Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 330: Gen Hinomoto

Xiao Chen lifted, and the different colors flashed in the dark eyes. "Since Jiang Daoyou spoke, how can this place disappoint the Dao friends, please. Bayi Chinese [[ W> W ?.) 8) 1 ] Z> W? .COM ”

Jiang Zicheng took a deep look at Xiao Chen, then smiled, "Okay! Xiao Chen Daoyou really refreshed, just because of this, today's shots will definitely not hurt Daoyou's life."

Xiao Chen arched his hand, "I will also show mercy to my men."

Needle-point Maimang, rivalry, neither of them fell a little bit behind.

Jiang Zicheng's shot attracted the attention of all the monks on the campus, and even the many famous followers also showed their solemn meaning on their faces.

The Wangcheng Jiang family is one of the most powerful aids to help the Zucheng royal family in the world. It has always been mysterious and hidden. Jiang Zi became famous very early, but his behavior has always been low-key and few people saw him. Even though Princess Hongxia's many followers fought in secret, he only shot once.

In the South China Sea tribe, the famous master Xiaoyuan Mingyuan fought in front of Princess Hongxia and severely damaged the Wangcheng Tao master.

On the third day after the event, Jiang Zicheng made his appointment on the top of Luoyun Mountain in the South China Sea tribe. No one knows the course of this battle. However, it was a matter of public notice that the famous monks in the late Mahayana period were taken away by famous monks.

Now, this is his second shot in public!

The smile on Jiang Zicheng's face converged instantly, a robe sleeve waved, and the body burst into an endlessly hot atmosphere. The blackness of his head instantly turned into red, like a tumbling and jumping flame!

The survivors repaired the five-element magical power, and the family of Jiang fired. It is rumored that long ago, in order to establish the royal status of the royal city, the ancestors of the Jiang family once ignited an endless sea of ​​fire, burning and killing 23 wild ancient powers. And the magical power he cast is the fire system to determine the sky. When it is cast, the black becomes red and bloody, like flame.


"Refine the sky!"

There are no shortage of truly top-level tribal young men on the campus. They have a good background and naturally high vision. The well-known Wangcheng Jiang family became well-known and supernatural. They naturally know that their faces have changed greatly.

"I did not expect that Jiang Zicheng actually touched the power of the origin. No wonder he could easily defeat Mingyuan." Tang Minghuang lowered his eyes slightly, full of gloom. Now that he is not weak, he is still one step away from the origin. !!

"Jiang Zicheng actually mastered the practice of refining the sky. It is worthy of being called the best junior monk in the tens of thousands of years by Wang Jiang's family. This degree of practice is faster than you and me." Meaning, "The dog that really doesn't bark is the best."

The last sentence of this article completely exposed his naked envy and jealousy.

Demon Yeru, soaked in blood.

Lonely blood lotus, born in the bloodline of the orphan family of the Beihai tribe, has stepped to the present day by virtue of his inferior qualifications, and has become the next generation of the orphan's well-known successor in power with a cold temper. The families of the two parties have a cooperative relationship among the North Sea tribe, and the relationship is closer. Otherwise, they will not share a car.

"Jiang Zicheng is difficult to deal with. If I take a shot, the result will be five or five."

When Situ Jianxin heard the words, he suddenly turned his head, his face full of grief and indignation, just like the little daughter-in-law who was abandoned, "Lorse lotus, you have mastered the source? How can I not know this!"

Lonely Lotus face was cold, "The level that I have only recently touched suddenly has not been fully grasped."

Situ Jianxin asked the question silently.


"The Jiang family is a force that my Wangcheng family must not give up." Princess Hongxia remembered the words of her father and finally revealed her meaning.

Jiang Zicheng doesn't show the landscape on weekdays, and she doesn't even know anything about controlling the origin. Thinking of the low-key Jiang family for many years, I don't know how much power is hidden in the secret.

"It's a pity that Xiao Chen has offended Jiang Zicheng by chance. Fortunately, through this incident, this palace has helped him understand his practice, and maybe he will change his attitude towards him in the future." Princess Hongxia's eyes flashed a little different colors.

As for Xiao Chen, since he is destined to be ridiculed, there is no use value, and naturally there is no need to waste my heart.


Xiao Chen lifted, looking at the sky full of red clouds, his face was dignified.

Origin of Fire!

He was very familiar with this kind of breath. He did not expect that a tribal young strong man in the middle of the bequest had already appeared. Although not strong, it was enough to shock him!

It should be noted that the entire human race in the spiritual realm has only a few dozen masters who have the power to set foot in the ancient times. It seems that the underground survivors have multiplied over a long period of time, and they still have the power to think about it!

Even so, this Jiang Zicheng is still not his opponent.

He also has the origin of fire!

He reached out with one hand and slammed it against the sky.

Supernatural, Juxing!

The whole sky suddenly fainted, the yin and yang reversed, and the stars appeared, and the faint stars fluttered down.

The southern fire belongs to the stars. At this moment, it suddenly flourishes. Countless crimson lights are scattered from it. Like flames, the lights of the other three stars are pressed down and converged into a cluster, turning into a thousand-foot-sized Suzaku phantom. Eyes stunned.

Xiao Chen pointed out and fell directly to the Suzaku's shadow, "As the owner of the origin of my fire, I will give you the origin of fire, manifest the power of ancient Suzaku, burn the sky and cook the sea, and destroy the life!"

With one finger, the source of fire suddenly shot out, crossing the endless space, and directly merging into the Suzaku virtual shadow.

With the blessing of the power of the source, Suzaku's virtual shadow lifted up and shouted, and the body suddenly burst into flames, causing the entire sky to become red, and the temperature of the whole sky rose madly with an amazing degree!


"The origin of fire!"

Countless monks whispered, and the shock on their faces was hard to hide!

Tang Minghuang's pupils contracted violently, his fists clenched in his robe sleeves, his face suddenly became extremely gloomy, and his eyes became cloudy for a while. Obviously, his thoughts were turning quickly, and he kept quiet for a long time.

Take control of the origin and be destined to set foot in the realm of the ancient wasteland. This kind of people, regardless of the royal family or the four major tribes, are the objects that they strive to win!

This time the monk of the Tang family could only be given up for being humiliated. Because of trivial matters, it was obviously stupid to be against a destined wild ancient power!

"Origin has become a Chinese cabbage on the roadside. Grandma was seen three by Lao Tzu within a day, and the most important thing is that this kind of Chinese cabbage has not been obtained yet. Sure enough, people are dying than others, and goods are lost! Situ Jian's heart was full of sadness and pitiful expression, but he did not get the slightest attention of the only audience in this way.

A glowing glow burst out in the eyes of the lone blood lotus. Looking at this familiar look, Situ Jian suddenly felt a chill in his heart, shaking Lingchi with a chill, and carefully retracting his body, he didn't want to become hyperactive. The victim of a lone lotus in the hands.

"The confrontation of the original power is really powerful, and this feeling is really good." Lonely Lotus murmured, showing a touch of ruddy, "No matter who wins today, I will challenge him!"


For the first time, Princess Hongxia's face was dignified, and she finally understood why Xiao Chen could maintain enough confidence when facing her!

The power of the source, he actually mastered the source!

The survivors live in vast and vast underground space. In this case, the monks are forced to devote more energy to the magical powers, and the unique environment, so the odds of the five elements in the survivors are far from being felt. Out of spirit level.

But even so, including the royal family and the four major tribal tribes, there are no more than a hundred people in the ancient times. Most of them are accumulated over a long period of time. Very few young people can master the source!

Xiao Chenzhan's exposure to the source of fire has completely attracted the attention of Princess Hongxia!


"Monk of the Origin!" Wei Yangcheng's face was particularly shocked, and he took a deep look at Xiao Chen, all of which meant bitterness, to know that he had been trapped at the summit of Mahayana for tens of thousands of years.

"Fortunately, there was no conflict with him before, and the recommendation has something to do with him. Now, Xiao Chen is also a monk in Weiyang City!"

The school-level city can get out of a barren land, and Weiyang City's status in the surrounding cities of the East China Sea tribe will naturally rise greatly, and his face as the city owner will be naturally glorious.

Thinking of this, Shao Yangcheng's face suddenly showed a little smile.

Today ’s victory is no longer important. Mastering the source is enough to attract Princess Hongxia ’s attention. Even if Xiao Chen wants to leave afterwards, I am afraid that Princess Hongxia may not let him go. This is a source monk. There is absolutely nothing to do. There are too many forces, even the king city!


Jiang Zicheng's face turned into prudence in an instant. He did not expect that in this small Weiyang city, he could meet a peer monk who had mastered the origin of fire, and a long-lost hot battle was born from his heart!


He only needs victory!

Today, when Xiao Chen was defeated in one fell swoop, he could stand up to his prestige and even be favored by Princess Hongxia!

This was the opportunity he was waiting for. He had thought that he could only get it in the East China Sea handsome city.

As for failure, he had never thought about the power of the ancestral sky left by the ancestors. He could know what kind of mighty power Jiang Zi could explode from the source of fire. This Xiao Chen was absolutely unable to resist, and he was bound to be the one who laughed to the last!

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and the last trace of his hand was completely released. After receiving his father's warning for low-key convergence for many years, he exploded his full strength for the first time without any reservation!

"Supernatural power, refining the sky!"

In the roar, Jiang Zi waved his robes and sleeves, and exerted all his strength inside the body.


The whole world shivered in unison, and innumerable hot fire waves suddenly appeared in the void, like a fiery snake that was just tossing, opened its mouth and opened its mouth, and Xi exposed to swept away from Xiao Chen!


Xiao Chen's eyes were blank, his thoughts moved slightly, and Suzaku's virtual shadow bathed in the rising flames flashed fiercely, and his wings fell instantly.

Xiao Chen stepped forward, stepping directly on Suzaku's back, standing with his hands on his back, his eyes twitching.

Suzaku spread his wings and greeted the sweeping waves of fire, without any fear, and turned into a phantom, directly into it!

Among the endless waves of fire, there are Suzaku roaring in a row, and the fiery fiery fire and the surrounding flames are entangled with each other, and the monk in the blue robe stands on it, with a calm face and a glorious age!

In this case, just like the ancient power to control Suzaku to hunt the world, Jiang Zicheng Lianqiang Shentong seemed to set off the background of Xiao Chen, letting this scene look a little more visual impact, making the entire Weiyang City utterly silent. Even Princess Hongxia's eyes flashed with confusion.


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