Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 377: Three Souls Guiyi Luo Family

Xiao Chen's back house, Xiao Chen lived alone in the courtyard, looking at the handsome boy in front of him, his face showing a little complex, slowly speaking, "Must you have nothing to explain to me?"

Luo Xiyu's face was calm and polite, "Master, you have already seen it. ([[[

Today he is no longer the usual casual look, wearing a neat robe, his face is somber, and although he is young, his eyes are exuding endless vicissitudes, as if he has survived eternal years.

Xiao Chen nodded. "When I called you to Xiao's house that day, I was a little confused. I always felt that I was a little familiar and close. I didn't understand it before, but now I have figured it out."

Speaking of this, he was slightly silent and slowly raised, "Should I call you Fu Ziwen, Fu Yunqi ... or Luo Xiyu? Or, do you have other identities that I don't know?"

Luo Xiyu shook his head, showing awe in his expression. "Three souls come from one body, but they can be called by any means, but the blood in my body is passed down from the ancient Great Ru Luo family, so please call me Luo Xiyu.

Xiao Chen was silent for a moment, with a bit of solemn meaning in her eyes, and slowly spoke, "Luo Xiyu, this seat asks you, now you may call Brother Fu's soul and let me see him for the last time?"

"As an adult, I dare not obey your subordinates." Luo Xiyu bent over and saluted, and a strange wave suddenly appeared in the Yuanshen, like ripples in the lake, spreading in all directions.

In the void, two other spirits suddenly appeared.

The two figures emerged from the void, and when they stepped into the void, they appeared directly in the courtyard.

Luo Xiyu's face was calm, standing side by side with these two figures.

Xiao Chen's eyes instantly burst into dazzling eyes, looking at the appearance, his complexion, and a fist after a moment, "Brother Fu, I didn't expect a good day, you and I will see you this way, but this is your choice, Xiao naturally didn't say much, just hope that the brothers can go all the way. "

Fu Yunqi's illusory soul hangs her hands, and her eyes are relieved.

The next moment, he took the next step and went directly into Luo Xiyu's body, but was not seen.

Fu Ziwen's dead soul also arched his hands and fell into the ontology.

After splitting the three souls, after tens of thousands of years, they merged again and became one.

Luo Xiyu's body shook and she closed her eyes slowly, but her body's breath continued to skyrocket at an amazing degree.

I never climbed and started climbing all the way, breaking the bottleneck, being fit, crossing the robbery, heaven and earth, and ancient times .. Taikoo!

The breath is like a tide, surging!

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed in different colors, then slowly shook his head, and the three spirits were completely independent since the yuanshen was in one form. Until the vow was completed and the three souls merged, they could instantly gain powerful and unmatched power!

This calculation is also a big bet. Success will reunite the three souls, and revenge will be revenge, and it can be repaired to skyrocket .. If the soul fails, the soul will have three points, and there will be no chance for integration. .

When the pulse of Jade Palace was wiped out and his blood was cut off that day, Xiao Chen realized the cursing power hidden in his blood, and then returned to Xiao Mansion, and felt Fu Ziqi and Fu Yunqi in Luo Xiyu. The traction of the undead, after questioning the King on Thursday, confirmed the truth.

It ’s just that this kind of revenge is too harsh and cruel, it is itself that is harsh, and it is itself that is cruel!

Luo Xiyu's eyes opened, and the ancient breath in her body converged and cleaned instantly, and she knelt down on her knees. "My lord, as I have vowed, Luo Family Glory is with my lord, and will never give up. Now everything in my bloodline is returned, Subordinates are willing to be driven by adults! "

Xiao Chen was silent for a moment, "Who are you today?"

Luo Xiyu looked slightly stiff, bowed his head slightly, and said a moment of silence. "Three souls have been separated for too long. Although they are perfectly integrated, the memory belongs to the three, but the subordinates are clearly separated and they are descendants of the Luo family."

"As for the other two souls, it should be the memories of past and future generations."

Xiao Chen nodded, and some understood his meaning, "Since you are willing to stay, this seat will not expel you away. Since you want to stay, then go to do the first thing for this seat and go to Qingniu County. Look for the Li family and help him become the strongest family in Qingniu County. After completing this, you will return to your ancestral city and take over the vacuum of the rights of Confucianism and Taoism after the destruction of the Jade Palace. "

"There is still a long way to go in this future. Your Majesty needs to gather enough power. I think you should understand this."

Luo Xiyu flashed aura of light on his hand, took one out and put it on the table. "This letter was left by one of my three souls, Fu Yunqi." With respect and politeness, he turned around and strode away. The figure flickered and merged directly into the world. In between, disappeared.

Xiao Chen lowered his hand and opened the envelope. After a while, his face turned into a complex, sighed, his foot stepped forward, and the figure disappeared.


In the ancestral hall of the ancestral city, Xiao Chen ignored the prohibition, and tore the space directly outside the main hall of Wanjian, bending over and saluting, "Master, disciple Xiao Chen seeks to see."

When he first entered the ancestral city, the Lord of the Swords took care of Xiao Chen, and even tore his face with the Lord of the Hanlin. When he was trapped in the abyss, Xiao Fu received a lot of attention from the Lord of the Swords. Otherwise, it will not be possible to persist to this day.

Here, Xiao Chen kept in mind that he would not dare to forget anything. Even if he is strong now, he has mastered the powerful power with the ancient monks, but he still maintains sufficient respect when facing the Lord of Hanlin.

Many guard monks outside the hall changed their faces, but it was clear that the scolding students who swarmed to the mouth instantly swallowed, respectfully salute, and awed.

The footsteps came from the temple, and the Lord of Swords greeted him personally. No Xiao Chen message came in these days. He thought that Xiao Chen was annoyed that he couldn't shelter Xiao House for comfort. Xiao Chen spoke, surprised and happy, but when they met, he couldn't help showing a little shame.

Xiao Chen showed a slight smile on his face and said with relief. "The teacher treats Xiao Chen like his nephew. Many caring disciples keep in mind. This time, the disciples know that Master Master has done his best, and please Master Master not to let go. In my heart. "

The Lord of Swords heard the answer and laughed, "Xiao Chen, you can understand that the teacher ’s heart is, come and come, you and I will go into the temple and talk in detail. You have no information in these years. Extremely concerned. "

Xiao Chen respectfully said that he was pulled into the temple.

After staying for two hours at the Lord of Swords, Xiao Chen left and went to meet the Lord of the Stars.

This lurking human race, a forerunner of the human race, who showed strength and forbearance, looked at Xiao Chenman with excitement, and he talked well, and bluntly said that the brother said that he was indeed the greatest hope for the rise of the human race!

Xiao Chen and the Lord of the Stars talked for a long time before they left and stepped out of the torn space to return to Xiao Chen, but within Xiao Fu, they saw a long-awaited guest.

The light yellow pleated long skirt cuts the fit and outlines the girl's perfect body curve. The blue silk is turned into a simple and generous girl's bun, strung with a star sand mule, fresh and simple, but exuding amazing beauty.

I haven't seen it for hundreds of years, and the young girl who used to be a little bit more detached from the lively girl now has a little more ladylike charm.

Seeing the appearance of Xiao Chen, the girl's mouth provoked, showing a smile of joy, red face, and stood up to salute, "Brother Xiao Chen."

Xiao Chen looked at the girl with a mild smile on her mouth, "Su Su."


When Xiao Chen was sitting in Xiaofu, monks from Xiaofu began to return home to visit relatives and friends.

He joined the monks of Xiaofu in that year, and all came from the ancestral city. Now returning, Xiao Chen authorized them to return to the outside world, but he specifically told him not to mention anything about the dojo, so as not to be bitten by the Taoism.

For the gift of adults, the monk in the dojo was a grateful Dade.

Monks from all ethnic groups were extremely shocked at the sudden emergence of a large number of monks in Xiaofu. In particular, they were even more skeptical after realizing their cultivation, but none of them dared to act rashly.

In the years that followed, the spiritual force tumbled on the heavenly platform outside the ancestral city.

Most of the Taoist monks were able to lead the three heavens and heavens in one fell swoop, and then directly promote the heaven and earth realm, and even the first-class qualified person directly reached the level of heaven and earth, shocking the entire ancestral city.

During this time, Xiao Chen did not retreat and practiced hard. After staying in Xiaofu for ten years, he left King Zhou Nan and King Zhou Bei sitting in Xiaocheng. He left alone and no one knew where he had gone.


The human race Hokuto-gun has eighteen mountains.

The peaks are steep, almost at right angles, and cliffs can be seen everywhere.

Youquan waterfall, strange flowers and rare animals, barbaric beasts roar from time to time, between the mountains.

The scenery is beautiful. In the mountains, there is a quiet place. Listening to the sloshing of the clear spring in the mountains, the long-distance beast roar of Liaoyuan makes people feel uneasy.

On this day, a Qingpao Xiu came from the distance and stepped in the void, walking over the mountain stream here, watching the "rushing" water, his face calmed, and his thoughts suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Perhaps this is where he went into the ancient times.

Taking a step forward, the repair of Qingpao fell on the boulder beside the mountain stream, and sat down with his eyes slightly on his knees, watching the river passing, silent.


The eighteen mountain peaks are held by three factions, called Qingtong, Earthfire, and Sheung Shui, each occupying the six peaks. They are hostile to each other. Disciples under the door meet in private and fight aggressively, and create evil, if no one is evenly matched. Without the certainty of victory, I am afraid that we have already fought and decided to live or die.

Fireworks is the seventh-generation disciple of Sheung Shui Sect, who entered the Sect's gate less than ten years ago. It was built only at the lowest level of Jindan. On weekdays, he was responsible for cleaning the Zongmen's palace, cleaning clothes, and nursing flowers and other miscellaneous things. The disciples in the outside gate are quite low.

Although there are many things to do every day, and it is impossible to train Zongmen, but the external disciples like fireworks are all lowered, so they are all placed on the side peaks. However, the security is very high. Unlike other monks of Jifeng, from time to time, two other monks are encountered from time to time.

So I am quite satisfied with this kind of life fireworks right now.


[The password is wrong. I just retrieved it. The update is late. Please do n’t blame you friends! Third, this update is complete, see you tomorrow! 】

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