Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 316: The Origin of Wood

The ancient woods are lush, and the rich woods are full of spiritual energy, and the environment is beautiful, revealing a quiet and serene atmosphere. W> W>. ] 8} 1] Z] W}. C) OM

The Lord of Hanlin walked carefully, his face was slightly pale, his eyes were dignified, and he dared not take the slightest care. This is where the origin of the wood is, but after a long period of time, apparently there have been changes that the ancestors of the Jade Palace did not expect. There are now some special monsters in the dense forest. One of the most terrifying is a green cicada of a certain size, silent, lying on a tree branch, quietly as harmless as a leaf, but once the shot is a means of thunder, directly speaking by mouth Spikes-Inserted into a hunting object and **** it directly into a dead body.

On this way, the Lord of Hanlin witnessed seven shots of green cicadas, and none of his prey escaped. Even a fairly strong wooden monster was attacked by four green cicadas after resisting several breaths. Suddenly sucked into a dead body.

Despite caution, in this dense forest with abundant spiritual power, it is undoubtedly very difficult to distinguish the green cicada that is almost completely integrated with the environment. The Lord of Hanlin has already fought with this green cicada three times so far. Fortunately, the fast enough did not cause a large number of siege of green cicadas, otherwise I am afraid I have already retreated.

In the depths of the Five Elements Realm, in addition to various powerful Five Elements beasts, there are countless dangerous extremities. Once caught in it, his cultivation is undoubtedly dead. Therefore, every step forward, the Lord of Hanlin must carefully consider and follow the map.

Through a narrow gap in the mountains, the vision in front of me is suddenly bright. A curved lake is imprinted on the ground like a mirror, and a breeze strikes, sparkling, setting off ripples. There is a small island in the lake. There is a towering ancient tree on the island. Roughly, there are more than 500 feet. The luxuriant canopy is like a large bowl with an upside down. It covers the large area of ​​the lake, and the rich wood is angry. Out.

It is above this ancient tree that a turquoise light cluster is like soft light scattered by a small sun, and most of the wood anger is scattered from this light cluster.

At the moment of seeing this light group, the Lord of Hanlin's face turned red instantly. If he hadn't repaired his mind to a very deep level, I'm afraid I can't recognize it at this moment and take it directly into his hands!

The origin of wood!

This light group is the manifestation of the original power. The master of Hanlin will never recognize the mistake.

Where the treasure is, there must be a crisis coexisting. The Lord of Hanlin took a deep breath and was shocked in his heart. He did not distract himself from the fear of hitting the grass and the snake. He looked diligently to the lake and the ancient tree.

The lake is not small, there are more than two thousand feet, and there are several unknown wild fishes living in it. Exactly seven are examined carefully, and they are lazily swimming in the water and grass, ordinary. But in such a lake, there are only seven-tailed wild fish, which is the most suspicious point.

Above the ancient wood, the whole body is green and green, but when you look closely, there is a little red blood on the end of the branch. The red blood is bright and bright. If you look closely, it can be seen. This red blood is actually a kind of strange snake. Head! The body is round and slender, the head is slightly flat, and the snake letter is spit out from time to time. With the pair of flickering blood eyes, there is a horrible smell all over the body, which is quite appalling, obviously not a good kind. And I do n’t know if it is a coincidence. The number of this strange snake is the same as that of wild fish, and it is also seven.

The Lord of Hanlin's brows frowned slightly, obviously he did not think it was a coincidence. After thinking for a moment, the old weird robe waved his sleeves, and the ethereal light flashed. A monk in a black robe appeared to the outside world and saluted him respectfully. "The expression of awe is full of awe.

"Go to the tree in this lake and get the blue light group for this seat." The Lord of Hanlin said lightly. The person in front of him was a loyal dead who had been trained in the vein of the Jade Palace for years. obey.

"Yes, sir!" The monk in black robes stood up, raised the light without any hesitation, and turned into a streamer whistling and went straight to the ancient trees in the lake.

The master of Hanlin's eyes fell tightly on this person, but Yu Guang was constantly watching the reaction of the fish in the water and the snake on the tree, but until the monk in the black robe was less than one hundred feet away from the tree, there was no abnormal appearance. There was a little hesitation in this weird heart, was it because he was too cautious?

However, the moment the thought came to him, the situation in the field changed dramatically.

The wild fish at the bottom of the water was originally leisurely. Among them, the scales on both ends of the body suddenly stood up, the eyes turned into blood, the tail flung fiercely, the body shot like a sharp arrow from the string, and opened its mouth wide, exposing the chaotic spikes of mouth tooth.

At the same time, on the ancient tree, the front of the two strange snakes suddenly stood upright, the two meat wings directly tore the epidermis and popped out, the horizontal extension was severely shot down, the mouth of the snake was widened, and the body turned into a ghost whistling through the air .

The wild fish monster snake shot almost without warning at the same instant, and it was as quick as a thunderbolt. Even though the Lord of the Hanlin sent a dead man from heaven and man, but there was no power to fight back at this moment. The monsters shattered and shattered, and blood blossomed and flesh flew across.

However, when fighting for blood food, wild fish and monster snakes fought without reservation, but only when both sides were evenly matched, they hurriedly closed their hands and returned to the realm to devour blood food. The strong man in the heavens and the four realms is transformed into the belly of the wild fish and the strange snake.

The master of Hanlin's face suddenly became extremely gloomy. Only then did the strange snakes and wild fishes see in his eyes, and the power revealed by him made him jealous. Once he fell into the siege, the consequences were worrying.

But at this moment, the old strange eyes glanced over wild fishes and snakes, and his eyes flashed sharply. He already had an idea in his heart. He thought about gritting his teeth for a moment, and another 2o monks appeared in front of him in the robe sleeves. The Heaven and Human Realm are repaired.

Reluctant to be reluctant, only to have resentment!

The Lord of Hanlin waved his hand suddenly, "detoured to the left, attacked the underwater wild fish with all his strength, and attracted the attention of these monsters."

"Yes, sir!" The 2o dead men held their fists and drank at the same time. From the day of training, they waited for the day to take the shot. As dead men, most of them have only one chance to make a shot. They are already ready for death. At this moment, there is no fear in their hearts.

Silently and silently, the 2o dying person completes the position transfer, and the body breath bursts!


In Qiqi's deep roar, the 2o dead shot with all their strength, and the magical powers of the endless destruction exploded, heading for the wild fish in the lake.


There was a wild roar of wild fish from the bottom of the water, and the voice was sharp and harsh. The scales of the whole body stood up, the eyes turned into blood, the fangs rushed out, and the whole body exuded a cruel and cold feeling.

The 2o dead shot wildly, and instantly battled with the wild fish, but this wild fish did not know what the monster was. At this moment, driving the water vapor was like water in the water, vertical and horizontal, and it was not affected at all, even if it resisted magical powers. Mighty power did not suffer a bit of damage, but the more the battle became fiercer.



A short and miserable moment came out, but the wild fish crossed the magical blockade, opened its mouth and drilled directly through the chests of several monks. Fresh flesh was still hanging on the sharp teeth, and the scales were stained with blood. Show it!

Seven dead men were killed at almost the same time, and blood dripped from the wounds, suddenly exuding a strong **** gas, but the strange snake smelled the most unbearable taste.

Deep in the Five Elements Realm, although some blood foods have been swallowed in the early years, slowly with the passage of time, no creatures dare to approach here, resulting in the strange snakes and wild fish have not eaten fresh flesh for a long time. I just tasted some delicious food before, and now I smell the smell of fresh flesh. The blood-stained eyes of the snake door suddenly shed a dark blood color, and a little saliva dripped from the mouth of the snake from time to time. I realized that something was wrong in life, and now I just want to let the **** wild fish eat alone!

Seven monster snakes screamed in unison, the flesh wings behind them slammed open, and the light and shadow turned into turquoise shots instantly.


At the moment of the strange snake's shot, the master of Hanlin flashed a decisive color, his body breath burst, and he even promoted the degree to the highest level at the expense of self-destruction. He had already crossed most of the lake in a flash, and the figure appeared directly when flashed On the old tree, reach out and put the source of the wood into the storage ring.

But at this moment, the strange snake and wild fish realized this at the same time, and they suddenly roared madly, and even gave up the fight for blood food. 28 blood-colored eyes stared at the Lord of Hanlin, and they will start a crazy counterattack in the next instant. !!

The Lord of Hanlin was stared at the scarlet eyes, and a sudden chill burst into his heart, "Boom for me, stop them!" The idea flickered, and a roar came out of the 13 dead men at the same time. There was no hesitation at all, and he burst out!

The monk in the heavens and the four kingdoms self-exploded. The terrorist attack force that broke out was enough to stop the monks at the peak of the ethnic group. Besides, the supernatural power of 13 heavens and the four kingdoms was superimposed. Power!

The terrible waves of destruction swept through, and wrapping up the wild fish and the snake was enough to cause some damage to them!

The Lord of Hanlin didn't dare to pause for a moment, directly crushed a teleporter in his hand, and disappeared in a flash of his body, and reappeared in a cave some thousand miles away from the lake.

At the moment of appearance, the old man immediately dismantled the teleportation array, packed everything in a few minutes, and the figure turned into a streamer and howled and went straight to the distance.

The teleportation array is a treasure given by the ancestors of Wenqu. It is equipped with 2 teleporters. It is the treasure that appears in these five elements. It can ignore the suppression of the five elements for short-distance space teleportation. Now he has used the first one. .

"The origin of the wood is in hand, and the old man should also make some preparations as soon as possible, and only wait for Xiao Chen to enter the game, then he will not retreat from his whole body."

"Even if you practice arrogance now, the old man can still calculate you to death, and the Five Elements Realm is where you scorn!"

During the urgency, a strange strangeness appeared on the face of the Lord of Hanlin.


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