Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 312: Kill, calculate


The void suddenly trembled, and a "snack" made a crisp sound, and the imaginary shadow that rushed into the earth's light was immediately shattered by the power of supernatural powers, but the shell was kept intact, and only the internal flesh of the object was broken. [August 1 W] W]. ? 8 & gt; 1ZW. Com

The whole body is about three feet in size. The earthy carapace encloses the entire body. Even the open eyes have a thick layer of transparent keratin. Looking at the completely preserved shape today, it is clear that the object is extremely hard. Not under its carapace.

Two giant tongs with a size of half a body show the movements when hunting prey. They are raised high, like two horrible scissors. Although the front edge does not seem sharp, it is enough to cut off any monk.

The lower limbs of the abdomen are slightly sharp, and the knots are flexible with some kind of earthy yellow hairs. This thing is now dead, and the hairs have softened slowly. The sharp bone spurs at the ends are flashing with a strange earthy yellow metal luster, obviously sharp. To the extreme.

Sand crabs, one of the monsters with the highest number of soils, were born in the endless violent soil system of spiritual power. They are combative and cruel, their individual combat power is not high, but their defense is extremely strong and they are happy to live in groups.

Xiao Chen thought about the introduction of this sand crab, his face suddenly became extremely ugly, his body breath burst without any reservation, and a thick earthy yellow spiritual shield was instantly supported.

The next moment, the ground shattered like a torrential rain, endless, and the eyes of horrible sand crabs popped from the ground with red eyes, and flew forward without fear of death.

call out!

call out!

The harsh sound of the air rang through the world instantly!



The sand crab broke into the earthen shield, and was suddenly shattered by the brutal force under the carapace. The body died instantly, and the body 噗噗 噗 噗 栽 was planted on the ground, but even so, it did not scare the sand behind. Crab frenzy.

As the most terrifying monster in the Five Elements Realm with low intelligence, Sand Crab has a strong sense of territory. Once it encounters an intruder, it is an endless situation. Until the prey is killed or the nest of sand crabs is exhausted, otherwise the battle will end. Never stop.

Xiao Chen knew something about the endless "style" of sand crabs. At this moment, his face was awe-inspiring, and he had a fist to his knees and fell to the ground!

With one punch, the terrifying soil system's spiritual power was released like a river breaking into a river, bursting into the earth, causing waves to fall, spreading wildly in all directions, and a terror of horror burst from it.

Hao Hao Tang Tang, Tu Lang Ruchao took Xiao Chen as the core, and swept across!



As the tide arrived, countless sand crabs were instantly stiff, and a deep, muffled sound came out of the body, and was killed by the destruction forces in the soil-based wave!

The wave of punches fell and swept across the circle. When it dissipated, the world was restored to silence.

The whole nest of sand crabs here was completely destroyed by Xiao Chen's punch.

Xiao Chen got up slowly, but his face did not have any sense of ease. According to Jian Zu's statement, the whole land is extremely vast, and there are countless sand crabs living in it.

Nowadays, it's just that he encountered it now when he first entered the soil. It seems that this statement is true.

Raising his hand slightly, the numerous corpses of sand crabs were immediately collected by Xiao Chen. The carapace of the object was comparable to Lingbao. Xiao Chen shocked the sand crab by clever force and left it behind to save the object.

This kind of refining material, delivered to the master of refining masters such as the Master of the Refining, can be used to make armors with a high level of quality. By then, it can be divided into the standard equipment treasures of Monk Xiaofu to enhance combat power.

As the leader of one side, Xiao Chen's actions now need to consider the overall situation, he is not only concerned about himself.

When collecting the corpses of sand crabs, Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and he felt some strange breath in the bodies of several relatively strong sand crabs. The carapace was broken open, and finally three earth-colored beads scattered with aura of light were finally obtained!

This thing is the more famous treasure in the Five Elements Realm.

This bead is made of pure earth-based spiritual power and compressed. It contains immeasurable earth-based spiritual power. It is an extremely precious treasure of monk Linggen. The refinement and integration into your body can make your mana more refined. Pure, repair for promotion, even let the supernatural power soar!

It's just that although this thing is precious, it doesn't have much effect on Xiao Chen.

After putting everything together properly, God's knowledge swept through to make sure there were no omissions. Xiao Chen turned and turned into a streamer, whistling straight into the depths of the Five Elements.


In the waterfront, the Lord of Hanlin's face coldly killed the siege monsters that were besieged. His face couldn't bear a slight whiteness. Obviously, the loss in the body was not light, but his eyes had an irrepressible joy.

"Four water spirit beads, although not top quality, can still improve my physical toughness after refining, and even improve my mana. It is indeed a five-element realm. Although it is dangerous, the opportunities are equally amazing. To the point. "

The old man said in a low voice, obviously very satisfied with his own harvest. At this moment, he took out several elixir and swallowed it for refining. After the loss in the body was recovered, he continued to control the Dunguang roar.

"According to the record given by the father to Yujian, there is an underground water channel deep in this waterway. Through this, you can directly penetrate the entire waterway into the core of the Five Elements, and you can avoid a lot of trouble! Source, this good student has to do some calculations, and he must let Xiao Chenyu fall into these five elements. "

The lord of Hanlin's mouth showed a smile, and he could not help a bit faster.


"Five-yuan tower! Haha, it really is a five-yuan tower!" A monk monk with ecstatic expression continued to play, and a high tower on the ground was made of green and entwined with green rattan. Rising from the ground, "The message from the ancestors is true, and the treasures inside are mine!"

The demon monk's face was not fully stretched, his eyes suddenly became gloomy, and he suddenly turned to look at the monk who appeared behind him.

"Qing Tong?" Seeing the comer, the monk monk's face changed slightly, and his eyes drew a lot of fear.

"Ha ha ha ha, Lishui Daoyou really good chance, you can really find the five yuan tower, and did not waste time in the next effort to follow you behind." Demon Qingtong's face was proud, eyes full of hot .

Lishui, the demon tribe's face sullen by the way, "The ancestor once said that anyone who can find the opportunity in the Five Yuan Tower will own it, and Qingtong Taoist friends want to violate the ancestor's order, are they not afraid of being punished in the future!"

The demon sounds powerful, but it gives people a feeling of fierce intimidation, especially a pair of eyes full of panic, and it also exposes the fact of fear in his heart.

Qing Tong saw her heart settled, and laughed, saying, "Lishui Tao friends said this is a good thing, but the ancestors did not stipulate who found the five yuan tower first to be able to get the treasure in it, and who will ultimately fall on it depends on you. I fight by means! "

Speaking of this demon, the voice suddenly became eerie, "This seat gives you a chance to withdraw from the whole body. If you leave now, you will definitely not embarrass the Taoist friends, otherwise you will blame this seat for being ruthless!"

"Although the ancestors have ruled that my monk monks are not allowed to kill each other, as long as this seat is clean and neat, there will be no trouble, I wonder if Lishui Taoists think this seat is reasonable?"

Demon Lishui's face became extremely ugly for a moment, and the eyes became cloudy for a while, then finally nodded, and after reluctantly retreated, he finally turned around and drove away.

"Huh! If you weren't worried that wasting time on you would cause unnecessary trouble, this seat has already shot and killed you directly, so as not to cause trouble in the future, but inheriting all the treasures in the five yuan tower, this seat will definitely be able to skyrocket. Even if this Lishui has any means, this seat can be completely out of sight. "Qing Tong's thoughts rolled, and her heart suddenly relaxed." It's important to collect treasures now, and it's not too late to talk about other things in the future! "

When the breath of Lishui disappeared within the sensing range, the hot color in this demon's eyes rose sharply, and his hands successively hit the five-yuan tower. With the integration of the law, the starting point on the tower flashed green. Eventually, the convergence turned into a cover-up portal, which seemed to be able to open it with a push.

Demon Lishui swallowed a spit of water, and eagerly stepped forward, reaching out and pushing.

But the next moment, this demon's face could not help but change instantly, his pupils shrank fiercely, and the endless swallowing force suddenly burst from the green portal, forcing his vitality and mana to be sucked out!


The flesh and blood god, all mana were swallowed up, the demon Qingtong flesh instantly collapsed and turned into powder.

And at this moment, there was a flash of green and green monsters in the void, and the Lishui figure of the demon tribe that had left before appeared strangely, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but there was a little nervousness and fear before, "Huh! I really thought This seat didn't realize that you could not follow after you? You were seduced here to open the Five Yuan Pagoda by sacrificing. Even before the secret was clear, I wanted to compete with this seat for treasures.

The demon sneered, and the figure flew open the portal directly into the tower. The five-yuan tower sank slowly to the ground and eventually disappeared.


call out!

call out!

In the harsh sound of the air, a sand crab sprinted wildly in the roar, waving two huge clamps, the eyes had completely turned into blood, and apparently fell into a violent state!

It is undoubtedly a very bad thing to be surrounded by this dense and incalculable raging monster group. Not to mention the horrific attacking force, the powerful psychological pressure alone is enough to cause the ordinary monks to collapse!

But at this moment in the overwhelming sand crab tide, a hundred-foot-sized turquoise emerald light continued to move forward like a small mountain. The countless sand crab crusts were shaken into a mass of paste underneath, and died. Can't die anymore.

Thousands of feet away, the three monks were stunned, with incredible colors in their eyes. When they reacted, a chill emerged from the hearts of the three and suddenly spread to the whole body, making them stiff.


Go right now!

This kind of breath is definitely not a demon-powerful person. Once he stays out of this alien horror existence, I'm afraid they won't be able to get away!


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