Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 365: Jade Palace ancestors get away

Outside the battlefield, a piece of dead silence 6 is suspended in suspension, and there are traces of magical destruction on it. Obviously, it has experienced extremely terrible devastation in the war and cut off all vitality. <? Bayi. 8] 1] ZW. Com

On top of this Big Six, from time to time you can see the monks' wreckage, sensational bones, gusts of wind, and even more desolation.

But at this moment, in the sky above this dead silence, the space suddenly violently trembled, and then exploded, and countless horrible energies poured out from it, expanding to the surroundings with a crazy degree!


The whole dead silence is big 6, and it is broken by life under the sudden destruction of power. It turns into a shard of heaven, mixed with Wanjun's power, sweeping wildly in all directions.

At the burst of power, a figure emerged from it, and the space in the back of it was intact.

Feeling the familiar atmosphere of the surrounding space, a smile appeared at the corner of the monk's mouth, and spread to the entire face with a very rapid degree.

This monk is exactly Xiao Chen who returned from Tianhe!

"I'm finally back. I don't know if anything has changed since I've been away for nearly three hundred years." Xiao Chen groaned, then closed his eyes slightly to discern the direction. After a few breaths, he suddenly opened up. Jinghong left instantly!


Terran War Zone, Kunlun.

The 39 battlefields in the extraterrestrial battlefield have accumulated as many as possible. The ancestors of the Confucian and Taoist ancestors with literary and Confucianism are full of joy. The momentum that was suppressed has become stronger again. It is much stronger than before and has faint control. Everything feels.

The ancestor of the sword, who was in charge of everything outside the battlefield, now sits indifferently in the first place on the left hand, slightly lower, but his eyes are a little lonely.

The ancestors behind him were also listless and worried.

All this is only because the Confucian and Taoist leaders, the Jade Palace ancestors who were trapped in the abyss, came back. For thousands of years trapped in Shenyuan, this weird can't die. Instead, he got a huge opportunity. It was a key step to achieve ancestors and formally set foot on the peak of the spiritual community!

Therefore, on the day of his return, he took over everything without any suspense. In the face of the ancestors of the Jade Palace, the ancestors of the sword ancestors did not have any resistance at all. Many of the ancestors who were originally neutral were standing in line at the moment Joining the ancestor of the Jade Palace, the sword ancestors fell into the absolute downwind.

Now, the seated person is the ancestor of the Jade Palace. This weird looks more than fifty years old, has a gentle breath, wears ancient robes, and has a generation of great Confucian style. He sits quietly, but the breath will take the entire West King. The temple shrouded in it.

In this atmosphere, even the late Sword ancestors of the ancient times have to be completely suppressed, let alone other ancestors, all at this moment are slightly low to show respect.

The ancestor of the Jade Palace flickered, swept across the hall, and said lightly: "This seat is fortunate enough to break through the ancient ancestors, and will not stay long outside the battlefield outside the territory. After the departure of this seat, all matters related to the extraterritorial battlefield will be handled by Wenqu Daoyou. I wonder if you have any objections to this? "

"Wenqu Daoyou are familiar with the battlefield things and have a careful mind. It is more appropriate to lead things."

"Adult Jade Palace arranged things so well that I didn't make sense to wait."

"The old man agrees with Lord Yumiya's proposal, and Wenqu Daoyou is responsible for the extraterritorial battlefield."

"My husband has no objection to this."

Inside the hall, many ancestors of the Confucianism and Taoism started to speak, and the new station team members naturally did not dare to fall behind and cheered.

The ancestor of the sword ancestor was beating slightly, the anger in the chest was writhing, and his body was stiff for a while, but he was suppressed and kept a little low, without any sound.

The ancestor of the Jade Palace glanced over the sword ancestor, and said lightly: "Sword ancestor, friend, please hand over the army command of the ethnic group. When this seat is absent in the future, Dao You is the strongest monk in my family. Putting it to work, if not, then you will enter the military department ahead and lead our army of human races to fight against other races, otherwise it will be a place where heroes are useless. If you do n’t know this, what is the ancestor of the sword?

The sword ancestor took a deep breath, took out the lingfu and placed it on the table, and said without expression, "The old man has no opinion on what the Jade Palace said."

The ancestor of the Jade Palace nodded with satisfaction. "That being the case, this seat left immediately and returned to the ancestral city, and I would like to entrust you to the Daoyou as soon as possible in the extraterritorial battlefield."

A group of ancestor monks in the temple stood up and bowed in return, even claiming to be.

Set foot in the ancient times, one step to the sky!

Although the forces of the ancient and the ancient times are very different in the three realms of ancient times, the warriors of the ancient and ancient times, although not rivals, can flee and save their lives. Therefore, the monks of the two realms can intersect with each other.

But in the realm of ancestral ancients, controlling the rules of the heavens and the earth, the power has soared countlessly, and they can easily wipe out the ancients and the ancient monks with their hands and feet. How dare they arrogantly.

If not, with the words of the ancestors of the Jade Palace, how can we change the situation of the human race outside the battlefield.

As long as he survives in the future, even if he is not here, the sword ancestor will be suppressed by him, and he will not dare to compete with the ancestors of Wenqu. Unless he can break through the dynasty and promote the ancestors, he will survive the life of his father.

The ancestor of the Jade Palace nodded slightly, without seeing any movement, the figure disappeared.

The crowd kept their respectful expressions, and after a few breaths, they determined that the ancestor of the Jade Palace had gone far. Then they slowly got up, and their faces looked slightly emotional.

It seems that in the future, the era when Confucianism and Taoism are in charge of human race has come.

The ancestors of Wenqu took Ling Fu away. In the joy of archery, the spring breeze led a group of Confucian and Taoist ancestors to leave.

After a moment, the sword ancestor stood up with no expression, and only four of the next ancestors got up and left with him. The others were hesitant and buried deeply.

At the foot of the sword ancestor, there was no change in his complexion, and Ang led the four of them behind.


Xiao Chen lifted, looking at the big 6 in front of him, and could not help showing a faint smile.

After ten days of rushing forward, although there were some twists and turns during the period, it did not have any impact on his degree, and now he has finally reached Kunlun.

Through Kunlun, he can return to the spirit world directly from the formation method, and then it is time to liquidate some old accounts.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and he did not cover his whereabouts, and turned into a scream of light and went straight to Kunlun.

"Subordinates, please see Master!" A team of patrolling monks noticed Xiao Chen's breath, and trembled in his heart, and hurriedly stopped to pay respectfully.

Xiao Chen nodded, and said lightly, "Is Master Jianzu now in Kunlun?"

"Master Huizu, Lord Jianzu is now reorganizing the army and preparing to go to the front line of battle." The chief monk replied respectfully.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, "Master Jian Zu, who is in charge of extraterritorial battlefields, has always been planning in Kunlun. How can he play in person? Could it be that the frontline battlefield is unexpected?"

The head monk's face showed a little surprise. If the adult had a pure human flavor in front of him and the Big 6 identification matrix did not move, he would doubt whether the alien in front was disguised.

No, even the aliens now know this. Master Jianzu was deported from the center of power by the ancestor of the Jade Palace and deported from the center of power.

Although he murmured secretly in his heart, he did not dare to show the slightest difference in color on his face, and replied reverentially.

Xiao Chen's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and his eyes were frantic.

Jade Palace ancestors!

I didn't expect that this old monster was trapped in Shenyuan. Instead of dying, he got a chance to be promoted to ancestors. No wonder he can easily dismantle the ancestor's control of the entire battlefield power and expel it easily!

The Lord of Hanlin secretly planned with him, and several times wanted to put him to death!

Now that this Jade Palace ancestor has shot at the sword ancestor again, it seems that he and Jade Palace are really a natural kickback!

Xiao Chen stepped forward with Shen Rushui's feet, the figure instantly turned into a rainbow, and went straight to Kunlun. The breath in her body exploded, and it instantly appeared in the induction of all powerful monks here.


Sword ancestors were taciturn and indifferent, leading his ancestors to the final preparations. Today, he will lead the army to the front line of the war and face the aliens to kill.

Over the years, the ancestor of the sword has controlled the power of the human race, and there are countless aliens who died directly or indirectly in his hands. When he goes to the front line, he will definitely be assassinated by heavy calculations and may stay there forever.

Outside the battlefield, Taikoo level powerhouses are not without a ridiculous record.

But at this moment, the sword ancestor suddenly lifted up, showing an incredible color on his face, and finally turned into ecstasy. With a wave of his sleeves, his figure had disappeared.


The figure of Xiao Chen suddenly stopped, the space in front of it was forcibly torn, the figure of the sword ancestor stepped out of it, his eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and the excitement appeared in his eyes. Get off easily! "

This old strange city is extremely deep, but the excitement of joy at this moment is clearly in the heart, and it is impossible to leave.

Xiao Chen's heart warmed, and he saluted politely. "The disciples were trapped in the Five Elements Realm because they were being counted, and they were simply shocked. After experiencing a crisis, they came out and made Master Shizu care."

"No matter, no matter, you can come back safely, everything is not important." Sword ancestor Xiao Chen attaches great importance to him, and now seeing him return safely, he is a little stronger, and naturally rejoices, but at this moment his face is suddenly Once changed, "calculation? Yes, based on your cultivation and careful temperament, how can accidents easily occur in the Five Elements Realm, the old man has long suspected that there is another hidden feeling, but there is no evidence."

"Xiao Chen, who do you say secretly calculates with you, no matter what kind of monk, if this seat meets in the future, it will be beheaded to kill you."

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and his eyes were cold, but he didn't speak at this moment, and looked up to the surroundings.



Dozens of magpies light up, but it is the ancestors of Wenqu who redistributed the scope of the Terran War Zone and summoned all the ancient monks of the Terran back to Kunlun. Now they feel the breath of Xiao Chen and rush to one by one.

The ancestors of Wenqu's ancestors shrank slightly, and Xiao Chen was tough and domineering in the West King's Palace that day, and he had already formed some shadows in his heart, which made him unable to bear some awe. But this emotion just appeared, he was utterly annihilated, and his heart was cold!

Now that the ancestor of the Jade Palace returns, he has become the owner of the extraterrestrial battlefield. His status is not as it was before, and he will have awe for this boy. If he is known by others, he will definitely make him prestige!

As the thoughts turned, the weird face became more gloomy.


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