Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 378: Centuries

Every morning, before the sun rises, the fireworks must rush to the mountains to pick up the most spiritual water at the dawn of the river to water the precious spiritual grass planted by Zongmen. Eight [One [中 ?? <文 W] W] W ?. 8) 1) YW. Com

This is the most important thing for her every day. If other things go wrong, you can discourage up to one punishment at most, but if you are responsible for the accident, it will be very miserable!

One of the sisters on the side peak was accidentally withered because of several Lingcao plants he cared for, and was eventually dismissed by the elder elder, and expelled from Lizong.

Being able to worship Shangshui Zong as a fairy master was the result of her father's exhaustion of his family's wealth to reluctantly. Fireworks must not let them down, so she strived to do everything best and practice with the remaining time.

Jin Dan's realm for seven years is naturally nothing in the spiritual realm, but in the disciples outside, it is already extremely fast.

Fireworks secretly worked hard to reach Yuan Ying within thirty years, and then they were eligible to join Neizong.

But at this moment, her face changed slightly, and she looked up at the figure on the gravel of the mountain stream. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't even notice the slightest breath of this person.

The fireworks burst into my heart. I remembered the teachings of my brothers and sisters at the beginning of the entrance. Although they were in a low position, they sometimes met the strong in the area, perhaps in the mountains or rivers, or even in the mountains. Just outside the courtyard where you live, you must be careful and respectful in any way, and you must not disturb it at all, otherwise the consequences will be serious.

With a little restraint on her cheeky face, forcing her awe, she sat cross-kneeling on the gravel and saluted her body, carefully seized the river, and hurried away.

Throughout the day, the figure of the senior in the robe appeared from time to time in her mind, so that she could not notice the slightest breath. This senior must be a very powerful man, at least also a master of law protection who did not fall into the realm. .

The next day, the fireworks were earlier than usual, and the adult is still there, even without any change in his expression, watching the river flowing calmly.

The fireworks saluted again and left after taking water.

Since then, every time the fireworks fetch water, the adult can be seen on the mountain gravel, and he has not changed.

Along with the passage of time, the awe of the fireworks heart gradually faded. She also envisioned why the adult would sit there all the time, but thought about it until the little head hurt, and did not think of any clue, as long as she had no choice but to let go.

However, she would respectfully salute her daily fetching water.

Ten years in the blink of an eye, the little girl at first became slightly mature, and she continued to improve. Now she has reached the late stage of Jin Dan. The elder outside has already called her and said that Neizong has noticed her progress, as long as she can Successfully promoted Yuan Ying within ten years, she can be directly absorbed into the inner disciple, her status has risen greatly, and in order to encourage other disciples to practice, Zong Men decided to reward her with a treasure only in the realm of Yuan infant.

The fireworks were full of surprises, but when I picked the treasure in the treasure house and saw the fishing rod, I suddenly had an impulse, and then exchanged it for the elders in the amazement.

"I must be crazy!"

"Maybe this will annoy Master Qingpao!"

"Forget it, I'll take the fishing rod back and pay the elders for a new treasure for attacking."

As the thoughts turned, the fireworks came to the mountain stream, and saluting as usual, then took the water from the jade bottle, turned around and took a few steps, his lips were tightly pressed together, and he walked carefully behind the adult Qingpao, respectfully speaking, For ten years, adults have been sitting here, obviously there is no solution to the problem. The junior father once said that things should not be impatient, desire is not reached, sometimes let go, maybe look back later, the problem has been solved by itself . "

"The junior has a fishing rod in his hands, hoping that it will make it easier for adults to fish in the river when they are confused."

The firework held back the fear and carefully took out the fishing rod and placed it on the ground.

At this moment, the adult Qingpao on the rubble finally made his first move in ten years. A bright light flashed in his eyes, his gaze looked at the fireworks, and he said lightly, "What's your name?"

The fireworks startled, and hurriedly saluted.

Master Qingpao nodded slightly, then stopped speaking, and seemed to be thinking about something.

The fireworks did not dare to stay for a long time, carefully took out the fishing basket and bait, and left carefully after the gift.

"If you don't reach the desire .. If you don't reach the desire .. It seems that I am really a little impatient. The breakthrough should be allowed to go with the wind, and I will fall into the wind." Look at the fishing rod around you, reach out and hold it in your hand, put a fishing bait, and drop your hand into the river.

From this day, adults in Qingpao started fishing. From this day, adults in Qingpao began to age.

Fireworks send a pack of fishing lures every day when fetching water, no more and no less.

However, since then, Master Qingpao has never said a word, and the fireworks have not tried to keep approaching, time has slipped again in the flow of this river, and in a blink of an eye, it has been another ten years.

On this day, the fireworks in the costume of Neizong disciples ran to the mountain stream. They respectfully put down the fishing bait, and their faces were excited and timid. "Master, fireworks have become Neizong disciples today, and ... the elder Xun for me The apostle was selected, Brother Brother Pang. "

"I never thought that I could become Brother Pang's prince. I was glad that the juniors did n’t know who they should be like. They have seen each other for the past 20 years. Fireworks has treated you as someone close to them. Get your blessing. "

The adult Qingpao remained motionless, his eyes fell flat on the river, and the appearance of Qingxiu was slightly vicissitudes.

The firework was silent for a while, and the courtesy retreated, but at this moment, a humble necklace made of red lines penetrating Yujian appeared at her feet. Yujian was ordinary and strange, without any treasure, but the fireworks face was exposed. With a happy smile, after leaving a gift to Master Qingpao, he left happily.

Three days later, with this humble jade Jane, she got married.

Since then, although the fireworks became Neizong's disciples no longer need to continue to take water to care for the spiritual grass, they still went to the mountain stream every morning at dawn, sent the bait, and then quietly backed away.

Fireworks has long known the singularity of Lord Qingpao. Although the water and mountains are remote, many monks in the past have passed through it, but no one has ever noticed the existence of the adult. It seems that no one except the himself can see the adult.

Maybe adults don't want to be disturbed?

Fireworks had more awe in her heart, and buried it in her heart, even the priests never leaked a little bit.

There are no years in the mountain. For 80 years, it has passed like a white horse, and has passed away.

Master Qingpao is still fishing, but he has become old and rotten, his head is white, and his flesh has gradually dried up. He has been sitting here all these years, and I do n’t know how many fish he has hung, and he put them in the fish basket.

Fireworks secretly anxious, but not easy to speak.

In the morning dawn on this day, fireworks did not appear. This was the only time she had been vacant for a hundred years. It was only when the sun rose by three shots that she was full of anxiety and drove out of the clouds. "Master, Qing Tong, Earth Fire The two cases joined together, and the situation in our case was critical. I also asked the adults to prepare for a retreat early. The juniors needed to fight for the division. I'm afraid I won't be able to see you again in the future. "

With no words, she turned and drove Yuguang away.

In the next few days, the Battle of the Eighteen Mountain Peak broke out, and the Shui Shui Zong faced Qingtong and Earth Fire, and was completely suppressed by the wind. It eventually completely collapsed, the main peak was broken, the monks were killed and wounded, and the survivors fled rushing to the side peak.

Because it is the place where the disciples gathered, this place became the place where the Sheung Shui Sect was the least damaged. The fireworks held the young girl in her arms and fled away with her husband and the surrounding gatekeepers, but all the faces were desperate. .

Qingtong and Dihuo jointly sealed the Eighteen Mountain Peak. Even if they escaped from the main peak, they still could not escape.

But at this moment, the two monks behind him have chased them with smirk.

"Following the two suzerain laws, the Shui Shui Sect kills as many as possible without having to keep any hands, you Taoists do it!" The two monks sieged up in a siege, and the entire number of surviving monks in Sheung Shui were wrapped.

Fireworks are among them.

The fierce battle exploded in an instant. Even in order to survive, the monk Shuizong burst into a strong force, but in the face of the two strong ones, he was still suppressed by the wind and hit hard.

Pang Lianlong was wounded by a monk of Dihuozong, and her husband and daughter were guarded by fireworks. She looked at the strong Dihuozong who was approaching in sneer, her eyes showing despair.


In the roar, the fire fighters in this place shot down with one palm, so powerful that it was enough to wipe out all three of the firework family.

But at this moment, at the neck of the fireworks, the ordinary jade that she had taken for decades without any movement suddenly burst out a layer of aura. Under this aura, the fireman who fired the fire was miserable. With a sound, the body collapsed and was shaken to death.

The change here attracted countless monks in shock instantly.

The fireworks stayed for a while, hurriedly took out Yujian and looked up. This is the place where the water and mountains are drawn. The master Qingpao is facing away from the crowd. He is still fishing quietly. No one can see his existence, and it seems that he can't treat him. Cause any impact.

"Sir, please take your hand and save me a pulse from Shuizong!" Fireworks fell to his knees, thinking about the stream of mountains and rivers.

Looking at the empty rubble by the river, the monks of Qingtong and Earthfire both showed suspicion on their faces, even the monks in Sheung Shui were puzzled.

Only fireworks are constantly rampant, pulling a seven-year-old daughter, "Please be merciful! Please be merciful!"

"Huh! Pretending to be a bluff, today you are already extinct from the strongest in Zongshui, and you can't escape it!" The elder Qing Tongzong chuckled, flashed light outside, and fluttered to the next palm.

On the gravel, the robe of Qingpao's eyes was hesitant, and now he was only one step away. Once he took the shot, he would have to sacrifice his efforts and try to make a breakthrough.

For a moment of thought, he still sighed and slowly got up. Although old and decaying, a breath of breath and coercion burst out suddenly, sweeping down in all directions.

All creatures on the side peaks are stiff under this coercion, and can no longer make any movements.



In the horrified eyes of the two monks, Qing Tong and Earth Fire, they shattered apart without warning, flew into powder, and completely disappeared between the heavens and the earth.

The war situation reversed instantly, and the monstrous coercion dissipated. Only on the gravel by the river, an old figure appeared in the sight of everyone.

"Master Xie! Master Xie!" Fireworks burst into tears, his face excited.

Sensing the flash of coercion, witnessed the monks Qing Tong and Earth Fire falling, and the monk in the Shui Shui trembled in his heart.

The adult Qingpao looked calm and looked at the scene before him, the last trace of regret disappeared.

If he doesn't take the shot today, he will inevitably feel guilty. At the moment, he will lose a lot of effort, but he can achieve peace of mind.

But at this moment, the water of the mountain stream swept into a vortex, and a flexible fish was thrown directly from the river by the force of the water swirling, and the tail flew into the fish basket directly by the river.

At this moment, the old and rotten body of Master Qingpao suddenly trembled, watching the scene in front of him, staring blankly.

Inside his body, an invisible cricket "click" cracked in the crisp sound, a mysterious and mysterious, the deep and obscure breath fluctuation suddenly burst from his body, covering the whole world.

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