Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 383: Corrosive Blood Gas

"Be careful, the blood prisoners corrode the blood. Do not get into the body by this blood mist, otherwise the physical gods will be eroded and melted, melting and falling!" Nie Yan drank in his mouth, showing his terror. Bayizhong <? [文 [[(? [W] W] W].) 8} 1) Z} W]. } C & gt; O} M]

Even if he didn't speak, Xiao Chen and others knew that the blood was not provoking. At this moment, they drank their mouths and offered treasures or opened mana shields to resist them.

On Wednesday, the king gave a low drink, and his feet moved slightly to guard Xiao Chen inside. After a low drink, he hit it with one palm, and a layer of mana of the original appeared, which merged the three lines of gold, earth, and wood.

The next moment, the blood flew down and wrapped him in, and the mana shield suddenly burst into "Zila" imagination, and white smoke was born.

Xiao Chen's expression became extremely gloomy, with a wave of his robe sleeve, fire and water source shot, blessing the shield!

Along with the integration of water and fire sources, the five elements are gathered together. Although they cannot be merged, the power of the five elements is still superimposed, which still makes the shield power increase, and the gold, blue, cyan, red, and yellow colors are shining.

Although for the time being, Xiao Chen's face was still extremely ugly. Under the erosion of the blood mist, the mana lapse in his body suddenly skyrocketed, and he needed continuous output of mana to support it.

However, this blood mist is so strange that it has a very strong amount of repression, including Xiao Chen and others as many towns as possible. No matter how they struggle, they cannot escape from the blood mist.

"Young Emperor, this blood mist is extremely venomous and has a strong corrosive effect. Even if the three slaves and the young emperor join forces, they can only withstand more time. If the blood mist cannot be broken, the consequences are unthinkable!"

Zhou Dongwang said with a deep voice, his eyes flashed with cold light.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, his eyes glanced around. The five fingers, Guzhu, Nie Yan, Liu Shiyan, and Yun Yan were also in hard resistance, but each of them was on their own side, and under the blood mist corrosion It can only be supported hard, and the situation is quite bad.

Especially that Liu Shiyan, this woman had a huge loss of mana, and was caught in the blood mist before it had time to recover. Now she barely drives the seven-color yarn scattered layers of light to resist the blood mist corrosion, but a pretty face is anxious and pale. , Xianghan dripping breathlessly, definitely resist not too long.

The water in Liu Shiyan's eyes disappeared in full, anxiety swept around, but neither Nie Yan nor his finger was as good as it was seen. He only resisted and let this female silver tooth bite in secret, cursing in his heart But when she saw where Xiao Chen was, her eyes burst into surprise.

Xiao Chen and the King of the Big Wednesday urged the five elements to form a shield that is extremely strong, and it is undoubtedly the safest place in this blood mist.

"Xiao Chen, friend, please save your life and reapply in the future!" Liu Shiyan spoke anxiously, hesitating to perform any charm. However, this woman was born beautiful, and it was a young woman-like peach season. In panic, her face turned pale, and her sweat wet the forehead show. It also added a bit of temptation and teasing. People can't help but roll their throats up and down.

Xiao Chen frowned, and did not go to see the woman's charm. She frowned for a moment, and said, "Past, save her."

The human ancestors knew Xiao Chen's strength very well. If he knew that he would not die if he returned, even if he didn't say it, he would have a stubbornness, because at this time, he lost the favor of the ancestors, and it was obviously very uneconomical.

And now, facing the monks in the blood prison, he must also protect his own strength, otherwise he will be put in danger eventually if he is broken one by one.

On Wednesday, King Wang had no objection to the Emperor Shao's order, and at the same time, the Five Elements Primitives shuddered and shattered the surrounding blood, and although it could not be separated from it, it was enough to move and went straight to Liu Shiyan.

"Come in!" Xiao Chen drank in a low voice. Liu Shiyan, who was already at the end of the crossbow, dared to delay. At last, he struck hard. The seven-colored gauze could barely shake the surrounding blood, and Jiaosu drilled directly with the fragrance. Into the Five Elements Origin Shield.

I don't know if it was intentional. The woman's feet were soft, and Jiao Xun went straight to Xiao Chenhuai.

Xiao Chen's brow was slightly wrinkled, and no trace of his hand was reached to block it. A layer of aura appeared suddenly to isolate it. "Liu Daoyou is extremely depleted, and I can resist it at the moment. You will set your mana up soon."

Liu Shiyan nodded his head, his complexion flashed across Xiao Chen's body, sitting cross-legged and swallowing a miracle, took out two superb psychic stones, and began to absorb the psychic power with all his strength.

"Xiao Chen's friends have more than one's power, but please help me next, Nie must be grateful!"

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed in different colors, and hesitated slightly to drive the five elements shield in Nie Yan's ecstatic gratefulness, and put them into the shield together.

Nie Yan bowed his hands in salutation, and was very sincere in gratitude. He sat down cross-legged and began to recover his internal loss.

Xiao Chen thought about the number of breaths, driven the shield again, and went straight to the finger. Now he can't care much about it, and can only keep them for a while, otherwise things will become more difficult.

The fingers were smashed by fingers, and the look was closer.

After inserting him into the shield, Xiao Chen didn't pause, and brought in the solitary bamboo again. The man who was extremely indifferent to killing fell into Xiao Chen's glance, "You save my life today, and I will have a reward in the future. . "

Xiao Chen nodded and went straight to the cloud without saying a word.

In the middle period of this ancient female, if the monk is afraid that she is already ridiculed in this flesh, but her magical ability of ice training is quite amazing, which can make her barely resist in the corrosion of this flesh.

However, from the beginning to the end, Yun Chen never thought Xiao Chen had a glance, until he drove the guard to come, the woman hesitated slightly, and then stepped into it.

Although her look had not changed, she had never even sat down cross-legged after glancing at Xiao Chen, but Xiao Chen was keenly aware that the woman's chill was a little weaker when facing him.

Saving all five people will not necessarily reap their gratitude and friendship, but the relationship between them will eventually improve a bit. This is also good for Xiao Chen. After all, everyone enters the God of War Palace together. Maybe it will be useful to them in the future. .

But isn't it the time to ponder these things? Seeing the five men meditating cross-legged, Xiao Chen's brows frowned, and his gaze swept through the thick blood.

The blood gas formed by the monk monk's self-explosion is extremely corrosive and extremely insidious. It is impossible to say that the treasure's mana will be corroded even if the monk penetrates into it. At first glance, there is no limit to escape.

However, even if there are five elements of the original shield guarding for the time being, it is not a long-term thing. If there is no way to break it, the consequences are still unimaginable.

As for the left eyebrow dojo, Xiao Chen didn't want to expose it to the monks of the Blood Prison, and once he was discovered by the ancestors and the most powerful man like Bastar, this secret must not continue to be kept, and it must be waiting for him. Endless hunting!

The more you control the dojo, the more you can appreciate its preciousness. This temptation is impossible even for the ancestors, so it is absolutely impossible for anyone to know about the dojo without absolute power.

The ancestors were entangled by Bastar. The Five Elements Primal Shield could not persist for too long and could not use the left eyebrow dojo. In this case, it was obvious that he had to rely on himself to find a way out.

Xiao Chen inhaled deeply and suppressed many of the rolling thoughts in his heart, making his mood return to the ancient state of wavelessness.

The situation can't be panic now, otherwise it won't help and will only make things more troublesome.

His eyebrows were wrinkled tightly, and his eyes looked cloudy for a moment. After a moment, his eyes flashed a little joy, and he suddenly lifted up, staring at the blood outside the passport barrier.

After a moment, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed a little firmness, no matter whether it was successful or not, he must try it.

He moved his mind slightly, shed a trace of consciousness, circled slightly, and instantly penetrated the shield to extend outward.

The pale gold primal **** appeared when he was building the foundation. It was extremely mysterious. It is because of such abnormal changes that Xiao Chen did not know it, but after the mutation, he probably knew a few Minute.

Therefore, knowing that the outside world's blood has the role of corrosive deities, he still sends a trace of deities, which is out of his faith in the golden Yuanshen.

The next moment, there was a bit of joy on his face. Although the sense of blood that had penetrated into the flesh had already been corroded by blood, the faint golden light flashing on it could actually resist this corrosion, just like a spider silk. Extending to the surroundings, Xiao Chen's body moved slightly after a while. This sense of consciousness had penetrated the blood and corroded, taking all the external conditions into the eyes.

Today they are still fighting and fighting. The blood mist formed by the ten Blood Prison monks has covered the space of 100 miles. It seems like the waves of blood are tumbling and rotten, with a disgusting **** smell.

Previously, on Wednesday, Wang joined forces to severely damage the blood prison women to revive their injuries.

The ancestors seem to have noticed the uncomfortable situation under their eyes, and the magical powers shot frantically, but they were entangled in that Bastard's wild laugh and couldn't get away in a short time.

Xiao Chen paused for a while, then returned to the original path and reintegrated into his Yuanshen. After a moment of low thought, his face showed a little indifference, and there was no other means to order the Three Kings to alert, and then Sit cross-legged and slowly adjust your breath.

Three days later, through various ammunition treasures, Zhizhi, Nie Yan, and others have recovered as before. At this moment, they are opening their eyes, but their faces are still dignified, and their surrounding blood is gloomy.

On Wednesday, Wang looked coldly at the five of them, and took a step closer to Xiao Chen without a trace, looking indifferent.

For them, with the exception of the young emperor, even if all these people are ridiculed, they will not look at the slightest.

I know, Nie Yan, Lone Bamboo, Liu Shiyan, and Yun Yan's faces suddenly showed a bit of embarrassment, but no one expressed dissatisfaction. After all, if Xiao Chen and Big Wednesday King shot today, they might already be stunned at this moment. Fall in this flesh.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly opened, and he rose up.

"Xiao Chen is a good friend!" The five of them bowed and saluted, and looked a little closer than before.

"Now you and I are safe, but Xiao Chen Daoyou and the three Daoyou put together the Five Elements Origin Shield to barely resist the blood mist corrosion. I and the other five people could n’t help in. Once I waited for Xiao Chen Daoyou and others The strength is so great that I will not be able to escape by then. "

"Today's crisis, I also ask all of you Daoyou to hide privately. If there is any means, please let me know, I'd better discuss it to see if it is feasible."

The finger opened his voice.

Several people heard that their faces could not help becoming more gloomy, but when they looked at each other, they could all see the helplessness of each other. If they had hole cards, they had already shot in the blood mist, would they not wait until today.

Only that cloud cymbal was slightly low, a hint of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

Xiao Chen looked at a few people's eyes. Although Yun Zhi's look changed rapidly, he failed to escape his sight. At the moment, his heart moved and he looked at the woman deeply.

It seemed that Yun Chen had noticed Xiao Chen's gaze and looked up at him. There was a flash of confusion and begging in the cold and indifferent eyes.

Xiao Chen shuddered, moved his eyes away without a trace, and coughed, saying, "If you believe in the Taoist friends, Xiao Chen has a method that may allow me to come out of this blood mist, but you need to cooperate with one. two."

Yun Yan's heart was loose, his eyes gently swept over Xiao Chen's body, then lowered, covering that trace of gratitude, and did not want to be seen.

"Xiao Chen Daoyou take this seriously?" Finger pointed to the surprise and then turned back, embarrassed: "Don't think about it, there is no question about the meaning of Daoyou's means, just incredible."

Xiao Chen shook his head slightly to indicate that it was okay, and nodded in anticipation of a few people. "Everyone, rest assured, since you are speaking next, you have a certain degree of confidence in your heart."


[Third change, today's update is complete, see you all tomorrow! 】

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