Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 311: Five Elements

There is a mountain in the extraterrestrial battlefield. It is 99,999 feet high, standing in an endless void, called Kunlun. It is said that it is a heaven and earth mountain left before the collapse of the Xiao Qianjie outside the territory. , Was built by the human race as the core of the extraterrestrial battlefield. ([Eight? <<<< A Chinese << 网 W] W] W). } 8} 1) ZW. Com

Now on the top of Kunlun Mountain, 39 silhouettes stand in the vanity, taking the sword ancestor as the body, and the body is filled with terrifying horror!



The 39 major trends exploded without any warning, like a strong and powerful hand of the devil inserted into the clouds, stir the changes, and the clouds became chaotic in an instant, raging and writhing like the raging sea!

39 wild and ancient ancestors took shots, which disturbed the changes in the air of the human race, blocked the yin and yang of the heavens, and refused any powerful person to speculate about the human race!

How amazing this means!

"Thirteen Daoists on the left, including Shakya, King Yan, Wenqu, and Nanshan, went to the Five Elements with this seat and sent my monk monk into it." The sword ancestor drank, and 13 patriarchs stepped forward. , Arches should be.

Xiao Chen lifted up, with hot eyes in his eyes, and finally went to the Five Elements Realm! But no one appeared at the moment, his eyes flashed slightly, and the coldness of his eyes flashed across it instantly.

Lord of Hanlin!

Unexpectedly, this weird is actually on the list of five elements!

The journey of Xiao Chen to the Eastern Manchu territory was extremely secretive. Only the Lord of the Swords knew it, but the Master would never be against him. So why did the monster Long Nuocha learn about this and directly pursue it? Apparently, someone learned of the incident and leaked it on purpose.

The master of Hanlin is the most suspicious of those who have the strength to detect this and have the motivation to leak it out! Although there is no evidence on this matter, it does not affect Xiao Chen's more wary and murderous feelings towards this old man.

Now he is as good as the ancients, if the Lord of Hanlin is honest, otherwise, this trip to the Five Elements Realm will definitely make him go back forever!

It was during the twitching of Xiao Chen's thoughts that the sword ancestors were able to shoot at the same time as 14 human races. They forcibly opened up the space to build a temporary passageway that connected beyond the billions of territories. Next, the figures disappeared together.




The 14 ancestors of the human race joined forces to constantly tear up the space to sneak. The speed is amazing, and breathes can cross hundreds of millions of territories and head straight to the place where the Five Elements Realm opened.

Xiao Chen and others are being protected, so they don't need to make any effort to rush to keep themselves at their peak and cope with the possible crisis situation in the Five Elements. While they were on their way, although the people did not speak to each other, their eyes were constantly looking.

Two hidden human ancestors, one named Tazhen ancestor, who was unsmiling in black robes, was quite cold, and the other named Tian ancestor, but his temper was completely opposite to that of Tazhen. A mild smile always hangs on his face, which makes people feel more easily approachable. But for some reason, when facing this person, Xiao Chen would be a little bit jealous. Obviously, the old-fashioned ancestor of the good old man is more difficult.

As for the 13 people in the other ethnic groups, except Hanlin, most of them are strong men who have been fighting in the extraterritorial battlefields for many years. Each of them is full of tenacity and firm eyes, which is obviously not easy.

When Xiao Chen was observing the people secretly, someone naturally looked at him secretly.

Trial race, ancestral city battle, break into the demon tribal battle zone, defeated the demon handsome Zichuan, angry against the ancestors of the Wenqu, the king in the West King Hall! Xiao Chen's name has spread throughout the ethnic battlefield in a short time and has been known by countless monks.

Powerful, overbearing, and fierce means, these have become the clear tags on Xiao Chen, so everyone who looks at Xiao Chen sees awe in his eyes, even the ancestors of Tazhen and Lutian Dare to be a bit small.

After all, after entering the Five Elements Realm, if they can get Xiao Chen's help, they will undoubtedly get some guarantee for their own safety.

It is in the mutual temptations that the five elements of the ruins have arrived!

Xiao Chen first sensed the changes in the outside atmosphere. The source of water and fire in his body suddenly became active, flowing and operating in his body, revealing a sense of joy and joy. Suddenly he just saw the end of the endless void. The color band dances endlessly, like a rainbow. The void is full of powerful five-element forces, lively and rich, and repels any other non-five-element spiritual beings, turning the entire space into a enveloped area of ​​five-element forces. The inheritance order in the hands of the 16 monks seems to have received the general call at this moment, and a trace of aura appeared on it, jumping and flashing.

At this point, the ancestors of the sword and other ancestors did not continue to tear the space, but chose to support the mana shield to sneak. With the shortening of the distance, the coercion of the five elements became stronger and stronger, and the five colors were at this moment. Looking at each one, it covers an endless space, and it is not too much to cover the sky. It gives people an extremely fierce visual impact. The colorful light penetrates the entire void and turns it into a colorful color.

Xiao Chen stared at the five elements in front of him. This thing has not yet fully opened, it can evoke such a powerful response. It is enough to know its strength. It is indeed a relic left over from the collapse of the Xiao Qian Realm.

It seems that he must be cautious and careful again, otherwise it is not impossible to ridicule them.

The Five Elements Realm is about to open. Countless strong men from outside the battlefield have gathered. Large and small clumps of light are scattered around and around, regardless of the number of people. Anyone who dares to show up at this moment is a powerful monk from the spiritual world! If some of the weak ethnic groups who are lucky enough to get the succession order, dare to show up at this moment will certainly be taken away by others! Today, most of these people are hidden in the void around the Five Elements Realm. When the relics are opened, the inheritance order is automatically activated, and naturally they can be transmitted directly into them.

"The Five Elements Realm will open at any time. You wait carefully to prepare for the relics to be fully opened. The inheritance order will start to transfer you and other people into the Five Elements territory." Jianzu said with a deep voice, his face was so calm. Be careful, this seat is waiting for you to return.

During the talk, the old stranger paused slightly in Xiao Chen's body, but didn't say much.

Xiao Chen and 16 others heard the words and saluted at the same time, nodding their heads silently, but their eyes burst into anticipation and enthusiasm. Although the crisis of the Five Elements Realm is serious, the treasures contained in it are enough to make anyone crazy, even if there is a crippling crisis, they cannot stop their determination to enter it!

Time passed slowly, and at a certain moment, the five color bands in the void suddenly burst out, and then exploded, its shape soared more than several times, like a blooming five-colored spirit flower, exuding amazing beauty.

In the next moment, countless dazzling auras like the stars generally lit up around this colorful linghua, suddenly flashed, and then disappeared.

Ruins open!

The sword ancestor was silent, watching where Xiao Chen and others disappeared, and could not help but feel a little worried, and then shook his head and sighed. He pressed his heart down and turned to sit cross-legged.

The Five Elements Realm began, and it will continue for three years as usual. They will always wait here to welcome the monks back.


The power of the five elements suddenly exploded, and the self-forming cycle circulated endlessly with the periphery of the body, turning into a weird penetrating power to tear the space forward.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, but there was no panic on his face. He had heard Jian Zu mentioned that this was the normal situation of the transmission of the inheritance order. When the transmission was over, he would enter the Five Elements Realm.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen's state of mind can't help but give birth to a bit of fear, but more is the color of expectation.

I hope that this trip to the Five Elements Realm will allow him to gain something.

Silent during the transmission, Xiao Chen focused her attention on the transmission power around her body, and sensed the roundness of the five elements. The thoughts gradually revealed in her eyes, and she seemed to gain something from it.

After a moment, his eyes changed slightly, and he slowly lifted up, and finally the underpass came.

Some changes in the transmission of power did not escape his induction. When the last force dissipated, Xiao Chen's mana burst suddenly, turning into a layer of mana shield to protect himself firmly, and looked at the surroundings with dignity.

The earth-colored sky, the earth-colored earth, has a clear view, revealing a thick and solid breath.


Initially in the Five Elements Realm, monks will randomly appear in a single attribute space. As the monks go deeper into the ruins, the attributes of the Five Elements will gradually increase. Within the five elements, the less the space force attribute is, the lower the danger coefficient is, and it is also the least likely to contain treasure, and vice versa. This is the information obtained through the life detection of monks in the Five Elements Realm. Although it is not necessarily correct, it obviously has a high degree of credibility.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, took out the Tongtian Lingzhu backhand, and separated a trace of sense to sense the presence of other monks, but nothing happened. Obviously, the power fluctuations in the Five Elements completely blocked the continuity of this treasure.

After receiving the Tongtian Lingzhu, Xiao Chen was slightly anxious, and then she chose a direction to take a step forward, but at the same time her body's breath was continually converging, and it was finally reduced to a point that could be completely ignored.

Although he is quite confident in his self-cultivation, Xiao Chen still does not want to cause too much trouble. His goal here is the source of the Five Elements. Only the core of the Five Elements Realm can exist, and he is unwilling to waste in the outer areas. time.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, and his steps seemed to be unpleasant, but each step could span thousands of feet of space, flickering into a streamer, and moving forward with an amazing degree.

There is no sound coming from the desolate earthy yellow world, and the quiet makes people crazy.

But at this moment, his footsteps suddenly stopped and he turned suddenly, his eyes sharply looking behind him like a blade.


The ground suddenly exploded without warning, and a monster with two huge clamps shot from the ground instantly, turned into a ghost, and rushed to Xiao Chen's face.


Xiao Chen grunted coldly in his mouth and waved his robe sleeves, and suddenly a layer of turquoise light suddenly appeared, and there was a sudden and powerful coercion burst from it, and it fell directly to the virtual shadow!


[Third more today, see you tomorrow! 】

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