Xiao Chen showed prudence on his face. He really did not expect that this funeral flower could have this magic effect. At the moment, there was a feeling in his heart. If it wasn't for Shubo's knowledgeable knowledge, I'm afraid he would miss this treasure.

The funeral flower has this effect, for the monk, it is tantamount to having a second life, and even the possibility of rebirth can be reborn. Such a treasure can be called the treasure of the world!

"Even so, I'm tired of cultivating the burial flowers. If this is the case, we must remember the great work."

A smile appeared on Shubo's face, "The old slave helped the young palace owner to do justice and justice, but he did not expect any rewards, but only hoped that the young palace owner could one day complete the old palace owner's last wish and revitalize my left eyebrow."

While talking, there was a little sadness in Shubo's eyes.

Xiao Chen nodded, seeing that Shu Bo thought of sadness, and then changed the topic, "Shu Bo is a master figure who cultivates spirits, but I didn't know this before. I still have one thing in my hand, I don't know if Shu Bo can. Mass cultivation? "

Regarding the field in which he is best, Shu Bo's face suddenly showed a smile of confidence, "Perhaps the old slaves in other areas did not dare to boast, but the old slaves in the field of spiritual cultivation still had some means."

Xiao Chen's hand flashed a little light, and a grain of polished rice with blood color like crystal appeared in his hand, about the size of a child's fist, with a delicate fragrance.

This object is the blood jade dragon tooth rice obtained by killing the ancestors of Ming Dynasty when Xiao Chen set foot on the avenue and was in the Yunyun Valley. It is extremely precious and was called an anti-celestial **** by Yu Ji. It is because of this object that he helped Xiao Chen in his early years. Many deaths were alive. However, with the increase of Xiao Chenxiu in the later period, the effect of refining blood jade dragon tooth rice became lower and lower, so he gradually put this thing behind his head, but he never underestimated it.

"Blood jade dragon tooth rice!" Shu Bo was really well-informed, and his face was shocked when he exclaimed. He reached out and took the object carefully in his hand to check it. After half a ring, he put it down with his face full of sighs. "Sure enough, it is blood jade dragon tooth rice. The old palace master couldn't find it. Otherwise, he wouldn't stop in ruins, and maybe he won't end up in a slump."

Xiao Chen was silent and his face was slightly dignified.

After a while, Shubo shook his head and laughed, "I always like to think about things in my old age. I hope the young master will not be angry."

"Blood jade dragon tooth rice is the treasure of heaven and earth. It is a thing that is madly contested by countless enemies. The master of the palace can take it into his hands. It is clear that the opportunity is long and lucky. In the future, there will be no revival in my left eyebrow. "

Speaking of which, Shu Bowei paused, showing a little puzzlement on his face, "Blood jade dragon tooth rice is extremely difficult to produce, and it is also a rare thing in the Great Thousand Realms. I do not know where the master of the palace obtained it?"

Xiao Chen didn't conceal it, telling him everything in his early years, and taking out a large amount of blood jade dragon tooth rice from the storage ring and handing it to Shu Bo.

Divine insight penetrated, watching the storage ring as the fist-sized blood corn grains piled up on the hill, and with the calm mind of Shu Bo, he could not help but stiffened his face, showing an unbelievable color.

In the realm of monks, Brother Jin Dan, piled into a mountain of blood jade dragon tooth rice!

Oh, my God, if this thing is not heard by the Shao Gongzhu himself, and his face is serious and there is no joking at all, Shu Bo will think this is a big joke.

When will the small monk Jindan Monk also have the blood jade dragon tooth rice, and not counting the grain, but the dense accumulation of mountains!

Shu Bo's big breath was not that he couldn't repair his home. The impact of this incident was too great. After a while, Shu Bo reluctantly recovered, with a grin on his face. "It seems the old slave is still Underestimated the chance of the owner of Shao Gong, when he was in the realm of the kingdom, he could rely on his own baseless cultivation to capture so many blood jade dragon teeth rice. This kind of thing is unheard of by old slaves, unheard of! "

Xiao Chen's face was calm, and Shu Bo's response was not surprising. He couldn't even figure it out. How could there be such a god-like creature like blood jade dragon tooth rice in the realm? Look at why this blood jade dragon tooth rice appears in the realm of 蜉蝣? "

Shu Bowei paused, looking at Xiao Chen's complexion, and finally thought of the key to the matter. He picked up the blood jade dragon tooth rice and carefully identified it for a moment, and his eyes were shocked. "This blood jade dragon tooth rice is extremely pure, worthy of Calling top grade is by no means a thing that can be produced in the realm. If the old slave didn't guess wrong, it should belong to the big world! "

Why did the blood jade dragon tooth rice produced in the Daqian Realm appear in the Realm and was obtained by the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty?

It may seem unreasonable, but the explanation is very simple. The biggest possibility is that Xiao Chen's human world once had a strong one!

Xiao Chen and Shu Bo undoubtedly thought of this, and what shocked them most was how could people cultivate such a large amount of blood jade dragon tooth rice? The left eyebrow Taoist's peak power was broken, and the blood jade dragon tooth rice could not be obtained, and the comparison was more imaginative.


Or higher creation?

As for going up, Xiao Chen and Shu Bo didn't think about it.

Why would such a big man go to a humble world? Blood jade dragon tooth rice is such a precious treasure that it is actually lost. There is only one possibility for this to happen. The mysterious force of the great realm is severely damaged and the treasure will be lost. Of course, it may also be that he has been lost. People obliterate ...

But in the realm, how can it have such a terrifying power that can severely destroy or even kill at least one of the great realm of creation level!

Xiao Chen and Shu Bo were silent together, and from the blood jade dragon tooth rice alone, a vague outline of a shocking fact can be deduced. Although it is not clear, only the exposed scales and half claws are enough to shock people's faces.

Now it seems that the world of human beings, which was so simple, was suddenly covered with a layer of mist at this moment, which can attract the powerful people from here. Obviously there must be something different in it!

The mysterious Daqian creation level is above, and why?

The entire Doronaga tribe migrated. Why?

Why did the upper clan fire clan choose the human world as the object of slavery among the hundreds of millions?

What's more, at the moment Xiao Chen's heart is flooded with Luo Yun's cemetery seen in the Mu family's trial world. How can such a large tomb of horror level exist in the realm?

Many doubts haunted my mind, making the fog even heavier!

Xiao Chen's face could not help but become extremely ugly. The world is his hometown. He lives with his relatives and friends. He has all his hard or beautiful memories. He absolutely does not want any accidents.

But now he is still weak. Even if there are some clues, they are just things that are painted on the surface, and he is not qualified to reveal the mist.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Chen slowly lifted up, suppressing a lot of thoughts in his heart. Although he entered the spirit world, he cultivated a skyrocketing degree, but now it seems that it is not enough, far from enough!

The spiritual realm is not considered to exist in the Xeon, so how can we talk about the higher-level Daqian realm.

Seeing the change of Xiao Chen ’s eyes, Shu Bo's mind was slightly relieved. “It ’s good that the young master can think of it. It ’s no good to think about it now. According to the young master ’s current length, it ’s probably impossible to set foot on the road in the future. These mysteries can naturally be easily solved. "

Xiao Chen nodded and Shen said: "For the time being, let ’s put this thing aside, now is the question whether Shu Bo can cultivate the bleeding jade dragon tooth rice? And there is one thing unknown in this seat. It is said that this thing is extremely precious, why the refinement of this seat before was very small. "

Shubo smiled bitterly, "Taking the previous cultivation of the Shao Gongzhu as the refined blood jade dragon tooth rice is really a violent heavenly thing, but at this moment you can directly refine one to know the true effect of this thing."

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered without any hesitation. He reached out and held the blood jade dragon tooth rice. The secret operation of "Tun Thunder" instantly operated, and the blood jade dragon tooth rice quickly shrank with visibility. With his practice today, refining a blood jade dragon tooth rice is naturally a breeze.

With the progress of refining, Xiao Chen finally understood what Shu Bo meant by violent heaven.

Among the Yuan Shen, beyond the 13th ruled line, a looming phantom appears slowly. If it were not in his own Yuan Shen, such a small change could not be detected by Xiao Chen. The change, Xiao Chen's heart instantly set off a stormy sea!

Power of rules!

Refined blood jade dragon tooth rice can even enhance the power of the rules!

Xiao Chen suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes were shocked.

Shu Bo nodded and said slowly: "Blood jade dragon tooth rice, rumored to be born of an ancient ancient tree stained with true dragon blood, but this is not true. The old palace owner spent all his efforts to find the blood jade dragon tooth rice in this regard. With great efforts, he finally got an amazing secret. Blood jade dragon tooth rice was not generated from heaven and earth at all, but was made from the blood of true dragons! "

"Dragons are the darlings of heaven. They are born with powerful powers. Even if they don't think about cultivation, they will have the power to destroy the world until they reach adulthood! Really powerful blood is the blood of true dragons. It can even directly reach the creation realm and even the higher-level creation world! It is precisely because of this that the Dragons are favored by heaven and have road rules on them, so they can naturally have powerful power. The monks use their blood to make blood jade dragon teeth rice. Is to extract the rule fragments from it, and after refining, you will get part of the power of the heavenly rules, and then improve your own rule magical power! "

"This is the true secret of the blood jade dragon tooth rice, but the true dragons have great power in the great realm. Once the current monk has the blood jade dragon tooth rice, it is an endless situation, so the blood jade dragon tooth rice It must be used with care and without revealing the slightest news, otherwise it will cause endless trouble for itself. "

Xiao Chen's face was dignified, and his eyes were cloudy and uncertain. He didn't expect that there was such a secret in his mind.

"The blood jade dragon tooth rice could not be cultivated at all, and the old palace master also spent a large price to obtain the decision to refine this thing, but when he was preparing to secretly take a real dragon, he did not want the news to be known by the dragons, so The Lao Gong ’s destiny was almost 70,000 years before he escaped the pursuit of the Dragons. ”Shu Bo mentioned the old thing, and his face was frightened. Obviously, he was deeply impressed by the events of that year. Yami also asked the owner of the palace to carefully collect it. Now he is not in a hurry to refining it. He will not be able to use the power of the jade dragon tooth until he is promoted to the ancestral realm in the future. The best time to refine. "

After hearing the words, Xiao Chen nodded and carefully sealed the storage and income of the blood jade dragon tooth rice. He also discussed some related matters in the dojo with Shu Bo, and then stepped away from the tearing space.

Nether light flashed slightly, Xiao Chen's figure appeared directly to the outside world, and the consciousness swept to make sure that no abnormalities appeared during this period of time. Then he retracted the dojo and set up the light to go deep into the Five Elements!


[First update today, thanks to Jiang Nan for giving a reward, so nice to say, hehe, hehehehehe! 】

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