Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 310: Upset yin and yang

In the dark and secret chamber, the prohibition is opened, which can prevent any delusion from entering. Eight W. 81ZW. Com

"Xiao Chen actually came to the battlefield of the ethnic group, and cultivated to reach the ancient level of the ancient!" The Lord of Hanlin gritted his teeth, and it was difficult to hide his fear in anger.

In front of him, an illusive figure composed of divine thought slowly nodded, "It is cultivated in the three realms of heaven and man. The breath is stronger than the ancient ancestors, but the real combat power is explosive, but it can be comparable to the Taigu realm."

"I do n’t know what resentment you have with Xiao Chen this time. I have to converge after this and ca n’t take the initiative to provoke him again. But you can rest assured that Brother Jade Palace sent me a message through mystery a few days ago. He is all right in the mysterious depths, and he will soon be able to get out. As long as he is still a day, then Xiao Chen will never dare to start secretly against you. "

Although the light is a little dim, I can still recognize it at this moment. The ghostly image is the ancestor of the tune.

The master of Hanlin's pupils contracted violently, his eyes filled with resentment, and he bowed his head slightly, covering his mouth, respectfully, "Yes, uncle."

The ancestors of the Wenqu ancestors and the Jade Palace ancestors inherited a line of ancient Confucianism and Taoism. The siblings are commensurate with each other. It is natural that the master of Hanlin is not at all wrong.

The ancestor of Wenqu nodded slightly, "This time I originally wanted to prevent Xiao Chen from entering the Five Elements Realm, but in the end it was unsuccessful. Your father wasn't there. It wasn't the sword ancestor and Xiao Chen's opponent. This is not without its benefits. Your father's mind has finally changed, allowing me to help you. "

Speaking of the old man here, he reached out and stroked forward, the space was broken silently, and he reached into it and took it out. There was already a simple and magical sign-like article. "This is the five elements this time The inheritance order opened by the world can only be entered into the five elements by holding this object. It takes a lot of effort to get it into your hands. You must collect it. When the remains open, the Japanese seat will pick you up to enter the extraterritorial battlefield. "

"Although the Five Elements Realm is dangerous, it ’s okay to be careful by your means. Here is a jade Jane, which is transmitted by my father to me. Among them is a Five Elements Realm where he knows. If there is nothing wrong, it should be There is a source of wood. As long as you refining its income, you can easily break through to the ancient realm. "

The Lord of Hanlin suddenly lifted up, his eyes were full of excitement, his lips trembled, "Uncle .. You mean this is what my father meant. My father he forgave me ..."

The ancestor of Wenqu shook his head. "As mentioned above, the events of that year really disappointed you. If you didn't, would you have stepped on the peak of the ethnic group for so many years now, and now he has finally changed, you must be To seize this opportunity, you can't do wrong again. Even if you have been wrong in the past, you have passed away, after all, you are father and son. "

The master of Hanlin nodded, and his fingers trembled to bring the inheritance order into his hands, and his eyes were instantly glowing.


Moreover, it is the source of the wood that best fits Confucianism and Taoism. Once it is taken into the hands, the path of monasticism that was almost severed will suddenly become extremely wide. With the help of his father, he ca n’t fly into the sky!

The master of Hanlin was so excited that he calmed down after a while, but the excitement in his eyes was quite obvious.

The ancestors of Wenqu did not do more entanglement on this matter, and told the crisis in the Five Elements and the matters needing attention in detail, and then hurriedly withdrew the divine thoughts and left. Even if it is the strongest peak in the ancient and ancient realm, it is extremely difficult to drop the phantom of the gods across the endless space, and it is quite serious for itself.

When the ancestor of Wenqu disappeared, the Lord of Hanlin slowly got up and walked back and forth with excitement on his face. After a few breaths, he didn't know what to think, his face became extremely ugly for a moment, "Xiao Chen! He is not dead yet, and Cultivate soaring to reach a realm comparable to the ancient times! "

After some calculations, I thought Xiao Chen would die this time. Who would have thought that things had reached such a level?

"This seat and Xiao Chen are in an endless situation. If he does not die, how can I be at ease!" The Lord of Hanlin snarled and growled, his face suddenly becoming sullen, and his face was cloudy and uncertain, apparently his thoughts turned sharply. .

After a while, the old man suddenly raised his mouth, and a weird smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "Well, the Five Elements seems to be a good choice. This is a good plan for us, but it may not succeed."

"Xiao Chen, this seat must let you die without a burial place!"


Whispering sneer reverberating endlessly in the secret room, even more gloomy in the darkness.


Beginning of the extraterrestrial relics, there will be inheritance orders spread throughout the extraterrestrial battlefields, so it will not be possible for the minority groups to collect all of their income. Even powerful people such as people, demons, and demons can only rely on the control of the extraterrestrial battlefields. More inheritance orders.

Now, as the opening date of the ruins approaches, the turbulent extraterritorial battlefields filled with the breath of war death have gradually become quiet.

Hundreds of millions of monks are waiting for the beginning of the Five Elements Realm.

Terran War Zone, Kunlun.

Xiao Chen began a short-term retreat, working hard to adjust his state, strive to stay at the peak level, and respond to the opportunities at hand.

The Five Elements Realm, the crisis is incomparable, but there are tremendous opportunities, that is the source of the Five Elements! Xiao Chen has repaired so far, and there are not a few types of sources of contact. He has five sources of water, fire, thunder, killing and space under his control!

However, of the five kinds of origins, Xiao Chen really integrated into himself only two. One was the source of fire that was divided and refined from Thunder Dragon's body, and the other was obtained from the demon dragon Noocha. The Origin of Water!

On the same day, the demon tribe relied heavily on Dongchi, urging the big waves to scour the sand with the origin of water and fire, and turned them into big waves of water and fire. The power of it caused Xiao Chen to tremble secretly, and another thought came to his mind.

The five elements are in harmony with each other. Now, with the two main sources of water and fire that are completely opposite, such a terrifying supernatural power can be aroused. If he can get the third source of the five elements, can he use his power to make his power soar again!

If the four origins or even the five elements are gathered together, I wonder what will happen?

Although it is not clear about this matter, there is a faint feeling in Xiao Chen's heart. If he can really gather the powers of the five kinds of sources, he will definitely have unexpected changes!

It is for this reason that he forced himself to press into the terrestrial ontology without refining other basic forces. Although the reasons for the ancestor of Wenqu to prevent him from entering the Five Elements Realm are shitless, at least one point is true. The monks are most jealous of greed, and the more things they master, the more complicated they may be. In the future, if you want to cultivate it to the level of Dacheng, you will need to consume several times or even dozens of times more energy than others! Xiao Chen has faintly touched the scope of the Five Elements Origins, and a thought has also loomed in his mind. If other origins are rashly refined today, it may become a huge obstacle for future cultivation.

The Five Elements originated from the system, and each other is self-contained, and it is already profound and obscure. It is not easy to practice the five elements in its lifetime to reach its peak. How can there be more energy to master other sources of power.

Therefore, when he learned that the beginning of the relics was the Five Elements Realm, Xiao Chen was naturally surprised, and he had already decided to go and explore some of them, and see if he could gain something. If he can get another one or five elements, it is naturally heaven. Great good.

At this moment, the ancestor of Wenqu jumped out and made it clear that Xiao Chen was in distress, so he was tragedy.

Ten days passed in a flash, Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes in the back room, a jade Jank appeared directly in front of him through the prohibition, and "snap" broke apart. "Xiao Chen, the Five Elements Realm is about to start, come to the west The palace of the king. "


Xiao Chen stood up, his eyes burst into bright light, and he waited a long time, now he has finally arrived!

Taking a step forward, his figure instantly tore the space and disappeared.


In the West King's Hall, the ancestors of the tribe reunited again.

The opening of extraterrestrial relics is even more important than the Five Elements Realm. Even with the human heritage, you must be careful and not dare to neglect any consideration.

However, in addition to the 39 ethnic ancestors who have appeared today, there are still two born faces, but the looming atmosphere in them is enough to indicate the identity of their ancestors, which is clearly the peak of the human race hidden in the dark.

In addition, there are 13 monks who are at the peak of the tribe. The breath is strong and reaches the limit of heaven and human. It is half a step away from the ancient times. If you can get the origin, you can set up the ancient road after the integration of refining.

The Lord of Hanlin was among them.

If it is not unexpected, the two arrogant powers are 15 people, and this should be the monk who entered the territory of the Five Elements.

The sword ancestor stood high, and there was no slight dissipation in closing his eyes, but the whole hall seemed to be permeated by his coercion. An invisible momentum made people feel astonished, even if they were unwilling to be like the master of Wenqu, at this moment they can only Choose to look down and dare not reveal any resistance.

There was a slight flash of light outside the hall. Xiao Chen's figure directly tore through the space, and walked into the hall. His eyes swept away, and then he saluted, "Disciple Xiao Chen, see the ancestor."

The ancestor of the sword nodded, "Come up, today you and 16 people will gather together. This person and others will send you to the place where the Five Elements Realm will be opened. After entering it, you will be blessed by fate. If anyone wants to withdraw at this moment, this seat will never stop."

No one spoke, the sword ancestor nodded with satisfaction, and waved his sleeves, saying: "In this case, the Tongtian Spirit Bead is received. This thing belongs to the level of the Tongtian Lingbao. Without any defense and attack means, it can keep you in the Five Elements Realm. China keeps in touch and can call for help if there is danger. "

Tongtian Lingzhu is about the size of a child's fist. It is round and round, white and moist, with a touch of light.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered a little, and he took the spirit beads in front of him into his hands, divided a trace of gods into it, and once he figured out how to use this thing, he put it into his storage.

Seeing that everyone had gathered up the heavenly spirit beads, the sword ancestors had risen up, and there was a clear meaning on their faces. , Enron is back! "

39 powerful monks of human races took a step forward, and moved all the people in the hall directly to the top of Xiongfeng.

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