Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 382: Situation changes

Twelve blood prison cultivators, six men and six women, now four men preemptively attacked Liu Shiyan and Yun Ji and left. The remaining two had no choice but to fight with the six blood prison female cultivators to besiege Xiao Chen. Refers to others. August 1 Chinese W] W> W. 81ZW. COM

"Human women are left by you, these men belong to us, don't kill them, our sisters can also taste the taste of human men." A blood prison female sister licked her lips with scarlet tongue, her eyes Full of erotic-lust. Although these foreign women have hot bodies and cool clothes, their muscles are blood-red and their appearance is ugly. They are disgusting at the sight, and they really don't have any interest.

The faces of Master Zhi, Gu Zhu, Nie Yan, and Xiao Chen suddenly became extremely ugly, but they couldn't help but sink heavily in the sense of the breath radiating from the **** prison cultivator's body!

The twelve blood prison cultivators, the weakest in cultivation, were also in the mid-primary period. Among them, there were as many as 7 people in the ancestral realm. Although they were only in the early ancestors, they were already strong enough.

And most importantly, among the seven ancestors, the female cultivators of the Blood Prison actually accounted for four!

Nie Yan smiled bitterly and shook his head, "You fellow Daoists ask for more blessings, otherwise they really fall into the hands of these blood prison female cultivators, it would be better to just cut yourself off."

Pointing to the Master snorted angrily, the ancestors' breath suddenly exploded, and he took a step and raised his hand to make a monstrous handprint, bringing up layers of shadows, and abruptly fell.

"I want this man from the ancient realm. You can choose the other person." The two blood prison female sisters looked at each other, stepped forward, smiled and turned into a blood cloud with a wave of hands. Refers to the supernatural powers that corrode and melt instantly.

The two sides fought directly together, but the battle situation was very clear from the beginning. The Master was suppressed by two blood prison female cultivators. If they hadn't asked for anything, they had restrained their actions, otherwise the Master would lose even more. fast.

"I saw that the Human Race kid in the green robe looked handsome. Although the cultivation base is weak, it must not take much effort. If we succeed, we should be happy as soon as possible. People can no longer hold back this meeting. "Another female sister of the blood prison clan covered her mouth and smiled and looked at Xiao Chen with naked eyes, looking like she could not eat him alive.

"Second sister is right. Anyway, you can use it again in the future. Let's choose the weakest boy."

Two blood prison women stepped forward and beckoned: "Come on, little brother, don't resist, let my sister take you to enjoy the bliss of the world. If our sisters you serve are happy, maybe you can save yourself. Life."

Xiao Chen's face was gloomy, he hummed, and stretched out one hand and tore it hard.

Supernatural powers, tear the sky!


A dark, **** palm appeared directly, and abruptly fell towards the two blood prison women.

"Oh, my little brother is so angry, why don't you stop and let the sisters help you extinguish the fire?" The ancient blood prison clan female Xiujiao laughed, stretched her hand forward and wiped it lightly, and there was a flash of blood. Pass, go straight to the sky tearing giant palm and cut it down.


With a flash of blood, the giant tearing palm was easily cut off, and the two blood prison female Xiu Jiao wrapped around with a smile, constantly making moves, waiting for the opportunity to subdue Xiao Chen.

At the same time, Gu Zhu and Nie Yan were each entangled by two blood prison monks, one man and one woman, and they fell into a bitter battle.

Although these women of the blood prison tribe displayed a profligate and lewd appearance, they were obviously very scheming people. The four ancestral female cultivators dealt with one person separately to avoid accidents.

The battle fluctuations between the ancestors and Busta in the distance became more and more terrifying, and both sides showed the power of destroying the world and destroying the earth at the limit of the ancients, fighting wildly in the depths of the turbulent space. According to the current breath, short There is absolutely no way to tell the winner within time.

But at this moment Xiao Chen and the others were fighting with the blood prison cultivators, but they were already in a bitter battle.

Among them, Liu Shiyan is the most.

This woman was only cultivated in the mid-primary period. Although she practiced extraordinary techniques and had many trump cards in her hand, her strength was so strong that she could barely reach the peak of the ancient times, but she had to face the siege of two ancestral blood prison monks.

If it weren't for the seven-color gauze treasure in Liu Shiyan's hand that was extremely powerful, it seemed to have power comparable to that of Taku, and the two blood prison men were scrupulous about starting, otherwise she would have been defeated at this moment.

But even so, if this situation continues, she will definitely not be able to support it for long!

Anxiously, the woman pressed her lips tightly, her eyes eagerly looked towards the location of Xiao Cheng, but she could not speak much.

Xiao Chen was embarrassed by the joint efforts of the two female cultivators of the blood prison tribe. He was too exhausted to resist. He had reached a point where it was beyond support. His expression was a little more panicked, but if you look closely, you can see what he has in his eyes. That touch of coldness.

The gaze swept across the surroundings in secret, and immediately saw the situation of the other people. Except for Liu Shiyan, the situation of the other four is obviously not too good. Now they have no power to fight back under the pressure, even if the cultivation base is the strongest. The Master of Zhizhi is now suppressed at an absolute disadvantage.

However, through this incident, Xiao Chen truly grasped the five of them's cultivation base card. It is unnecessary to say more about the cultivation base of the master's ancestors. Then Nie Yan can also stimulate some kind of secret technique, making the cultivation base It has skyrocketed in a short period of time, and it is almost comparable to the realm of Zugu, which should not be underestimated.

In addition, the green front of the lone bamboo seemed to be like a dragon, with a cold glow, sullen aura, and the sword intent broke out of the body.

The Yunji magical power is the ice element. The endless chill is tumbling around, condensing slices of ice, but its sharpness is not under the ordinary magic weapon, and it is quite tricky under the crosscut.

Xiao Chen looked back, pretending that he had never resisted the supernatural powers of the female cultivator from the blood prison in the ancient realm, with a panic on his face.

The female cultivator of the blood prison clan suddenly showed joy. Without thinking deeply, she stretched out her hand to grab Xiao Chen. As long as she fell into her hands, she could be imprisoned in an instant. At that time, the handsome human cultivator would not be at her mercy.

Thinking of this, this woman's eyes are hotter than ever.

But at this moment, the panic on Xiao Chen's face instantly disappeared, turning into a sullen color, and his jet-black eyes were like a gloomy deep ocean, which seemed to be able to swallow human souls.




Without waiting for the ancestors of the blood prison clan to respond, the three ancestors aura suddenly descended in the turbulent space. The kings of Zhou Dong, Zhou Xi, and Zhou Bei kings roar at the same time, all of them are strong magical powers. !

At the same time, Xiao Chen didn't see the results of the Three Kings' shots, and suddenly turned around to face the female sister of the blood prison clan of the late Primordial stage, waving his hands and pointing down!

Supernatural power, nirvana means!

The misty yellow light shoots out and turns into a yellow spring millstone, with the spirits of the unicorn spirit beasts inside!

As Xiao Chen's promotion to the ancients, his lifespan soared again, reaching as much as 80,000 years in one fell swoop. The millpan phantom became more solid, the word "Huangquan" was dripping with blood, and the kirin spirit beasts roared silently, which made this supernatural power soar. Wanjun could not resist the destructive force, and came!

The female cultivator of the blood prison clan screamed and raised her hand to cast a thick cloud of blood. This thing has a strong corrosive power and is effective for all magical powers, but now she has lost anything when facing the Huangquan Damopan. The effect is easily torn by it.


When the millstone fell, the female cultivator of the blood prison clan made no sound, her body collapsed, and her primordial spirit was dragged and swallowed into the millstone of Huangquan in fear and screaming, and eventually disappeared, but the millstone of Huangquan became again. After a few minutes of solidification, Xiao Chen clearly sensed the excitement from the Qilin spirit beast.

From this point of view, the Huangquan Damopan actually swallowed this blood prison female cultivator's soul to enhance her power!

It seems that this time his cultivation base has greatly advanced, and Nirvana means that his magical powers have changed again, but now it is not the time to realize in detail. With a wave of the sleeve of Xiao Chen's robe, Huangquan Damopan immediately pulled out a series of phantoms and went straight to the siege. The ancient blood prisoner man from Gu Zhu left.

And at this moment, suddenly there was a horrible cry. The ancestral blood prison female nuns who besieged Xiao Chen could not be defended. She was instantly severely injured in the hands of Wang Lian on Wednesday. If it were not for a certain treasure on her body to protect its owner at a critical moment , This woman is even very likely to die on the spot.

But even so, she has already lost her ancestors' combat power, which has greatly reduced the power of the blood prison cultivator!

With one hit, the King of Wednesday retreated without pause, keeping Xiao Chen firmly inside, and quickly retreated. The other five battle groups also stopped suddenly. The two sides separated temporarily, but the situation in the court was extremely raw. big change.

The Terran side suddenly gained the power of the three great ancestors of the Great Wednesday, while the Blood Prison lost one of the ancestral powers, and even a female cultivator fell into the hands of Xiao Chen, making both sides evenly matched. Change the decline of the human race.

And this is the result that Xiao Chen calculated to get. He deliberately showed weakness, and then at the critical moment, he played the big Wednesday king's trump card to besiege the ancient blood prison female cultivator, and he went all out to kill another person, although Never killed that ancient female cultivator, but barely achieved the intended effect.

The five people, Master Lizhi, Gu Zhu, Nie Yan, Liu Shiyan, and Yun Ji quickly gathered next to Xiao Chen, their faces full of joy.

"Xiao Chen's friendly calculation, a force that has severely damaged the blood prison cultivator, is much better than summoning three fellow Taoists from the very beginning, otherwise the current situation will not be formed." Nie Yan said with a smile. Not stingy with words of appreciation.

Liu Shiyan's watery eyes swept across Xiao Chen's body, and she cast a winking smile and said, "Should my concubine thank Daoist Xiao Chen for his help, or should I blame you for your cruel heart, let alone The concubine was besieged by those two blood prison cultivators frivolous."

This woman is half-truth, but this attitude is quite irritating and confusing.

Nie Yan still smiled, but the eyes of the person who pointed the finger suddenly chilled, and then he calmed down.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, and he glanced at the woman faintly, "The situation is compelling, please don't mind Liu Daoyou, now you and I don't gossip, let's think about how to deal with the current situation."

"Blood Prison Clan cultivator's strength is wounded, absolutely will not give up easily!"

Several people heard the words, their faces changed slightly, and they nodded silently.

"Second sister!"

"Second sister!"

"Are you OK!"

A group of blood prison cultivators panicked, with a frightened expression on their faces, rushing to the blood prison female cultivator of the ancient realm. As for the fallen female cultivator, no one cared about it.

"Kill them! I want them to die!" The female cultivator of the wounded blood prison screamed, her eyes full of resentment towards Xiao Chen.

Seeing that this woman was seriously injured, but not in danger of life, the female cultivator of the blood prison of the Ancestral Realm who was the first to take the initiative nodded, "Junior Sister Xu Ya, don't worry, none of these human cultivators can escape today, and they will all die."

During the conversation, the woman slowly got up, her eyes showing bloodthirsty anger, "Junior Sister Xuya is injured, if you don't want your family to be cleansed, put down all your thoughts, try your best to kill them!"

"Yes, Senior Sister!"

The blood prison cultivators shouted in unison, the color of love and desire in their eyes dissipated, and the rich and evil spirit broke out outrageously, revealing a determined and ruthless aura!

"Blood-blood Hell Demon Formation, you and I will work together to refine them and endure the endless pain before death!"

Speaking for the female cultivator of the Blood Prison, exploded at the same time as the body of the cultivator of the surrounding Blood Prison, turning into a dense blood mist, and rushed straight to Xiao Chen and the others.

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