Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 366: Annihilation ancestor

"Xiao Chen, you are safe to escape from the Five Elements Realm to save your life, but it is indeed something to be pleased with, but after all, it is Kunlun, a place of great importance for our people, with strict regulations. The higher the status, the more you should obey. Bayi Chinese Network W) W] W}.] 8] 1? WW.COM This seat has just revised a rule, high-level monks must not want to release their own breath in it. But this seat reads that you do not know that this is a first offense, so you will not be with you Generally, if you commit another crime in the future, you will be punished severely! "

Between the openings, there was a chill of its own.

The hearts of the surrounding monks were all stunned, the secret ancestors of Wenqu were about to dismiss Xiao Chen.

At that time, in the West King's Palace, Xiao Chen made the ancestors of Wenqu feel embarrassed. In addition, as the descendants of the sword ancestors, the two parties had longed for each other. Now, the ancestors of Wenqu rely on the power to return and take control.

Although Xiao Chen didn't fall into the Five Elements Realm, it seems that the future will not be too good.

It should be noted that the human race today is already under the control of Confucianism and Taoism, and Xiao Chen's bad relationship with the entire Confucianism and Taoism is already well known, no matter whether it is in the ethnic territory or the extraterritorial battlefield, there is no place for him to stand!

Xiao Chen lifted his eyes, glanced indifferently over the face of the master of Wenqu, and ignored the strangeness, arching to the ancestor of the sword: "Back to the ancestor, if an alien monk makes a surprise attack, the disciple is willing to admit it, and he will repay it later. Yes, but this time when I was trapped in the Five Elements Realm, it was almost ridiculous, but it was the shot behind my Terran monk, which made my disciples quite chilled! "

"The disciples can get out of the Five Elements, but also because of an obsession in their hearts, they must let the mean man pay for his actions!"

The face of Jianzu became extremely ugly, and the chill broke out in the body. "Xiao Chen, tell the old man who shot it, and I will certainly repay you for justice and wipe out that little life!"

In the late Taikoo period, Kendo ’s overbearing power overwhelmed the entire space in an instant, which made the surrounding ancestors look slightly different. It is remembered that although the Jade Palace ancestor returned, the sword ancestor was by no means an insulting character. There was a moment of change.

The ancestor of Wenqu was originally angry and wanted to punish Xiao Chen for despising his majesty and punished him, but he only hated it, but now he heard a sudden jump in his heart and gave him a very unpleasant feeling. .

Sure enough, Xiao Chen's eyes swept over the ancestors of Wenqu, revealing an unabashed sarcasm, Shen said: "In the Five Elements Realm, it is the man who has made me fall into a bottomless abyss for nine lives, which is Wenqu. The lord of Hanlin, which is highly recommended by Daoyou, is a descendant of the orthodox bloodline of Confucianism and Taoism. This person's behavior is really shameful. Now that he is returning, he will definitely ask the Gong Palace for another explanation on this matter! "

The words fell, and the whole space was dead for a moment.

Lord of Hanlin!

Actually the Lord of Hanlin!

The ancestor of Wenqu became extremely ugly for a moment, and the eyes were cloudy for a moment, then he suddenly drank and drank, "Nonsense, in my opinion, Xiao Chen Taoyou may have been injured, and his mind has not recovered. Hanlinzhi The Lord, who is a descendant of the Confucian Taoist Jade Palace, has always been good for people and good qualities. How could he do such a thing that people and gods are angry with each other? "

The sword ancestor's face sank like water, his eyes flashed brightly, but he said nothing.

If Xiao Chen returns early in January, he will definitely come to him for justice, but now the ancestor of the Jade Palace has returned, and he will dare to go to the Jade Palace Mansion in order to repair his ancient environment.

This matter .. I'm afraid I can only press for a moment.

The ancestors of the surrounding ethnic groups are silent, but they are very clear. As Xiao Chen, how can they be wronged for a half-step ancient monk for no reason? It seems that the tenth issue is inseparable from the Lord of Hanlin. .

But even so, how could the ancestor of the Jade Palace return, he could only swallow it down, and swallowed it.

Xiao Chen's mouth slightly tilted, showing a chilly smile, "Is it unclear? I think the writers and friends of Taoism are just confused. I opened this seat, and you just decided it as nonsense without checking. Style, is it qualified to take charge of matters outside the battlefield. "

"Because the Lord of Hanlin is the son of your master, you are so indifferent to him and protect him. Although the Taoists here are scared by the ancestors of the Jade Palace, they do n’t dare to show the slightest bit, but no one knows clearly in their hearts. It's just a shame. "

The words fell, everyone was shocked, but his face became quite strange.

"Presumptuous!" Wen Qu's ancestor's face was twisted, revealing the embarrassment. Although he knew this, Xiao Chen directly broke it, which was tantamount to slap a loud slap on his face in front of everyone, "Come, Take me down Xiao Chen and dare to disrespect this seat, and I will definitely punish him severely! "

Xiao Chen suddenly lifted his eyes, his eyes rolled coldly, and the corners of his mouth showed a sneer. "Take me? You don't have this qualification!" During the talk, he stretched out with one hand, and suddenly there was a mighty power in the void, directly holding the tune. The ancestor's neck lifted him up.

"Because of your cultivation in the late ancient times, you dare to pretend in front of this seat, I don't know if you live or die! If you dare to say something more, this seat will wipe you out immediately!"

During the talk, the swift killer burst out from the body, whistling in the void.

The ancestor of Wenqu suddenly became stiff, and his eyes were bursting with resentment. "Xiao Chen, if you dare to kill the husband, not only will you die, but the sword ancestor will also die. Your entire Kendo system must be taken out of the human race. Erase it completely! "

"You dare not kill me!"

Xiao Chen's eyes were blank, his face strangely calmed down, but his killing in vitro became stronger.


There was a sound of crisp bone fracture in the void, and the eyes of the ancestor of Wenqu suddenly widened. The sense of resentment had not yet dissipated. A horror of fear emerged and became the last look in his eyes.

Xiao Chen really dare to kill him!

This is the last thought in this old monster.

Wenqu ancestor, die!

Xiao Chen threw it at will, and the old monster's body was immediately thrown away by him like waste, smashed to the ground, and turned into a mass of rotten meat.

The ancestors of the surrounding ethnic people took a few steps back, their pupils contracted violently, and their eyes were shocked!

Wenqu ancestor is dead!

In such a public eye, Xiao Chen was directly obliterated!

Things happened too fast, so fast they didn't give them any reaction time!

The ancestor of Wenqu is the spokesperson of the foreign battlefield supported by the ancestor of the Jade Palace. It represents the face status of the ancestor of the Jade Palace. Today, he was ruthlessly killed by Xiao Chen after being appointed for only ten days. It must be the endless anger of the ancestors of Jade Palace!

The ancestor of Jianzu changed greatly. At this moment, anxiety suddenly appeared on his face, and Shen said, "Xiao Chen, this time you are too impulsive. How can you shoot and kill the ancestor of Wenqu directly? This time you will cause a great disaster It's up! "

Xiao Chen has always been cautious and never reckless, so the sword ancestor was not prepared to stop him when he suddenly hit the killer.

"Presumably you don't know yet, the ancestor of the Jade Palace has returned, and the cultivation has reached the ancestral ancient level, becoming the real peak of my tribe, otherwise the husband would be willing to be restrained. Now you have killed the ancestor of the Wenqu, the Jade Palace The ancestors will never give up, they will definitely have endless troubles on this matter! "

The sword ancestor frowned and his face was cloudy. "Fortunately, the return of the ancestor of the Jade Palace to the ancestral city is not in the extraterritorial battlefield. I can hide some time for you. Xiao Chen, you immediately leave the extraterrestrial battlefield and avoid entering the spirit. In the world, do n’t show up until Zu Gu Xiu in the future. As for the husband and Wan Jian, do n’t worry, even if the ancestors of Jade Palace succeeded in Zu Gu, you would not dare to do whatever you want in my people! ”

"Sword ancestor, this Xiao Chen killed Wenqu's ancestor, but it is a reciprocity of my tribe. How can you let him go!"

"Take this Xiao Chen for the disposal of Lord Yu Gong!"

"If you leave Xiao Chen away in private, I will surely take this matter to you, Lord Jade Palace, and hold you accountable!"

"Dare to kill the ancestor of Wenqu, so lawless, no one can save you this time!"

The Confucianism and Taoism were shocked for a moment, and at this moment they came back to their hearts, their faces were somber and roaring, and the killings were booming.

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, and he suddenly turned around and glanced away. "Noisy! If you dare to talk more, this block will be released immediately and I will wait for you to meet the ancestor of Wenqu underground!"

The sound fell, and the Confucian and Taoist eloquent hearts chilled and snorted.

This Xiao Chen dare to kill even the ancestors of Wenqu, let alone them!

Xiao Chen sneered and turned to face the sword ancestor, respectfully saluting, saying: "Master Shizu doesn't have to worry. Since Xiao Chen has shot, he has confidence in his heart. Even if this ancestor of the Jade Palace didn't come to me, I would go to Zucheng he."

"The Confucianism and Taoism embarrassed me three or two times. This time, the Lord of Hanlin secretly planned to put me to death. The disciples had already decided before killing him that he would kill this person!"

The ancestor of Jian Jian was shocked, and his face was frightened. "Xiao Chen! The ancestor of Jade Palace has become the ancient power of ancestors, it is the ancient ancestors! You must not be strong for a while, run away!"

Xiao Chen looked calm and said lightly: "The disciples know that the ancestor of the Jade Palace has become the ancient power of the ancestors, but what can they do? If they do not have the confidence to compete with him, the disciples would dare to leave the ancestor of this tune.

"The disciples are inconvenient to report in detail, but please rest assured that the ancestor. Now I also ask the patriarch to start the large movement and send the disciples back to the spiritual world. After that, the disciples will naturally handle it properly."

Speaking of which, he glanced indifferently at the neighboring monks and powerful monks, "I know that you will surely pass the news of my return to the ancestor of the Jade Palace, so tell him that I will go to the Jade Palace mansion soon But I would like to advise you that you should not be too presumptuous before the matter is settled. From now on, unless the ancestor of the Jade Palace changes to the extraterritorial battlefield, everything will still be under the control of the sword ancestor. Like the ancestors of Wenqu. "

Many people's ancestors jumped in their hearts, and their eyes were shocked. Although I can't believe this, if Xiao Chen is not crazy, he should rely on it, so that he can fear the majestic power of the Jade Palace!

If this is the case, there will be waves in the human race.

Half a day later, Xiao Chen stepped into the large movement array, slightly arched his hand to the sword ancestor, and the light flashed, his figure disappeared.


[The second change today, the third change at 21:00. 】

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