Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 409: Navy bracelet

Although Xiao Chen could not fully understand it, it is not difficult to notice its effectiveness. In addition to defense, dust prevention and other effects, the most important role of this array is to gather spiritual power. [? 八? 一 ({Chinese [网 < [W] W> W.81ZW.COM

The formation method in this blue robe is exactly a small spiritual power gathering formation. If you practice wearing this thing for a long time, the small currents accumulate over time, but you can also get a lot of gains.

Xiao Chen Yuanshen explored for a while in this blue robe, and did not notice the abnormality, so he set it aside, picked up the dark blue bracelet, and mobilized the divine sense to slowly detect it.

But the next moment, his brow couldn't help but wrinkle slightly, a little surprised in his eyes.

Based on his practice of Yuanshen in the early days of the ancient times, Yuanshen found out that he was unable to penetrate into the bracelet. He was pushed away by a gentle force before approaching. No matter how he shot, there was no way to break in.

Xiao Chen's eyes appeared hesitant, groaned slightly, and his fingers flicked slightly, and suddenly a drop of blood fell from his fingertips onto the dark blue bracelet.

The blood drops, as if on a sponge, and is absorbed directly into it. The dark blue bracelet suddenly shows a trace of blood, spreading throughout the whole body, and a little bloodshot on the pure blue makes it more A little more beautiful.

At the same time, a flesh-and-blood feeling appeared in Xiao Chen Yuanshen, as if the dark blue bracelet had become a part of his body.

A piece of information came out of the bracelet and directly imprinted into Xiao Chen Yuanshen.

The amount of information is no longer small, including some introductions to the functions of the opponent's bracelet, with the rules of conduct in the Ares Palace, and a completed map of the Ares Palace main palace.

It took Xiao Chen almost half an hour to digest all this information, his eyes slowly opened, his mind moved slightly, and the bracelet flashed again, and once again appeared on Xiao Chen's wrist, slightly flashed, this The dark blue bloodstained bracelet disappeared directly into his flesh.

Dividing a trace of consciousness into the bracelet, the figure seems to enter an independent space, but the eyes have not been affected, which is magical.

The floating texts are scattered with faint auras of light, exercises, magical powers, magic weapons, materials, tasks, rewards, rankings, transactions, coin exchange and other categories. You can view the contents of these changes.

Xiao Chen opened one by one, and her expression couldn't help but a little rigidity, and her heart was extremely shocked.

Only then did you understand how powerful the heritage of Ares Palace is!

All kinds of top-level magical powers, even the secrets of the Five Realms, are all clearly marked, and there are even some unheard of terrorist laws. Although the price is expensive, as long as you have enough crystal coins, you can earn them all. Hands.

The ancient treasures have the horror power comparable to monks in the ancient realm, the Xeons even have the power of the ancient ones, and there are still vague and unclear parts above this ancient ancient treasures. Perhaps Xiao Chen is not qualified to view it now. But it leaked amazing news!

In the Ares Palace, there are treasures above the ancient ranks of treasures!

Such treasures represent powers above the ancient level .. Destruction, and even stronger!

However, the tens of millions of horror prices are enough to make people astounded!

Xiao Chen grinned bitterly, reluctantly withdrew his thoughts, and glanced over the other contents. Among them, the materials were sold to the monks by the War God Palace. The monks could also sell precious materials in exchange for crystal coins, but the price was slightly lower.

The missions are some missions of the War God Palace cloth. After completing them, you can get high rewards. If you fail, you will also be punished severely.

The reward is for the content set up by the monks in Ares Palace, or vendetta, or treasure hunt, or search for certain materials. After the monks finish, they automatically receive the treasures, but they do not need to be punished.

The ranking is a list of monks of the Five Realms according to their performance. They are divided into three parts: the ancient, the ancient, and the ancient. The top one hundred monks in each part can view it clearly and introduce simple identity information.

It is self-evident that there are still some other parts of Xiao Chen who haven't looked at them one by one. They entered the trading options, and various exchange ratios suddenly appeared.

One hundred early beast crystals can be exchanged for one crystal coin, medium beast crystals can be exchanged for two crystal coins, and later beast crystals can be exchanged for three crystal coins.

Ten beast crystals in the early Taikoo period can be exchanged for one crystal coin, two beast crystals in the middle period, and three beast crystals in the later period.

The ancestral and above Jingyangzi has been introduced.

Moreover, there is a clear display on this exchange page. The redemption of the beast crystal for the second time can get the privilege of one for two. Only once, the endless beast crystal in the sea is valid, and the rest is useless.

Xiao Chen returned to Shennian and finally got a general understanding of the War God Palace. The more you know, the more you can sense its depth.

Taking this dark blue bracelet as an example, it can directly connect to some marvelous prohibition in the Ares Palace, move at will, and complete exchanges with monks. This method was unprecedented and unheard of before Xiao Chen.

"There is no need to worry about the exchange of beast crystals. Today, my internal injuries are barely suppressed, and there is still a long way to go. The most important thing now is to restore myself to the peak state, so that I can calmly cope with the changing situation." Xiao Chen frowned slightly, looking at the hand Medium dark blue bracelet, his face was cloudy for a while.

After recognizing the Lord, this thing seems to have been integrated with him. Xiao Chen can control the use, but cannot remove it. But if you bring this thing into the dojo, once the dojo information is leaked, it will most likely cause a terrible disaster!

It should be noted that the War God Palace is a force extended from the Great Thousand Realms, and whether it is a strong enemy of the Zuo Meidao people or a monk of the Fire tribe, once he detects the slightest, he will have no place to bury himself.

He couldn't help but be careful!

Xiao Chen groaned slightly, stretched out his hands to put on the green robe, and waved his hand to open the forbidden door.

After a while, Jing Yangzi was surprised and welcomed Xiao Chen into the room. Xiao Chen would take notice of it and changed the matter about the left eyebrow dojo. He confessed that he was secretive and did not want to be known.

"Haha, Xiao Chen Daoyou don't need to worry. After you and I recognize the Lord, the dark blue bracelet has belonged to you and me. The War God Palace does have a means to locate or sense your life and death, but it cannot monitor you and my behavior."

Jing Yangzi explained with a smile.

Most monks are reluctant to let people know the secrets. Xiao Chen has some scruples today. Naturally, his predecessors have been able to perceive them for a long time.

I do not know how many thousands of years ago, the Five Realms in the Ares Palace questioned the Ares Palace jointly. Once there was the existence of the main level of the moon, and the mystery of the dark blue bracelet was displayed. In the name of Ares Palace, there was no monitoring monk.

"The lord of the stars and even the ancient realm, the status of the lord of the moon is more on top of it, and it is very likely that there is a ruined existence. The guarantee of this mighty power is correct. And as far as I know, no monk has come out. The suspicion being monitored by the War God Palace, Xiao Chen Daoyou still need not worry too much. "

Xiao Chen nodded, thanked him and left, returning to the room, his face was still cloudy for a while, he gritted his teeth fiercely, his eyes flashed with fortitude.

Now the dark blue bracelet is on his hand. Unless he never uses the left eyebrow dojo in the Ares Palace, this cannot be avoided.

That being the case, he can only give it a try!

Settled, Xiao Chen stepped forward and the figure disappeared into the dojo directly.

After a moment, the ethereal light flashed slightly, his figure reappeared, his face dignified, carefully sensing the fluctuations of the surrounding atmosphere, waiting for two full hours without any change, which relieved him slightly.

It seems that Jing Yangzi's statement should be good, otherwise it will never be quiet.

Xiao Chen shook his head. Maybe he was too cautious. He stepped out and disappeared into the dojo again.


The golden bricks and tiles, the round hall, and the four huge crystal pillars are faintly aura of light, engraved with fine and delicate textures, rippling with the spiritual halo like water waves.

The ground is paved with some strange white slate, smooth and equal, exuding strong spiritual power, condensing into white mist, but will not spread unnecessarily, condensing at a height less than one foot from the ground, flowing slowly.

Above the palace, two figures sit on opposite sides of the two huge chairs.

"That little guy has been recruited in the palace, and the third brother wouldn't want to go and see him?" One of the young men said with a smile, with a mild expression.

The middle-aged monk frowned slightly, "Sixth Brother, don't worry about this matter. I only spent the strength of those **** corpses in order to suppress it. Only then did I leave a trace of the origin of the war word formula. There is still a long way to go before it can be recognized by Zhanzijue. We used our own strength to step up step by step. Now I will not help him. "

The young man nodded, his face revealing a thoughtful look. "It seems that the third brother has high expectations for this little guy, otherwise he would not care so much."

The middle-aged monk was slightly silent, and slowly nodded. "When my trace of divine thought met him, the little guy did not fall into the realm. Now, in just two thousand years, he has reached where he is today."

The young man's face was sullen. "This qualification, this kind of chance, even if you and I are far worse than that, does the third brother value him so much."

But at this moment, the faces of the two changed slightly at the same time. After a moment of silence, they looked at each other with a little surprise on their faces.

"Third brother, it seems you and I still underestimated this little guy. Obviously there are still many secrets on him, even the breath of dark blue bracelets can be shielded."

"He is testing our response, huh, or as cautious as ever."

"What do we do?"

"Let him go. You and I look at it. Adults and dragons. In the end, they still have to rely on themselves. You and I can't help him."

"it is good."

After the conversation ended, they closed their eyes one after another, as if they were in a state of cultivation.

They were wearing purple robes, with thorns embroidered on their chests, and a crescent moon hung over them.


On the second floor of the Dojo, Xiao Chen announced the retreat and entered the cultivation level again.

After the reformation of the forbidden Taoist monks by the Lingshi Jiyuan Shengling Formation, the number of spiritual stones that can be filled has greatly increased, and the vast area on the second floor of the dojo and the rich spiritual power of the heaven and earth are destined not to lack the existence of the Lingmai deposit.

Therefore, there is no shortage of such things as Ling Shi, and it is natural to feel uncomfortable when practicing.

It covers an area of ​​10,000 miles and draws spiritual power directly from three huge spiritual stone mines. The concentration of spiritual power is naturally astonishing.

During the retreat of Xiao Chen, the identity of the ancient demon suddenly exited, without disturbing Xiao Chen, he went straight to the medical road.

Xiao Chen's avatar is Xiao Chen. Both have the same origin. His request represents Xiao Chen's will, and naturally no one dares to oppose it.

Ganoderma gave up the storage ring without asking why.

Xiao Chen hunted and beheaded the beasts in the endless sea, and even the blood of the eight-armed swallowing heaven chapter was almost in this storage ring.

These blood come from the powerful Warcraft, each drop contains powerful power, which can be refined and integrated into the elixir through the hands of medical monks, which makes the elixir level higher and has stronger effects.

The ancient demon avatar did not stay. After getting the blood, he returned directly to the Temple of Heaven.


[Third change, today's update is complete, see you all tomorrow! 】

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