Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 326: Martial Law

In the hall of the courtyard, Xiao Chen made the above, his face was slightly dignified, and his brows frowned slightly. "The most important thing right now is how to leave the underground world here and return to the spiritual world. This is never easy. Maybe we still have to This can only be done with the strength of the survivors underground. VIII.] 8) 1> 1W.COM '

After thinking for a moment, he got up and went straight to the layman. Working hard behind closed doors can't find a solution. It's better to go to Weiyang City to secretly explore, maybe you can get some useful information.

Recently, the shopkeeper Liu has been paying careful attention to the situation of the customer in the backyard. At this moment, when he saw that he was walking out of the backyard, his face was full of smiles, showing enough awe, "I don't know if the guests can rest well, are you satisfied with the shop? "

Xiao Chen nodded. He had no dislike for the rather savvy innkeeper. This person may have seen something, but apparently knew the size very well and did not do anything unpleasant.

"Treasurer, from the beginning to the next Weiyang City, I wonder if there is any information in this city?"

The treasurer of Liu flickered, seeing that he didn't have any explanation, naturally he didn't dare to ask more, and thought a little bit, thinking: "If the guests want to inquire about general information, go directly to Wazijiao, Chengxi, where there is a congregation of monks from three religions and nine streams There are a lot of small news in this place. Although there are many useful things, most of them are heard by preaching. If you want to know some secret important news, I am afraid it is a little troublesome. Such news is generally only known by the senior monks of the clan. The briefing. "

Xiao Chen showed a thoughtful look in his eyes, arched his hand, and turned away.

Maintaining the order of the survival of the underground survivors is a ruling system that is close to the clan royal family. Under this system, naturally useful information must be in the hands of high-level monks, such as how to leave the underground world.

Although they haven't succeeded yet, after a long time of exploration, they will definitely have a lot of useful information, and what Xiao Chen needs now is all these things. Otherwise, how can he find the way to solve it alone.

However, it is obviously not a simple matter to keep such confidential information in hand. It seems that things are more troublesome than he imagined.

Xiao Chen frowned and walked forward, and suddenly there was a voice of wrath from the girl in her ears. Although weak, she had a little familiarity. She looked up to the end of the long street, and her face was a little more gloomy.

"Hey, this little girl is looking at where you fled this time. When you get out of Weiyang City, the uncle will wait for you and let you know how powerful our brother is." The Scar Man smiled and opened his eyes, hazing at Hai Qing. The hot color was undisguised.

The father and mother of the sea looked ashamed, and were expelled by the monks of the Li clan, moving forward.

Great sadness and great joy, the conversion was so fast that it caught people by surprise.

The scarred male monks have a strong and wicked look, followed by a tribe of monks such as the Minister of the Li clan, and a lot of monks swarmed across the city. The monks on the road retreated, for fear of delaying, they gave Trouble yourself. The cold monk who was responsible for tracking the Hai family had opened the way. With several people behind him, they felt quite proud and proud, and at a proud time, they suddenly saw that the front road was blocked, and the next pair of eyes were radiant.

The monk on the road hurriedly retreated, leaving only one person standing in the road. What about wearing a robe? There are still some great people in small rural areas. Noble monks who have died in our hands these years are not a few!

"Good boy is not guilty, but he dare to stop us and give me a good lesson." The cold monk waved his hand, and the two monks rushed out with a smirk. The atmosphere in the body burst into bursts, but it was the late repair of the fit. for.

"Boy, did you want to do that hero to save the beauty, but today you didn't open your eyes to provoke our brother's mischief, you think you are unlucky!" The two laughed sneer, and patted them with their palms.


The spirit of the Nether trembled suddenly, and two red, red, and hot-stained palm prints instantly gathered, mixed with terror power, and whistled away.

Xiao Chen's eyes were blank, and the two palm-printed magical powers were very good. If he practiced as if his breath was revealed, he would not lose his life, but this practice would also be destroyed by fire.

So vicious mind!

The palm print fell, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed coldly, and his robe sleeves swayed, but he didn't see any movement. Then the two palm prints trembled suddenly, and then a fiery wave was burned on it, a pair of mighty Appeared suddenly rolled away.


However, the scroll of this supernatural power was countless faster than the blast. The crowd did not return to the gods, they only saw a flash of red light in front of them, and two miserable moments came to an abrupt end, and then everything came to peace.

The cold monk frowned fiercely, looking at the two men whose lives were unknown in front of him, and a heavy cold sweat was born directly on his head.

The entire long street instantly turned into a dead silence!

Xiao Chen's face was calm, and his steps were moving forward. As the figure reached, the monks of Scar Male became discolored. Although they never killed the blink of an eye, they obviously did not reach the point where they were treated equally.

Scar Man's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he glanced at Li Donger, a flash of chill flashed instantly.

Li Donger's face instantly became extremely ugly. He said before that this matter would not cause trouble, but now things are naturally difficult to blame. But who is this person? Looking at the noodles, is it Jiang Jiang from other places? But Qianglong didn't press the truth of the head snake. Doesn't this person understand it, and he would dare to intervene in today's affairs alone ..

Xiao Chen stopped and said quietly, "Let this girl down." The voice was calm and barely exposed, but the two scars who had always been strong were actually shaking with a hand, and they loosened the palms holding Haiqing.

"What happened?"

Hai Qing's face was full of excitement. At this moment, he forced himself to hold down and respectfully saluted, "Master, this scar monk wanted to conspire against the junior when he was near Tongtianhe. Fortunately, I noticed that I was leaving early and later the junior received you The donated five-color spirit grass returned home. I didn't want this person to chase home. I threatened that the five-color spirit grass was obtained by his junior at his own expense. Later he sought out and escaped! "

"Sir, please decide for the younger generation!"

The father and mother knew the nature of their daughter quite well. They had long believed that she would do this kind of thing. At this moment, they hurriedly fell to the ground and begged, "Master, please be my Haijia girl!"

Xiao Chen frowned, and his eyes were cold and dazzling. "The five-colored spirit grass is the thing that this seat is given to Haiqing girl to treat her father. I wonder when it will become a treasure in the hands of Taoist friends. This may explain this to Taoist friends. "

Scar Man and Li Donger glanced at each other, watching Xiao Chen attacking the blue robe, and each smiled helplessly. The original foolproof thing, who happened to encounter the Lord, happened to be a little troublesome.

The faces of monks of the Li clan and a number of onlookers have changed. Some people have doubts about the Hai family. Now they are sneer. Who knows that Li Shaobu was ready to marry the Hai family's daughter as a concubine, but was later severely criticized. Rejected, it seems that ** is inseparable from today's events. However, although many people think of this, no one will stand up and talk. There are more black and white things in this world. As long as it is not contaminated by yourself, why bother with it.

But despite this, the eyes of these people have become more interesting, and now they provoke the Lord to come out, depending on how things end.

The sullen color on Scar Man's face suddenly closed, and a smile appeared on his face. "If Daoyou is also interested in this Haijia girl, he is willing to hold his hands up. Right is to make Daoyou. Friends, do n’t know how good it is? ”Scar Man is not stupid. On the contrary, he is smarter than many people. People in front dare to take shots, and see that his expression is by no means a lifeless man. Obviously, he has a lot of confidence in his heart. It's natural to be less provocative.

So he chose to take a step back and only take the five-colored spirit grass. Although the Haijia girl is beautiful, but there are more beautiful women he has played in this life, naturally he does not want to cause trouble for himself.

Just for one thing, he couldn't see through Xiao Chen! It is not a dim and dim feeling, but a sense of powerlessness when facing the endless ocean of stars and seas. He has only experienced this in adults. Although he does not think that the person in front of him can be compared with adults, it is enough. He dreaded.

Xiao Chen lifted, his eyes flashed coldly, "Let the Hai family go, and swear that he won't provoke anything in the future. This seat can let you all retreat, otherwise you will all stay today."

The Scar Man's face changed again. He had never thought that the repair of the Qingpao was so tough that it would not give him any room to turn around! Now, taking a step back despite the monks' injuries, in his opinion, he has given a face. If he retreats, how can he convince the public in the future!

"It is better for Daoyou to think about it carefully. It is necessary to make things uncontrollable. Even if the inferiors are not Daoyou's opponents, there may be forces behind Daoyou that cannot be provoked." The threat is clear.

Xiao Chen shook his head and patiently said with his temperament that he simply did not want to cause unnecessary troubles when he was not clear about the current state, but naturally the situation does not need to say much. One step forward, the mighty breath suddenly burst from his body and came suddenly. The whole space!



The scars and the faces of several monks behind him turned abruptly. If their chests were severely blown, the nose and mouth bleeding was blown away by dozens of feet, directly smashing several houses, and the eyes were horrified.

"Get off! If the forces behind you want revenge on this matter, come to Weiyang City to find this seat."

There was a blood spurt again in the scar's mouth. I still do n’t know if I really kicked the iron plate this time. Just the breath pressure can easily damage them. It is enough to know why this person repairs his horror. It is definitely a Mahayana terror!

"The five-colored spirit grass is here, the juniors and others say goodbye."

Putting down the five-colored spirit grass, scars and others didn't dare to delay, turned around and walked away, as if there was no prestige.

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