Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 336: Battle of the Origins

Things were as expected by Xiao Chen. After a few moments of turning his mind, the white tiger virtual shadow claws fell on the basalt carapace above the void, but this time the basalt virtual shadow did not step back to resolve the situation and took advantage of the blow Can resist as much as possible, the neck protruded from the carapace instantly, the mouth opened wide, biting fiercely on the neck of the white tiger. ? Bayi Chinese? W) W> W). ] 8] 1] Z] W>. ) C) O> M]

With this shot, quickly and accurately, all the tips were included. The successful hand bite and never bite, and open the claws deep into the limbs and insert them into the white tiger's body at the same time.


Suddenly there was a white tiger roaring in the void, and the next moment came to an abrupt halt, his body was actually torn by basaltic creatures!


Emperor Tang Minghuang's face turned pale instantly. If his body was slammed back, every step of the fall must talk about the ground that the blessing blessing endlessly provoked layers of aura, and his eyes showed incredible meaning!

He was defeated! Lost in the hands of an unknown East China Sea tribe young man! And one thing is quite clear in his mind, if he was not sympathetic to his opponents, he would never be so easy to get away, even if he did not die, he would be absolutely badly hit!

"Tang Daoyou, let it go!"

You Fengzi's face was calm, without any pride and complacency after winning.

Emperor Tang Ming was gray and silent. He turned around and dropped into the arena. He found a corner and sat down, but never returned to Princess Hongxia.

The Donghai Shuaifu suddenly proposed to send a monk to fight with Princess Hongxia's followers. It also made him angry, thinking that the Donghai Shuaifu was too big, and he wanted to establish their own prestige by defeating monks from all sides. !!

But looking at it now, it is clear that the East China Sea Shuaifu has prepared well, and has hidden a very powerful force secretly! For example, this low-key You Fengzi and the family behind you have never had any reputation, but it is not difficult to guess how powerful they are from behind You Fengzi Xiu!

Now that the battle is defeated, You Fengzi did not take the opportunity to take the shot. Obviously, he was instructed by the Donghai Shuaifu to let them retreat. Do not oppose the Donghai Shuaifu!

Emperor Tang Ming sees this point, thinking that Dong Shuai Zhou Entropy uses the Black Lord Sword as a reward, and it is bitter in his heart. It seems that people have already been fully prepared to take Princess Hongxia.

Dong Shuai Zhou Enyi smiled with a smile, Haha laughed: "You Xiu Xiu, a little bit more advanced, according to this degree, I am afraid that it won't take too long to go further, and my Donghai tribe can make one more A strong name. "

"Feng You Feng Zi is the general of the East China Sea tribe Yunhai, who is in charge of a city of Yunhai and a radius of 1o miles, thinking that it is a prize today!"

Words fell, and there was a burst of congratulations in the arena.

"Congratulations to Dongshuai again!"

"My tribe's talents in the East China Sea are as strong as clouds, and Dongshuai is extremely successful!"

"Open the door to win the first battle, it seems that today's gambling contract must be Dong Shuai win!"

The monks from the Donghai tribe fought against Princess Hongxia's followers. It was already a confrontation between Shuaifu and Wang Cheng in a positive sense. The contradictions between the two parties had become day-to-day. At the moment, the people talked a lot without worrying and became straightforward.

There was a gloom of gloom on Princess Hongxia's cheeky face, and the smile on the corner of her mouth became quite far-fetched, and her heart was already full of endless anger!

The strength of Donghai Shuaifu ’s hidden power is far beyond her imagination. If it is defeated today, it will not only attract the trilateral tribe to threaten the East China Sea tribe ’s calculations, but also make it to the ground. This will make the East China Sea tribe morale and reputation Broadcast!

Wang Cheng and Donghai Shuaifu fell into the downwind for the first time, which will undoubtedly give the impression of Wang Cheng's weakness, which will undoubtedly have a huge impact on the orthodox battle that may explode at any time in the future!

You Fengzi respectfully thanked Dong Shuai for his reward, and his robe sleeve waved like a rainbow, his head emptied and basalt roared, facing Princess Hongxia, "I do n’t know which Taoist is willing to take the next fight!"

Quietly, the whole arena was quiet.

Although Emperor Tang Minghuang has not set foot in his roots, his cultivation is by no means weak among the 1o people. Even if he practiced, he was easily defeated. The rest of the monks dared to shoot at will, otherwise they would end up like the former.

Jiang Zicheng's face was gloomy, his gaze swept away from Princess Hongxia, and the chill in his heart was instantly magnificent. "Since the tour friends are invited, then they will fight against the Tao friends in the next shot!" Flashing, the pedal fell into the arena.

You Fengzi's face changed slightly, and then he gave a gift, saying: "In the battle of Weiyang City, Jiang Daoyou used the source of fire to perform the magic of the sky. The news has already spread to my entire East China Sea tribe. Now I think I am not weak, but I also know It's definitely not a friend of Taoism. "

"So, this battle is about to lose."

Yuluo Feng Youzi stayed there without a step, and took a step back to return to the East China Sea tribal monk, calmly looking.

Although this move admits defeat, but no one laughs at it, instead there is appreciation in his eyes.

The eldest husband can achieve his career if he can bend and stretch!

Jiang Zicheng was a little stunned, and then he returned to peace. "Since the tour buddies confessed their defeat, I don't know which Taoist tribe friend in the East China Sea came to the stage and are in the next battle?" Take control of the source of fire, and train the magical powers of the sky.

Jiang Zicheng sneered secretly, full of confidence in his chest.

Even if the East China Sea tribe also has the original monk, he thinks he can be invincible!

The Donghai tribal monk paused for a while, and then another young strong man fell into the arena. This man looked dull and ordinary. After he came on stage, he said nothing. Jiang Zicheng never thought of the existence of the other party, but now he can't help it. Suddenly changed.

You Fengzi conceded, this person still dares to take the shot, obviously there is something to rely on!

This silent person is actually a source monk!

There is only the source to be able to work hard with the source monks!

"The Donghai tribe's water is Lingyuan." The comer arched his hand, his body's breath slowly spread out, and it continued like a river!

Jiang Zicheng's complexion changed again, and then couldn't help but sink completely.

The Origin of Water!

Water and fire are incompatible, but they are completely opposing forces! No wonder this person dared to take a shot and use the origin of water to deal with the origin of fire, which originally occupied an innate advantage. However, water can extinguish the fire, but if the fire is too strong, you can also burn the river to cook the sea and refine it raw!

"Please!" Jiang Zicheng drank in his mouth, without a pause in his words. The original power of the fire sleeve burst suddenly, and the whole sky suddenly turned into red, and the power of countless fire spirits came together and turned into an endless cloud of fire. .

Throughout the space, the temperature suddenly rises. Even if there are many forbidden and isolated atmospheres in the arena, there is even a trace of hotness, which shows how terrible the temperature is!

"With the origin of fire, gather the endless sea of ​​fire, refining the sky!"

"Supernatural power, refining the sky!"

During the roar, Jiang Zi pulled his hands fiercely, and the endless fire cloud swept up. There were countless fire snakes condensing in the toss, and he went straight to the water Lingyuan and swallowed.


"It is indeed a descendant of the Jiang family. It is indeed a trivial practice to cultivate a body. This refining heavenly magical power has already been three or four minutes long. Even in the face of ordinary monks, this magical power can retreat from the whole body." Dong Shuai Zhou Eni slowly spoke , The face is not without admiration.

Princess Hongxia stabilized her mind, and smiled slightly at the corners of her mouth. "Zicheng Daoyou's cultivation is indeed a trivial matter, but this refining heavenly supernatural mastery is not very mastery, he ca n’t master the importance of his shots. If there is an accident, he still needs Master Dong Shuai shot in time to stop, so as not to cause unnecessary damage. "Now that the face has been torn, Princess Hongxia has spoken a bit more sharply at this moment.

Young Master Zhou Cheng heard a sudden smile on his face, and said lightly: "His Royal Highness may not know yet that Shui Lingyuan is my sister of the East Sea tribe Shuijia, and the teacher inherits the ancient Tianmen Water Channel. After controlling the source, you can borrow the water of the spring , From overcast to cold, even the source of fire may not be able to resist it. "

"Shui Lingyuan already defeated my northern Xinjiang city master of the East China Sea tribe by relying on his own cultivation for a living seven years ago, and the northern Xinjiang city master is a strong man who stepped into the ancient wilderness with the origin of fire."

Dong Shuai Zhou Enyi suddenly waved his hand, "This is the record of the year, and it is boring today, and seeing who can win these two little guys in today's World War I. We must know that the Jiang family's refining sky magic power is definitely The top fire magical powers may not be possible to win. "

Princess Hongxia nodded, but the smile on Qiao's face became extremely stiff.

7 years ago, this water Lingyuan had defeated the wild ancient power that was determined by the source of fire. She doesn't think it was a mess made by the handsome father and son. If this is true, then Jiang Zi will be in danger today. Huh!

Although the power of refining the sky is strong, Jiang Zicheng has only a short time to master the original power. He is far from entering the ancient level, even if he explodes at most, he can only reach the half-step ancient level, which is very different from the real ancient and ancient power. .

In other words, he is definitely not an adversary of this water Lingyuan!


The eyes of Shui Lingyuan suddenly turned into a weird blue color. At first glance, it looked like two oceans without borders. The clothes were windless and automatic, and the power of rich water spirits quickly gathered around its body. The sound of booming.

Lifting suddenly at this moment, looking at the endless sky, raising his hand and pointing forward!

"Call Nine Youquan!"

The deepest part of the earth is the place where Jiuyou is located. It gathers the **** and filthy yin between heaven and earth, and turns into a spring of Jiuyou. There is water in the spring, which is dark and black, from overcast to cold.

The black water spurts from the black spring, which continually gathers over the years, and eventually becomes a vast ocean. It is called the Nine Secluded Sea. It is vast and boundless. It is a forbidden place for living beings. Anything that falls into it will be corroded by the lewd-foul gas and eventually merge into the sea In the meantime, I can never leave.

This is a legendary thing in the world of cultivation. No one has ever seen it before, but now that the water Lingyuan relies on the origin of water, it can actually summon the projection of the Nine Youquan Springs, which can be used to turn the spring water into an enemy magical power. It is amazing. !!

With this person's finger pointing, the endless water spirits in the void gathered wildly, and finally turned into a group of almost black water, hanging in the clouds with a murky atmosphere.

The next moment, the water mass collapsed without warning, and a black hole suddenly appeared in the void. It was extremely dark, and the breath that fell from his eyes seemed to be drawn into it.

This thing is exactly a Nine Youquan!



The water is turbulent-the sound is coming from the spring, getting closer and closer, the cold air erupts from Quankou, and a trace of ice appears on the ground and spreads with a crazy degree. Shrouded!

Suddenly, the black spring water spewed out from the quiet spring!


The dark water of the spring and the crimson flame of fire met in the void, but there was no violent sound from the contact between the two sides. Instead, they began to devour and kill each other in a silent state.

The flames and black water melt into a mass in the void, one is from the sun to the hot, the other from the yin to the cold. The completely opposing power attributes make this silent killing hide the terrifying destruction power!

However, the evenly matched situation has not been maintained for too long. The water is used to defeat the fire, and it is the legendary water of the quiet spring. The endless flames gradually become inferior and the defeat is revealed!

Jiang Zicheng was full of anger, spurting menstrual blood from the wound, blended into the magic power, forcibly enhanced the power of magic power, but still unable to return to the sky. Once in a disadvantage, the infinite flame suddenly collapsed with an amazing degree!


Within the void, the last flame was swallowed and wrapped up by the water of the spring, extinguishing it!

Refining the sky magical powers, broken!


[Latitude and horizontal chat will become an important place for communication in the future. Baozi will notify everyone of the incident. Hehe, I hope everyone pays more attention to my chat. There are thousands of fans, and there are still 400 away from the list. 】

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