Although no shot was taken, Xiao Chen secretly estimated that even if the ancestors are avatars, they may not be their opponents. The terror of the War God Palace can be seen from this. [Eight? [A Novel Network ((W? W> W). 81ZW.COM

"Every 30,000 years, my war shrine is opened, and places are sent to the Five Realms. Monks are recruited to be trained by our war shrine. However, the road is ruthless and polished, so that we can achieve success. "The purple robe on the left of the God of War Temple was able to mount, and his voice was dull.

The purple monk on the right is covered with some kind of blue scale armor, dense and numb like snake scales, and the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, showing a coldness. "I think before you came here, you've got every elder's mention, but Out of duty, I would like to remind you once again, don't miss this unique opportunity that allows you to easily earn beast crystals and kill all the beasts you can kill, because you will not have this kind of thing again in the future. Opportunity. "

"In addition, I would like to remind you that the most dangerous thing in the endless sea is not the brute, but the people around you. You must know that by killing and capturing the beast crystal, my war shrine will not control it."

The voice of this person fell, and the monks of the Five Factions and the Thousands of Realms changed their faces at the same time, glancing around, revealing fear and caution.

"Time is up, go into the endless sea, I hope to see you again in the Temple of War in three years. Remember, if only three years, if you ca n’t cross the endless sea, you will lose your qualification to enter the Temple of War!"

"I fight at the shrine, don't take the weak, go!"

The monk Qinglin Zipao drank in a low voice.

"After entering the endless sea, the old man will wait here for three years, and then return to the spirit world. Remember what I said, everything must not be forced to keep yourself first." The ancestor whispered and asked.

Xiao Chen and others nodded and stepped forward to drive Yuguang into the endless sea, but his heart jumped a little, suddenly turning, just to see the **** monk's face full of shame to the six people.

"Human monk, the endless sea is where you wait for burial!" A blood monk monk in the late ancestors opened his mouth and gave an order, and the blood of more than a hundred regiments instantly turned into a rainbow of blood that drove directly into the endless sea. For a short period of time, it has disappeared at the end of sight.

The monks from the surrounding parties gathered, showing pity, as if they had seen the tragic end of the six human races.

Xiao Chen murmured, "Go!"

As the words fell, his body's spiritual light brightened, and he spearheaded into a ray of light, and behind him, five fingers, Nie Yan, Lone Bamboo, Liu Shiyan, and Yun Yan looked dull and followed.

Endless sea elimination begins!


Above the vast black waters, a mass of blood swelled endlessly, and a series of obscure horrors spilled out of it, sweeping the void.

Some alien monk passed by from here, and when he saw the rolling blood from afar, his face changed suddenly, and he hurried back to avoid it and didn't dare to approach it.

Half an hour later, the tens of thousands of blood corps collapsed and dispersed on its own, distorting Zhonghua into 127 blood prison monks.

"It seems that the six human races have already taken precautions. They have not penetrated the endless sea at all, otherwise they will never escape you and I will jointly detect it." One of the late monks of the Blood Prison tribe said, his face was somber.

"Can't wait any longer, or it may have an impact on the plan. As long as you and I successfully complete the plan, even if the six people of this tribe escape for the time being, they will not escape your palm."

"Well, that has to be the case now."


One hundred and twenty-seven blood prison monks exploded again, turning into a blood group of thousands of blood, like a cloud of blood, and galloping straight to the endless depths of the sea.


One thousand feet below the sea floor, one side of the shield overflowed with light, and the seawater was severely isolated. Six figures sat cross-legged with it.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly opened, nodding slowly under the gaze of five people, "the monks of the blood prison clan have given up robbing and left."

The fingers, Nie Yan, Lone Bamboo, Liu Shiyan, and Yun Yan were all loose in their hearts, but their faces were still dignified.

Even if they escaped the immediate calamity, after entering the endless sea, they may encounter blood prison monks at any time, and they will end up with a little carelessness.

Xiao Chen frowned, glanced at the five of them, Shen said: "Well, although the blood prisoners are powerful, their blood is too heavy. As long as they show their breath, they can't escape. Primordial induction, you and I are careful to avoid, but don't be too afraid. "

The five fingers and Nie Yan nodded. Although they did not know what means Xiao Chen could take to be the first to detect their breath outside the sensing range of the Blood Prison Monk, but with this card in hand, the safety was undoubtedly greatly improved.

"Haha, Xiao Chen Daoyou said very well, you and I can't provoke the monks of the blood prison clan, can't we avoid it?" Nie Yan smiled, and several of them nodded, their faces looked much better.

Liu Shiyan covered his mouth and laughed, and his watery eyes were fascinating with spring. "Since the six of us joined forces to break through the endless sea, it is necessary to choose a collar in order to prohibit the order and exert the greatest strength. Otherwise Everyone's opinions are different, and troubles will definitely arise in the future. Maybe we will still be affected by this. We will fall into this endless sea. "

The woman's voice dropped, the faces of several people suddenly changed slightly, and the atmosphere was slightly silent.

"I recommend Xiao Chen Daoyou as the leader, no matter the strength of cultivation or Yuanshen detection, Xiao Chen Daoyou are the people who are most likely to lead you and me safely across the endless sea. I wonder what your Daoyou would like?"

"Agree." Guzhu said indifferently.

Yun Zheng nodded and agreed.

"Xiao Chen Daoyou's appointment as a leader is also a result I am happy to see. I have no opinion on this matter." Nie Yan smiled and said, his face was peaceful.

Glancing at the gloomy color in the eyes of the Master, he said lightly: "Since everyone recommends Xiao Chen and Xiao Chen, you are the leader of Xiao Chen."

Xiao Chen took the look of several people into his eyes, and his face did not show the slightest difference in color. He said lightly, "You friends recommend Xiao as one, and you will no longer be arrogant. I only hope that you and I can cooperate sincerely and take a look turn off."

Several people nodded after hearing the words.

"Let's go, the blood prisoners have gone, we should not stay here for a long time. Although we don't know what the beast crystals do, it should obviously have a lot of uses. We can't miss this."

Xiao Chen spoke faintly, flashing light outside, suddenly turned into a rushing rainbow, and the other five got up and followed.


"Wait a minute, there is something wrong in the front sea area, I'll go and detect it, you are waiting for my greeting." Xiao Chen waved his hand, the five behind him stopped for a moment, and looked at the surrounding area with vigilance.

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he did not wait for the five to respond.

Today, it is three months after their party entered the endless sea, and it is only then that they really understand the true meaning of the word endless.

For a full three months, although the six did not rush to the full strength and did not dare to tear the space forward, but the degree was almost as fast as I did not know how much distance was crossed, but the sight was still a vast sea with nowhere to go.

After three months of running-in, Xiao Chen and the other six had a little tacit understanding during their actions. Mostly Xiao Chen relied on the benefit of the Yuanshen to explore the road. After detecting the abnormality, he went to detect it. Crowd up, otherwise avoid it early and go around the road.

Since this time, Xiao Chen's position has been recognized by five people. Everyone knows that the path exploration is the most dangerous. If he is inadvertent, he may be in danger. Xiao Chen took the initiative to take the matter. Leave others speechless.

During the period, he shot and killed dozens of wild beasts in the sea, and also fought with three waves of strong aliens. However, he also had some gains. In terms of the loot division, Xiao Chen also achieved fairness and justice. There is something wrong with him, and he never contributes. Although many attempts were made after he judged the strength of both sides, the beast crystal income was not the most among the six.

Although several people are all dark-hearted people, when Xiao Chen acted this way, there was also a little less reluctance to beware of each other, and tacit understanding was gradually cultivated, which made the team's combat effectiveness much stronger.


After a moment, the light flashed ahead, and Xiao Chen's figure appeared in the sight of several people. "One ancestral ancient white-bellied snake, three ancient, two wild ancient, you can start."

Xiao Chen's pale golden Yuanshen is quite magical. Not only does it have a wide sensing range, but it is silent and difficult to be detected when he probes. He has never made any mistakes after repeated shots. bright.

call out!

call out!

The aura of light flashed, and the breath of the six people burst out, rushing forward.

His finger still entangled the ancestral white-bellied snake, Xiao Chen and five others shot, and killed the remaining five white-bellied snakes in the shortest time, and then jointly killed the Taigujing white-bellied snake. Tacit understanding, the battle did not end for too long.

There are joys on the faces of several people. You must know that the beasts who reached the ancient realm in the spiritual realm will turn on their wisdom, and their strength will rise. Even if they cannot fight, they will escape. It is even more difficult to kill them. In this endless sea, even the ancient savage beasts ca n’t open their minds. Once they meet a monk, they will fight hard and endlessly. If not, it ’s difficult to kill a white-bellied snake in this vast sea. Complicated, once injured, they can dive directly into the deep sea, making the monks sighing.

Xiao Chen's six assigned the beast crystals in accordance with the rules. After a short rest to recover the loss in the body, they continued on the road.

In the endless world of crises, it is the best choice to keep yourself at the peak at all times, otherwise if you have an accident, it will be too late to regret it.

The group of six people continued to hurry, and there were no accidents for a few days, because Xiao Chen was exploring the road ahead, and the crisis could be avoided. A few people were relaxed and nervous, as long as they avoided the wandering and destruction on the sea Yuanshen's Yuanqi Shawu is not too dangerous.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen stopped suddenly and suddenly frowned slightly.

Li Zhi, Nie Yan, and others hurriedly stopped with excitement on their faces. Whenever Xiao Chen's expression appeared, they indicated that they would have a business.

"There are five monks in front. They should be exotic strongmen, one in the middle of the ancient times, and the other three in the early days of the ancient times." Xiao Chen said with a deep voice, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

Liu Shiyan frowned, "It's a bit difficult to deal with. Even if Xiao Chen Daoyou summoned three Daoyou to help out, we did everything we could, and we could barely gather seven ancestors. We may not keep them under."

Nie Yan can surge in power within a short period of time through some secret technique, and possess the power of the first battle with Zugu.

The solitary bamboo cultivates the red lotus extermination sword tactics, and the magical powers are exhausted, and it can also entangle a ancestor monk.

Although Liu Shiyan can only explode the ancient peak strength, but she has the seven colorful yarns in her hands, the rank is as high as the ancient treasure, with this treasure she can also resist an ancient ancient power.

The three people added the finger and the King of the Great Wednesday, which was the fighting power of the seven ancestors.

Nie Yan slowly shook his head. "Even if we win, we will have to pay a heavy price, even if people are injured or injured. It is obviously unwise to let ourselves fall into this situation in the endless sea. It seems that we have to stop this time."

He nodded slightly, pointing to the Master.

Xiao Chen's face suddenly sank, suddenly lifted, and the cold light in his eyes flickered. "It's too late, and the four of them didn't know why I detected my Yuanshen detection, and now they're coming straight to you and me."

"Can't escape, ready to fight!"

In a low drink, he waved his robe sleeve, the king appeared directly on Wednesday, guarding Xiao Chen's body, looking forward gloomily.


[Chapter 4, the update is complete today, goodbye to you all tomorrow! 】

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