Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 404: Teleportation

Jing Yangzi waved at will, and suddenly there was a layer of shroud covering Xiao Chen and others. In addition to the solitary bamboo and cloud bun, Nie Yan and Liu Shiyan were also here, but they were separated by a little distance. near. ? Eight

"You remember what I said just now, but do n’t all believe that there is nothing wrong in the God of War Palace. Once in the desert, do n’t trust anyone except those who can really be trusted, even if the monks of the same race have crisis times. It may be killing each other, not to mention other strong ethnic groups. However, in the case of a foreign monk, in any case, you must join forces with the outside world and never let the foreign strongman take advantage! "

Jing Yangzi spoke directly, easily overthrowing his previous grandiose words.

Xiao Chen and others did not find it ridiculous, knowing that it was Jing Yangzi who was raising them, gently nodding to show their understanding, and a little caution was created between them.

"Oh, you do n’t have to be too careful. Although the wilderness is dangerous, there are no monks who dare to be brazen in the Ares Palace. This is the second point I also remind you. No matter what, you must not take shots in the Ares Palace. Otherwise, the prohibition will automatically trigger and obliterate you! Don't try to resist the power of the prohibition, even the ancient monks will be killed under this prohibition, and you can't resist it! "Mention the War God Palace prohibition, Jingyang Zi's ​​face showed a lingering embarrassment, and apparently remembered some of the previous things, and his face was not very good-looking.

Xiao Chen and others all nodded, but they were puzzled.

Jing Yangzi patted his forehead and laughed: "To the ancient times, monks in the Ares Palace call the monks of the ancient realm, the ancient, the ancient, the ancestral, the limit of the ancient, and on the ancient realm, it is off the small thousand realms. This power is called the Destruction Realm, and it can be regarded as a strong one in the Great Thousand Realms! However, it is even more difficult to break through the ancient realm, and the gap between the monks in the ancient limit realm is also very large. A fine division. "

"In the Ares Palace, the limits of the ancient are divided into the realm of nine songs. Each promotion represents the soaring of their own power, and the monk of the nine songs is called the ancient existence, but the five realms in the ares. The strongest realm .. Don't underestimate the power gap between each song. An ancient pole three monk can easily kill an ancient pole one monk, and seriously destroy the existence of ancient pole two. Therefore, the ancient monks How powerful you are, you should be able to imagine. "

Xiao Chen's pupils contracted slightly, keeping all these things in mind.

Jiuqu to ancient times, he has countless distances from this realm. Even if he uses the source of the rules, there is no ants in front of this strong man. Raising his hands and throwing him can destroy him!

"You will naturally know about these issues in the future. The old man just told you in advance. By the way, the beast crystals obtained in the endless sea, after entering the God of War, you can exchange them for crystal coins. Alas, this is a one-to-two ratio. , The only time when the Palace of War God was generous. "Jing Yangzi smiled," According to the normal conversion ratio, a beast beast crystal from the early ancient times can be exchanged for one crystal coin, two in the middle period, three in the later period, and the limit of ancient ten One piece, one hundred ancient poles and two two ancient poles. After that, they were stacked one after the other, and nine thousand coins can be obtained from ancient times to one thousand coins. Crystal coins are exchange items circulating in the God of War Palace. Imitation, can be used to exchange everything you want to exchange, food, wine, beauty, magical powers of magic, as long as you have enough coins, you can get it. But I remind you, do n’t spend any one coin at will, because every One thousand crystal coins can be exchanged once to enter the stone tower to appreciate the combat skills, this is the most precious existence of the God of War Palace! "

"The inside of the stone tower is engraved with a powerful brand of warfare. Each warfare has the power to destroy the world. With the deepening of the perception, the self-cultivation will be continuously enhanced, and the essence of warfare can be mastered. Can explode horrible power! It is said that each of these warfare techniques is the supreme supernatural power in the Great Thousand Realms. There is no treasure that can be compared with them. If not, how can the War God Palace attract the monks from the Five Realms to gather, no one Willing to leave. "

There was a little excitement on Jing Yangzi's face. "This time, the old man got 20,000 coins by gambling with other monks from the Four Realms, and he could get twenty opportunities for combat skills. The time has increased sharply to reach the limit of ancient times, and it is not impossible to even step forward in the ancient times! "

Speaking of which, this old weird glance glanced at Xiao Chen, "Although the old man has gained a lot, he is still not as good as Xiao Chen's friends, and the beast crystals extorted by the blood prison monks have now fallen into your hands. I am afraid that there are as many as 50,000 to 60,000 yuan. The one-to-two conversion ratio plus the first monk who stepped on the Temple of War can get double superimposed rewards, and it will definitely earn a lot of money. I see blood prison. Zuducha has maintained a tens of thousands of years of coin records, I am afraid that you will be broken. "

Xiao Chen's expression was calm, but his mind was reminiscent. Obviously, the monks of the Blood Prison had already known about this, so they would take the beast crystal by force and do not want all the benefits to fall into his hands. But if Jing Yangzi knew that in the past two years or so he had relied on the milk of the beast crystals and used the power of the monk to slay the incalculable beast, I don't know what the expression on his face would look like.

Beast Crystal originally had such a use, and did not waste any effort on him!

"Well, let's talk so much first. You practice for a while. When the teleportation team starts, the old man will naturally call you."

Xiao Chen nodded, Yang swallowed several miracles, closed his eyes and urged the medicine to disperse, recovering his internal loss.

After half a day, Jing Yangzi and Emperor Cheng convened monks from the spirit realm and went straight to the temple. The remaining monks from the four realms were ready.

A huge array of gigantic arrays has a faint aura of light, and there is a vague sense of space and volatility coming out of it. Between the fluctuations, it seems that people can lose their minds.

Xiao Chen was able to recover from day to night. This small half-day break just gave him a little more action and his face was still pale.

However, when the strong men from the four realms around him, and even the monks from all ethnic groups behind him looked at him, their eyes were still full of awe, and they dared not let them go.

Even the **** monk who hated him so deeply had to admit that Xiao Chen did have the power to make them tremble!

The horrific attack of Huangquan Dapan was deeply imprinted into the depths of their primitive gods, and the atmosphere of destruction that completely wiped out everything could no longer be dispelled.

"This time the Temple of War shrine opens, but the Five Realms who came here safely are all qualified to enter the main palace and become my Temple of War God." Next to the teleportation, three Purple Robe monks stood hand in hand, except before entering the endless Outside of the two people I saw before, the third person was an old man of an alien race, and there were three of them. There was no trace of breath in the body, but the two purple robe monks looked respectful and showed sufficient respectfulness. It is this person.

Xiao Chen's eyes fell on this person, his heart was shocked. Although his expression remained unchanged, his eyes were a little more shocking!

On this old man's purple robe, there is a Venus above the thorn pattern!

Star Master!

Jing Yangzi, Emperor Cheng and other five powerful men respectfully salute at the same time, look awesome, even the arrogant blood prisoner Bonour, Boran and two did not dare to be arrogant in the face of this old man.

"See Lord Underworld!"

The Lord of the Underworld waved his hands, his eyes glanced around indifferently, and fell to the monk in the spirit world. He said lightly: "This time, the monk in the spiritual world performed best. "

Xiao Chen stepped forward, saluting politely, "Younger Xiao Chen, see Lord of the Underworld!"

The star of the Underworld stared around him slightly, then nodded slightly, "Yes, it is rare to be able to be humble and inferior to the old man. It is rare. Well, the spiritual monks are ready to enter the main hall through the teleportation array."

Xiao Chen backed away, slightly lowered, but could not help but frown slightly.

Although the Lord of the Underworld stars appeared indifferent, Xiao Chen noticed a bit of strangeness from his eyes. He was a little bit thoughtless and could only hold it down for a while, but was more cautious in his heart.

Jing Yangzi and Emperor Cheng were obviously quite surprised that Xiao Chen could be favored by the Underworld Lord. The former even grinned, and his face was full of pride. At this moment, he heard the words and salute, and quickly brought the spiritual monk into the teleportation array. in.

With a wave of the sleeve of the underworld star's robe, no other movements were seen, the teleportation burst suddenly operated, and in the tearing of space, Xiao Chen and other spiritual monks disappeared instantly.

Inside the silver-white space passage, a layer of shroud covers everyone, and the space tearing force can be resisted to the outside, so that the person in the transmission can not sense the slightest strange breath, such as walking on the ground.

"Haha, this time, the monks from the spiritual realm first returned to the main hall. Presumably the faces of the other monks in the four realms must be quite wonderful." Jing Yangzi said with a low smile, and his face was quite open.

Emperor Cheng nodded, looking at his happy appearance, and couldn't help but flash a bit of envy. "You guys have been **** this time, and they actually encountered Xiao Chen's junior monk, not only his face Soaring, even more tangible benefits! "

"Twenty thousand coins, he-damn, you guys must treat you when you go back. In addition, you have to be more generous with my share of coins. Fortunately, I have less bets. Both Bonour and Boland are afraid of It's a headache. "

Jing Yangzi smiled "Hey," "Forget it, you and I are not in a day or two, you don't have to pay back the remaining coins, but I wo n’t give it back to you."

Emperor Cheng's eyes lighted up, and he was overjoyed immediately, "Even if you guys talk about friendship and didn't force me to take on the mission of the shrine, otherwise I will be miserable. But this time the blood prisoners ate in the hands of your people Great loss, I will not give up in the future. Although my status in the tribe is not high, I also have some connections. I will speak for you at the appropriate time and it will be considered as your favor. "

Jing Yangzi nodded. "Okay, let's just say so."

The two talked in a low voice, and there was a town under the cloth of Yuanshen. They would not be heard.

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