Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 328: Royal blood

The beauty girl wrinkled her good-looking eyebrows and immediately made a heartbreaking feeling. It seemed that making her suffer a little bit of grievance was a great sin, and people couldn't help but want to hold her Be careful and pity in your arms. Bayi Chinese Network W] W] W]. 〕 8> 1> ZW. Com

"I see." The red lips moved slightly. Although the voice was dull, it still felt soft and tender.

This incident has made it extremely difficult for Her Royal Highness to speak. After all, it is only the school district Weiyang City, and the things born here are not enough to be taken seriously by Her Royal Highness.

Now all her energies are placed in the more eastern position of Weiyang City, the East China Sea handsome city!

As the East China Sea tribe with faint strength among the four tribes, its attitude towards the royal family has been rather ambiguous over the years. Even though Princess Hongxia has traveled around the world, she has not received the courtesy of the East China Sea tribe.

They didn't actually send any young strong man who could do it to surround the princess's car. Although she may not be eye-catching, this matter still made her feel despised.

Thinking of this, Princess Hongxia's mouth slightly tilted, revealing a thrilling smile, it seems that this time with the power of the South, North and West Sanhai tribe to beat some East Sea tribe, is also a good choice.


"Uncle Wang, have you called your nephew to know what to order?" Under the grand palace, the young monk spoke respectfully, and his expression was quite mean and inferior. Obviously, his mood was not weak.

Zhou Mu looked at the most outstanding juniors in the East China Sea tribe, with a gentle look like a nephew in his eyes. Handsome city. "

"Princess Hongxia has visited the North Sea tribe, the West Sea tribe, the South Sea tribe, and finally my East Sea tribe. Regardless of whether the princess is intentional or unintentional, my East Sea tribe must be prepared for everything."

The nominal authority of the East China Sea tribe whispered, his lips sneered.

Zhou Huan's eyes flickered slightly, revealing his thoughtfulness, but he didn't say much.

"Come on, be prepared to wait until Princess Hongxia comes to my handsome city in the East China Sea. Uncle Wang will make you scream and shock the world!" There was a faint glow of hotness on Zhou Mu's face, "Huanyer, my four tribes They are all of royal descent. Now that Wang Cheng's blood is exhausted and no one succeeds, it should be time to visit the world in turns. This is the best opportunity for my tribe to rise in the East China Sea. You must not let uncle Wang down. "

Zhou Huan was silent. After a moment, he bent down and saluted, turned and left.


Princess Hongxia's chariot and a follower's convoy are hundreds of miles in length. Exquisitely crafted suspension frames travel from the city gate at one time, plus the surrounding armor is clear and silent to guard the army. Feeling gives people a very powerful visual impact.

The entire city of Weiyang completely boiled on this day. Early on, the master of the city convened monks from all clans to clean up the entire city, and assigned a large number of monks to maintain order along the way. Only then could the princess car beasts not be hit by fanatic monks .

Royal family!

Even though they are weak, they still have the supreme position in the hearts of ordinary monks, and they are the only spiritual leaders in their hearts. Therefore, today they were fortunate enough to see Her Royal Highness Princess Hongxia, which has made them completely crazy.

Xiao Chen sat on Cuiyunju, calmly looking at the often passing convoys across the street, and naturally saw the appearance of Princess Hongxia. Her Royal Highness was dressed in a royal royal dress, and she continued to wave and laugh gently. Fascinated by a lot of monks Gan as ministers of the skirt.

By convention, even though Weiyang City is only a school-level city, Her Royal Highness will pause for a while, receive the brains of the city lord and tribe, and continue the journey after receiving worship from the people, and the venue is the city's university campus. As a tribal-based order composition method, random killings are not allowed. Therefore, conflicts between tribal monks or between tribal groups are usually chosen to be resolved on the campus, but the battle must not be wounded unless there is a vengeance. And lives.

This is also the rule for the princess to stop. Everywhere there is always a lot of young monks who want to worship at the feet of the princess for driving, but not everyone can get what they want and stay with the princess to get a chance It should have its due strength.

The university campus is obviously a good selection venue.

In order to greet Princess Hongxia, the university campus has been carefully arranged, and the distinguished throne and many seats have been placed on the top to receive Her Royal Highness and many distinguished followers around her. These followers have different identities, including young strong men from the four major clans, as well as the monk Wang Cheng who vowed to follow the princess from Wang Cheng to protect the princess from harm. The relationship between them is quite tense, and there is no way to live in harmony.

Princess Hongxia opened the way for the guard. The maid held a wreath and walked out of the car with her skirt in her hands. The moment her footsteps fell below the city of Yangyang, cheers burst out from the mouths of countless monks.

Once the blood of the royal family stepped on this land, it is already an absolute glory to them!

Listening to the cheers from around the campus, the smile on Princess Hongxia's face is a little softer. Even though the royal family is declining, she is the heir to the blood of the King City after all, the most noble existence of the entire community, and the awe of countless monks With allegiance!

With this kind of heritage, the royal family's revival may not be possible!

Behind Princess Hongxia is a team of followers of Na Haohao Tangtang, but all who can be qualified to walk with the princess are distinguished and powerful people. Tang Minghuang of the West Sea tribe is in it, with a mild smile on her face, without any hint. Different colors.

The princess was seated, and a follower was at the right and left. Weiyang City Lord stepped forward to salute, no matter how he thought about it, his face showed enough awe.

"The Lord of Shaoyang City doesn't need to be polite, please get up." Princess Hongxia smiled and said, with a gentle expression and a domineering pride.

Weiyang City's eyes flashed in different colors. Although she was a little surprised that the princess knew his name, she was not touched by the city government. She smiled without any traces and got up. "I heard that the princess came to my city in Weiyang, and my neighbors Many young monks want to worship Her Majesty, add strength to my royal family, and ask Her Majesty to give them an opportunity to be loyal to you. This will be the highest glory of my entire city of Weiyang! "

Princess Hongxia smiled and nodded, but her brows frowned secretly. The old fox said beautifully, and she was awe-inspiring, but there was no substantive expression. Thinking of a series of presents after entering the East China Sea tribe, Princess Hongxia I felt a little more gloomy in my heart.

The Lord of Weiyang didn't seem to notice anything, turned around and clapped his hands. There were several shadows falling into the university campus in an instant, and he bowed down and saluted, "I will see Her Royal Highness!"

A total of 7 people came, all with excitement on their faces, looking at Princess Hongxia with a hot color that was hard to hide.

Princess Hongxia smiled and nodded, looking at the cultivation of the seven who did not transition to the realm of robbing, her heart was quite boring, but her face was not revealed.

"Huh! With your cultivation, you are also trying to become a follower of Her Royal Highness. You really can't help it!" After the seat, a monk hugged and stood sneer, and strode forward politely, "His Royal Highness, willing Take the shot to help you beat these 7 people earlier, so as not to delay your time on the road. "

Princess Hongxia frowned slightly, then nodded slowly, and said, "Song Zi should not be too heavy for his shots, so that they can retreat when they are difficult."

"Have to obey the princess." Si Ji nodded respectfully, his eyes fell on Princess Hongxia, a flash of heat flashed in his eyes, and suddenly turned to look at the angry Yang Weicheng to recommend seven monks, sneer: "I am The followers of the Princess ’s palace are at the bottom, but it ’s easy to take care of you and go together to avoid delays. ”


The 7 monks of Weiyang City roared at the same time, but the other side was also the same as the one who had crossed the border. He dared to treat them so small in front of the princess, and he must pay him a price!

The angry young monks suddenly stood up, their breath exploded, and the magical powers shot violently without any intention of reservation!

Of the 7 people, 3 were in the early period, 2 were in the middle period, and 2 were in the later period. All of them were of tribal origin, and their mana cultivation was several times stronger than that of their monks at the same time.

Si Yan's eyes flashed sharply, and he drank in his mouth, "Supernatural powers, breaking the army!" In the roar, the body burst out with amazing earthy breath power, and the rich earthy yellow aura burst out in a stunning Degrees converge on the left hand, and then punch forward, bursting out!


A punch fell into the nothingness, and a mighty force suddenly burst from that blast, turning into a horrible wave of destruction and spreading wildly in all directions, the carrier's endless destruction breath!

puff! puff! puff! puff! puff! puff! puff!

The 7 monks of Weiyang City shot magical powers, just like bubbles, and were easily annihilated under the wave of destruction caused by this punch, without any resistance.

Seven of the figures were bleeding from the nose and mouth, and Shengsheng was blasted out of the university campus. All of them were white and already suffered severe injuries.

Si Yan closed his hands, with an unabashed arrogant sneer on his face, "You also want to be followers of Her Royal Highness Princess, you can't help it!"

"In Weiyang City, there are still people who want to take a shot. As long as they can support the next punch undefeated, they can become one of His Highness' followers."

Words fell, the entire campus was dead.

Weiyang City ’s face was a little gloomy. Although he did n’t care if these people would succeed in the end, this situation is indeed a bit embarrassing. Weiyang City recommended 7 people, but he was not the enemy of His Royal Highness ’s followers. The guy was overwhelmed and couldn't face the matter calmly.

Cuiyun lived on the second floor, and all Weiyang City's repairs turned red, his fists clenched tightly, and the atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme.

There was a bit of suffocation in the eyes of Liu Treasurer, and then he turned subconsciously to look at the guest in the corner, and his eyes showed the look of expectation. If he didn't find his place today, they would lose adults before the city!

Come on, guests!

It was in the look of Liu Treasurer's anticipation that Xiao Chen was calm, raised his glass and drank the glass of wine, lowered the glass to his feet, and stepped forward.

"Xiao Chen of Weiyang City, asking for advice from Daoyou."

The voice of coldness came, and a monk in the blue robe came in the air, and the blue robe sloshed and the black fluttered.

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