Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 331: Thoughts reached

Jiang Zicheng's complexion became extremely ugly in a moment, and he hummed in his mouth, suddenly turning into rage in the endless sea of ​​fire, condensing into countless fire snake ghosts, the scales were fine, the teeth were sharp, and they looked like real things. Li Xiao went straight to Suzaku and swallowed away. Bayi Novel [WWW? W] W. 81ZW. Com

Facing the attack of the fire snake, there is no need for Xiao Chen to urge. The eyes of Suzaku under him suddenly show the cold and cruel meaning. The sharp claws, like a knife, grab the fire snake and tear it severely. Pecking, directly smashing the head of the fire snake, the flames are soaring all over, and the feathers are like blood-colored jade. Even if the fire snake flies to bite, it cannot break the feathers defense and cause any damage to Suzaku.

Xiao Chen stands behind Suzaku, but whenever a fire snake rushes into his side, he is blown out with a punch, smashing it directly, understatement, obviously leaving room for more.

Both sides exerted their magical powers of fire origin, flames devouring each other frantically, and both wanted to refine each other, but the battle situation was already in a stalemate. Obviously, neither side could take the absolute upper hand in a short time.

Xiao Chen's original intention was to destroy Kua Cheng and destroy Jiang Zicheng, but he changed his mind after he fired the source of the fire. If he really exploded all the hole cards, it would not be a problem to defeat Jiang Zicheng, but it would certainly attract a lot of suspicion.

Having a separate source of fire may be understood as a gift of great talent and opportunity. Although it will still attract attention, it can also explain the past at will. If it is too bad, it is extremely difficult to get confused.

From Jiang Zicheng's source of fire, Xiao Chen gave endless jealousy to the underground survivors. This survivor who lived alone apparently possessed extremely powerful forces. The ancients, the ancients, and even the highest-level monks of God were all possible. Moreover, what he wanted was only to be recognized by the surviving king city power. Now the power shown is enough, and it is the most wise choice to save a few more card shields.

Because Xiao Chen deliberately converged, this caused the phenomenon that the two are evenly matched at the moment.

If Princess Hongxia isn't an idiot, she should be shooting now.

"Jiang Zicheng and Xiao Chen, two Taoist friends, please leave for the time being. The end of today's war, both are the most important followers of Hongxia. Do not hurt the peace because of some small things." Princess Hongxia laughed and said, The flickering light of Jiao's body fell directly into the campus.

Jiang Zicheng's eyes flashed a little unwilling, but he did not dare to let His Royal Highness enter the battlefield between him and Xiao Chen's source of fire. With a wave of his robe sleeve, the power of the source of fire was recovered, and the endless flames disappeared.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, his mind moved slightly, and Suzaku suddenly disintegrated into the sky, and the spiritual power blasted into the void, and the figure floated to the ground.

Princess Hongxia's lotus feet stepped on the ground, bringing a scent of fragrance, and the taste was appropriate. It would not make people feel a little bit impatient. Watery eyes fell on Jiang Zicheng, and the color of mourning flashed. "Zicheng Brother When I grew up with Hongxia, I would never hide anything from me. Now that I have mastered the power of the source, I have never mentioned it. If I had n’t met Xiao Chen ’s friends today, I do n’t know when you would hide it. ”

Jiang Zicheng's eyes flashed intoxicated, and a cold and embarrassing meaning appeared on his cold face. "His Royal Highness is heavy, Jiang also took a key step to the roots under the opportunity not long ago, and did not intentionally hide his highness. Originally, I wanted to wait until the mastery of the practice was strong and then tell the Highness. "Although he explained calmly on his mouth, the meaning of excitement in his eyes was difficult to hide, and most of the coldness in his body disappeared instantly.

Princess Hongxia covered her mouth and smiled. "When I was a kid, I became the elder brother to call me Hongxia. Now that I grow up, I seem to have a lot of talents. Now Her Royal Highness takes a bite."

At this point, the woman's eyes stared at Jiang Zi, and she did not continue to say more, but the intimacy revealed in her tone was enough for Jiang Zi to smile, and a trace of impatience disappeared in her heart.

On the campus, the followers showed envy and jealousy at the same time, but they are not the same level of monks as they have set foot in their roots, and it is understandable that they can win the favor of His Royal Highness!

You must practice well. Depending on what the current practice is, you are eager to compete with others for your next high family, Fangze.

Xiao Chen saw all this in her eyes, and could not help but glance at the Princess Hongxia. The woman said a few words to dispel Jiang Zicheng's unwillingness and seemingly casual intimacy, but she could well grasp the scale and did not cause other followers. Dissatisfaction.

This wrist is really smart.

Princess Hongxia turned with a smile, and her eyes fell on Xiao Chen. "Xiao Chen's Dao friends really do not show up. If Dao friends directly reveal their original power, why should they cause a lot of disturbances?"

Seems to blame, but it will not make people boring, but I feel quite comfortable.

Xiao Chen can see that this princess Hongxia should have cultivated some kind of extremely powerful charm magical powers, and she has practiced to a very high level, integrating it into her own words and deeds, but it was inadvertently revealed Style, the more people feel aroused.

However, Princess Hongxia was rather unhappy as Xiao Chen's heart. This method did not affect him naturally. At this moment, she said faintly: "If the source is directly exposed, how will Her Royal Highness know that Jiang Daoyou is in charge of the source. "

Princess Hongxia's eyes flickered. "In this case, this palace should have thanked Xiao Chen for being a friend."

Xiao Chen arched hands without saying a word.

Princess Hongxia didn't get too entangled in the matter with a smile, turned her feet slightly up, and returned to the throne again.

"Xiao Chen's Daoyou rest assured that you can do it in the downward direction. Today, some grievances will be cancelled, and you will ask Daoyou to take it to heart." Jiang Zicheng showed a faint smile on his face. The person who was still murderous before, suddenly changed his face It can be seen that the state of mind is not ordinary.

Xiao Chen nodded, "As long as Daoyou puts down the matter, Xiaomou will naturally have no more entanglement."

Jiang Zicheng laughed "Haha", "Xiao Chen's Dao friends really talked fast, but for the time being, I will have time to talk to Dao friends later." The word turned down, the man turned back to the seat directly, his face was calm, and he couldn't see the slightest joy angry.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, but his heart was sneer. When he had not shot before, this Jiang Zicheng might really have planned to take a lesson to save his life, but after he showed the origin of the fire, the person was completely moved. Killing intentions, although well concealed now, have nothing to do with Xiao Chen, who has the origin of killing.

In the future, it is best to have nothing to do with each other. If this person dares to think anything, he will blame him for being ruthless!


After half a day, after a little rest, Princess Hongxia's frame continued to move forward. After leaving Weiyang City, they had to drive for several days in a row, and then arrived at the last stop of the tour-the East China Sea handsome city.

Xiao Chen has now obtained the status of a follower and has been given a beautiful car. Two beautiful waitresses are on the side, and she shows a look of picking by Ren Jun. However, Xiao Chen ignored them and entered the car lightly. In a word, they chased them down in the slightly grieving eyes of the two beautiful ladies, just like the surrounding guards, and needed to rely on their own cultivation to follow the team.

The bright and beautiful princess team left slowly in the attention of countless monks in Weiyang City, and eventually turned into a small black spot at the end of the line of sight, and then disappeared completely.

"We actually have an adult who has set foot in Weiyang City. It is really my glory that lifts the city up and down!"

"Adult Xiao Chen has succeeded in becoming a follower of Her Royal Highness Princess. In the future, she may not have a chance to step up to the sky and become a horse. By then, my Weiyang City will be greatly exposed."

"Yes, yes, from the point of view, Xiao Chen is young and promising, and it is a perfect match with Her Royal Highness!"

"Haha, it's been a long time since this happened, but from today on we're afraid that Weiyang City will really be famous!"

The monks at the city gate left one after another, and the topics mostly revolved around Xiao Chen and Her Royal Highness. As for the other followers, please, they are monks of Weiyang City, naturally speaking to their own people, not to mention that Xiao Chen is still here today. They gave Weiyang City a big face, and it would be even more embarrassing to talk about it in the future.

Hai Qing stood in the inconspicuous corner at the corner of the city gate, trying hard to stop the tears that wanted to fall. The original name of the adult was Xiao Chen. The original was the princess Hongxia, who was like an ordinary woman like her. Can't get the eyes of an adult.

But this is nothing. As an adult, of course, only Her Royal Highness can match, she is not sad at all, it is to be happy for the adult, yes, to be happy.

Hai Qing tried to show a smile and turned to walk home. Today, in order to take care of his father, his mother stays at home. They don't know anything about the adults yet, so please tell them quickly.

Qian Ying gradually drifted away, there was a faint surprise.


"His Highness, Xiao Chen chased the two nieces you gave away from the car cymbals. For several days, she never closed the door. She never left the car cymbals half a step, and her track was not suspicious." .

Princess Hongxia's beautiful eyebrows wrinkled slightly and waved her hand. The maid stood up and stepped back a few steps, carefully exiting the car.

"What do you think of this matter?"

A soft voice came out, but in this car alone, I didn't know who to ask.

But at this moment, the space at the end of the soft couch was slightly distorted, and a slightly haggard figure appeared from it. After seeing it clearly, it turned out to be a pale old man with white hair and a weak face on his face. Looks like, at this moment, he raised his eyelids and said, "His Royal Highness does not think that this person is a little strange? And in the past few days, the old slave has secretly investigated the identity of the person, and learned from the Hai family that the person was the earliest Appeared near the Tongtian River, and then reappeared as Weiyang City, and the information forward was nowhere to be found. This kind of talented young strong man, no matter what ethnic origin, cannot be unknown to this day. "

Princess Hongxia nodded slightly, "Since you can't find a clue, don't show the same thing for the time being. In order to avoid accidents, I trouble my mother-in-law to secretly make some movements of this person to avoid accidents."

"Old slave obeys." The old sister nodded, and the figure disappeared again in silence.

Princess Hongxia stretched her waist lazily and looked up. The handsome city of East China Sea was not far away.


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