Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 364: Return to the Spirit World

In the dojo, Xiao Chen suddenly felt restless, suddenly opened his eyes, his face became extremely ugly. Bayi (Chinese 1? Z} W]. > C> OM

Xiu Wei has reached his realm today, and can already produce accurate telepathy about his own related matters. Only then does this feeling come and go, but he has anxiety and anxiety in his heart.

Now he has fallen into the abyss for almost three hundred years, and it has been nearly ten thousand years in the dojo. I do n’t know what the situation is in the spiritual world today.

In the trapped underground world, Xiao Fu has no other support. Has he been insulted in recent years?

Xiao Chen's thoughts hurried in his mind. After a moment, he took a deep breath and suppressed his thoughts. Even if he was not in the human race, there was the Lord of Swords in the ancestral city, the Lord of the Stars, etc. according to Xiao Fu. There should be no accident. .

But no matter what, it has been delayed long enough, and he has no more patience to wait, he must leave the ground as soon as possible and return to the spirit world!

Now Xiao Chen has merged the "Five Elements Origins" dual origins, because he has fully integrated the origins of water and fire with the help of Dalang Taosha Shentong. When he practiced the magic, it was a natural success. It didn't take much effort to complete it.

After the fusion is completed, the fire and water source can be used separately or driven by a new source. This kind of water has fire and water, and the blue and crimson coexist perfectly. Xiao Chen calls it the water and fire source. The name is inverted. Also relevant.

The integrated water and fire source power can be merged into its own supernatural power and burst into Xeon Power, while Xiao Chen already masters the big waves and sands, and it is based on this that the water and fire big wave magic power is derived. Naturally, it will not be difficult for them to directly integrate the complete fusion. The water and fire source is integrated into the big waves and sands. When you shoot directly, you can explode the water and fire waves without going through the source fusion, and its power is still more powerful than before!

As for the King of Thursday, after intermittently consuming more than a hundred blood jade dragon teeth rice, it has reached the final limit of breakthrough. At any time, it is possible to take the last step and officially promote the ancestral state!

And when they finished their promotion, it was the day when Xiao Chen left the underground survivors!

Xiao Chen's brows frowned, and his thoughts twitched, but at this moment, he suddenly lifted up, and his face instantly showed joy.

The dojo has been suffering for nearly 10,000 years, and the King of Thursday finally broke through!

King Zhou Dong completed the first step. Under the traction of the air engine, the last layer of the other three kings' realm was easily broken, and the vast second floor of the entire dojo was instantly filled with mighty coercion.

On Thursday, the king rose to the sky, laughing wildly, rising waves, full of endless ecstasy and joy!

Since the ancient days of spiritual practice, now it has finally achieved ancestral ancient times and reached the level of spiritual peaks. How can it not be exciting!

Xiao Chen stood up and stepped forward. The figure appeared instantly not far from the four people, and the smile on his face was even more felt when he felt the mighty coercion.

"Young Emperor!"

At the same time, the four kings converge, respectfully salute, and have gratitude on their faces. If it was not for the Emperor Shao to give the blood jade dragon tooth rice, perhaps they would stop at the peak of ancient times in this life, how would it be today.

Xiao Chen watched His Majesty's four ancestor ancient servants, waving his robe sleeves, and said with a deep voice, "Be prepared, just wait for the weak tides of the Five Elements of the Tiantian River, and you and I will immediately go up against the current and return to the spirit world!"

"I swear to follow His Royal Highness!"


"Back to the Emperor Shao, according to the Emperor's Palace observations, there will be a low tide in the Tongtian River for a maximum of two months, which will last for about seven or eight days. It should be enough for you to go up against the current and return to the spirit world."

Li Zhang is now the central minister, and he is in charge of all political affairs for the time being. However, after being beaten by Xiao Chen, this old guy did not dare to intervene too much. He was also awed by the predecessors of the new emperor. Rumors of romantic affair between emperor and young emperor are common, but for these rumors, Hai Qing was flushed after she knew it, but she never came forward to clarify it, making the clans of all parties secretly jealous, but it made Hai Qing build up by force. The imperial prestige began to gradually take over the government.

Xiao Chen showed a little joy on his face. Now the four kings break through the ancient times, the low tide of the five elements is about to come, and the survivors are restored to stability. Everything is ready, and only when time arrives is the day when he leaves.

"Well, I already know this. I told you to closely monitor the changes in Tongtianhe. Once the low tide appeared, report it immediately."

"Yes, Master Shao." Li Zhang respectfully saluted, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Sai, Her Majesty Hai Qing wants to host a banquet, and entertains Shao, I wonder if you have time to go?"

Xiao Chen frowned slightly and shook her head a moment later, "Back to Zhou Di, her friendship is in her heart, but now that she is leaving the ground, there are still many things to be prepared, and this banquet is unnecessary."

Speaking of this, he paused a moment, and said with a deep voice, "Tell Haiqing that I will take charge of this world and must not disappoint my expectations. In the future for the survivors, I would also like to ask Li Daoyou to help him, and never make a difference."

"The young emperor spoke very heavily. The old slave will surely help His Majesty Hai Qing to take care of everything in the future. Please rest assured." Li Zhang hurriedly bowed down and saluted with awe and awe.

Xiao Chen nodded and waved, Li Zhang respectfully retreated.

Hai Qing's feeling of affection for him could be felt by Xiao Chen, but he didn't have the temptation to provoke it, so it would not be out of sight, so as to avoid ramifications.

In addition, he said that there are still some things that need to be prepared, and they are not perfunctory words, but there are some things, and now the Four Kings have gone forward to handle them, and I think they should be able to gain something soon.

Now what Xiao Chen has to do is wait for peace of mind.

In a blink of an eye, half a month later, the king returned at the same time on Thursday, and returned to the Qingxin Hall.

"Young Master, what you ordered, the four slaves have been collected, please look over."

During the opening of the four kings, the light flashed on their hands, and several jade bottles were taken out. The jade bottles were sealed with colorful lights, showing gold, blue, blue, red, and yellow. The slightest breath leaked from it.

Xiao Chen's eyes were slightly bright, and he reached out to take out a blue jade bottle and waved to lift the prohibition on it. Suddenly, there was a strong wood-like atmosphere bursting from it, causing the surrounding woods to shake spiritually!

This is the same as the inside of the bottle, which is actually a formed wooden source!

Xiao Chen nodded with satisfaction, breaking through several jade screens one after another. The five-colored light clusters sealed in this jade bottle are all the power of the Five Elements!

And this is Xiao Chen's command to the King of Thursday to collect the five elements of the earth in the underground world.

Underground space, because it is connected to the abyss of the Five Elements, is full of only the power of the Five Elements, and its richness is far beyond the outside world. In this environment, the possibility of the origin of the Five Elements is far beyond the spiritual world.

The imperial palace and the four handsome palaces have been in charge of the world for many years, and they already know this vast territory. Among them, the place where the five elements have their own power naturally cannot be hidden from their investigation. They are now under the control of Xiao Chen. All fell into his hands, there were as many as twenty dozen groups, and the five elements had their origins.

And this preparation is naturally for the future practice of "Five Elements".

The strength of the source is strong and weak. In addition to the monk's own perception and cultivation, devouring and merging belong to the same source, which is naturally the best way to strengthen the source of strength.

Now that Xiao Chen has obtained these five elements, he can return to himself after refining, and cultivate it to a strong level within a short time. As long as he is trained to meet the conditions for the integration of cultivation, he can directly integrate and save a lot. time.

Xiao Chen checked it and confirmed that it was correct. Then he sealed all the jade bottles and waved them into the storage ring. "This troubles four Daoyou. Now that there is not much time left, you can disperse by yourself. Arrange a response, the time is up, this seat will call. "

"Yes, Your Highness, old slaves and others resigned."

Wang Shili turned away on Thursday.


The period of the weak tide of Tongtianhe finally came.

Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes flashed with a flash of joy, a moment of joy flashed, the next step came, and the figure appeared directly over the palace.

Mind movement, short interest time, the king came in turn on Thursday, courteous salute, all eyes were full of excitement.

The stubborn years trapped underground, now they can finally leave!

Xiaoqian World is their home!

This time, when he swears to follow His Royal Highness, he will help the Zhou Dynasty!

Xiao Chen flickered with light, taking the lead to turn into a glimmer of light, heading straight for Tongtianhe from the city of Wang, and the king followed closely on Thursday.


Underground world, there are a total of five Tongtian Rivers connecting the outside world, and it is full of endless chaos and five elements. The tearing and pulling force is enough to smash any intruders into it, which is the true restricted area of ​​life.

Xiao Chen stood under the Tongtian River, looking at the horrendous energy flowing above the head like a river, and his face was completely astonished.

Nowadays, the breath of Tongtianhe is continuously weakening into the low tide, and when it reaches the lowest point, it is the best time to enter.

On Thursday, the throne was placed in all directions, guarding him, and further away, Hai Qing and the monks of the First City and the subordinates of the four major government offices stood respectfully, all with joy on their faces.

Lord Shao left, presumably they will lead their entire family to the ground soon.

Only Hai Qing's face was slightly bleak. She already knew what Xiao Chen had brought back to Li Zhang. She knew in her heart that this was a secret mention made by Xiao Chen to her. Don't worry too much about some things, though Unwilling, but she did not dare to complain at all.

Without Lord Xiao Chen, would there be her today!

Haiqing knows contentment and thanksgiving.

She doesn't care whether the adult is a young emperor or not, but what the adult has ordered her, she will work hard to manage the survivors and wait for the adult to come next time.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed, and the surrounding King ’s body burst at the same time. The ancestral pressure of the ancient world poured out in all directions in a frantic way, making the chaotic five-element spiritual force here instantly become violent!

The opportunity for Tongtianhe's weak tide has arrived!

"This seat left the ground today to return to the spiritual realm. All matters related to the ethnic group are under the control of Hai Qingyi. The Li family of the four handsome palaces are assisted by the Li family, and all are obedient. If there is anything wrong, wait for the return No punishment! "

"let's go!"

Xiao Chen drank, and under the blessing of the king on Thursday, he was immersed in the hearts of all the monks here, making them look pale and trembling. Even if they have strange ideas in the future, they will think twice!





On Thursday, the king yelled at the same time, and the atmosphere of the ancient ancestors was completely explosive. The perfect fusion shrouded the area where the four were located, guarding Xiao Chen's safety, and punching toward the endless sky.

The four ancestral forces burst at the same time, and it is unimaginable to concentrate a bit of destructive power that can burst out!



The sky just below the Tongtian River trembled suddenly and violently, and collapsed suddenly, revealing a cave enough to pass through several people. The King did not dare to have any delay on Thursday. In.

Underneath, the invisible closure of the town waited for the Five Elements to break into the raging, and has already recovered to complete integrity, isolating everything again.


[The third update today, the update is complete, goodbye to you all tomorrow! 】

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