."



Yan Wang sighed, looked at Xiao Chen deeply, and finally chose to abstain. As the earliest founder of the Spike Ring Alliance, he has learned the news from the descendants of the spirit world that he originally intended to embarrass Xiao Chen, but now the situation seems to change his attitude. In the future, as long as the ancestors of the Jade Palace have not returned, the sword ancestor is the only one. In this case, it is obviously unwise to continue to embarrass Xiao Chen.

19 votes in favor, 7 abstentions and 13 votes against, the resolution was passed.

A fascinating smile appeared on Jianzu's face, and the power was even heavier in his unawareness, and there was a faint feeling of being in control of the overall situation.

At this moment, Xiao Chen strives to converge on his own breath. He is low-key and restrained, without any tough and violent aggression, completely hidden behind the sword ancestor.

As for the ancestors of Wenqu, a monk of Confucianism and Taoism, at this moment they are all complex, with unwillingness in their eyes, their eyes glanced around, but no one wants to make any private communication with them.

Originally, everyone assumed that the situation of resisting the sword ancestors was destroyed by Xiao Chen by an unexpectedly tough method.

Jianzu's face was calm, but everyone could see the slightest smile on the corner of his mouth, "Since things are almost settled, all the Taoists will disperse now. Now the ethnic truce is on and everything is waiting for the Five Elements to open. "

After the words fell away, this old weird glance passed by Xiao Chen, and then he got up and strode away.

Xiao Chen smiled, "Xiao has already said that he thinks he is the one with clear grievances, so the feelings of helping each other friends today are written down in my heart, and if there is a chance in the future, I will return." Yu Luo turned away.

Feelings of affection in my heart, and some returns in the future, but if you look at it from another perspective, it may not be understood as today's difficult, he will not forget, and in the future will find opportunities to find today's place.

Obviously, this negative meaning has not been concealed from the people in the temple. The faces of the ancestors of Wenqu and other people became extremely ugly and left.

A silent dispute came to an end.


"Mr. Xiao Chen, please see me." Before the simple courtyard, Xiao Chen respectfully spoke.

"Come in." Jianzu's voice came lightly, apparently nothing more than Xiao Chen's arrival.

Pushing in the door, Xiao Chen jumped into his heart as soon as he entered. I saw that the whole courtyard was empty. Only one simple thatched cottage stood among them, and the voice came from this thatched cottage.

Stepping into the courtyard, Xiao Chen stepped slightly, and then slowly moved forward. There was little dignity on his face. It seemed that the small courtyard seemed to him as dangerous as an abyss. Pass it through and into the cottage.

There was nothing in the room, except for a futon, with the sword ancestor sitting on it, and a long sword placed on its legs.

Xiao Chen's face instantly gave respect, and he saluted deeply, saying, "The ancestors are so cultivated and not seduced by foreign objects. They really admire the disciples." The expression was sincere, but it was Xiao Chen trembled from his lungs.

Since stepping into the courtyard, the horror swordsmanship that has been incorporated into the ground underneath has been testing Xiao Chen ’s physical primordial spirit. If the weaker generation stepped into it, I am afraid that in a short time, the gods will be destroyed by the horror swordsmanship. !! The closer to the thatched house, the stronger the sword, and now stepping into it has reached a desperate level of terror.

It's hard to imagine that Jianzu has always lived in this kind of environment. Such hard practice is really admirable.

The sword ancestor slowly opened his eyes, heard the words and shook his head. "The monk has always been sailing against the water, if he does not advance, he will retreat. Regardless of his qualifications and opportunities, if there is no due diligence, he is bound to have limited success. People, only Qingfeng has no other things in his heart, and he has no other choice when he has a sword in his hand. The enjoyment of foreign objects is an illusion. "

Xiao Chen said yes, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Sword ancestor smiled, and did not do much entanglement on this matter, but changed the topic, "This seat called you, there are some things about the Five Elements Realm entrusted to you, and you keep in mind that there may be unexpected To the harvest. "

Speaking of which, the old man paused a bit, prepared something, and then slowly spoke. He knew everything about the Five Elements Realm, including many of the secrets and dangers of the Five Elements Realm. This is not in the library. The information that can be consulted is extremely precious.

Xiao Chen low, keeping all these in mind, although he is confident in his own strength, he doesn't really think that he can be arrogant and don't need to keep the Five Elements Realm in mind. Since there were some archaic strongmen who had fallen into them before, it was enough to prove his horror. Place. Be careful and prepare for life, maybe at a critical moment.

After half an hour, Jianzu kept his mouth shut and said lightly, "How, have you made a note of it?"

Xiao Chen respectfully saluted, "Master Shi, the disciples took note."

The sword ancestor nodded with satisfaction, Xiao Chenxiu was arrogant but had no madness as usual for the younger monks. This was really rare. He has encountered countless arrogant sons in his lifetime, but very few of them can finally achieve something. Most of them lost their lives before they were completely normal, or lost in the fame of teenagers. , Do not think hard work for fame and gain profits, and ended up in the end of everyone.

But in Xiao Chen, all he can see is prudentness and an unwillingness to keep climbing upwards. Although he does n’t know where this will come from, it does not affect Jian Zu ’s appreciation of Xiao Chen. The mentality will be able to achieve some achievements in the future.

Against the sky's qualifications, strong potential, calm state of mind, unwilling will, has four rare qualities, Jian Zu could not imagine what else can stop Xiao Chen's rise!

Now in this strange heart, this disciple has been regarded as the best successor of Yang Jiandao's strength, and his position in the heart has even passed the disciples of the Master of Wan Jian. Otherwise he won't be so attached to him!

As the Lord of the Swords said, Xiao Chen is a love-loving generation. As long as he treats him with sincerity, he will certainly return his sincerity. At this point, the sword ancestor took it seriously, so at this moment he took out a jade slip backhand, "This is a residual picture of the Five Elements Realm, which is the thing prepared for you by this seat. Your hand can also help you avoid many crises. You can keep it in your heart and destroy Jade Jane. "

Xiao Chen felt a shock in his heart, and was silent for a few words, but he was deeply saluting and took Yujian with both hands.

The Five Elements Map, which is one of the four secret realms outside the world, is only a residual image, but its preciousness is self-evident. Even if it is a sword ancestor, it will not be easy to get it into the hands, I do not know that it is in secret How much humanity.

This friendship is not heavy!

Xiao Chen is not a gentleman, but he is by no means a villain. He always remembers the four words of Zhi En Tu Bao. Although he has not said much today, he has already remembered it in his heart, and when he will return in the future.

After a while, when the content of Yujian was completely written down, Xiao Chen shook the jade Jian into a fan powder.

"Well, presumably you still have some things to prepare for now, the old man will not stay with you for a long time. When the ruins are opened, I will personally send you to wait in the Five Elements." Jianzu said, his eyes closed slowly.

Xiao Chen salutes silently and takes three steps back before turning around and striding away.

Behind him, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Jianzu's mouth.


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