Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 320: Apocalypse

The dark black palm and the demon cloud suddenly met, and a fierce reaction broke out immediately between them. The magical powers swallowed each other, and there was a burst of destruction, covering the entire Mulin Mountain. Bayi (Chinese 1? Z} W]. > C> OM Under this breath, countless five-element beasts sobbed in the mouth of Mulin Mountain and were overwhelmed directly by the mighty might, giving a strong sense of fear in their eyes.

At the moment when Xiao Chen and the ancestral ancestral flowers and trees were fighting, the ground formation method suddenly lit up with a faint luster in the underground grotto somewhere under the Mulin Hill, sitting cross-legged in it, the Lord of Hanlin who closed all his breath instantly opened his eyes. Ecstasy in his eyes.

"In addition to the breath of Xiao Chen, there is actually a monster power who can fight with this person, which is obviously also a rare power of the monster." The old man whispered, his face whispered. He was embarrassed, "But now that he has broken into the killing of the old husband, let's sneer with him!"

The sound dropped, Hanlin's main body flashed aura, waved his hand to break the restraint, and the figure appeared directly on a low mountain not far from Mulin Mountain, with a cold smile on his mouth.

"Matrix, turn!"

Minds moved, 49 forbidden arrays under the Mulin Mountain were running at the same time, the destruction force burst, and turned into a wave of horror energy, spreading wildly to the ground.

The entire Mulin Peak suddenly became violently shaken under this force. During the battle, Xiao Chen and the ancestral ancestor Qingmu changed their faces at the same time, slamming back with a shock.

Xiao Chen's face became extremely ugly for a moment. This sudden burst of breath came out of the ban. Except for him and the demon ancestors, there were still monks in the woods, and there were a lot of monks before they arrived. Otherwise, there was absolutely no time to lay down. Forbidden arrays around the entire mountain.

But what kind of calculation in this person's mind is already early, why not take away the source of the wood and stay away .. Mo Fei, there is another hidden feeling!

An extremely unpleasant sensation lingered on Xiao Chen's mind instantly, making his heart unable to bear a fierce jump, the figure rose suddenly and went straight to the foot of the mountain to see!

The next moment, Xiao Chen's face was instantly white, and his eyes were utterly murderous!

Kill the game!

This Mulin Mountain is basically a killing game with the source of wood as the bait!

At the foot of Mulin Mountain, a large burst is forbidden, the ground is cracked, and rocks are pierced. Terrorous cracks in the cracks spread wildly in all directions, revealing the dark color in them, and the breath of terror devoured from it.

It was dull at first, and then skyrocketed with an amazing degree!


Who would have thought that there was a silent bottomless abyss under this ten thousand-meter mountain, and now people are led by the origin of wood, using the forbidden array to break this silence, which stimulated the power of the bottomless abyss in advance .


Seeing the scene in front of me, Xiao Chen had this idea in his mind instantly. There was no pause in the figure, the light burst out, Wuthering flew away from Mulin Mountain!

Although Bottomless Abyss is powerful, its swallowing range is limited. As long as it escapes from the swallowing range before it completely explodes, there may still be a chance to retreat.

At the same time, although the demon ancestor Huamu did not notice the change at the foot of the mountain, it was not difficult to detect anything from Xiao Chen's complexion. His eyes gloomed for a moment, but he did not escape outward like Xiao Chen and went straight to the mountain. Peak.

A short distance flew by, looking at the root of a group of woods in that branch. The demon's eyes burst into an unstoppable hot color, reached out and held it directly in the hand, and the next moment the figure rose directly into the sky!

But at this moment, a sudden sneer appeared suddenly at the corner of the master of Hanlin under the mountain, "Boom!"

A word was opened, and the demon ancestor Huamu exploded without warning with a clump of the source of the wood. The horrible devastating force blasted into his body. Even if this demon reacted and made some resistance very quickly, he was still hit hard!

The demon body is broken and blood is spilled!

The power of the source is like the king of power, who controls the system! It is at this moment that the origin of Muzhi originated from the explosion, which instantly caused the endless power of Muling on the entire Mulin Mountain to explode madly, revealing the tragic trend in the toss!

This spiritual riot is extremely powerful, and the entire mountain is shrouded in a moment by the power of the verdant wooden spirit!

The riot of Mu Ling's power, although powerful, is not enough to cause damage to the ancient ancient power, but it is not difficult to stop its life and death, and these are enough!

The master of Hanlin's face turned pale instantly, a blood spurted from his mouth, and his body's breath madly decreased, but this old man's face did show a madness-like scream, "Come on! Come on! Xiao Chen, my husband sees how you got away this time ! "

"Five Elements Realm is where you ridicule!"

Xiao Chen's face instantly became extremely ugly. This Muling Power Riot was at the most critical moment. Shengsheng cut his luminosity by half. At this moment, it was too late to escape from the Abyss!


The horror devouring force suddenly exploded from the bottom of the mountain. The entire Mulin Mountain, including a thousand miles away, the ground collapsed at the same time. The rocks and trees and the living Pentacles were instantly sucked into the dark ground, and were easily twisted into powder under the horrible tearing power. .

The entire Mulin Mountain began to fall quickly, and the huge mountain body was swallowed into the belly by monsters, and it continued to collapse from bottom to top, turning into limestone, but there was no star point to overflow, all swallowed up by the abyss!

Xiao Chen drank in his mouth, and his whole body was exploded without any reservation. The blue robe slammed, the black fluttered, the blue muscles on his forehead exploded, and he resisted the power of the Abyss.

But even so, he couldn't stop it!

This abyss is like a horrible black hole. The power of devouring is far beyond the limit of imagination. Unless Zugu is here, no one can escape from it!

call out!

Under this suction, Xiao Chen's body was pulled into the bottomless abyss by being pulled.

Xiao Chen's face was extremely ugly, but his eyes calmed down instantly. Now, at the critical moment of life and death, restlessness has no effect, it will only make himself ridiculed faster! The power in the body works, resisting the tearing force from the outside, and the eyes show tenacity!

Even if he fell into the bottomless abyss, he never wanted him to have despair. I do n’t know how many monks are on the brink of extinction. Although he has endured hardships and sufferings, he still survives to this day. He will not die this time!

But who did it in secret?

At the cost of damaging the source, it is also a source of silence and abyss. If you can do this at any cost, you must have deep hatred!

Xiao Chen lifted his eyes, and his eyes were stagnation for a moment, then he was shocked!

A figure is not far from the bottomless abyss. Although slightly blurred, the smug smile on the corner of his mouth is so clear.

Lord of Hanlin!

It was him!

At the next moment, the aura of light flickered, and when the power of the Abyss had not been swallowed up, the figure disappeared.

Xiao Chen was low, and his eyes were chilly!

He should have long thought that in these five elements, he will be counted as the person who put him to death at all costs, only the Lord of Hanlin!

Great idea!

I thought that by virtue of being comparable to the wild ancient repair, I could not put such a small fish and shrimp in the eyes of the Lord of Hanlin at all, and now I really paid the price for my contempt!

But with this weird practice, how can you reach the depths of the Five Elements? And from his layout, it is obviously not something that can be completed in a short time?

Jade Palace ancestors!

Xiao Chen's mind suddenly appeared in his mind. Now it seems that only this old monster can take action to explain what happened today!

Lord of Hanlin, the jade palace!

it is good! it is good! it is good!

Repeated calculations are difficult, and now he is even to be put to death. He hates this. If he doesn't die today, he will definitely pay you the price of jade palace in the future!

Xiao Chen's heart was killing like a tide, but he took a deep breath to hold him down, his eyes glanced over the surrounding area. Now the most important thing is not to think about how to get revenge, but to survive in today's killing, otherwise everything will be illusory. mention!

Now he has been drawn into the depths of the Abyss, but it is not as dark as the surface. The power of the five colors and five elements is madly rolling in it, just like a huge grinding disc, crushing anything that falls into it.

At first there were still some powerful mournful wailing voices, but now they have all been torn into pieces. Except for Xiao Chen, who is still intact in the entire Abyss, there is only the monster tree!

The strength of this demon is unpredictable. Even if Xiao Chen shots with all his strength, he may not be able to kill him, but he has previously suffered the full power of the wood, which has been completely damaged before entering the abyss. Now under the mad tear of the power of the Abyss Five Elements, he can only desperately urge Xiu to resist. Jun Xiu's face is completely white, and the blood of the demon body is constantly overflowing with blood. According to this trend, if you ca n’t persist for too long, you will fall. .

When Xiao Chen stared at the demon, the flowers and trees of the Yao clan opened their eyes with a bit of pain, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of their mouths. This is the calculation in the Five Elements Realm. Poor this one is a demon monk, but now he is being cast down by a group of monks who are at the top of the ethnic group, and he is really unwilling. "

The demon shook his head again and again, "Fortunately, there is a companion of Taoism. Even if he is ridiculed, Huangquan Road will not be too lonely."

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and he shook his head slightly, and said, "Huamu Daoyou rest assured, even if you slump here, this seat will not die." Although the voice was calm, the meaning of confidence was pervasive.

The demon ancestor Huamu's face changed slightly. "What is the reason why Daoyou can't save his hole card? You must know that there is no abyss, but wherever the monk leaves, no one leaves safely!" During the talk, the demon stared at Xiao. morning.

"What's the relationship with or without Daoyou." Xiao Chen's face was calm, her eyes closed slightly and she no longer said a word.

The face of the Yaozu flowers and trees was cloudy and uncertain, reflecting the increasingly strong tearing power of the Five Elements. In his current state, he could not last for too long. Now he suddenly gritted his teeth and Shen said: "Xiao Chendao friends, this seat is willing Before I die, I do n’t know how much it costs my friends to be willing to help out of today ’s robbery? ”

Hua Mu had no choice but he did not want to die, so he only bowed to Xiao Chen!

Because this demon's heart has intuition, maybe this Xiao Chen really has a way to resist the abyss robberies. Although he is not sure in his heart, as the last straw, he must try it anyway!


[The third update today, the update is complete, goodbye to you all tomorrow! 】

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