Xiao Chen opened his eyes and slightly twirled his mouth, revealing a mockery. "As long as you wait for a while, the stronger the five elements tear, the Taoist friends will not be able to persist, and everything owned by Taoyou will belong to this seat. [August 1st] (Chinese? [? [W] W] W].] 8> 1] Z] W] .COM Even if it is so, why should I try to save you. "

The face of the demon ancestor Huamu became extremely ugly, and his forehead was blue and red, but he swallowed the nasty gas. "I don't know what conditions Xiao Chen Daoyou needs to help.

Xiao Chenyue was unscrupulous in his performance. This demon's anger surged up. He really believed in his life-saving means. If not, in this life or death, how would he waste time talking to him.

Demon ancestor Huamu could not help but expect a little.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, his eyes took a deep look at this demon, and he frowned, saying: "It is not difficult for Daoyou to let this seat protect you from dying, but you need to hand over a ray of gods and let this seat be clothed. The prohibition is under control, and it will be left to drive in the future. "

The face of the demon ancestor Huamu suddenly changed, and his eyes expressed anger. "It is impossible to make this seat your servant of the monk's monk, and this is another condition!"

Xiao Chen smiled lightly. "If this seat does not value Dao You's desolate ancient practice, why would he openly invite you and wait for Dao You to fall, many of your treasures will naturally fall into this seat."

"There is only one condition. I hope Huamudao friendly students can think about it, but time is running out."

The face of the demon ancestor was sinking like water, and his eyes were cloudy for a while. Obviously, his thoughts were about to twitch. After a while, the demon sighed, and his face appeared gray. "Daoyou conditions, this seat promised."

Xiao Chen's face suddenly showed joy, and she smiled slightly: "The person who knows current affairs is Junjie, and Huamu Daoyou will never regret the decision made now. Based on Daoyou's practice, this seat will be treated with courtesy in the future. "

Speaking of which, his eyes flickered and he said: "Which is the case, please also ask the Taoist friends to hand over a ray of Yuan Shen, or complete the agreement between you and me earlier to avoid recurrence."

The Demon Flower and Tree seemed to have given their fate, nodded helplessly, reached out and patted their forehead, his face suddenly showed the color of pain, and his pale face was completely paler, no more blood, and the power of the Yuan rolled in his hand. Vaguely transformed into a human shape, the sense of breath is undoubtedly the demon ancestor.

Xiao Chen waved the Yuanshen into his hands, his face was slightly dignified, ten fingers shot a series of extremely meticulous Yuanshen manipulation decisions, so he could control the birth and death of the demon ancestor Huamu.

After doing this, the backhand carefully retracted the power of the Yuan Shen, and his face suddenly appeared relaxed.

The ancestral ancestral flower is slightly low, with a pale face and a weak breath. Now it is being forced into slavery. At this moment, it looks desolate and bleak, but in the half-closed eyes, there is a cold and dazzling movement, which is full of faintness.

Relying on the mastery of the Yuanshen technique, it may be effective for other cultivations, but wanting to control his demon ancestral flowers and trees is tantamount to foolish delusion. For now, be patient, wait to avoid today ’s robberies, repair for recovery, and explode in an unexpected moment, and kill Xiao Chen directly!

The killing in my heart skyrocketed, but the breath was not revealed, but it was slightly low, revealing enough awe.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed with different colors, and then he smiled, "While the flower and tree friends have completed the agreement, how can this seat be silent without words? I also ask the Taoists to resist, this seat will take you into a safe place. , To avoid the power of the Abyss Rip. "

The eyes of the demon family flowers and flowers revealed a thoughtful color, without saying a word, just nodded slightly.

With a wave of Xiao Chenpao's sleeve, the light flashed in the void, and the two figures disappeared in an instant. Only a black stone appeared in the abyss, and whizzed under the encapsulation of the five elements and went straight to the endless depths.


In the left eyebrow dojo, there was a flash of aura in the void, and the two figures appeared directly from nothingness. It was Xiao Chen and the demon ancestor that came!

"Huamu Daoyou, welcome to this dojo." Xiao Chen said with a smile, her face calm.

Demon ancestral Huamu's eyes flashed a hint of hidden concealment, his gaze glanced around, but his face couldn't help but a little rigidity.

The vast territory can't be seen at the end. Even if the consciousness is dispersed, the edge cannot be detected. However, there are countless monks in the ground city. Although there is no real strong person, the number reaches tens of millions. Prosper in this space.

Where is it right now!

The ancestral ancestor Huamu suddenly developed an extremely unpleasant premonition, and the development of things seemed to be somewhat unexpected.

Xiao Chen's face converged with a smile, with one hand out of his robe sleeve, grasping towards the ancestral ancestral flowers and trees, suddenly there was a mighty power bursting out, and the ancestral ancestor could be completely suppressed in an instant, unable to move at all.

"What's the meaning of Xiao Chen's friends, is it possible that they are ready to go against it, this place has surrendered the Yuan Shen willing to be driven by you, what's the dissatisfaction with Dao You?" It actually made him feel irresistible!

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and he said lightly: "This seat just hopes that things will be more secure, so as to avoid unnecessary accidents in the future. Now, I also ask Taoists to let go of their minds and let this seat imprint Taoism for Taoists."

The branding of the Taoist pattern requires the dojo's major to be higher than the subject, otherwise the latter needs to be reassured and not resist, otherwise it cannot be completed. Although Xiao Chen's combat power is almost the same as that of the demon, but the real improvement is innumerable.

The ancestral ancestor Huamu's face was extremely gloomy, his eyes flickered, apparently he was thinking about it.

Xiao Chen's eyes were chilly and his hands were slightly forced. A sudden crackling of bones and flesh came from the monster ancestral tree, making his face flushed with redness, and a painful humming between his nose and nose.

A feeling of being completely in control of life and death lingering in his heart, the demon ancestor Huamu looked up at Xiao Chen, just seeing the cold flowing in the dark eyes, he could not help but jump hard, and immediately thought of one Things: Now that I am a fish and a sword, if I reject this, Xiao Chen will really kill him!

A chill emerged from the bottom of my heart, and immediately flowed up the spine, spreading into every inch of flesh and blood, making the flowers and trees of the Yao tribe have a cold sweat and wet their robes directly.

"Okay, this matter is promised."

Having said this, the demon suddenly felt as if he had lost all his strength in his body, and he took a big breath, and at that moment, he really gave birth to a feeling of facing death, and there was not enough distance from it.

This feeling of life and death in the front line, the more you become a deeper generation, the more fear, the monster family flowers do not want to fall, so he only has the choice to bow his head!

From the time of asking for help from Xiao Chen, the demon has begun to make concessions. In order to survive, he has stepped back, and has no power to stand up.

Xiao Chen's face showed satisfaction, and she played it with her hands. A complex pattern with extremely complicated lines slowly emerged in the void with a wave of the robe sleeve. This object fell directly on the forehead of the monster family, and instantly disappeared into it. not see.

Daowen entered the body, and this demon would become a monk under Xiao Chen in the future.

After doing this, Xiao Chen took out the demon ancestor Yuan Shen that he had collected before and threw it back. "This seat will arrange for you to heal your injuries in the dojo. The external affairs will have nothing to do with you after that. From now on, your name will be Evil, protect my dojo! "

The ancestral ancestor Huamu was renamed Xie Xie, the first great ancient power under Xiao Chen's seat!

"Yes, sir." Xie Xie respectfully saluted. At the moment when Dao Wen entered the body, he subconsciously faced Xiao Chen with more closeness and awe. Although he was sane, he didn't feel the emotion.

This is the horror of Daowen!

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, turned around and strode straight to the ground, followed by the evil and respectful followers.


In the dojo, Xiao Chen crossed his knees in the ascension array, and the billions of spirits were madly drawn out by the formation method. The layers of compression converged, like a series of spiritual dragons, perfused into Xiao Chen ’s body. .

When practicing with the help of a large array, the power of Lingtan is naturally indispensable. Now Zuo Mei Yidao is rapidly strengthening under the leadership of Ganoderma lucidum and Kushan. The quantity of Lingtan refined is increasing and its quality is constantly improving!

Ganoderma lucidum, bitter mountain, and medicinal herbs could have been used to make more than 1o of Lingdan, but now after a long period of upgrading, dozens of Dandao masters have emerged in the medical profession. 1o Pin Xian Ling Dan.

The spiritual elixir required for Xiao Chen's practice was led by two medical doctors, Lingzhi and Kushan, and led by His Majesty, a master of Taoism, who provided all kinds of elixir. In this case, his internal loss was short. Recovered as much as possible, and the mana in the body even improved slightly, half a step away from the heavens and the earth.

But Xiao Chen didn't rest in cultivation. After he recovered to the peak, he chose to go out and began to closely watch the external changes through the dojo restraint. Now it has been three months since he entered the dojo. In other words, the dojo is in an abyss China has been falling for three days and nights, and I do n’t know how deep the terror has fallen. At this moment, the tearing power of the five elements outside the Tao is already extremely powerful, even if the monk in the wild can not stay in it for too long!

This may be the reason why monks who have fallen into the Abyss can never leave alive. This horrible tearing force can only be resisted by strong ancient ancestors!

If there is no dojo in hand, Xiao Chen may be struggling on the line of life and death, even if he is not ridiculed now. The thought of this is what makes his heart thrive. "The Lord of Hanlin, I must let this seat find a way to escape. , Or it will surely make your jade palace be full of blood! "


Zuomei Dojo, this is the name of this mysterious space.

Xun Xie did not know what the name meant, and also tried other monks. They thought they didn't know that they lived in a small and narrow space and didn't want them to know about it.

"What's good outside is all about some killing calculations. Our ancestors live in the dojo, practice the best magical powers, and hold the best magic weapon. Why do you want to go to the outside world?" meaning.

"Our ancestors said before they died. If it was not for the mercy of the adults, he might have fallen out long ago. There is still a chance for them to be born, so the adults are benefactors."

"My lord let you live in the dojo. You are willing. One day you can have trouble outside. As long as the order is given, your brothers should not run out with these kings. You dare to provoke our family. Lord, you're impatient! "

Of course, there are some reckless guys who obviously have a tendency to violence.

Regarding this result, Xie Xie's heart trembled endlessly, and he never mentioned it again.

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