Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 384: Space avatar

"That being the case, I would like to ask Daoyou to inform me in detail. If it is really feasible, I will fully cooperate with it. Eight W.81.W.COM" Nie Yan said with a deep voice, eyes fixed.

"After a while, Xiao will use some means to attack the blood mist from the outside. He will definitely lose some of his power. At that time, please ask all my friends to listen to my orders and blast with the strongest magic power. The blood mist shattered, and the crisis was naturally solvable at the moment. "Xiao Chen said lightly. Although she was powerless, she had the confidence to perfuse her chest and was unconvincing.

Nie Yan frowned. Although Xiao Chen said lightly, it was extremely vague and did not explain at all. Obviously, he intentionally covered up some things. He was hesitant to speak, but was directly interrupted by the lonely bamboo.

"I believe what Xiao Chen said."

Simply direct, but very weighty.

Liu Shiyan and Yun Yan also nodded in agreement.

After pointing his finger a little thoughtful, he agreed.

When Nie Yan saw this, he had to suppress the doubts in his heart, but he secretly lamented the charm revealed by Xiao Chen. It was only a long time before the deep guys in the surrounding cities began to trust him.

Xiao Chen's face was pale, and he never thought that things could be passed so easily. Originally, he decided to explain it, but now it saves a lot of effort. "Since you have no objections, you will decide accordingly. Daoyou was close to Xiaomou, listened to my orders to shoot in the same direction, and strived for success in one fell swoop. "

"it is good!"

The five nodded and stood side by side outside the Big Wednesday King, facing the same direction.

Lone Bamboo, Liu Shiyan and Yun Yan are close to Xiao Chen, and Master Zhi and Nie Yan are standing on the edge. They seem to be simple station choices, but they can reveal a lot of information.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, he signaled to several people around him, then closed his eyes slowly.

The next moment, the mighty Yuanshen Xiu burst into the air, the endless gods were like dense cobwebs, and they penetrated into the blood.

Shocked at the same time on the faces of Five Fingers, Nie Yan, Lone Bamboo, Liu Shiyan, and Yun Yan, but since they chose to believe in Xiao Chen, they would not be easily shaken. Although puzzled, they still waited silently.

As for the King of the Three Weeks, the three will not have any doubt about any decision of the young emperor. Since the young man has taken the shot, he has full confidence, and they are full of confidence!

Xiao Chen's consciousness was like a fish swimming in the sea of ​​blood, spreading out, spreading wildly in all directions, even though the monk monk desperately driven the blood gas barrier after being aware of it, he could not stop his consciousness.


Xiao Chen's endless consciousness penetrated the blood blockade and suddenly gathered in the turbulent space of space, turning into a ghost image of the gods. In the horrified eyes of the blood prisoner Xu Ya, his hands were raised, and then he swung to the center a little. !!


There was a crisp sound in the void. Within the entire space, the numerous turbulent space forces suddenly exploded as if summoned, and a total of nine dragons condensed in the rush, rushing straight to the blood group.

Although the force of space turbulence is powerful, it can be released freely for no purpose. The destruction power that can be exploded is quite limited, so it can be easily forced to retreat by the monks of the ancient realm. However, under the call of Xiao Chen, it is like a casual soldier. Suddenly turned into an army of millions of iron armor, the explosive power burst out instantly increased by dozens of times but hundreds of times!

Xiao Chen Yuanshen's phantom revealed shock, apparently the power of the turbulent space burst at this moment was unexpected, but the next shock turned into endless joy, leaving his face with a smile.

Sitting in space and holding the origin of space, once you get rid of the **** of blood, you can use the power of space origin to summon the power of space turbulence to blast out the destruction power and cause a devastating blow to the blood prison monks from the outside.

This is Xiao Chen's plan, but now the power of the origin of space burst here is unexpectedly powerful!

There was a desperate scream from the blood prisoner Xu Ya's mouth, and a flicker of blood flew outside, but under the power of anger and turbulent space turbulence, there was no resistance, the body was easily torn, and the Yuanshen collapsed completely.

Kowloon kept on, daring into the blood, tangled around it suddenly, and suddenly there was a crazy explosion of destruction!


The blood gas mass formed by ten blood prison monks was suddenly trembled under the frantic attack of turbulent forces in this space, but it was shattered and collapsed.

Each group of blood was distorted into a blood prison monk, but at this moment they were all pale and horrified, screaming in a hurry to retreat, hiding in the Kowloon strangling.

Five fingers, Nie Yan, Lone Bamboo, Liu Shiyan, and Yun Yan were stiff-faced, their pupils contracted sharply, and their bodies were stiff for a while.

This destructive power is enough to easily kill all of them!

Is this the power hidden by Xiao Chen?

How powerful is he ...!

The five of them looked at each other with a sense of awe in their hearts, and their expressions changed a little.

In the eyes of the King of the Three Kingdoms, the eyes flashed brightly, and his face showed pride. The young emperor was the heir to the uncle of the Big Zhou Dynasty. How could these ants be comparable!

No matter how strong Master Shaodi is, it is a matter of course!

"Ah! Lord, save me and wait!"

"Lord save!"

The monks of the blood prison clan suddenly spoke. At this moment, one by one, the turbulent forces in that space gathered in Kowloon to chase and kill the wolverines, and each time they were forced to resist, their expressions turned pale, and the fear in their eyes was a little heavier.

The six ancestral monks could barely support it, but the four Taigujing blood prison monks were easily wiped out under the strangulation of Kowloon, and the Yuanshen body collapsed and fell completely.


From the depths of the turbulence of that space, a wild roar suddenly appeared, and then the devastating atmosphere wave suddenly skyrocketed, the sound of a loud noise was terrifying, and a horrible atmosphere quickly broke away from the battle and headed straight for here.


The Spartan, the blood prisoner, suddenly descended, his body soared to the size of a hundred feet, his body exuded endless blood, thick and viscous, like the blood of billions of souls, and it was overwhelming.

There was a roar in this population, but he did not see any movement. The turbulent force of space condensed Jiulong Qiqi's wailing, and the shape collapsed and was forcibly shattered.

"Sir, Xuya is killed!"

"We died six people!"

"Kill them, be sure to kill them!"

The blood prison monk screamed and roared, his eyes glowing with bloodthirsty and venom.

Bastard gasped, and suddenly turned to see Xiao Chen and others, where the ultimate coercion fell suddenly!

But at this moment, the ethereal light flashed, and the figure of the ancestor appeared directly in the field, waving his sleeves, stopping the coercive breath. "Basta, all the battles today are caused by you and other provocations. , This result is also the fault! "

"If you want to continue to fight, the old man will accompany you to the end, but these young people behind you are afraid to fall here all!"

Bastar's eyes were blood-red, and there was a terrifying breath in his body. His eyes fell on the ancestors and others, and he spoke in a deep voice. "Human monk, Lord Spartan the blood prisoner admitted to look down on you, But killing my **** strongman today will kill Xu Ya, and you will definitely pay the price you deserve! "

"If I guess correctly, you should be rushing to the endless sea battle temple, my blood prison monk will be waiting for you there, all of them can't escape!"

The body of this alien Xeon gradually returned to normal, but the sense of sensibility in the blood-colored eyes was getting heavier, almost condensing into ice, making the Yuan Shen unable to bear a sense of coldness and coldness.

Xiao Chen's face was extremely ugly. Although Bastar opened his mouth to face the crowd, he was keenly aware that the alien Xeon had put most of his killings on him through the source of the killing. Obviously, he could see through today's war situation. Had it not been for Xiao Chen, the monks of the Blood Prison would never have come to such an end.


In a low drink, Bastad led six monstrous monks full of resentment and turned into the scarlet magic weapon. The blood flashed and disappeared into the depths of the turbulent space.

The ancestor's face was dignified, until the blood prison monk's breath left the induction range, then his heart was slightly relaxed, and he turned and drank, "Let's go!"

With a wave of words, he led Xiao Chen and others directly into the crystal shuttle.

The next moment, the crystal shuttle light flashed, disappeared into the turbulent flow into the space.

"Okay, today's things have been exposed." Renzu's face was slightly loose, but his tone was still solemn, "Although it is a bit dangerous, but fortunately, no casualties were caused, or you can get in touch with the horrors of Aresiya in advance. At this point, this is a strong foreigner. There is no reason to say that you can use pressure to oppress people and use your hands to face life and death. If you and I have the upper hand today, you will definitely not be able to force them back. "

Speaking of which, the old man frowned and waved his hand, saying, "Let's go back to your room to cultivate each other. Xiao Chen stays, and the old man has something to tell you."

The five men named Master, Nie Yan, Lone Bamboo, Liu Shiyan and Yun Yan respectfully said, turned and left.

When there were only two people here, the ancestor's eyes fell on Xiao Chen, hesitating for a moment, Shen said: "Xiao Chen, my husband asked you a word, you must tell me truthfully, but you control the origin of space ? "

Some violent movements in the space turbulence in the past may be able to hide a few people around, but the cultivation of the ancestors and Bastar can easily sense the original space fluctuations.

Although they have been aware of it, the ancestors still have to personally verify it.

Xiao Chen was slightly silent, respectfully speaking, "Xiao Chen did not dare to deceive his ancestors, but in the early years of his younger generation, he collected the origin of space, only because it involves Xiao Chen **, which is rarely known."

He didn't look the same in speech, but he was a little more cautious.

According to common sense, as an ancestor, it is impossible to be desperate because of a source of power, which is not good for him, but there is nothing absolute, careful and no mistake, otherwise he cannot live to this day.

The ancestors showed their emotions and took a deep look at Xiao Chen. "How precious is the origin of space, which is one of the most powerful origins in this world. It is extremely difficult to be born. It is the first time that my husband has practiced the path. I did not expect that in this turbulent flow of space, the source of space's original forces could actually explode such a terrifying power. "

"Xiao Chen, maybe now you can't detect the power of space, but one day you will understand it! Remember, you must practice well in the future and keep your life no matter how you enter the God of War Palace. The old man believes that as long as you There is no ridicule in the middle, and it will definitely be one of the most powerful of my tribe! "

As an ancestor, this kind of evaluation can be given, which belongs to the supreme glory!


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