Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 414: United border

"So how do you want to accept the challenge?" Another challenger from the floating world, Shen Sheng, opened his eyes to the ancient times and thought that a monk and an ancient monk would be seen in his eyes, but now he is full of faces with distinction. [[Bayi? {

Xiao Chen's face changed, and she turned into a serious look. "If you really want to challenge, I will give you two choices. First, will the repair of the seal be suppressed in the ancient realm, which is equivalent to me. You can take it all together. "

With this remark, the face of the monk floating in the 6 circles suddenly became extremely ugly.

The human race Xiao Chen entered the shrine, defeating more than a hundred blood prison monks, and it could explode ancient combat power. It is well known in the war shrine. If it is really suppressed in the ancient ruins, even if they master some warfare magic Under the huge gap of repair, it must be completely suppressed.

Obviously this cannot be agreed.

"What is the second option?"

Xiao Chen smiled strangely and pointed his finger at the team leader around him. "The second option is that you challenge the master instead. Presumably his elderly will not reject any of you. You can choose either the battlefield or the desert. ,how is it?"

The host sneered and felt that it was hard work, but the heart was completely happy, and the anger in his heart was more than half, and he took a step forward and murmured, "Yes, whoever you want to challenge, this seat has been accepted!"

The four monks challenged the monks to look green, but none of them spoke.

Xiao Chen smiled lightly. "Since you don't want to agree, you have to let this matter go. Master, please guide you in the way, let's go over."

The host nodded, and Gu Ji's Sanqu breath broke out, and the mighty courage poured down, striding forward.

As far as the figure goes, even if he has not deliberately targeted any monks, it is enough to force them to retreat easily and make a way out.

Shaking and swinging, the two entered the stone tower among the surrounding monks gnashing their teeth.




The screams roared!


"Ha ha ha ha! Xiao Chen, you are really good, my husband hasn't laughed so much for a long time. These exotic monks have been slapped by you hard today, I am afraid it will be hot for a while."

The host laughed, with unabashed appreciation in his eyes.

Xiao Chen shook his head slightly. "In all fairness, these guys dare to stop the way to challenge me. The real thought in my heart is to step on them one by one, causing them pain and sorrow."

Speaking of which, he shook his head slightly, showing a little helplessness on his face, "But Xiu Wei is still too weak. Even if he tries his best, he can explode the Gu Ji monk at most, and he will undoubtedly defeat him. This is the only way to do it. . "

The host's face converged with a smile and nodded for a moment. "With your qualifications, you don't need to spend too much time to catch up with them, so you don't have to be discouraged."

Xiao Chen's face returned to calmness, and said lightly: "Master, rest assured, I am not as good as them, just because these people have been a bit longer than I have cultivated, I wo n’t take this to heart, but I will take action soon, let They paid their due price for today's stupidity. "The sound was flat, but it was shocking.

The head of the class looked at Xiao Chen deeply and nodded.

The ancient monk is also a strong one in the God of War Palace. Taking Xiao Chen's deserted ancient cultivation as the example, revealing his hole card can only explode the ancient pole, and it is definitely not short to want to grow to an enemy or even defeat it. Things to do in time.

Once in the old world, it is difficult!

But for some reason, listening to Xiao Chen's calm speech, watching his calm face, the class leader's inexplicable letter.

Perhaps, soon, he will be amazing!

The host slowly shook his head and smiled and suppressed his heart. Even if Xiao Chen was astonishingly talented, there was no possibility for the world to skyrocket for no reason, even if it was fast, at least hundreds of years, he would converge.

"Let's go."

Xiao Chen nodded, and the two went deep into the stone tower.

According to the class leader, the stone tower combat skills are divided into one yuan, two instruments, three talents, four elephants, five elements, **, seven, eight shortages, nine poles, ten squares, one hundred battles, thousands of calamities, Wanshou total thirteen realms, monks need Start from low, extend upward, and keep feeling.

Combat skill perception has nothing to do with cultivation, all relying on a word of understanding, you can enter the next stage when you realize, cultivation is promotion.

Thirteen combat techniques, divided into 13 layers, are all in the stone tower.

It is rumored that stepping into the ninth floor can become ancient and enter the upper house of God of War.

The tenth layer can be broken.

As for the three levels of higher battles, thousands of disasters, and longevity, there are no rumors.

Perhaps there is no monk to set foot on these three levels so far.

"Xiao Chen, this seat will go to the realm of **, and will come to you every other month. If you have something, you must wait for this seat to make a decision no matter what." Up.

Xiao Chen respectfully said yes.

The first floor of the stone tower is marked with one yuan and two at the stone gate. Note later: Enter the internal enlightenment and deduct 1,000 crystal coins for one month.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed with anticipation, a little silence, and stepped into the stone gate.

At the next moment, the surrounding area was slightly distorted. It was already in a stone room somewhere, about 100 feet in size. The ground, walls, and top were all smooth and flat. There was a faint aura of light that illuminated the entire cave.

The fine and delicate textures spread over six sides, seemingly chaotic, but give people a perfect harmonious feeling, it seems that it is a natural thing.

The mysterious charm of Si Si is flowing in this line, elusive, but everywhere.

Xiao Chen's eyes fell on a line somewhere on the stone wall, and the whole body was shocked. The light in his eyes flashed, and the lines of texture were like a waterfall, flowing wildly on the eyes.

Sitting subconsciously on his knees, looking at the line of the stone wall, Xiao Chen fell into some strange state of perception without warning, sometimes frowning, sometimes stretching, sometimes rolling with his fingers, and passing across the void in front of him.

In the Yuanshen space, the pale golden Yuanshen scattered golden light was indifferently brightened, making the ancient Bodhi tree tremble gently, and the black ghost comfortably put on the blue eyes, revealing a comfortable look.

Like this golden light, it has unspeakable benefits for both things.

The quiet and long-term battle word tactics are now slowly recovering, and the slightest aura of light travels endlessly.

In the stone room of the battlefield of Yuan Dynasty, Xiao Chen was fascinated. In January, time passed by.


The ethereal light flickered a little, Xiao Chen's figure was teleported away, and he instantly awakened from that mysterious state, his eyes opened, showing a little shock.

January time was so fast that it seemed to pass in a blink of an eye.

Frowning slightly, Xiao Chen's face was slightly distressed, as if he had encountered a certain problem.

"Don't think about it. If the mystery of the stone tower can be imprinted into the mind, where will I wait for the monks to desperately kill the beasts to earn beast crystals to exchange them for crystal coins."

Xiao Chen lifted up, showing a sorrowful color, and smiled helplessly, saying: "But it makes the host laugh."

The class leader shook his head. When he entered the stone tower at the beginning of the year, who is not like Xiao Chen, he naturally would not think it was ridiculous, but his eyes fell on Xiao Chen, but it seemed that something had suddenly appeared, and his body was frozen. "You have seen it? "

The voice is slightly lower, showing a little dignity and surprise, but more shocking than I can believe.

Xiao Chen frowned. "What does the adult mean?"

"Textures in the one yuan room .. but you see the picture of the scroll?"


The host's face instantly became extremely weird, and eventually turned into a bitter smile. This is the secret of the horror of being recognized by the stone tower. For the first time, the mystery contained in the texture of combat skills can be clearly seen.

Too scary.

"So how many points can you remember?"

Xiao Chen heard that his face was slightly stiff, and then became gloomy. Now he only has a few cluttered lines in his mind. Although he faintly remembers the trace of the shot, he can't grasp it.

The host sighed. Fortunately, you are still in the normal category. You haven't seen the ability to break through the texture directly to the essence and write it down. Otherwise, how old are those of us who have lived in the Ares Palace for tens of thousands of years.

However, this matter should be reported to Tai A and Ming Xia immediately.

"Xiao Chen, you do n’t have to do this. The mystery of warfare is deep and obscure. You must know that I am in the War God Palace for tens of thousands of years before I reach the sixth floor. If you look at it too much, you will naturally be bright and transparent. The old man will leave for a while, and you will continue to cultivate here. "

The class leader hurried away.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, and it seemed that he was a little impatient.

The first trace of the falling palm has been clearly seen for the first time. The next time you can definitely see it more clearly. If you look at it a few more times, you will naturally remember it.

Taking a step forward, he reappeared in the Yuan room, sat cross-legged, and continued to enlighten.


"Seeing through the texture directly, manifesting the picture and shadow, are you taking this seriously?" Tai Adao people's two white eyebrows trembled, his eyes were full of shock.

Mingxia Fairy's plump body was a little stiff, and she knew that her heart was agitated.

The host respectfully saluted, "This is what Xiao Chen said personally, and I felt the mystery of combat skills in him. Although it is subtle, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it."

Speaking of which, there was a weird look on his face, "but he doesn't seem to know what it means."

Tai A and Ming Xia looked at each other, and they all saw the helplessness in their eyes, but in this helplessness, their cover was full of joy.

The monk who was able to seduce the stone pagoda changed his approval, and there was something really different about it.

There is no need to slowly perceive the connection of the lines, and to directly see the root image, it is really an enviable opportunity.

If so, perhaps Xiao Chen's time to grow up will be much shorter than they expected.

The thought of the light and heat that he might emit in the future will illuminate the entire human race, and the hearts of Tai A and Ming Xia are agitated.

In the God of War Palace, the human race is really too weak. If they have not had the ancient six poles, they can barely fight the ancient seven pole monks. .

Devil Emperor Goku Qiqu.

Yaozun ancient extremely Qiqu.

Among the remaining ethnic groups, there are also several strong people in the ancient six poles.

Terran status is quite awkward.

Moreover, the demon emperor and the demon statue have been in the Qiqi Qu for many years. They have been in retreat all day long. They have already reached the peak of the Qi Qu. They may break the bottleneck at any time and promote the Gu Ji Baqu. Will be broken.

Regardless of any one's breakthrough, the human race cannot continue to maintain its current position.

Therefore, Tai A and Ming Xia retreat all year round, so that they can break through to the ancient Qiqi Qu as soon as possible, but they are still far away.

But now that Xiao Chen is born, it opens up another door for the two ... If he can grow up, he will surely be called a strongman of the asylum, and even lead his people to glory.

"Master, you immediately return to the stone tower, and told Xiao Chen that you must not tell anyone about this and let him feel at ease in the stone tower ... I hope he can grow up as soon as possible." Tai Ah Shen said.

"Yes, sir."

The host respectfully stepped back a few steps and turned away in a hurry.


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