Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 386: Refuse to exit

The human ancestor's hand flashed a little, and he took out a deep blue jade butterfly, which exuded a deep and obscure aura according to a certain pattern, obviously used to distinguish the authenticity. Bayi Chinese Website (W>W]W). 〉8.1〉ZW. COM

The black-robed monk swept away his divine consciousness and directly collected it in the storage ring. His gaze fell on the five Xiao Chen's bodies, and his eyes flashed with dazzling divine light, seeming to identify the five.

After a few breaths, the person's eyes returned to normal, but there was a weird color on his face, "Are you a monk of the spiritual world?"

Human Race was a little startled, then nodded, "Exactly, what's wrong with it?"

The monk shook his head, "No, you come with me." After speaking, the person did not break through, and his figure turned into a light, and went straight to a majestic palace far away on the beach.

Ren Zu frowned. From the look on the opponent's face, it seemed that something had happened, and it was related to their party, but now that he first came to the endless sea, he had not found out everything clearly, so he had to follow the doubts in his heart.

The six of Xiao Chen glanced at each other, and their faces felt a little more gloomy.

Something seems to be wrong.

"The elimination will begin in January. You will live here during this period. Don't leave your residence at will if there is no need. If there is an emergency, you can shake the brass bell in the temple. A monk will come by then." , The black robe monk turned and left, took a step, waved his hand to tear the space and disappeared.

This person left, Renzu's expression relaxed, and took a seat, "Sit down, you don't need to be restrained."

Everyone gave salutes one after another, taking Xiao Chen as their example, and took their seats one by one.

Ren Ancestor turned his eyes slightly, saw the different colors in the eyes of the six people, shook his head slightly, and said: "But I am wondering what the identity of the black-robed monk is, and dare to be so arrogant to the old man?"

Several people were silent, apparently acquiescing to this matter.

The ancestor was slightly silent, and slowly said: "The monks of the God of War Palace have four colors of blue, blue, black, and purple, corresponding to the extreme monks of the ancient, ancient, ancestor and ancient, but above the ancient limit, There is a purple robe pattern of thorns and a star, which is called a star, a thorns pattern and a moon, which is called a moon, and a thorn pattern and a sun, which is called the sun. As for the higher... even this constellation is not known."

"This black-robed war god's palace cultivator dared to be so proud of the old man in the early stage of cultivation. There is no other reason, just because he is a war god's palace cultivator, do you understand?"

The ancestors crossed the spiritual world and suppressed the human race for hundreds of thousands of years, but when they mentioned the Palace of the Gods of War, their faces showed a little helplessness.

Xiao Chen and the others suddenly lifted up, their pupils shrank violently, and they gained a new understanding of the power of the God of War.

The purple robe is the ultimate cultivation base of the ancients. How powerful are the three levels of Star Lord, Moon Lord, and Sun Lord?

No wonder the ancestors once said that after angering the Palace of War God, they could even burst out the power to destroy the entire spiritual world. Now it seems that there is no exaggeration in this statement!

"It's good if you have a few in your heart, so as not to cause misfortune in the future, but you don't have to be too awed. The Palace of the Gods of War is the existence of several small worlds, and even the fierce blood prison world must be respectful and surrender, but They maintain absolute neutrality, and will not intervene in any battles in the Little Thousand Realms, unless they directly provoked the Palace of Wars, they will be majestic and generally will not cause trouble." Renzu said with relief, "Now there is still a month, you must Keep at the peak state at any time to deal with the elimination of the endless sea."

"Yes, sir." Xiao Chen six respectfully said yes.

However, at this moment, Renzu's face changed slightly, and with a gesture of raising his hand, there was actually a jade slip directly overflowing from the space with a trace of pure magic lingering on it.

Ren Ancestor flicked his fingers slightly to dissolve this devilish energy, and then separated his divine consciousness into it. The next moment his face suddenly became gloomy and became extremely ugly.

"Master Renzu, I don't know what happened?" Xiao Chen frowned and asked.

"The blood prison cultivators encountered by the turbulence in the space turbulence are only a very small part of Nabasta's later replenishment. This time, he was allowed to enter the war **** temple blood prison cultivator, a total of 127 people, including 69 ancient ancestors. There are even cultivators of the late Tsugu period, right now." Renzu said in a deep voice.

When Xiao Chen and others heard this, their bodies suddenly stiffened.

The whole hall instantly turned into a dead silence.

After a while, the human ancestor slowly lifted, "The blood prison cultivator has threatened that once you enter the endless sea, you will surely kill all six of you. If you don’t want to take risks, the old man can request the Temple of War and give up this entry. Opportunity for the Temple of War."

Master Zhizhi, Nie Yan and others looked at each other, and they all saw each other's hesitation.

In the silence, Xiao Chen suddenly spoke and said respectfully: "Master Renzu, the opportunity to enter the Palace of the Gods of War is extremely precious. If Xiao Chen quits, he will definitely regret it in the future."

"Although the blood prison clan is powerful, the endless sea is vast. I am waiting for a chance to enter the Temple of War."

"Junior refuses to quit." The second person who expressed his opinion was actually that Yun Ji, and the woman sat down quietly without saying a word.

"The juniors also have a try." Gu Zhu said coldly.

Lizhi, Nie Yan, and Liu Shiyan glanced at each other and turned down.

Xiao Chen and the three were willing to break through, and they had no reason to withdraw.

Anxiousness flashed in the eyes of the ancestors, hesitated a little, and still didn’t say much, his eyes swept across several people, “Since that’s the case, I won’t stop you anymore. You can go down and prepare for your breath adjustment. After a month, there will be endless overseas. , There is bound to be a fierce battle waiting for you."

The six Xiao Chen stood up, turned and retreated respectfully.

When choosing a place to live, Liu Shiyan and Yun Ji were on both sides of Xiao Chen. Gu Zhu's face was indifferent and he chose a remote room. Nie Yan laughed and chose the other side, but the master's expression was slightly stiff. , Check in on the other side of Liu Shiyan.

Xiao Chen's expression remained unchanged, and he seemed to have no awareness of the matter. After entering the room, he could summon the King of the Great Wednesday, combined with the strength of the five people, to place the five element roots forbidden, and to block all divine sense exploration during circulation.

This time in January, Xiao Chen had no other thoughts at all. He wanted to take advantage of this last time to try to complete the fusion of the origin of the wood.

Xiao Cheng studied hard for four hundred years. Xiao Chen cultivated to consolidate the realm of the early days of the barren ancient times. However, he has not dared to try to integrate the origin of the wood, but now the situation is critical. .

The King of Wednesday was ordered to be careful, and Xiao Chen stepped forward directly into the dojo.


In the endless sea, the space turbulence of the blood prison clan suffered a big loss, and even the news that a very important figure was killed began to circulate among the five-sided small thousand-world monks, and the spiritual world human clan was immediately pushed to the forefront.

The Blood Prison Race has already issued a statement that as long as the Human Race cultivators dare to enter it, they must all be killed!

For a while, the monks of other ethnic groups in the spirit world began to alienate the human race. They occasionally looked at the temple of the human race in the spirit world, and could not help showing a little pity on their faces. They were stared at by the lunatics in the blood prison. Once a person enters the endless sea, don't even think about getting out alive.

Although they were from the same spirit world, they obviously did not intend to share the danger with the human race.

However, the Palace of War hadn't seen this, and there was no sign of intervening at all. The meaning was very clear, and they would not intervene in the fight of the small thousand-world monks from all sides.

In this weird state, one month passed in a blink of an eye.

Inside the room, the void flashed slightly, and Xiao Chen's figure appeared, his expression slightly gloomy.

The fusion of Wood Origin failed, only the last point was missing, but just like that, he almost made him pay the price of serious injury. Fortunately, he was prepared so that he did not bear the backlash of Origin.

On Wednesday, Wang respectfully gave a salute, and did not dare to say anything in the eyes.

"Finally, it seems that this is not the time to merge the origin of the wood. Now the time has come. The three of you will enter the dojo for the time being, and you will be called out when this seat needs it."

"Yes, Master Young Emperor." The three kings said yes, and they all disappeared after taking a step.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, cleared up his mood, put away the dojo, waved his hand to break the restriction, and opened the door.

Several people seemed to have been waiting for a long time. When Xiao Chen went out, the other five went out one after another, all nodding slightly to him.

Liu Shiyan glanced at Xiao Chen with watery eyes, quite a bit of resentment.

Xiao Chen saw if he hadn't seen him, he greeted several people and walked towards the hall.

"Haha, it seems that Daoyou Liu has something to do with Daoyou Xiao Chen, what does Brother Zhizhi think?" Nie Yan laughed in a low voice, turned and walked out together with a few others.

The Master Pointer's expression turned gloomy for an instant, his expression was uncertain, and he followed behind with a low snort, but his gaze swept back and forth on Liu Shiyan and Xiao Chen, feeling cold.

In the hall, the ancestors are already waiting, "Today is the day when the elimination of the endless sea begins. Since you have chosen to stay, the old man will warn you that in the endless sea, there must not be the slightest benevolence of women, and those who can kill should be killed. Don’t keep your hands, just do it cleanly and without a handle."

"Remember what the old man said, otherwise you will never get out of the endless sea alive!"

After the words fell, the old monster got up and strode out, Xiao Chen and others followed closely.

On the entire beach, the five spirit world monks left their residences and gathered at the entrance of the endless sea under the leadership of their elders. There have been war temple monks waiting to maintain order here. A rough sweep, the five spirit world monks have enough There are nearly a thousand people, among them, the more than one hundred cultivators of the blood prison clan are particularly eye-catching. Other small thousand-world cultivators' eyes fell, their complexions changed slightly, and their eyes showed fear.

Renzu led Xiao Chen and the six people to show up, and they were also watched by many people. However, this time was full of indifference, ridicule, and pity, making the faces of the seven people quite ugly.

On the endless coast, dozens of cultivators from the Palace of the Gods of War stood solemnly, as two elders in purple robes, the whole space suddenly became quiet as their eyes fell, and no one dared to move the least.

Purple robe monk, the limit of ancient times!

The two of them are all foreign races, and their faces are indifferent. Although there is no aura leaking in the body, their eyes are flowing like a nebula, and the mysterious textures are looming in them, and their eyes can swallow people's minds.

Xiao Chen's heart was slightly drunk and low, and the secret path was so terrifying!


[Third update, fellow daoists, don't go away, there is one more chapter in the next! 】

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