Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 313: Flower funeral

Within the Five Elements, absolutely no one minds killing a foreign monk to get his treasure. Bayi Chinese Net W> W> W>. >81ZW. COM Although the peak of the three demon races didn't think they had treasures that the adult in front of them could see, but if they were wiped out, wouldn't it be a tragedy.

However, just as the three of them were about to turn and escape, the void suddenly shook, and then a coercive aura exploded wildly from the sand crab frenzy, and suddenly descended on the world. This coercive force made the three monsters The face of the strong clan was instantly pale, and the body was overwhelmed to the ground, unable to move at all. Only the pair of eyes filled with fear can reveal the fear in their hearts at this moment.


The earth-shaking loud noise suddenly exploded, like an extraterritorial meteorite hitting the ground, and the powerful force carried by it poured out in an astonishing way, merged into the earth, and turned into layers of ups and downs.

And what this terrorist force carries is destruction!



It was like a ripe fruit smashed to the ground, a series of low and dull sounds, but the sound was too dense, and the continuous stacking up and turning into a moving death melody, it is chilling!

Loud noises, shocks, cracks... and then everything fell into silence.

Cold sweat was born from his forehead, but the three monster cultivators did not dare to wipe a little bit. Although the terrifying pressure had disappeared, their bodies remained stiff and unable to move for a while, their faces were pale and there was no trace of blood.

After a while, the expected killing did not come. The three monsters reluctantly swallowed a spit, and raised their head little by little, just to see a thin figure walking along with the yellow sand covering the sun behind, and the flames burning the sky ahead. .

But at this moment, I don’t know if it’s an illusion. The three people looked up, always feeling that the figure glanced back at them, causing a chill from the heart of the three demons, suddenly spreading to the flesh and blood of the whole body, infiltrating the soul, and the whole person was struck by lightning , Did not dare to move for a long time.

"This person...who is this person... a terrifying cultivation base..." one of the three monsters said, with a hoarse voice that scared the two monsters and the two monsters jumped. They looked at each other and saw the fear and fear in each other's hearts. .

"Is this a person at this level an existence that you and I can come into contact with? No matter what his identity, he is definitely not the great power of my monster race. It is already rare for you and me to save your lives. Why bother to think about these things? I may even ask for trouble."

"The Daoist is reasonable. Now that the Five Elements Realm has passed, it should be the Fire Land Realm in front. I'll turn to another place later."

The three demon nodded again and again, and waited carefully for a while. After making sure that the one really walked far away, they got up from the ground and hurriedly steered away.


There are mountains in the distance, fires in the mountains, mines in the fires, flowers and plants growing outside the mines, and clear springs flowing between the trees.

Although earth, fire, metal, wood, and water are not sorted by reincarnation, they gather the power of the five elements to form a cycle of their own.

This scene is very common in the spiritual world, and thousands of identical places can be found at random, but it is different here, because this is the Five Elements Realm.

The more the five element power types, the heavier the crisis and the greater the chance. It is a common sense-thing that any monk who enters the Five Elements realm knows. The place where the five elements gather in perfect harmony like this, seems to be peaceful, without knowing the secret. How many murderous opportunities are hidden.

Perhaps the mountains, the water, the golden stones, the vegetation, and the fire in the ground may instantly reveal a hideous side, directly devouring hundreds of millions of creatures.

This kind of place, only the core of the Five Elements Realm will appear.


In the tranquil stream spring, a large number of water waves suddenly gushed from the bottom of the water, and then a figure shot directly from the underground waterway and fell into the air. The breath in the body was hidden, his face was full of solemnity, and his eyes swept across the surrounding dignifiedly.

After a few breaths of silence, everything was as quiet as before, and the monk who appeared was slightly relieved.

This person is the Lord of Hanlin.

"My father's statement in the jade slip is true. The energy of the five elements in the space is stable and has become a peaceful place. As long as no one breaks the balance between the energy of the five elements, there will be no danger and there will be no five elements. The beast exists in it." The old monster whispered, his face full of excitement, and then went to take out a jade slip with his backhand, and probed into the divine sense to investigate carefully, seeming to discern the direction.

After a while, the Lord of Hanlin lifted up, his eyes swept around, and finally found the path marked on the map, and his eyes instantly burst into flames.

"The origin of the wood should be in this position." After the escape light fell, the old monster condensed his breath as much as possible, and his figure turned into a phantom, rushing forward in the chaotic mountain forest.


"Work harder, and the ban will be broken in a moment, and the treasures in it will belong to you and me." The three monks gathered here, their faces all showing excitement, and the two are responsible for guarding, one of them Make every effort to crack.

Dao Da Fa Jue shot out of her hand like clouds and flowing water, and a bit of calmness flashed in the eyes of Huancheng. The last 179 sets of law Jue in her hand poured out in a short period of time, and the speed skyrocketed several times.


Above the ground, the restraint hidden in the stone body finally collapsed, the stone cracked, and the breath of treasures suddenly appeared from it.

"It's so powerful, and it's at least the pinnacle Heavenly Tongtian Lingbao level from the breath sensing!"

"Haha, the quantity is exactly three pieces, and you and I just divide them equally."

The other two human monks shouted with joy, and Huancheng breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there were enough treasures. Otherwise, once there is an uneven distribution, the cooperation between the three who are still in the trial and exploration stage will soon collapse. This time, before entering the depths of the Five Elements Realm, one can obtain a magic weapon of the top-level Lingbao level, which is not a small gain.

This level of treasure has long been scoured in the spirit world, and it can only be preserved in such a few traces of human remains. Although there are many risks, it is worthwhile to get the treasure.

However, just before the three of them came to divide the treasure, a sneer suddenly came, "Dear friends, these three treasures are very exciting for me. I don’t know if I can bring them to the next few people with the heads of the three. ?"

Before the sound fell, three foreign monks appeared.

The armored tribe, a small ethnic group in the spirit world, can harden the physical body when fighting, like an iron armor, invulnerable to fire and water, and its combat power is amazing.

The electric eel tribe, a medium-sized group in the spirit world, are born with lightning attributes and possess the talent of thunder, which can release the power of thunder that can destroy the world and destroy the earth. The strength is far more than one level of the same level monks!

The flower-burial tribe, a special ethnic group in the spiritual world, is born to raise the roots of the strange flowers in the spiritual world. It absorbs the flesh and blood and the endless resentment blooms from the sea of ​​blood. The magical powers are weird and cruel.

The person who spoke at this moment was the repair of the Flower Burial Clan, and when he spoke, he stuck out his tongue and added a scarlet corner of his mouth, which added a bit of cold and cold air to him.

The flower-burial tribe likes to devour the primordial spirit of the monks, which is notorious in the spiritual world.

If they were in the spirit world, even if these three small race cultivators joined forces, they would definitely not dare to embarrass human race cultivators, but now in the Five Elements Realm, they obviously don't have much scruples.

Seeing the identities of these three alien races, Huancheng’s complexion changed drastically, with deep jealousy in his eyes. He raised his hand and directly selected a treasure, and said in a deep voice, “Two fellow daoists, things are not good today, you and I do your best. If it is not for the opponents, they will disperse and reunite again with the help of the Sky Spirit Orb."

The other two human monks nodded fiercely, and each selected a treasure. The three turned around at the same time, and the aura in the body exploded.

Obviously, there is no need to say much about the matter now. In that case, only one has been done. The victor has the treasure and the loser has lost his life and soul.


The fighting method exploded without warning, both sides tried their best, without any reservation, magical powers shot, wanting to take the opponent's life!

The magic city is forbidden to enter the Tao, and most of the magical powers are based on the prohibition. Although the attack is not the strongest, it is very subtle and easy to entangle the enemy, so he chooses the iron-clad monk as his opponent!

The armored clan attacked tyrannously, but neglected the cultivation of forbidden supernatural powers. With their own strengths against the other's shortcomings, they can naturally explode their combat power to the highest level. Even if their own cultivation base is not the opponent of this person, the City of Illusion can confidently retreat.

At the same time, the two monks of the Electric Eel tribe and the Flower Burial tribe showed a hideous color at the same time, and instantly fought with the other two human monks!

The two sides fought fiercely, and the power of the peak level of heaven and man was raging wildly, and the momentum was huge and amazing.

But Huancheng's complexion became extremely ugly!

Although he had anticipated that these three people would not be easy generations, he realized their horror when they really played against each other. With the same power of the same celestial and human peak level of the three, they could only resist. If it weren't for his forbidden magical powers Being able to restrain the ironclad clan's repairs, I am afraid that at this moment, it has already ended in embarrassment like the other two.

"The two Taoists, the opponents are too strong, you and I can only disperse the destiny, take care!" Huancheng yelled, and a forbidden power that had been prepared for a long time exploded in an instant, and several forbidden roads that had been broken before fusion. The remaining power suddenly burst out a very strong power to seal the town, instantly blocking the repair of the ironclad clan.

In the next step, the foot slammed to the ground, and the aura from outside the magic city flashed, turning into a stream of light and whizzing straight to the rear and fleeing.


The armored cultivator roared again and again. This human cultivator is obviously not his opponent, but he can use this weird restraining magical power to make him unable to explode the power he deserves. His heart has long been depressed to the extreme. Seeing him run away at this moment, it is even worse. Angry!

Now that the three of them work together to attack the human monks, they must cut the grass and eliminate the roots, and absolutely no future troubles, otherwise once this matter leaks out, it will definitely cause great trouble to the three!

At this moment, seeing the figure of Illusory City go away, this person could not continue to conceal his power. The flesh and blood that was originally hard as iron armor instantly turned into a crimson color, and the aura from his body skyrocketed. The forbidden road was broken.


The horror breath broke out, and Huancheng's heart jumped fiercely, and suddenly turned to look at the repair of the armored clan, and his pupils shrank violently!

But at this moment, the two miserable howls came to an abrupt end, and the blood blossoms bloomed into the void. The flower burial clan’s repairer held a beating heart in his hands, and the blood dripped down his arm, but his face was strange. Smile, open his mouth and bite directly..

escape! escape! escape!

Seeing this scene, Huancheng no longer had any thoughts of resisting it. Backhand took out a **** jade rune and crushed it fiercely. Suddenly, there was a strong **** glow enveloping it, and the **** glow blessed it. Below, his degree suddenly skyrocketed, and he ran forward frantically!


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