Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 379: Wasteland

In the void, blossoming lotus bones emerged, stretching and blooming with clear naked eye visibility, exuding a calm and peaceful fragrance. Eight [One [中 ?? <文 W] W] W ?. 8) 1) YW. Com

The pure spiritual power flashing like a nebula sprinkled quietly from above the clouds like spring rain. On the entire lateral peak, once all flowers and plants were contaminated with a star-like spiritual power spot, the branches and vines grew quickly, and the withered leaves reverted to The verdant green, blossoming flowers are more and more brilliant, seemingly infused into endless vitality in a short period of time. Between the mountains and forests, all the birds and beasts became quiet at this moment, absorbing the falling light spots, and turning their heads to look at the place of the mountain, respectfully lowered their bodies. Regardless of whether they possessed wisdom or not, at this moment they gave birth to awe and surrender at the level of life.

Sisi Xianle fluttered, as if from above the endless clouds, accompanied by the giant lotus, falling and spinning, as if the immortals soared into the heavens to attract.

The scene in front of me turned into the most powerful picture scroll, deeply imprinted into the monks and gods of the Sheung Shui Sect, the ethereal grandeur slowly poured out, making their eyes widened, showing endless awe.

The fireworks sensed a little bit of star power that melted into the flesh. The bottleneck of Yuanying's realm suddenly became loose. She felt a feeling in her heart. After that, she only needed to close the shock once, and she would definitely break through to the realm of not falling.

And these are all adults' gifts.

Thinking of this, she took her daughter and husband deeply buried, humble.

On the gravel, Master Qingpao seemed to be riding away in the wind. Between the clothes, he slowly lifted up, under the action of an invisible force, the body slowly lifted off, bathed in the spiritual power of the star point and Among the lotus flowers, solemn and solemn, like a fairy god.

At the same time, his aging and decaying body began to reverse at an amazing degree. The dried vitality in the body seemed to spring again, the back was straight, the white and black, and the dull and wrinkled skin was smooth and smooth again.

A smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, quickly expanding, spreading to the entire face.

No desire, no need, spend a hundred years of mortals, fishing on the riverside, taking a total of 9999 fish, the last one to make up tens of thousands, to be complete and broken.

Rescue, hundreds of years of hard work, shaken my mind, my thoughts were broken, and then I hope to be promoted in this way, hopeless, the last step is a shortfall.

However, the avenue is running, with its own cause-effect cycle, the river rises in the air, falls into the fishing basket, the number of feet is satisfactory, the perception is comprehensible, and the bottleneck is repaired immediately.

If you do n’t take the shot, the avenue has a feeling, maybe you ca n’t find it by taking tens of thousands of fish.

If the shot has been taken, the avenue has no meaning, maybe some hard work is truly lost.

The flow of the Tao revolves, there is no rule to find, the right and the wrong, all in one thought.

Mindfulness or life, mindfulness or death, no trace, but peace of mind!

Invisibly, a state of sentiment is transformed and transferred to his heart. His joy of breakthrough slowly dissipates, eventually returning to peace, and his face is indifferent.

Along the avenue, the peace of mind and the well-deserved attitude are enough.

Lifted and watched Shan Xi's kneeling repair, Master Qingpao hesitated slightly, and said lightly, "This seat is for the breakthrough of the avenue. It has been a hundred years of quiet repair in the Shangshui Sect. Today, it can be considered as a cause and effect for you."

"Since then, the Shui Sect has been protected from invasion by this seat. If there is a calamity, you can go to Xiaocheng, Xiaocheng. I can protect you and wait for nothing."

"This cause and effect ends here."

After the words fell, turning around and taking a step forward, the figure of the adult Qingpao disappeared.

The fireworks suddenly rose, just to see the adult's erect figure into the void, she suddenly had a hunch, perhaps in this life, this is the last time she met the adult.

Deeply buried, this woman looks respectfully, "Give me your respects!"

The monk of Sheung Shui Sung gradually calmed down. When thinking of the Lord Qingpao's departure, a person suddenly exclaimed, "Xiao Cheng Xiao Fu! Master ... Master is the master of Xiao Fu, Xiao Chen!"

The monks in the surroundings had a terrible shock in their minds. The adult in robes turned back to look like the years later. There was no doubt in his heart anymore, his face was deeper in awe and ecstasy.

Today's human race, centuries of years, Xiaocheng Xiao House Lord Xiao Family prestigious far-reaching, suppress the human race, its momentum is magnificent, invincible!

With the promise of Lord Xiao Chen, even if the Sheung Shui Sect is in trouble today, it will certainly prosper in the future!

"I'll wait to revere the ancestors with the firework master as my master!"

The monks from Sheung Shui fell on their knees and looked in awe.


Above the clouds, there is a monk Qingpao standing in the sky, his face calm, looking up at the endless sky, overlooking the vast earth.

The Three Realms of the Ancient, the Ancient Realms of the Wild.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, but there was a surging wave in his heart. Today, he has finally reached the peak of the spiritual world!

Taking the ancient ruins as an example, his magical powers can fight against the limits of the ancient times. Although there is a long distance from the ancient times, he is not discouraged and imposing.

Ascended to the spiritual realm, the ethnic battlefield has been in the human race for thousands of years, and has been in the human race so far, but for thousands of years, he has grown from a humble monk who was trembling and unable to parry the monks who crossed the robbery.

Under the ancient times, all can fight!

Sitting on the four kings, even if the ancient ancestors are powerful, they can be fearless!

Such a degree of progress can be called the ancient times, who can be compared!

Although we still can't cover the sky in the spirit world at this moment, but for thousands of years, who knows what happened?

Mighty and powerful, like the emperor of the Dragon Emperor, he may not have the right to sit up with him or even suppress his seat in the future!

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and his robe sleeve waved, waving his hand to tear the space away.

The ancestors once said that they would come to Zucheng to find him soon, and now it should be almost the same time.


The adult returned, just as he was silent when he left, and he did not make a loud noise on the day of his return. He notified his close ones and began to retreat again.

When you first enter the wilderness, you need to consolidate the cultivation as soon as possible, and strive to lay a good foundation as soon as possible to continue to move forward.

Spring and autumn come, the sun and the moon flow, and the four hundred years pass by. The Xiaocheng system has expanded and expanded, and forces from all sides have poured in, making the entire city grow and grow in just a few hundred years, and eventually become comparable. The behemoth of the ancestral city!

Xiaocheng and Zucheng are like two pearls on the earth of the human race. They are far away, bright and bright, and open all night.

Xun Shengxiu is already solid, reaching the peak of the ethnic group completely, sitting in Xiaocheng, responsible for responding to things, and the entire Xiao government, after Xiao Chen's return, has a strong potential and grows rapidly.

In the dojo, all monks who have the qualifications for promotion to heaven and earth have exited the customs, leading the heavens and heavens, passing the calamity, and achieving the avenue of heaven and humanity. This has attracted countless monks to flock to the city and go straight to Xiaocheng. Worship Your Majesty.

After Xiao Chenken, the second wave of the fierce recruitment of monks in Xiaofu began again, but the scale was relatively large among the ancestral cities of that year. In the powerful cultivation of monks in Xiaofu, they were attracted by the best treasures and the best techniques. Hundreds of thousands of human monks flocked.

But now Xiaocheng recruits monks, the standard has been raised a lot, and it is necessary to cross the border to repair.

As for the others, there are still no requirements, as long as any monk reaches the level of robberies and repairs, anyone who is not wicked or wicked can join Xiao Mansion.

However, after receiving the income from Xiaofu in the ancestral city of that year, the forces of all parties suffered enough and gave up the elite monks in their hands. This time, they naturally learned a lot and did not dare to make any changes.

Furthermore, with Xiao Cheng's status today, even if they have some strange thoughts, they will annihilate them severely.


"So far, if you take a closer look at the ascension of the spiritual realm, it has passed 2,135 years." Xiao Chen sat cross-legged in the retreat of the Dojo, and his face was full of thoughts. The spirit of the feudal town has exploded the heavy weapon of the country, hitting the ascension channel and causing it to become chaotic. In order to ascend smoothly without its interference, it should take about 5,000 years in my estimation, but it is now almost half the time. "

"Soon after, Ziyan, Yuewu, Qingmei, Xiaoyi, and five elder brothers will be able to reunite the spirit world and reunite with me. By the time they rise, I should already have the power to cross the spirit world and even cover the sky. In order to protect them from any harm. "

Xiao Chen groaned and looked dignified.

How difficult and **** the internal struggles of the spiritual realm are, and even a little carelessness will end up in the end. He has already suffered a lot in this, and he does not want those close to him to suffer as much as he.

What Xiao Chen wants, so that they can live in the spiritual realm without any worry or fear.

This is his requirement for himself, and also the greatest motivation for him to continuously cultivate and strive to climb the top of the avenue.

Because of this, he can withstand endless loneliness, never be satisfied, never stop, and even for a short period of stability, he has to bet on boring practice.

Xiao Chen can have the status of today, and chances naturally occupy a very important reason, but he himself is tirelessly repairing the avenue is also a necessary condition.

There are no secret secrets to endure hardship, how can there be a day when the storm is so powerful!

Xiao Chen inhaled deeply, depressing many writhing thoughts in his heart, and wanted to continue practicing, but his face changed slightly, and his eyes suddenly burst into dazzling light.

He waited for hundreds of years in Xiaocheng, but now he has finally waited, but I don't know what news he will bring to him.

Xiao Chen stood up and stepped forward, his figure disappeared.


"The younger Xiao Chen, see Master Renzu." Xiao Chen's face was in awe of his heart, respectfully saluting.

After hundreds of years of hard work, through the sword ancestor, he has learned all the information about the ancestors, and all the information on the boundary wall.

Human ancestors are the most powerful among the entire ethnic group since its existence in the spiritual realm. Its true cultivation is beyond speculation, but according to the sword ancestor's estimation, it is very likely that it has been out of the realm and promoted to another realm.

In other words, if the ancestor is willing, he can soar into the great realm at any time, enter a wider world, and continue to pursue the peak of the avenue.

But among the human race, there is only one ancestor who suppresses the ethnic group. If he soars and leaves, the status of the human race will not be maintained, and even the various ethnic groups will suppress it. Because of this, the human ancestors have remained in the spiritual world.

As for the boundary wall, it is the connection between the spirit world and other small thousand worlds. In order to resist the invasion of other small thousand worlds, the ancestors of various ethnic groups such as human ancestors gathered at the boundary wall to gather the entire spiritual world. The power of the ethnic group fights against the alien invaders.

This is also the main reason for the fact that the major ethnic groups in the spirit world have always shown hostility, but the real war of extermination has never been revealed. As for the extraterritorial battlefield, it is similar to the training ground for the continuous input of boundary wall wars. Fresh blood keeps the power of the spirit world strong.

If there were no ancestors sitting on the boundary wall of the town, the human race would have been defeated, and they might have suffered numerous deaths and deaths under the butcher's knife of a foreign invader.

Therefore, for the ancestors, Xiao Chen was in awe of his heart, without any falsehood.

This strong man who has quietly guarded the human race for many years has the qualification to be respected by him.

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