Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 337: Imperial palace promises


Jiang Zichengyang spurted a blood, his face suddenly turned white and there was no trace of blood, his body fluttered and fell directly on the battlefield, the whole body appeared pale and passed out. Bayi

Dong Shuai Zhou En's face instantly became gloomy, angrily reprimanded: "Shuijia boy, this handsome said that today ’s war is just a supernatural skill, not to hurt the opponent ’s life, why do you still have to play this heavy hand? What the coach says is not in the eyes! "

Su Lingyuan's face suddenly showed a stunned look, and he said respectfully, "Master Dong Shuai, he didn't know how important the junior shot was, but in fact, he only met the crisis. The junior only care about urging the supernatural power and can still worry a lot. Wait until you want It was too late when it was closed. Fortunately, Jiang Daoyou had never fallen directly into the nine springs, but now it is just a cold and invading body, which will not hurt his life. He can recover after a long period of rest. "

"I also ask Master Dong Shuai to look into the cause of the incident and not to cause any serious calamities."

Dong Shuai Zhou En's brow frowned slightly, and he did not turn his eyes when he groaned. Instead, he looked at Princess Hongxia and showed helplessness. "His Royal Highness, we must not blame the Shuijia boy for everything today. The coach has already scolded him. Your Highness is also requested to be angry. "

The pink palm inside the sleeve of Princess Hongxia became pale due to the clenched grip, but her face calmed down completely, and she said gently, "Since Uncle Wang said so, naturally this palace will not be held accountable, let alone the battlefield Above all, injuries are always inevitable. But I also asked you to help Jiang Daoyou get rid of the coldness in his body so that he could recover sooner. "

When Shui Lingyuan heard nothing, Dong Shuai frowned, and reprimanded coldly: "I do n’t know the rules, I have n’t thanked His Highness for the innocence, and then I helped Jiang Xiaoyou get rid of the coldness!"

"Shui Lingyuan would like to thank His Royal Highness for pardoning his crimes. Immediately, Jiang Lingyou will be able to recover for up to half a year." Shui Lingyuan heard the words bow and salute, raised his hand, and suddenly a large amount of cold breath was exuded from Jiang Zicheng's body.

The cold air was discharged from the body, Jiang Zi turned pale and slightly improved. At this moment, his eyelids slowly opened his eyes, looked deep at the water Lingyuan, turned and walked without leaving the battlefield, staggering.

At this moment, Princess Hongxia's body flickered slightly, her figure appeared directly in front of him.

Jiang Zi showed guilt. "Jiang's incompetence made His Highness laugh."

Princess Hongxia's face was exasperated, "Zicheng's brother is a man who grew up with Hongxia since he was a child. Do you think that Hongxia is the woman who doesn't know how to deal with it! Today, Tang Taoyou and Zicheng's brother are Hongxia Take the shot, regardless of victory or defeat, this friendship Hongxia is in my heart. "

While talking, the woman reached out and held Jiang Zicheng, and walked to the table with him.

This move immediately moved Jiang Zicheng's heart, and even gave birth to an impulse to die for the confidant, but the guilt in his heart was a little heavier.

As for the guests of Shuaifu, although knowing that this will inevitably include the elements of the drama, they still couldn't help giving a little praise.

Princess Hongxia helped Jiang Zi to take a seat. She stretched her hands and closed her ears, turned to look at Dong Shuai, with a faint smile on her face. A vision. "

Dong Shuai Zhou Entropy smiled, "Having His Highness' compliment is also the glory of my East China Sea tribe, but there are only two games today, which is not enough, I wonder if His Highness might send a strong man to fight with the Shuijia kid?"

The whole battlefield was quiet for an instant, and countless lights came together. Princess Hongxia was slightly lower, and the remaining Situ Jianxin and Lonely Lotus changed slightly.

Even though Jiang Zicheng still lost the shot, they didn't do anything to get on the stage. They would end up in a more embarrassing situation. It seems that the East China Sea tribe today wants to show their muscles to deter the three major tribes.

And this is the calculation of the East China Sea Shuaifu.

As the East China Sea tribe that has always been low-key among the four tribes, now that it has been decided to unveil the camouflage of low-keys, there is no need to hide any hidden power! Today's banquet for Shuaifu mainly suppresses the morale of Wangcheng. By the way, it also allows the three tribes to recognize the current situation. Don't play secretly with the battle between Donghai Shuaicheng and Wangcheng.

Now it seems that all these calculations have been achieved.

Princess Hongxia, who represents the Wangcheng line, suddenly went silent, and seemed to have acquiesced in the defeat of today's war. Many Donghai tribal monks in the battlefield suddenly showed embarrassing smiles.

The first head-to-head contest with Wang Cheng. The victory of Shuaifu will undoubtedly greatly boost morale, and it can also have a good starter effect, which is of extraordinary significance.

A bit of helplessness flashed in her mother-in-law's eyes. Today, Princess Hongxia's performance has exceeded her expectations. She can be indifferent to all kinds of provocations. This kind of city government is no longer under immortality, but in strength What can she do to close the absolute gap?

It ’s a hidden mansion in the East China Sea. Although it seems that Wang Cheng has all the information about the East China Sea tribe, the East China Sea tribe still has a large number of hidden forces that have never surfaced.

The war between Wang Cheng and the East China Sea Shuai Mansion is unavoidable.

But at this moment, the princess Hongxia in the silence suddenly lifted up, showing a faint blush on her cheeky face, and the original beautiful face became all over the country, instantly attracting the stunning sight of countless monks. The original beautiful and unusual Princess Hongxia was so shy at this moment. The lethality possessed by the entire person suddenly skyrocketed with an astonishing degree. Even the countless proud and smiling monks of the East China Sea could not help at this moment. Shows intoxication.

"Today ’s battle is ostensibly a battle between Uncle Wang's young powerhouses and followers of this palace, but this palace travels around the world with the order of his father and emperor.

"Hongxia is defeated and she is defeated, but the Son of Heaven is the master of the world and must not be defeated."

Hearing here, Dong Shuai Zhou Enzhou's complexion was deep and moody, and his expression could not help but a slight change in his eyes. Obviously, it was not clear what the meaning of Princess Hongxia's move was.

As for the tribal monks in the East China Sea, their faces suddenly changed, and their eyes revealed incredible meaning. Although the handsome government has begun to officially challenge the status of the king city, there is still a layer of window paper that is not broken. The main reason to be together. But now Princess Hongxia speaks, as if she suddenly reached out and pierced this layer of window paper, unveiling the hostile relationship between the two sides!

This .. what is this way?

Sang mother-in-law suddenly lifted up, and her eyes were equally shocked, but when she was young, she saw that Princess Hongxia grew up and knew her mind very well. She would never do impulsive things because of her mood change. This naturally had her intention.

But even so, she did not step forward half a step under the trace, so even if there was an accident, she could directly protect her Highness from harm.

Regarding the changes in the appearance of the monks around the battlefield, Princess Hongxia seemed to have not even noticed it at all, but still whispered in a whispering way, the sound was like a mountain stream, and it was clearly introduced into the ears of each battlefield monk.

"Today's Emperor Palace promises that no matter who can help the emperor to win, I can get a promise from my Imperial City Palace, as long as it does not harm the society and endanger the lives of the people, the Imperial City Palace can meet any of his conditions!"

"I don't know, among the followers of this palace, is anyone willing to take a shot and fight for my king?"

Princess Hongxia's voice was not high, but it was like a rock breaking in the sky, and set off a stormy sea in the hearts of countless monks!

A promise from the palace?

It sounds simple, but there are countless possibilities.

For small ones, the magical powers can be selected from the Imperial Palace collection.

For the most part, Fengjiang officials became a top character of the ethnic group.

If you have ambitions, you can even speak directly and ask to marry Princess Hongxia ...

Looking at the princess's pretty face and beautiful appearance, the uniform swallowing sound instantly sounded, and the sound was quite amazing. This performance has a hint of taste ...

Situ Jianxin's eyes turned red in an instant. Although he did not love Princess Hongxia to die or live, he said that he had no other thoughts about His beautiful and unparalleled princess, and he did not believe it.

And most importantly, the endless benefits behind this thing.

Wang Cheng's pulse now has only one bloodline of Princess Hongxia, and marrying her is equivalent to indirectly grasping the power of half of the city.

Solitary lotus frowned, kicking one foot on the foot of this guy who had been clearly stunned by the benefits, grinning glaringly at Situ Jianxin's teeth, "If you think you can fight this water, Lingyuan, I will never stop you. "

In a word, this article suddenly lost all its strength!

No matter how unwilling, no matter how resentful, looking at the Ling Ling in the arena, feeling the horror breath overflowing from the spring water, or let him directly wipe out the small thoughts that came from his heart!

However, this kind of opportunity in front of me cannot be grasped.

Situ Jian's heart was tearful.

But at this moment, Yu Guang suddenly saw a figure in his eyes. The silent monk in blue robe frowned tightly at this moment, his face was cloudy and uncertain, and his mind was turning sharply.

A thought crossed his mind like lightning, making him stiff!

Jiang Zi's success or failure, but Princess Hongxia still spoke like this, apparently aware of something? Among them, the strength of each other is clear. Only one person has a deep mysterious history. Although he has been on a par with Jiang Zi, no one knows the specific situation.

Couldn't .. Princess Hongxia said this to him alone!

Xiao Chen frowned and raised her eyes slowly after a moment. She stared at Princess Hongxia. She looked at the woman's eyes and her face was calm. "Can your Highness take this seriously?"

Princess Hongxia's eyes were slightly bright, "Hongxia speaks on behalf of the imperial palace, naturally speaking must do, otherwise the prestige of the imperial palace!" The voice was dull, but all of them were firm.

Xiao Chen nodded and stood up. The next step was the flash of light from outside the body. The figure appeared directly in the arena. It should respond to the innumerable light gathering. Of course, he said, "Xiao Chen, Weiyang City, teaches the magical powers of watercourses."

In a word, it caused countless waves.

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