Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 329: Wangcheng Jiangjia

Si Yuan lifted up, his eyes narrowed, his eyes flickered coldly, and the corners of his mouth sneered unconcealedly. Bayi Middle School (Text W) W> W}. 81ZW. COM

The bloodline of the royal family of the violent bear Si family gave him the terrifying power of a monk of the same level. Although he was in the late stage of the catastrophe, because the bloodline in his body was pure and talented, he could explode power comparable to the peak of the early Mahayana realm!

Even among the major tribes in the royal city, Sijia Siyuan is also a well-known strong man. There are few rivals among the monks of the same generation. Could it be that he can still encounter opponents in this small Weiyang city? It is a joke!

Princess Hongxia's eyes flickered, her gaze fell on the figure stepping on the void, and her face was slightly surprised. After seeing Si Yuan's move, someone dared to make the move. Obviously the one who came was not good. Although she didn't think that there would be a young and powerful person who could rival Si Yuan in this small school-level Weiyang city, she still had a little curiosity in her heart, and her face showed a little attention.

The young powerhouses of the royal city and the three major tribes all sneered. Although they have not yet played against each other, they seem to have seen the miserable end of the incoming people being directly blasted out of the colonial court. His Royal Highness's followers are not something anyone can do if they want to do it!

A group of toads want to eat swan meat!

Tang Minghuang frowned, his eyes flashed with suffocation. He had already seen the jade slips provided by his subordinates, and recognized this person at first sight, "Xiao Chen? It's so bold, I haven't arranged a monk yet. To find your trouble, now you have delivered it yourself."

Scar Man was hidden in the princess guard team, looking at the figure in the green robe, he couldn't help but feel an instant chill in his heart, which made his body freeze for a while, turning to look at the several subordinates around him. Different from the contemptuous sneers on the faces of the surrounding guards, they all had a thought in their hearts that this unbelievable Young Master Si was about to kick the iron plate.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, landing in the colonel's court, slightly arching his hands, "Xiao Chen has seen His Royal Highness." The voice was calm and calm, without mentioning the cultivation base. The expression and demeanor he showed at this moment made people unable to help but give birth to something. admire.

Princess Hongxia's eyes flashed with surprise. As a royal bloodline, she has lived in intrigue since she was a child. She has the eyesight of a far ordinary person, and she can easily see that the repair of Weiyang City in front of her is definitely not a deliberate act to attract attention. It is the natural expression of having a strong and confident heart.

Her eyes flickered slightly, and she looked at City Lord Wei Yang.

Shao Yang's face had no discoloration, and he glanced at Xiao Chen with a deep meaning.

The real power behind Cuiyunju is City Lord Weiyang. He naturally knew some information about Xiao Chen. He thought he was a young powerhouse of other tribes, but now he is acting in the name of the repair of Weiyang City. I'm afraid it's a bit tricky.

"Ah! Your Highness, Daoist Xiao Chen is a young and powerful newcomer to Weiyang City. He has not had time to go through the naturalization procedures, but since he admires His Majesty and is willing to ask Daoist Siyuan for advice, you should give him a chance."

City Lord Weiyang is a sophisticated character, and he naturally doesn't want to get involved in a close relationship with Xiao Chen before he knows the identity and background of Xiao Chen, so as not to cause trouble in the future. Now Xiao Chen, who seems to be a recommendation, has completely picked Weiyang City. Even if he is out of the basket in the future, it will not be implicated on him.

Princess Hongxia hesitated a little, then smiled and nodded, "Since Daoist Xiao Chen is interested, this palace naturally can't chill Daoist friends."

"Just as Si Gongzi said, as long as a fellow Taoist can shake him with one blow without defeat, he can become one of the followers of this palace."

Xiao Chen nodded, raised slowly at this moment, and said faintly: "If this shot can't defeat this person with a single blow, immediately turn around and leave." The voice was calm, but like a huge boulder crashing into the lake, it instantly caused endless shock. Tao.


"Dare to look down on Si Yuan so, this person will definitely die miserably!"

"In Xiaoxiao Weiyang, there are people who dare to speak like this!"

"If you can't let him suffer a bit today, you and I will be damaged as the followers of the princess!"

"Si Yuan, take the initiative to teach this kid, so that he knows what the sky is!"

The followers of Princess Hongxia scolded one after another, showing irritation. Even Tang Minghuang and others sitting on the high chair could not help but frown slightly, and their expressions were slightly gloomy.

Si Yuan's face was cold. Although his heart was turbulent, he was not affected by the anger, but his eyes became extremely harsh, and his body exuded a fierce anger, "Xiao Chen, today you will definitely pay for your stupidity!"

Before drinking, the young powerful man in the royal city roared, and the terrifying earth element power aura surged from his body, and the rich earth yellow aura burst into the sky, turning into a violent bear phantom in the tumbling, and roaring upwards. !

This is the vision that the Si family's bloodline will be stimulated to the extreme, and it will only elicit when the cultivation base is exhausted. Obviously this Si Yuan has already moved real anger, and he will do his best!

"Si Yuan, the boy's aura is stronger, it seems that the breakthrough is not far away."

"Although it is the peak cultivation base of crossing the tribulation, but using the supernatural powers to break the thousand army, and with the blood in the upper body, this Siyuan Xeon is infinitely close to the mid-Mahayana cultivator's shot power."

"Even if the repair of Weiyang City does not die this time, I am afraid that he will suffer a lot."

The followers sneered.

"Supernatural powers, break the thousand army!" Si Yuan yelled. Although it is the same supernatural power, the power has soared by more than several times compared with the previous shots. The whole body's earth elements gathered in the left hand, making a fist and blasting forward!


Like a muffled thunder suddenly exploded, the mighty energy suddenly exploded from one point, turned into layers of falling waves, and swept forward frantically.

Xiao Chen lifted it, and the green robe was aroused by supernatural powers, hunting and hunting, and the darkness flew around behind his back, but there was a calm color in his dark eyes.

Raise your hand, make a fist, silently, a punch forward!

The power is exhausted, the fist falls, and the thick mountain-like aura suddenly explodes from it. The rich and yellow aura of the earth gathers into an earth-colored fist print, about a hundred meters in size, like a small mountain that moves with a slam, and goes forward indefinitely!

With earth-based magical powers, force the Si family's stunt to break through the army!


The two magical powers met in an instant, and the terrifying sound suddenly exploded from the point of contact between the two. In the gathering of countless lights, the hundred zhang fist imprints went upstream, brazenly blasting the layers of the soil system into pieces. , Went straight to Si Yuan to fall!

Si Yuan's face was distressed, and his eyes showed hopelessness.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, and his robe sleeves waved at this moment.

That Baizhang fist mark suddenly stopped at a distance of less than a hundred meters from Si Yuan, and then turned into an endless earth element, and the spiritual power spread out like a river bursting a bank, but even so, this supernatural power carrying aura still blew down.


Si Yuan's face instantly turned pale, his head spurted blood, his body was as if hit by a mountain head, he was directly smashed out of the disturbing field, and he ended up just like the seven Weiyang city monks who had been severely injured before.

The entire campus was silent for an instant, and after a few breaths suddenly burst into cheers!

From the view of the monk in Weiyang City, Master Xiao Chen's shot represented the entire Weiyang City, and he severely taught the arrogant monk from the Royal City, and made a big face for us. At this moment, the cheers are naturally from the heart.

Shao Yang's eyes were surprised, but his face was involuntarily smiling, and his face was faint.

Although Xiao Chen's background identity is unknown, what he now represents on the surface is the face of Weiyang City. Xiao Chen won the victory cleanly, and his Lord of the City naturally has a bright face.

Princess Hongxia's eyes lit up, and she didn't look at the severely injured Si Yuan for a moment. Her eyes flashed with a look of obvious interest and looked towards Xiao Chen. He could easily and directly severely injured Si Yuan. This person's strength was absolutely extraordinary!

As for the followers of one kind, at this moment, they were all silent as if they were pinched their necks, looking at each other, still in disbelief.

Si Yuan was defeated, and there was no strength to fight back so completely. At this moment, no matter what they thought, they looked at Xiao Chen, but they all showed awe.

Tang Minghuang frowned, with a gloomy color in his eyes, and then sneered, "The shot severely injured Si Yuan. Even if Jiang Zicheng has never dealt with this cousin, he absolutely cannot stay out of the matter today."

"Jiang Zicheng makes a move, so I will sit on the sidelines for now, and then decide how to act."

Xiao Chen's expression was calm and he didn't mean to be happy. Using his cultivation base to defeat a Mahayana war-power cultivator, there was really nothing worth boasting about, but at this moment, there was a sudden low voice. , "His Royal Highness, if Jiang wants to make a move, he asks Daoist Xiao Chen for advice, and asks His Highness for permission."

On the seat of the colonel, an ordinary-looking man got up, politely saluting, his eyes churning.

Wangcheng Jiang Family, Jiang Zicheng! As a protagonist loyal to the royal family, Jiang Zicheng is the most enthusiastic follower of Princess Hongxia. He has a very strong cultivation base. Rumor has it that he has reached the late Mahayana stage. He has amazing powers of fire and is one of the most powerful contenders. One.

Princess Hongxia frowned, obviously a little hesitant in her heart, but she nodded slowly after a few breaths. Although Xiao Chen's performance was good enough, she could not compare with Jiang Zicheng or the status of the entire Jiang clan in her heart. So knowing that he took this shot with hatred, she still did not refuse.

Jiang Zi took a step forward, and his figure appeared directly on the colonel's court. "Although I can't understand Si Yuan's arrogant face, he is my cousin after all. If you hurt him, you hit me in the face. It hurts the face of my Jiang clan, so I have to take action today."

"Xiao Chen, if you can get out of my hands safely today, today's affairs will be wiped out, otherwise you can only blame your bad life."

The person spoke in a low voice, his voice was sharp, and the chill was tumbling.

Leaving the underground world requires the power of the bereaved family, so Xiao Chen chose to enter the royal family's sight, get attention and blend into it, search for everything he needs, otherwise he would waste time here.

Only defeating a follower of Mahayana realm combat power, although not weak, is obviously not enough to get the royal family's attention.

The best solution now is to defeat the stronger monks, and this Jiang Zicheng is obviously a good choice.


[The third update is now complete. Let me tell you something, Zongheng just launched a special chat Tucao "Zonghengchao", which is quite interesting, I have already settled in~ Everyone, hurry up and follow me, just click on the attention behind the author name of the book page. It is said that the top ten fans There are also rewards, hehe, link link: t./】

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