Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 411: Picture from Stone Tower

There was a flash of aura of light transmitting from somewhere in the stone tower, and Jing Yangzi's figure appeared, but he didn't wait for him to take any action. Eight [. ? C) O? M]

A coercion from the spiritual level directly affects him. If he does not respond very quickly to resist Xiu, otherwise he may be ugly.

But at this moment, no one is paying any attention to this place, all their eyes have only one focus.

Jing Yangzi was extremely furious, but when he fell on the blue robe with the eyes of everyone, his mouth couldn't help but grow up slowly, and his eyes were raised, as if he saw something incredible. !!

Xiao Chen!

It's Xiao Chen!

Watching him obviously fall into some mysterious realm, his breath is faintly compatible with the stone tower, Jing Yangzi's mind is raged by dozens of thunders at the same time, only feel dizzy and unable to think.

According to ancient legends, the Ares Palace exists between the upper and lower palaces, and they are located in the lower palace. Only those with great opportunities and great magical powers are eligible to enter the upper palace!

The monks in the palace are the true descendants of the Ares Palace.

The monks from the Five Realms entered the age-old battlefield of War Gods Palace. It is said that Zizhuo ’s mysterious disappearance as a terrifying mystery disappeared that day. It is said that he entered the upper palace to continue his cultivation and was unknown to outsiders.

Those who can enter the upper house of Ares Palace are all legendary beings. From ancient times to the present, they are so rare that people will not even remember the gradual forgetting.

But now the sudden explosion of the stone tower, and the monks who are vaguely compatible with the atmosphere of the stone tower, easily evoke the memories of their deep gods, only because of the rumors that they entered the upper palace of the Ares Palace. They all had The experience of inducing the transformation of the stone tower is as it is now.

Therefore, these strong men who were originally self-sustaining, proud, reserved, and unwilling to take a direct look at this arrogant monk monk, are now looking pale, their bodies trembling slightly, reflecting the ever-rising war in that person. Attention, awe arose in the eyes.

This has nothing to do with cultivation ... or what they are in awe of is just a certain characteristic revealed by this human monk, his heart trembling.

Jing Yangzi's heart was also trembling, thinking about the adults who had just discussed Xiao Chen a few days ago, I am afraid that a new charter will soon be formulated.

In the Ares Palace, there have been no monks who can cause stone towers to change for hundreds of thousands of years.

Turning his thoughts, his eyes fell on the blue robe of the robe that focused on the whole body in front of the stone tower. Jing Yangzi took a deep breath and felt heartfelt rejoicing for his careful closeness before, thinking for himself that he might have done it in this life One of the most correct decisions.

Xiao Chen was immersed in his own changes. His whole thoughts were integrated into his internal warfare. He broke out and skyrocketed. It seemed to be integrated with the unyielding thoughts from the stone tower.

His thoughts were scattered, but there was a flash of pictures before him.

On an endlessly large 6, the peaks of the hot flames rising from the ground, the whole body is red, and there are rumbling muffles inside and below the ground. Whenever this time, there is a burst of hot breath on the volcano. Blended with stars and ground fire, burst into the clouds.

The volcano raged, making the entire Big 6 seem to be wrapped in flames. I don't know how many years it has been burning.

On a certain day, the big 6 in the flames vibrated violently without warning, and the mountain shook and the fire wave soared into the sky.

The black stone towers slowly rise from this crater. Even the hot terrestrial fire can't cause any damage to them. Instead, the blacker the blacker, the more pure and indifferent.

Above the void, I don't know when four or four figures appeared, and the surrounding void was distorted, making people invisible.

"The stone tower has been completed, it has been prepared for many years, and finally it is the start date."

"I hope not to waste a lot of hard work, but for you and me to find someone with the same life."

"Sent to the world of Xiaoqian, integrated into the mystery of you and me, success or failure, and it will take time to verify."

"Of course."

A low groan came, but it sounded like it was ringing directly in the space of Yuanshen.

The four figures, their voices are old or majestic or mildly smirking, but they all have irresistible power. Like a heart motion, this sky can collapse and the earth collapse!

The sound dropped, and the stone towers shot up from the volcano, a few hundred, just like the black arrow, shot out violently, the tip of the tower released a wave of waves, which caused the space to suddenly twist and break open one by one. Black hole.

The stone tower disappeared into it instantly.


In the silver-white space passage, a stone tower hurried forward. I don't know how long after that, the tower suddenly trembled, causing the space passage to collapse directly, and the object rushed out directly, staying in a void space.

Suddenly, an immeasurable force suddenly emerged from this stone tower, swept across, and spread to the endless void with a thunderbolt.

At the same time, mutations appeared.

Within the envelope of this power, the dirt and dust appear in vain, compressed and converged into a large and incomparably large 6, and all the spiritual veins with strong spiritual power are born under the ground, making this new big 6 instantly become a cultivation treasure .

But this is just the beginning. In the scope of the spread of power, there are constantly a large number of voids condensing from one another, mountains, forests, rivers, and even the mighty and mighty beasts appear directly, roaring.

The power scattered by this stone tower has created an extremely vast world in a short time.

Void creatures give life!

This is the power of almost creation!

When everything is completed, the void collapses again, forming ten huge and incomparable space passages, arrogantly inserted into the end of the endless void.

Figures of monks emerged from that passage, no matter how they struggled, they could not escape the imprisonment.


The world built with the stone tower as its core quickly became lively. The multiplication and evolution of the long years slowly formed one side of the world.

It's called Areshin.

Xiao Chen's idea is compatible with the stone tower, it seems to be the incarnation of the stone tower.

He saw several monks, and before he knew how many years, he had also induced the transformation of the stone tower.

He saw another space, where there was a domed temple, with golden glazed tiles scattered with dazzling dazzling light, noble atmosphere, and magnificent grace.

In this dome, he sensed two breaths, one of which, for some reason, gave him a slight sense of familiarity.

And the picture ends here.


Hao Hao Tang Tang's will was soaring to the sky, and it instantly shocked all the strong men in the entire War God Palace.

Above the noble high, the two opened their eyes almost at the same moment, with shock and joy in their eyes that were hard to hide.

The young man's face was sighed, and he shook slightly. "San Brother, it seems that you really picked a great little guy. Even if he has the original battle character that you left behind, he can resonate the stone tower for the first time. This qualification, I'm afraid he can't compare. "

The middle-aged monk was silent for a long time, and then sighed. "Big brother was also aware of the combat skills, incorporated his mystery into his own body, and then induced the transformation of the stone tower in Taikoo.. This boy is indeed much stronger than his brother."

"Now, depending on how long he can persist, and his ideas are compatible with the stone tower, I only persisted for an hour."

The young monk nodded, the two kept their mouths shut, and looked down at their feet as if they had penetrated all obstacles and landed on the stone tower.


The strong in the Five Realms, at this moment, everyone who was in the God of War Palace was astonished, sensing the breath pouring from the void, his face changed drastically, and his eyes turned into a solemn meaning.

The blood-colored palace at the extreme south of the blood prison realm, at this moment, the scattered blood gas suddenly converged, and it quickly contracted into the temple like a black hole and disappeared.

An old man with a thin body and a cold complexion appeared from it, sensing the breath from the stone tower, and his eyes had an unshakable excitement.

Without seeing the action of this old man, his foot stepped out, and the figure instantly turned into a ghost image, leaving immediately.


Three Stone World.

The old man in the high position suddenly awakened from the retreat, his face changed greatly, and he could not leave a word. The robe sleeve broke through the restraint, and the figure turned into a streamer under the envelope of light.

"The stone tower changed. After hundreds of thousands of years, there may have been people who can enter the palace!"

In a hurry, the old man's face was dignified.


Several figures sitting cross-legged on the pumice stones of the floating rivers of six circles opened their eyes in shock.

Where the monk Dong Tianjie was, a few light rays suddenly lighted up, and they broke through.

Throughout the Ares Palace, all the powerful men moved after sensing the change of the stone tower.


Xiao Chen slowly opened his eyes, and the fusion between his thoughts and the stone tower was separated, and the madness and soaring pressure in his body was like the snow under the scorching sun, and it disappeared instantly.

The changed stone tower slowly returned to silence.

But at this moment, all the monks looked at Xiao Chen without any contempt and supremacy, full of awe, envy, and jealousy .. At this moment, he shocked everyone with the cultivation of the ancient realm.

The name of the human race, Xiao Chen, burst into the hustle and bustle and was introduced into the ears of every monk, and was deeply imprinted in the Yuanshen, and could no longer be erased.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and immediately noticed changes in the surroundings when she was awake. She frowned slightly, her eyes flashed incomprehensible.

Previously, his mind was compatible with the atmosphere of the stone tower, and he entered the situation of forgetting both things. It is not clear what happened later.

His eyes glanced around him, and he jumped fiercely, his face could not help but change slightly.

In the area around the stone tower, there are many monks, and there is a strong breath in each body. The weakest is also the limit of ancient times, and the monks of Qugu are not in the minority.

The strongest of them is the first few monks in the Five Realms. They don't have any strong breath, but they stand so quietly, but have their own coercion slowly spreading the entire space.


Absolutely strong!

Xiao Chen had a solemn meaning on his face.

The blood prisoner's weird glance took a deep look at Xiao Chen, as if he wanted to keep his appearance firmly in mind, his eyes flashed hot.


The weird drunk and started speaking, leading a group of blood prisoners to turn away.

The Three Stone Realm flashed for the old strange eyes, groaned slightly, and took the Three Stone Realm strong away.

Several monks in the floating world have complex faces, and there are different colors flashing in their eyes. The multi-stars took the lead and turned towards the spiritual people.

Several people around were slightly hesitant and successively arched hi.

After the Dongtianjie strongs groaned, they also congratulated, and the two strongmen left.

The monk at the stone pagoda went to most of them in an instant. The strong men of all ethnic groups in the spirit world had complex eyes and looked at the strong men of that tribe with envy. But in this envy, there is a bit of fun.

The junior monks who caused the stone tower to change are naturally talented, and their future achievements are limitless. They may even enter the upper house to practice. But all these prerequisites are based on Xiao Chen's safe growth.

But according to the current situation, it is impossible to miss the waves.

The host and several other strong ethnic people returned from the surprise. At this moment, they arched to the monks of other ethnic groups, without too many stops. They strode forward to protect Xiao Chen in the center, and screamed away.

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