Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 410: World of change

For example, today the Demon Temple has become a retreat for the ancient demon clone all year round, without his permission, no monk can enter it. Eight [One? Novel? Web W] W) W). }81ZW. COM

At this moment, his figure appeared in the hall. There was a huge pond on the ground, which was probably no less than a mile in size. It was about ten feet deep. The bottom and walls of the pit were smooth, as if a layer of iron was poured over it, forming a layer. The dark surface has these complicated lines carved on it.

Although it is only an empty pool, it is like a big mouth that chooses people to swallow. It can easily swallow any creature. Even if the eyes are down, it will give birth to a feeling of being swallowed, which is very strange.

The ancient demon clone's hand flashed with spiritual light, and he immediately took out several jade bottles, waved his hand to open the imprisonment, and bright red blood overflowed from it.

A large wave of blood poured into the pool, and a strong smell of blood was immediately dispersed from it.

And with the blood perfusion, a faint black light was emitted from the bottom and walls of the pit, and the textures seemed to have come alive. A trace of blood energy was extracted from the blood, and gathered to the core of the bottom of the pit through these textures.

There was a little expectation on the fortified face of the ancient demon clone, "The main body slaughtered, but it has collected enough material for me to refine the body, especially the eight-armed swallowing chapter, as a brutal beast in the destruction realm, if I can hold on. , The physical power will surely soar, and the self-cultivation will also increase!"


The ancient demon clone jumped down directly, and his shirt instantly shattered and torn, and fell into the blood pool and was directly corroded and melted.

As the ancient demon clone entered, the texture in the blood pool was running at full force, and the entire blood pool suddenly emitted extremely terrifying power fluctuations. The **** energy that had gathered was directly poured into his body and disappeared.


It took Xiao Chen seven months to recover from his injuries.

With the help of the power of the source of rules, he can have a short-term ancestral realm cultivation base, and forcibly integrate the origin of the wood. Although it is only a temporary integration, it is still a precious experience for Xiao Chen, which makes him more aware of the origin of the integration. A bit of understanding.

Perhaps soon, he will be able to complete the fusion of the origin of the wood, and then the cultivation base will rise.

Thinking slightly, Xiao Chen got up, took a step forward and appeared in the main hall.

After a while, Ganoderma lucidum came in a hurry, respectfully saluting.

"Ganoderma lucidum, take all the beast crystals collected from the endless sea to me."

Ganoderma lucidum's delicate hand flashed lightly, took out a storage ring, and offered it with both hands, "Big Brother Xiao Chen, here are all the beast crystals harvested in the dojo.. In addition, a few months ago, the ancient demon clone went out and took almost half of it. Brutal blood."

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and he said lightly: "Well, I already know about this, you can go busy on your own, just go and see."

When he finished speaking, he took the next step and reappeared outside the Temple of Heaven Demon.

In response to the strong blood qi fluctuations emanating from the hall, Xiao Chen's thoughts came out, and it was found that the ancient demon clone had entered a deep level of cultivation and had already closed the six senses.

Although he doesn't know what the ancient demon clone is doing, Xiao Chen has intuition that this matter must be of great benefit to him. Perhaps after this retreat, the ancient demon clone's power will soar to a whole new level.

There was a moment of silence outside the Heaven Demon Hall, confirming that the Ancient Demon clone was not in danger, Xiao Chen retreated and left.

The dark blue bracelet is still worn on the hand, but without all the previous wonderful effects, it seems to be sealed after entering the dojo. It must be the power of the left eyebrow dojo, which has blocked the connection between it and the God of War.

In this case, even if the God of War Palace detects the abnormality, it is impossible to know the secrets of the dojo through the dark blue bracelet. Thinking of this, Xiao Chen's heart is slightly relieved.

The foot took the next step, and his figure disappeared.

After returning to the outside world, Xiao Chen appeared in the room, carefully checked the restrictions, and confirmed that there were no abnormalities, and then he was slightly relieved.

Probing out his spiritual knowledge, the deep blue bracelet really recovered its previous effects, confirming Xiao Chen's previous guess.

The blood prison cultivators forcibly seized more than 60,000 beast crystals from the Four Realms cultivator, while Xiao Chen used the beast crystal milk as bait to lay a killing array to kill the beasts, and harvested nearly 40,000 beast crystals. Million.

Among them, most of the ancient and ancient times, the ancestral realm of beast crystals only have less than 20,000, and most of them are in the early, middle and late ancestors.

But if the number of these beast crystals were announced, I don't know how many cultivators would be shocked. It should be known that even the famous blood prison clan had only harvested 30,000 beast crystals, and Xiao Chen was three times as much as him.

"One hundred thousand beast crystals, the ratio of one to two, plus double rewards, I don't know how many crystal coins can be obtained?" Xiao Chen showed a smile on his face, and leaned out a trace of spiritual knowledge to directly enter the beast crystal exchange page.

The mind moved slightly, and the 100,000 beast crystals in the storage ring were directly sent into the dark blue bracelet.

"Human cultivator Xiao Chen, there are a total of one hundred and seven hundred and twenty-one beast crystals, are you sure to exchange it?"

Xiao Chen chose yes.

"Stay short, the exchange calculation is in progress... According to statistics, there are 3,038 beast crystals in the late ancestral period, 6,024 in the mid-term, and 10,393 in the early period. A total of 10 can be exchanged. 28,321 crystal coins."

"Exchange is complete."

In the dark blue bracelet, all the beast crystals disappeared strangely, and they seemed to have been taken away through some kind of transmission, and Xiao Chen once again appeared in front of Xiao Chen with a crystal coin balance option, leaving twelve thousand, three hundred and twenty-one crystal coins.

A smile appeared at the corner of Xiao Chen's mouth, then spread to the entire face, and finally turned into a big smile.

The double reward of the second exchange and the reward for the elimination of the first place are superimposed to create such a terrifying number of crystal coins. According to Jingyangzi’s words, it is extremely difficult to obtain crystal coins, except for endless overseas savagery. The spirit of the beast has been activated, and it is naturally harder to hunt.

And the number of crystal coins of more than 120,000, even the strong Qugu may not have it!

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, calmed the surprise in his heart, with a little thoughtful expression on his face.

Now that he is healed from his injuries and has completed the coin exchange, it is time to take a good look at the Palace of the Gods of War. The stone tower mentioned by Jingyangzi has naturally become Xiao Chen's choice.

He had to take a good look at how amazing the weird and powerful combat skills were.

Xiao Chen got up and pushed the door out, slightly hesitating, did not call Gu Zhu, Yun Ji and others, and left alone.

There are teleportation formations in the area where the monks of the Five Realms live to connect to the God of War Palace, but the teleportation costs crystal coins, one at a time.

But even so, this is an extremely extravagant behavior in the eyes of the Five Realms cultivator. If it is not urgent, under normal circumstances, the five people are willing to use the teleportation array, and would rather spend some time controlling the escape.

After all, they have a lot of time, but crystal coins are hard to find.

Without too much hesitation, Xiao Chen set up his escape light and went straight to teleport.

"Teleport to the stone tower." Xiao Chen said lightly. When he stepped into the teleportation formation, the number of crystal coins in the jade bracelet in his hand automatically decreased by one.

The person responsible for the maintenance of the teleportation array is a cultivator of the Ancient Terran Realm. At this moment, there is an expression of shock that cannot be hidden on his face. Waste of coins.

It must be a newcomer, I am afraid I haven't realized the importance of crystal coins yet, hum, you will feel better in the future!

Although he was disdainful in his heart, the person's face did not show any signs, his hands and feet activated the teleportation array, and the aura flashed through Xiao Chen's figure and disappeared.

The Primordial monk curled his lips, Yu Guang suddenly saw a figure, and his face suddenly appeared to please, "Master Jingyangzi, where are you going?"

Jing Yangzi didn't answer, frowned and asked: "I just saw the teleportation formation open, I don't know who it is?" Only then he vaguely saw a figure in the teleportation formation, a little familiar but not sure.

"My lord, you said he is wearing a blue robe. He is probably a newcomer. I'm afraid I don't know the importance of crystal coins. He actually took the teleportation array to the stone tower. I want to have some regrets in the future." The teleportation monk laughed. He opened his mouth, but it was not without ridicule.

Jing Yangzi's heart moved, and his gaze fell on this person, showing a little weird look, "He is Xiao Chen, you'd better be more respectful to him in the future, otherwise it's yourself who won't be able to eat."

"Teleport, I also want to go to the stone tower."

As he spoke, his brows wrinkled slightly, Xiao Chen's body was extremely worn out, and now he can't recover in just a few days, how did he think of going to the stone tower.

As Jing Yangzi frowned and thought, the teleportation cultivator did not dare to delay the slightest. After teleporting him away, his face showed the color of thought.

"Xiao Chen... Xiao Chen!" The person's eyes suddenly widened, and finally thought of that person's identity. A layer of fine sweat grew on his forehead, and his robe was instantly wetted.


Stone tower.

The teleportation array flashed slightly, and Xiao Chen walked out amidst the surprised eyes of the surrounding monks.

In the Palace of the Gods of War, the monks who used the teleportation array were at least above the realm of the ancestors, and a lonely ancient monk wore a green robe, which was naturally quite dazzling.

And... the stone tower comprehension needs to spend thousands of crystal coins, very few monks can make up such a huge wealth in the desolate ancient realm, so the desolate ancient monks who come by the teleportation array are more abrupt here.

Xiao Chen ignored the expressions of the surrounding monks, his eyes swept across the surroundings and went straight to the stone tower in front of him.

The tower is thousands of feet high, the tower body is black, cold and solemn, standing for billions of years, covered with traces left by the years, but it did not destroy the heavy and steady atmosphere of the stone tower, but added a bit of eternal charm to it. .

The gaze fell, making people tremble, unconsciously awe.

Standing in front of the stone tower, Xiao Chen looked at the towering tower, covering a thousand acres, his face was shocked, and his pupils shrank.

In his eyes, the stone tower seemed to have been standing on this earth since the beginning of the world. It has survived wind and rain, but it is still upright and never collapsed.

On this stone tower, what is revealed is an unwilling will never give up!

And this will, can be referred to as the fighting will!

Yes, it is just a fighting spirit!

Fighting the sky, the battlefield, the common people, and all the powerful enemies in the fighting world, do not fear, do not shrink, and move forward. All obstacles and shackles will be destroyed by life under this war intent!

At this moment, in Xiao Chen's eyes, the stone tower had disappeared, and all that was left was a pure and powerful will that penetrated the world!

Suddenly, a huge momentum slowly dissipated from the stone tower, carrying a monstrous coercion, and blatantly struck the sky.

It seems to be a terrifying brutal beast that has been sleeping for countless years. It is slowly recovering at this moment, releasing its own hideous terror into this world!

Tough, tyrannical, domineering, fearless!

At this moment, the entire stone tower fell silent for an instant, and countless cultivators turned in amazement, their eyes fixed on the stone tower that had been silent for endless years, and then quickly searched for the root cause of all this among the surrounding cultivators.

Soon, all eyes converged on the green robe monk in front of the stone tower.

He maintained the posture of looking up at the stone tower, his expression was calm, but there was divine light in his eyes, and a trace of warfare slowly spilled out of his body, echoing the stone tower, and then continued to skyrocket with an astonishing degree!



The fighting spirit that radiated from his body seemed to have no end, and soon exceeded the limit of his cultivation level, without any pause, and continued to climb upward.

The vast intent to fight, carrying endless coercion, descended on the entire God of War Palace, countless monks throbbed, and their eyes revealed a sense of horror!

Feeling the intent of war emanating from the body of this green-robed monk, they actually had a desire to surrender and worship. It seems that the overflow of the intent of war is their master and the source of their strength!

This feeling is very mysterious, and the lower the cultivation base, the deeper the feeling.

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