Dong Shuai Zhou Enyi glanced at the old man who looked inconspicuous, and then smiled slightly, "It is said that His Royal Highness traveled around the world, and he has attracted a lot of followers from the famous family. The role of Zhong Longfeng, I am remote from the handsome sea in the East China Sea, and some unintelligible boys are very obsessed with enthusiasm. I have a heart in my heart to wait until the hall comes down and fight with the followers around you. Bayi Chinese W} W) W].> 8? 1] Z & gt; W]. & Gt; C] OM "

Speaking of this, the person's eyes flickered a little, "I don't know what His Royal Highness is like, right is the entertainment in the banquet, it should be a special arrangement to welcome His Royal Highness."

The whole hall suddenly quieted down at this moment. Whether talking in a whisper or drinking and eating, the drinker stopped all movements at the same time, his eyes turned around, and a secret voice came in his heart, came!

Princess Hongxia beckoned gracefully, the messenger slightly hesitated and walked in obedience.

Reached out to raise the wine glass, raised the swan neck's white and pink neck, and drank a sip of top-quality grape wine. The pink and pretty face suddenly showed a little ruddy color, and then chuckled. "Since it was what Uncle Wang said, How can Hongxia refuse? All that is to follow Uncle Wang's arrangements is. "

Zhou Enyi raised his palm and smiled, "Take care of the Shuaifu battlefield, and the Shuai will have to stand on the stage to watch the battle with your Highness. Dear friends, today I am afraid it will be a big feast for the eyes!"

Princess Hongxia bowed her head slightly, and the pink powder in her robe sleeve grasped the punch.


"Today's battle is just to learn the school art, not to hurt the opponent's life, otherwise His Royal Highness and the coach will never be light-hearted!" Zhou Enyi waved his hand and signaled that it could begin.

A number of heads of the East China Sea tribe suddenly came to the spirit. They merged with Shuaifu and shared common interests. It is already an inseparable relationship. They either flew into the sky with Shuaifu, or they were beaten down by the dust. Although this battle is not real, it is also the first confrontation between Shuaifu and Wangcheng, which is of great significance. It has many advantages over the morale surge, but in the event of defeat, it may be the case. It will be self-defeating.

But now that Dong Shuai has spoken, he must have been fully prepared. If so, then let's rest assured to watch a lively event.

"The Donghai tribe travels to Fengzi, and is willing to be the first person to take the shot. I don't know which Taoist friend came to enlighten me?" A young strong man from the tribe of the Donghai tribe stepped forward and said in a loud voice.

Emperor Tang Minghuang frowned slightly at this moment, suddenly arched his hand at the moment and said, "Master Dongshuai, since it is a school art exchange, I don't know how to divide a victory or defeat? And since it's a shot, there must be some bright spots in the end, I don't know Dongshuai What do adults think of these words? "

"The descendants of Tang Taizu of the Xihai tribe are indeed the dragons and phoenixes of the people. This statement is quite reasonable, but it is the negligence of the coach. It is not good for you to give your effort in vain." Zhou En's thought was a little bit, and his hand flashed slightly A dagger appeared directly in the hand.

"The sword is called Heijue, but it is only a magic weapon for the Yuan infant period. The rank is naturally rare. However, this thing is my royal ancestor, who was given the magic weapon by Zhou Tianzi, contaminated the heavenly spirit, and even suppressed the gas. Things. "

"Today's boss will use this thing as a reward. Whoever can stand to the end in this matchup today will own the black baron sword."

The sound fell, and the whole hall was dead.

The Black Lord Sword is a trustworthy treasure that symbolizes the supreme status of the East China Sea tribe. It is a treasure given to Zhou Tian in the ancient times. It can suppress longevity and is extremely valuable. It has always been only available to children of the Shuaifu family. After a battle, no one expected that Dong Shuai would suddenly come up with this thing!

This bet is too big!

Princess Hongxia's face changed slightly, and a moment of confusion flashed under her eyes. Then she was forcibly depressed, slightly lowered, and a faint smile appeared on her face after a few breaths. "Since Uncle Wang is so interested, how can Hongxia Behind, this object is called Jiufeng Tongtianpei. It is a treasure protected by the children of the royal family after being blessed by the ancestral shrine. Although they do not move the army, they can pass through the city without any restrictions, although they are not as good as the king. My uncle's Black Lord Sword was barely able to be a bet. "

Princess Hongxia opened her mouth, and the monk's face in the fighting arena froze for a moment, then she showed incredible color.

Wang Cheng is the unified emperor. He is the emperor of the surviving family. The son of the clan will be awarded the Jiufeng (Kowloon) Tongtianpei when he is born. The man holds it as the highest honor for the status. There is another important role!

When the royal daughter marries, Jiufeng Tongtianpei will give a married man as a token of affection. Although it will lose the supreme power to order the royal army, it can still freely enter and leave the royal city and even the palace, representing the highest glory.

And this is a striking coincidence with what Princess Hongxia said before .. Who knows if she meant something or inadvertently, but at the moment Jiang Zicheng, Tang Minghuang, and even Situ Jianxin, Lone Blood Lotus, etc. At the same time, he was provoked!

This opportunity, whether true or false, must not be missed! Originally, there were still dissatisfied monks in the hearts of the young strong men who faced the East China Sea tribe. At this moment, all the thoughts had converged, and their eyes were glowing! If you can marry Princess Hongxia, you will have the absolute upper hand in the battle between the four clans in an instant, and you can even annex the power of the king city, soaring power!

This temptation could not help them not do their best, it seems that today is not desperate!

Emperor Tang Ming has not yet returned, and he opened his fists directly at the moment. "Youdao friends, I will ask for advice in the first battle today, please!"

The faces behind Jiang Zicheng and others became extremely ugly. They were already at an absolute disadvantage because of a slow reaction. If Emperor Tang Ming could destroy the deadly battle to the end, would they have let such an opportunity out! But now that things are settled, they have no choice but to press their minds, but in their hearts they look forward to the Emperor Tang Ming's early defeat!

Xiao Chen frowned. Although he was not very clear about the meaning of Hei Juejian and Jiufeng Tongtianpei, it was not difficult to see the value of these two things from the reactions of the people, but it was because of this that he let him know fear!

Dong Shuai Zhou Entropy Banquet has no good feast, and now suddenly takes such a heavy treasure as a bet, obviously has absolute confidence in today's war!

As for Tang Minghuang and others, they may not have seen this, but now they have a good opportunity. No matter what, they also have to take a chance to win a prize. Of course, they are all very happy to win. Even if they lose, there is no danger of death.

This opportunity should be fought!

Dong Shuai Zhou En smiled on his face. "You boy, if you don't see this kind of opportunity now, you should take it well. If you miss something you will not regret in the future."

You Fengzi politely salutes, "Master Dongshuai rest assured that the younger generation will surely make every effort to add face to my Donghai tribe."

Speaking of which, the man suddenly turned around, his eyes cold, "Tang Daoyou, please enlighten me!"

Emperor Tang Ming's face showed a dignified meaning, and he drank a low voice. The body suddenly burst into endless sharpness, like a sword out of a sheath, and innumerable powers of gold spirits gathered in an instant above the void.

Above that endless blade, a white tiger ghost slowly emerged, all white, with a king character scattered in the eyebrows, Ling Ran pulled up, the murderous breath whistled overwhelmingly!

The Tang family of the Xihai tribe, the five elements belong to gold, and heavy killing and cutting, most of them contain the meaning of killing! Now that the supernatural power has not exploded, the white tiger vision has been induced to manifest, which shows that its golden supernatural power is extremely powerful!

You Fengzi, a descendant of the Donghai tribe, a family of five elements, although not well-known, is a rare young strong among the entire tribe. Otherwise, today, he will not be invited by Dong Shuai to participate in today's war. In the face of the Emperor Tang Ming ’s breath, The man had no fear on his face, and was as thick as a mountain breath breaking out of the sky. The earth's yellow light burst into the sky, and converged into a virtual shadow of a mountain in the tumbling. A giant tortoise struck it, looking up at the sky.

Ancient tortoises have existed in the world. They are earth-like beasts, known as basalt, and have a long life span comparable to the sun, moon, and stars, the main defense, and the solidity of the carapace.

The Five Elements Golden Spirit, the most attacked, the Lord killed!

The five elements of the earth, defensive respect, good at resisting!

This battle can be called a conflict of contradictions. The breath of both sides is explosive, but it is in a state of equal rivalry, and no one can prevail.

Tang Minghuang's pupils contracted slightly, which caused him to feel a great deal of pressure from the other side. This feeling of being suppressed in the atmosphere gave him a very unpleasant premonition, and his face became extremely gloomy!

The tribe of the East China Sea was a nameless monk, and it was so rampant!

But now that the arrow is on the string, he has retreated!

"White tiger, the claws are cracking, and the tail is swinging!"

Emperor Tang Ming roared, repairing as many explosions as he could without his life. The white tiger phantom that emerged from the power of the golden spirit above the void suddenly roared to the top of the sky, tigers covered the sky, fierce and domineering, and his body was wrapped in an endless sharp blade. Turned into a pale white shadow, whistling and smashing out!

"Xuanwu, suppress the earth, the shell is supernatural!"

The white tiger attacked, You Fengzi looked calm, and did not show the slightest panic. He waved his hand, and the basal eyes on his head flashed fiercely. The limbs and necks shrank into the carapace, and the body hovered like a grinding disk.


Above the clouds, white tigers and basalts fought fiercely, the power of the golden spirit and the power of the earth spirit filled the void, making the entire sky into silver and yellow, and the entire sky was divided into two, each occupying half of the sky.

At the junction, the two lines of spirits collided madly, the gold spirit was extremely sharp, the earth spirits were deep and heavy, and the attributes of the two sides were completely opposed. The killing went directly into the fever stage. The white tiger roared continuously, but with the claws drawn, the giant tail swept away. It can explode an endless force of destruction, but can not cause any substantial damage under the basalt carapace defense.

Xiao Chen lifted up, looking at the magical powers of the two sides in the battlefield, with a solemn expression on his face. This magical power that gathered the corresponding attributes of the beast with the power of the five elements was the second time he saw it, and he could perform this magical power before mastering the origin. It can be seen that the survivors absolutely have amazing control ability in the evolution of the Five Elements Superpowers, and can explode extremely powerful fighting forces to make up for the weakness brought by the scarcity of magic weapons.

However, the war situation seems to be evenly matched at the moment, but he can see clearly in his mind, if nothing unexpected, Tang Minghuang will be defeated.


[Third change, today's update is complete. Goodbye everyone, tomorrow. 】

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