Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 403: Terran headed

Changhe sunset frowned slightly, slowly raised his eyes towards Xiao Chen, and said lightly: "I don't know if my friends are really weak or mysterious, but my family is the top clan in my Three Stone Realms, and there are many ancestors in the Palace of War God Monk, if you kill him, you will definitely blame me in the three stone world monks in the future.? (August 1st [{文 〈网 W) W]. 8> 1? Z] W]. COM I Changhe The family, and the ** family have been friends for generations. I must not watch him sneer at this point. If the Taoist friends go their own way, you and we have to fight! "

"I bet, Daoyou, if you do n’t make any further efforts, or once you do, you will be completely in a state of weakness. At that time, the situation will be out of control. Presumably, it is not the situation that Daoyou wants to see. Think twice. "

Xiao Chen's face instantly turned into sternness. He didn't open his mouth and waved his sleeves. Eight figures appeared directly in front of him. He reached out and pointed at the ** hetu. "All you can do is kill him. No one dares to stop it!"

Leng Twelve carried seven under his seat and disappeared into the void, disappearing directly from the figure.

Changhe sunset changed his face instantly, and a breath of death locked him instantly, making him stiff and afraid to take any action.

Because he knew in his mind that once he had any changes, waiting for him would be a fatal blow, and more importantly, he couldn't sense the lock in this attack, and had no grasp on it!

"Ah!" ** Hetu's heart finally couldn't bear the complete collapse, and the phoenix burst out of the body, even mixed with rich blood, and the figure turned into a streamer that went straight to the entrance of the temple of war and rushed away!

Rush in and save your life!

Otherwise there is only a dead end!

** Hetu's face was distorted. All he could see in the eyes was the entrance to the war temple. With his cultivation as his strength, he used mystery and full strength to excite him. As fast as lightning, in a flash, he was already close to the war temple.

The ecstasy was revealed in this man's eyes. As long as he died, he could escape from today's killing!

Xiao Chen's face was calm. At this moment, the corners of her mouth suddenly lifted, revealing a touch of radiant color.

At the next moment, the horrible sound of ** hetu suddenly came. No one saw what was born. His body suddenly splashed with bleeding flowers, his breath disappeared, and it seemed that even Yuanshen was killed together.

Around his body, in the void slightly twisted, seven figures slowly emerged, all of them holding sharp daggers and piercing deeply into the body of the river.

Now killing them, the seven of them slowly pulled back their daggers, took away the storage of the river map, and allowed their bodies to fall into the endless sea, throwing a splash of water, disappearing quickly.

The setting sun of the Changhe River is ugly, and the tight body slowly relaxes. A few dozen feet away from its left side, a figure slowly emerges from the void, with an air of coldness and ruthlessness.

Leng 12 stepped back cautiously, the figure disappeared again, and appeared again beside Xiao Chen, kneeling down on one knee, "Master!"

Behind him, Qiyan, who was born in a swallow's nest, fell to her knees.

Luo Ye and others were elite disciples who had been adjusted by Master Yan. After entering the left eyebrow dojo, they were passed on to the Daoist assassination. The assassination made a rapid progress, and they quickly emerged.

Facing Xiao Chen, these secret assassins who did not hesitate to reap their lives revealed only awe and surrender.

Such awe and surrender are not obtained by strong suppression, but from their hearts. In order to protect the adults, they can sacrifice their lives at all costs.

These surrounding monks are not hard to detect, and their faces have changed.

Xiao Chen looked calm and waved his hands. Leng Twelve and His Majesty Qiyue stood up silently, took a step forward, and returned directly to the Dharma, disappeared.

"This place always divides the grievances clearly. There are gratitude for gratitude, grievances and complaints, and do not like to be coerced. This ** He Tu, I will kill if I kill. It is best to stop it. Vengeance, this seat is waiting for you in the Temple of War. "

After falling silent, Xiao Chen turned around and walked forward in the void.

Changhe sunset frowned, his eyes hesitated for a moment, and finally he slowly shook his head without making any action.

The Blood Prison monks retreated and dared not stop at the slightest.

Xiao Chenwei, following the lone bamboo and Yunyu, followed the footsteps of the monks in the Five Realms and walked into the mountain.

Stepping down, there was a ban on fluctuations in the surrounding area. Xiao Chen's three figures appeared directly on the platform. Before they could have a closer look, a loud laugh came suddenly. Sure enough! "

There was a flash of light in front of him, Jing Yangzi looked excited, looked at Xiao Chenmei with a smile, and looked like a kind of affectionate family.

He must be happy!

According to the contract signed previously, the three of Xiao Chen first entered the Temple of War, and he could harvest twenty times the crystal coin harvest!

A bet of one thousand coins was turned over twenty times in an instant!

This is the opportunity to enter the Stone Tower for twenty full times!

With these 20,000 coins, he can retreat for a long period of time, impacting the limit bottleneck of ancient times. Once successful, his own strength will definitely skyrocket!

Or you can exchange it for a top-level wild ancient treasure, or you can greatly increase his strength!

From the perspective of Jing Yangzi, Xiao Chen is simply his blessing star. Just after his arrival, he has gained tremendous gains, and he is even better with his attitude towards Lone Bamboo and Yun Zhi.

Xiao Chen frowned. If he hadn't noticed the breath of the human race, he was afraid that he had already taken the defense. Although monks are not allowed to fight in the God of War Palace, but he didn't see it with his own eyes, he would have to be a little more careful.

Seeing people dancing, he put his heart down and respectfully salute, "Xiao Chen, younger, see my lord."

Behind him, Lone Bamboo and Yun Yan saluted at the same time.

Jing Yangzi waved his hands quickly, showing a bit of embarrassment on his face, "Although you only cultivate in the ancient realm, this mystery is a bit overbearing. Once desperately, I may not be your opponent. You will call me directly Jing Yangzi is that you and I can negotiate with each other on the same level. Besides, I have also made a great deal with you, and I think the old man would like to thank you. "

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, his face suddenly turned pale, but he held his back tightly, without revealing his solitude.

Jing Yangzi's face slightly changed, and he smiled and said, "Xiao Chen, this time you helped the old man a lot, I must pull you a good drink." During the talk, the man reached out and patted Xiao Chen's shoulder. There was a pure power injected into it silently.

Xiao Chen's eyes warmed slightly, showing a little gratitude.

The setting sun of Changhe is pretty good. After Xiao Chen summoned Huangquan, the power of the source of the rule has been exhausted, but because of this, he didn't rush into the temple of war, but tried to urge the last trace of power and not let Exposing himself to any weakness, otherwise, once he showed the slightest eagerness to enter the Temple of War, he would naturally be suspected by the monks of the Five Realms, and things would be unthinkable at that time.

Although there are six monks and ten million slaves in the dojo, once their power is exposed, it means that the left eyebrow dojo is no longer a secret.

This is obviously self-defeating.

Therefore, he remained calm and acted stupidly, and finally summoned Leng Twelve to lead Qiyan from his appearance and killed ** Hetu by means of thunder, shocking the monks of the Five Realms!

Even if they have doubts, they don't dare to shoot at will.

But at this moment, when he entered the Temple of War, he was sure that the monk in front of him was not malicious. His mind was slightly relaxed, and finally he felt a little stunned.

Xiu Wei is still too weak!

If he can advance to Taigu realm, he can barely pull away the six rule lines, and the source of the rules will be enough to support him in a battle without the embarrassment of a shot, power exhaustion.

However, through today's battle, he also saw the horror of Huangquan's Grinding Pan. One hundred and twenty-seven blood prison monks joined forces to set up the blood prison magic array, which was defeated by a blow.

This power must reach the limit of ancient times!

But this is only the effect of Xiao Chen's reluctance to urge him. When he is repaired in the future to improve his ability to easily drive the magical power, Huang Quan's grinding disc will definitely show stronger power!

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and converged his thoughts. From that moment, monks of all races quickly entered, and the two **** strongmen of Bonour and Bolan had stiff faces, and their eyes swept away from time to time.

The monks in the Three Stone Realms, the Dongtian Realm, and the Floating Realms also secretly followed Xiao Chen. They could see the endless sea battle just now, and they all had deep fears in their eyes.

The proud color of Jing Yangzi's face was revealed, and the younger monks of the tribe were brilliant. All the monks in the whole God of War Palace had light on their faces.

"Ahem! Dear friends, I bet that the coins will be collected first. Please send the remaining coins early, but the number of these stones is not small, and the old man can also allow you some time."

"Tai Cheng Daoyou, since my spiritual monk has arrived, you and I will go now."

The Demon Strong nodded and greeted Xiao Chen with a smile. The two led the spiritual monk to leave quickly.

The monks of the blood prison clan stared at the departure of the monks in the spirit world, and then left quickly under the leadership of Nabonur and Boran.

How to recover the injuries in these 127 **** monk junior monks must be enough for them to have a headache for some time.

The remaining monks in the Three Realms paused slightly and left.


"Well, this is just a sea area outside the Ares Palace. We are about to enter the Ares main palace through the teleportation array. This is where you settle down. Remember, this is no longer the spiritual realm, but the Ares Palace, no matter where you are. From a family background, put away your intriguing fighting, you must not kill each other in the future, otherwise you will be punished severely! "Jing Yangzi said with a deep voice, his face was dignified," It is you who are strong aliens from other four realms. My common enemy, remember what you said here, and you will naturally understand in the future. "

"Yes, sir." Monks of all ethnic groups in the spirit world respectfully saluted.

Emperor Cheng nodded, "There is still half a day before the teleportation, you can rest here for a while."

In a word, the demon nodded slightly to Jing Yangzi, and went straight to the Demon King Fudo Ming and others.

Jing Yangzi naturally went to Xiao Chen and others.

Obviously, the two men had something to tell their families in advance.

Although some other monks in the spiritual realm were dissatisfied, they had no choice but to sit down. Whoever asked to come here today to pick up a new one was not the strongest of their ethnic group.


[In the middle of the month, ask for a monthly ticket as a reward, hehe! 】

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