The treasurer Liu ignored the monks in the lobby and turned hurriedly toward the backyard. Now, at this time, the guest suddenly arrives. Could he also go to Princess Hongxia? He felt that it had to be reported to an adult. Bayi

Entered the heavily guarded residential courtyard, and instructed the monk of the nursing home not to disturb anyone. Liu Treasurer waved his hand to break the restraint and stepped into the door of the house. The bed was opened to reveal a small magic circle inside it. Decided, the lines of this array of light turn on in turn.

"Contact me at this time, what's the matter?" A slightly lower voice of a middle-aged man came from the formation.

The shopkeeper Liu bent down in a hurry, with sublime respectful awe on his face. "Sir, a guest staying in Cuiyun Residence today is very good, but the repair is quite unfathomable, it is not easy. I am afraid that the subordinates will not affect the arrangement of the adults, and dare not delay opening the matrix to sue the adults. "

There was a period of silence in the formation, and a sneer came out after a while, "This seat has received benefits but only promised to give them a place recommended by Weiyang City. As for whether there will be competitors and this seat?"

"Princess Hongxia's trip seems to be a game of mountains and rivers, but she is trying to attract the talents of the world. Although the orthodox power of the royal family is weakening, if you can get the name of orthodoxy, there are still countless benefits. The royal family allows all ethnic groups to stand on the moral high ground even if they fight hard. If not, how would the four major groups send their elite disciples to compete in order to capture the princess' heart. "

"The royal family is thin and rare. In this generation, there is only a bloodline of Princess Hongxia. Hehe, I am afraid that this lively scene will not end in one and a half. Even if the royal family marries a princess, it will not be willing to be reduced to It's in the hands of others. "

The shopkeeper Liu heard his face pale. Although he was regarded as a confidant by adults, there was something he had to do in this level of affairs.

"You don't need to worry about this matter anymore, let him fight to break the blood. My tribe and I do not have the courage to compete for the world. Be prepared for the wall observation that no matter who comes to power in the end, we will choose to win over us."

"Yes, sir."

The formation was closed, Liu Treasurer slowly got up, with a thoughtful expression on his face, and then turned to leave the room, carefully instructing not to provoke the guest. Although there is no need to intervene in these things, it is always good to be careful in doing your own thing, so as not to accidentally cause yourself trouble.


"Lao Tzu heard that a girl in Weiyang City got Wu Se Ling Cao, but she had some doubts in her heart. Fortunately, she took a look." A cold-faced monk opened her mouth slowly, and sneered at the corner of her mouth, "Go back and tell the boss Let's say our girl was found. I'll stare here first, so as not to give this little girl a chance to run away. "

The two monks behind this man nodded, glanced deeply at the courtyard across the street, and turned to walk away.

Hai Qing sent away the master pharmacist with a smile on his face. According to him, these five elements are of good quality. Only with some elixir medication can he have great confidence to heal the adult father's injury. He thought about his mother crying and his father was in bed. In her tears, a figure emerged in her mind, a green robe, black, a straight back, and a sincere awe and gratitude on her face.

But at this moment she suddenly frowned, and seemed to notice something strange, but she glanced around the area and found nothing wrong, so she shook her head and turned back to the hospital.

"Hmm! The little girl is very sensitive and intuitive, but this time it will definitely make you difficult to fly!"

The cold monk whispered, his face pale.


"I really saw that girl, okay, I didn't expect to hit our hands this time, walk, and tell me about the little girl who caught me, dare to play with me, I must let this little girl catch her Try Uncle Ben's power! "Scar Man was full of arrogance. At the moment, the case was shot, his face twitched, but it looked quite scary.

"I said who made Hu Daoyou suffocated. It turned out to be the girl from the Hai family." The last monk with a white complexion smiled, but his eyes were full of coldness, apparently there was a difference between the gloomy heart and the inner surface. generation.

Although Scar Man looks reckless, it is by no means a muddy person without a brain. Otherwise, he will not live now and become the leader of a small force. "Why, may Master Li have eaten this little girl?"

Monk Bai Jing's face sank and he smiled again. "Some old things are gone, but now that this girl hits Hu Daoyou, naturally it can't be counted so easily. Dao You rest assured that this family is a foreign monk and can enter Weiyang City. When living, because the man of the Hai family had a very clever trick, but now it is said that when they practiced, they went into the devil, and the whole cultivation was abandoned. It is the rootless person that can't cause any trouble. But they are now in name. It ’s still a monk from the Li family ’s ministry. It ’s not good for Daoyou to go straight to the door, otherwise my Li family might be tempted to stay away from things. ”

Speaking of this, the man smiled gloomily. "Taoyou came with ears. Just so you can not only get the beauty, but also take the seaweed plant that belongs to her family into the hands. It is also a considerable income. "

After the Scar Man heard it, his eyes lighted up immediately. Haha laughed: "It ’s better to use Li Daoyou ’s brain. This is a good idea. Since this is the case, please ask Li Daoyou to go down with you, to discuss the treasures and maids who are still down. . "


"Hai Qing, although the adult has no name, but our Hai family cannot be the ungrateful person. When the father is healed, ask the artist to draw a portrait of the adult for home and burn incense day and night to worship."

Hai Dongcheng coughed a few times, although the injury was still very serious, but now that he has hope of healing, his mental state is much better, and his pale face has a little more blood.

The mother-in-law nodded again and again, "This time, if it wasn't for the help of your grown-up, your father went, and you lost your life. How can an lonely woman live? The grace of this grown-up has saved our whole family, and we must never forget it. what."

Hai Qing nodded eagerly, thinking about the back of the adult turning away, not knowing how much he had in his heart, and wondering if there was any chance to see the adult again in this life.

But at this moment, there was a knock outside the courtyard.

"Open the door! Quickly open the door!" The voice sounded rather bad.

Hai Qing frowned, reaching out to signal that his father didn't have to worry, and went out with his mother.


The courtyard door opened, Hai Qing looked at several monks outside the door, his face suddenly changed, "It's you! How did you find here!" There were no traces of speech, pulling the mother back a few steps, her face full of alertness.

Scar Man stepped forward and sneered, and said, "Little girl, I didn't expect that we could meet again so soon. Why, I want to run so easily with Laozi's Wuse Lingcao!"

"Li Daoyou, please ask Daoyou to make a fair judgment on this matter today."

Monk Bai Jing nodded, his face full of solitude, and Shen said, "Today the tribe received a complaint. The daughter of the Hai family, Hai Qing, obtained a five-colored spirit grass from Hu Daoyou at her own expense, and waited to escape. Now the witnesses and physical evidence are all there, Hai Qing, what else can you say! "

Hai Qing's face changed instantly, and her eyes showed anger. "Li Donger, don't spit your blood. This five-colored spirit grass is a gift from a green robe adult to me to treat my father. It has nothing to do with this scar monk! This group of people once tried to misbehave against me when they were in Tongtianhe. Later, after I spotted it, they looked for a chance to get away. I didn't expect that they would dare to come. My Hai family is also a member of the clan, and the clan is also the owner! "

The Scar Man sneered when he heard the words, "Master Qingpao? I don't know where the unsuspecting character from your mouth is, young girl, can you call it to give him a glance?"

"Why, I have nothing to say. You can still say a flower with empty mouth and white teeth! I collected Lao Tzu's five-colored spirit grass and now sneak away, Li Daoyou, I don't know how to deal with this matter according to the rules of your clan. "

Bai Jingnan's Li Donger's eyes flashed sharply. "Today's daughter of the Hai family has done something that harms the reputation of the ethnic group. The chief of the ministry announced that he would expel the Hai family from my Li clan family. There is no need to intervene in this matter!"

"Hu Daoyou, according to the rules, you can take away Wusei Lingcao, and this Haiqing listens to Daoyou!"

Haidong Haidongcheng heard the struggle outside the hospital and got up. He just heard the words when he went out. His blood on his face faded away instantly, his mouth squirted a burst of blood, and his body shook.

"Father!" Hai Qing showed anxiously anxious face, joined Haimu and held him.

"Little master, my family Haiqing will never do such a thing. There must be another hidden affair. The young master of Haiqing knows clearly that he will not expel my family from the tribe!" Hai Dongcheng said suddenly, his mouth cornered. Constantly spilled blood.

"Li Donger, you are taking the opportunity to retaliate. I want to sue the tribe. Your young master abused power to harm the tribe monks!" Hai Qing's eyes were full of anger, and she snapped sharply in her mouth!

Li Donger heard a cold smile and said, "Now your Hai family is no longer a monk of my clan, what qualifications are there to complain to the clan! Furthermore, the principal of this ministry handles it impartially, and I am not afraid of you being a little girl Talk nonsense! "

The Haijia movement attracted a lot of neighbors and monks passing by. Some people may notice the difference, but no one speaks the first sentence.

The Li clan is one of the three major clan in Weiyang City. It is powerful and naturally nobody wants to cause trouble for themselves. What's more, the Hai family is only a monk with a foreign family name. There is no relative or reason in the family group. Now that something has happened, naturally there is no one who speaks for them.

Regardless of where the monks are, the rules that have nothing to do with their own high hangs will always apply.

"What are you waiting for, Hu Daoyou, now we will finish this matter!" Li Donger waved his sleeves, his face was sneer, but he was sneer in his heart. If he didn't want to be a sneer for him, he should do well today. ready!

The Scar Man smiled "Hey," "Come here, hold this little girl for me, and take the five-colored spirit grass together!"

Behind him, the two monks stepped forward, sneering with smirk ...


[Second more, ask for a monthly pass! Monthly pass! 】

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