Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 413: challenge

Tai Adao and Mingxia Fairy want to find a strong human race to defend Xiao Chen. The host takes the initiative to ask for help. This is optimistic that Xiao Chen wants to associate with him in the future. Naturally, he is doing his best. Eight [One [中 ?? <文 W] W] W ?. 8) 1) YW. Com

"The stone tower has the strongest inheritance of the War God Palace, and each type of combat technique contains its own uprising. You and I can observe the stone tower's warfare. It is a process of continually comprehending the uprising. Once completed, repair can be enhanced and automatically mastered The power of warfare is different. However, there are three thousand different roads. The monks have their own understanding, and the skills they can master also vary from person to person. In other words, the warfare in the stone tower should be a near-root existence. The monk felt that he could derive his own magical power from the root. The stone tower has a mysterious origin. No one knows where it came from or who created it, but it goes straight to the root and the magical power that wins the world, but it makes people awe. ” Slowly speaking, the Gu Ji trilogy strong man has a sincere respect on his face.

Xiao Chen's face changed slightly, and then he really knew what his combat skills were.

However, the origin of the stone tower in the class leader's mouth did not make him think of a picture scroll. On the big flame 6, the stone towers rose from the volcano, and there were four suspended figures standing in the void.

Perhaps this is the source of the stone tower.

Thinking of the stone tower falling into the void, creating the world out of thin air and evolving vitality, this kind of near-miracle power must be the power that only the giant giants have.

Creation .. Creation .. Or a higher level of power.

Xiao Chen shook his head and pressed his mind down. At the moment, for him, he is not yet qualified to be in contact with this level of existence. Now he is puzzled, and he has reached the realm of self-dissolution.

Otherwise, it is useless to break your head.

The Taikoo monk next to the teleportation team respectfully brought the strength of the two to him, and showed enough awe on his face to stop being arrogant.

The aura of light flashed, and two figures disappeared in the teleportation array.

Stone tower.

After a previous change, many monks were plain here. They did not enter the stone tower or talk. They stood quietly in front of the stone tower, looked up, calmed down, and wanted to try to see if they could reproduce the scene of the day.

There is no reason why a monk in ancient times can do what they can't.

If you don't try it, it's hard to feel relieved.

The monks from the Five Realms came one after another, but they were sore from the neck and hurt their heels. The stone tower was still a stone tower, standing solemnly, and the dark and cold colors seemed like a silent mockery, which made people feel more ashamed.

It seems that inducing the stone tower is not as simple as they think.

A group of pioneers who failed in the attempt pretended to be indifferent, and left in conversation with the surrounding monks. Their eyes were clear and their faces were calm. They did not seem to be awkward and uneasy.

But who knows who they are, they don't know, but at the moment, in order to hide each other, it is difficult to make them look like they have known friends for many years.

Out of sight, or warm conversation or whispering or thoughtful monks glanced at each other, a scorn of disdain between mouth and nose, it seems that you are worthy of feeling The mystery of the stone tower, then parted ways and scattered.

The monks claim to be avenue climbers, but they are the most selfish group in the world.

Freaks that can seduce stone towers have been born for hundreds of thousands of years. They are just monks in some normal fields, so don't compare them with this kind of abnormal series.

I comfort myself, maybe I can feel better.

However, these guys with sour mouths and sour mouths have not calmed their hit Dao, but they saw a flash of light in the teleportation, two figures came out of it, and their eyes fell on the figure of the blue robe slightly behind. In the past, a complex mood of envy and jealousy arose spontaneously.

How can I see that this boy did not give birth to three heads and six arms, how could he be recognized by the stone tower?

But their senior adults, who are far away from his predecessors, are just not interested in Stone Tower?

Doesn't it mean that they are inferior to this human race!

In addition to the sour envy, the monks from the Five Realms outside the stone tower couldn't help getting a little bit resentful.

The host's face was a little stiff, and he didn't feel that his feet were slow for half a beat. He walked side by side with Xiao Chen and whispered a bitter smile. "This is the resentment that you yourself provoke. There is no reason for me to stand in front of you."

As he cultivated the power of promoting the ancient realm of Qu, he naturally knew more about some of the mysteries of the stone tower than ordinary people, so he would not do such a stupid act of standing outside the stone tower and trying to get the approval of the stone tower, so there is no song right now. Strong in ancient realms.

But in the late ancestors of ancient times, even the ancient monks are no longer a few. Although the class masters can not be considered in their eyes at all, when hundreds or even more grievances come together, his heart is also patient. Can't live with some hair.

Xiao Chen Wei'e, did not think that the master of the class is actually a humorous person, shook his head and moved forward.

Here is the stone tower.

The stone tower is inside the Ares.

So he is safe.

Even if these exotic strong men in the surrounding area could not wait to severely step on him under their feet to humiliate and vent their dissatisfaction, but they did not have this opportunity.

That being the case, there is nothing to be afraid of.

It's impossible to say that eyes can't kill people at all. Even if an exotic strong man cultivates the strange magical powers that the legend has known, the eyes must be converged carefully, otherwise it will only cause trouble for himself.

Xiao Chen looked calm, without squinting, and ignored the guys around him who wanted to eat, and ran towards the entrance of the stone tower.

The leader looked at his calm and undisturbed complexion, and secretly said that if the two got along differently, what would happen? The tribe Gu Ji trilogy strong man secretly thought about it, and finally shook his head helplessly. Now he can never do better than Xiao Chen. He can't help but appreciate it a little bit, but at the same time feels helpless.

Why the terrible monks who have qualified for the younger generation must be so careful and forbearing concessions.

Thinking of the status quo of the ethnic group, he sighed in his mouth and shook his head, but just the weight in his heart was a little bit heavier.

But at this moment, the class owner raised his eyebrows, but his face suddenly became gloomy.

A monk stopped the two directly, with an unabashed disdain on his face, stretched out his hand and tore a sleeve and threw it on the ground. "Hu Xiaochen, this seat challenges you. God fights in the battlefield or in the desert. Ren You pick. "

The eyes of the exotic powerhouses outside the stone tower shone.

Yes indeed!

Although the boy was recognized by the stone tower, he was only a wild monk, and he could go up in the sky.

Regardless of the future, at the moment, which one of them is not ten times and one hundred times stronger than this kid, and humiliate as much as they want, this is a complete one-sided abuse.

In a sneer, more than a hundred exotic powerhouses took a step forward and stopped in front of the stone tower.

The cleavage robe sleeve challenged by the three stone monks.

The one who left the dagger treasure on the ground was the cave monk.

With one hand raised his fist and thumb down is the monk in blood prison.

Slightly sneer is not only the monk floating 6 circles.

Alas, more than a hundred challenge invitations appeared, looking at a face with a cold and happy smile, Xiao Chen frowned slightly, turning to the stiff-faced class leader, "There may be monks in the God of War challenge. Accepted rules? "

The host's eyes flickered, "Naturally, there is no such thing. To challenge such a thing, both parties must agree to it. How can there be a unilateral decision?"

Xiao Chen nodded. "Since this is the case, then I can completely ignore these people?"

"That's natural."

"Now let's go, don't waste time here."

The host nodded, but now he has no calmness in his performance, but this is indeed the best way to deal with the situation at hand.

Although their voices were not high, they were enough to reach all the monks here, making them look slightly different.

Seeing that Xiao Chen and the host were getting closer and closer, they seemed to have the intention to pass through them. The three stone monks who first challenged turned red instantly and felt greatly humiliated.

Refusing to challenge is a cowardly act in the Three Stone Realms, but Xiao Chen's calm and indifferent disregard today seems to reverse the harm.

"Xiao Chen, I challenge you, if you are not a coward, promise!"

The monk of Three Stone Circles took a step forward and said in a loud voice.

The monks who faced the challenge would naturally not look good, and looked grimly at the figure of the blue robe, secretly cursing Ruofei God of War God had already killed you and shredded them to feed the turtle to Yunyun.

Xiao Chen lifted up and finally glanced at the challenger in front of him, but this look was like looking at an idiot, which was really hurting.

The corners of his mouth were raised, revealing a hint of coldness.

"The ones you have cultivated for the weakest are all in the late ancestors, and it is not uncommon to see the ancient polar realm. It is actually too ridiculous to challenge one of the wild monks in my district? Is it possible that the stone tower changed, I will When I really take care of the face and face and fill the fat to meet your challenge, and then let you be humiliated, the idea is too naive. "Xiao Chen said lightly, but the sound was like slap in the face, jumping out of these The guy's face made them feel dizzy.

However, he has attracted people who have changed the stone tower. He has a peerless genius that has been rare for hundreds of thousands of years. He will have infinite achievements in the future. He has nothing to do with these faces.

how can that be!

The transformation of the stone tower caused Xiao Chen to become the cusp of the moment, attracting the envy and awe of too many monks. Although he had joy in his heart, he did not take it too seriously.

Even if some of his traits were recognized by Shita, how could he still be a cowardly monk in the ancient wasteland?

To this day, Xiao Chen has seen too many so-called arrogant sons, and those who fall into his hands are no fewer. Which of these people is not talented and has high hopes, but they have been scoffed without the opportunity to grow up.

Just like Xiao Chen right now.

Even if he is acknowledged by the stone tower, he is also likely to be killed, then all this becomes meaningless.

Furthermore, the stone tower change only proved that he had some kind of summit that he could possibly climb to the top, but without hard work and opportunity, he would still not be able to take that step.

If so, how can we get it?

Moreover, with Xiao Chen's strong self-confidence, he is also confident to climb the peak of the road even without the approval of Shi Tower.

After careful calculation, because the stone tower changes put him in such an embarrassing situation that it is difficult to move forward and backward, there is still some annoyance in his heart that cannot be released.

These people do not know the thoughts in Xiao Chen's heart, and think that they are well-calculated and doomed to nothing.

Or they knew what Xiao Chen thought in their heart, and they were afraid that they would weep because of the irritability in his heart.

The host's mouth showed a little smile, and now Xiao Chen is really a funny guy. Looking at the dull complexion of more than a hundred challengers, he just felt a lot more happy in his heart.

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