Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 419: You can fight below Qu Gu

Looking at that Qingpao monk, and then not far away, a group of three stone worlds with a pot-like bottom as dark as carbon, like San Futian Yang drank a glass of ice water, and he could not help but reveal a crispness, Slightly squinting his eyes, smiled at the corners of his mouth. [

But soon, they couldn't smile.

Xiao Chen has arrived not far from Qi Yunshan. According to expectations, he should now return to the original way or turn around to the God of War, but apparently he did not do so, and still hurriedly drove Jiguang forward.



If you don't stop, you will break into the territory of the floating world!

At this moment, the face of Monk Sanshijie suddenly looked better, his face full of sneer.

That's right. There is no reason to just sway in the realm of the Three Stone Realms. How can you let the guys in the floating 6 realms wait to see a joke?

Seeing that Xiao Chen didn't stop, the guys behind the Three Stone Worlds actually had a bit of sickness in their hearts.


He came over!

Seeing the lively Sanshijie monk with great enthusiasm, his face suddenly became like eating a fly!

"Human race Chen Chen, with Qi Yunshan as the boundary, this is my floating territory, you have crossed the boundary!"

"I know."

"Knowing that you haven't hurried back, or do you want to provoke the prestige of my floating world?"

"Three Stone Masters have said the same."

"What do you want?"

"I'm here to provoke."


During the answer, Xiao Chen moved on.

His face was calm and seemingly mad, but those pair of dark eyes were as unpredictable and dark as the deep sea.

He came to provoke.

Xiao Chen didn't excuse him. It was for this reason that he came.

The monks in the Three Stone Realms sneered, turning to see the monks in the Six Realms embarrassed, watching Xiao Chen drift away, and deep into the realms of the Six Realms until they disappeared.

Booming, the repair of the human race's green robes broke into the territories of the Three Stones and the Float 6, and attracted countless revenge eyes.

Since then, the monks in Blood Prison and Dongtianjie seem to have made psychological preparations. Although their eyes burned in anger, none of them continued to speak so as not to waste their saliva.

The wanton publicity took a turn in the realm of the Four Realms, and Xiao Chen successfully ignited the anger in the hearts of the foreign powers of the Four Realms. Standing at the junction of Dongtian Realm and Spirit Realm, his frown frowned, and the secret passage was almost the same, and he stopped moving forward. He ignored the shock, incomprehension, and even disdainful indifference of the spiritual monk, and turned to walk, Returning to the Terran residence, visitors are not allowed to stay behind closed doors.

Sitting in the temple, silently recuperating, for more than three days, eyes opened, cold light lingering.

Everything you want to do has been done, the time should be enough, and when it is time to make a shot, I hope that this harvest can be satisfactory and worthy of his noble performance.

On the same day, the stone tower said that it would soon make a shot and step on the feet of the challenger and insulter that day.

It is now!


Ares Palace, Teleport Square.

Entering and leaving the wilderness, taking on tasks, exchanging messages, monitoring and tracking, many definitions and blessings, the transmission square is naturally the most lively place in the Ares Palace.

Within a large area, the ground is covered with smooth and smooth Wenyu slabs, which are black in color, contrasting with thousands of square-sized silver-white teleportation arrays at the core. From time to time, the light shines, and monks come in and out.

But in the square today, the atmosphere was particularly warm.

"The **** human race, Chen Chen, will not let me meet in the wild in the future, otherwise he will never die with him!"

"It would be best if he kept hiding as a tortoise in the Ares Palace, taking a step out of the wilderness, and never dreaming to come back alive!"

"Provoking monks from the Four Realms is tantamount to digging a grave on your own.

"So arrogant and arrogant will certainly not be tolerated in the heavens and the earth, and in the future it will be a place without death!"

"Why should Xiao Chen dare to accept the challenge in the future, I will be able to step on him at the foot!"

"This mouse generation is arrogant and arrogant. It was timid and cautious. The challenge at the stone tower last time refused to accept it. Now it has aroused public anger. I don't know how many strong people in the four realms want to deal with him. How dare to take the challenge! "

"Dirty human race Xiao Chen, if there is an upright monk, he will fight you and me in a fair and honest manner. It is so daunting to dare not to be taken, it is really contemptible!"

The monks in the Four Realms either groaned and whispered in whispers, or were irritated with excitement and anger, all raging in anger, but knowing nothing but how to be bored.

Instead of weakening with the passage of time, these angers of sorrow and anger raged on China and Vietnam in these three days.

However, at the moment, there was a voice of indifference above the square, "If you really want to challenge Xiaomou, I can give you a chance, just because you don't have that practice, you'll make a joke."

The voice is calm, and he is proudly cold, like a **** above Jiuxiao, overlooking the world.

A figure came out in the air, black eyes, blue shirts, calm expression.

Xiao Chen!

Countless gloomy eyes converged instantly, and they fell on the comer, until he could see his appearance, and his face was gritted!

"Does the cultivation of the despicable peoples have to propose the so-called seal repair as a battle with you? But you can use mysticism to repair to gain the power of the ancient pole, don't you feel that you are too shameless!"

One or three stone monks hated to speak.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and the corners of his mouth were slightly scornful, "This is just a matter of self-righteousness, why did Xiao Mou speak?"

Quietly speaking, regardless of the person's ugly look, he stretched out a finger and swept slowly across the square. "Today I will give you a chance to challenge. Below the ancient realm, monks from the four realms can come. There is no need to ban the town, this seat can still defeat you!

While talking, a ghost of a runner appeared above his head, exuding a mysterious mystery.

"This contract is valid for three days. This seat gives you three days. Whoever wants to challenge can sign it."

Xiao Chen's mouth showed ridicule, dropped his figure, and sat down cross-legged directly under the virtual shadow of the runner, closing his eyes and silently adjusting his breath.


"The ancients are so arrogant that they dare to speak wildly, really don't know how to write dead words!"

"The old man would have to see. Where is the junior of your tribe, how dare you be so blind!"

"Since you seek shame, how can this seat let you down!

Crossing the four ethnic territories, the attitude is arrogant. Today, there is another crazy move in the transmission square. If it is fair to say that things are a little weird, but now in the fury, even if a little suspiciousness is born in their hearts, they are immediately cast aside.

In addition, the ancient history is that even if you have a hole card, what can you do?

They have been staying in the war shrine for many years, and they have learned the magic skills of warfare. The prosperity of power is far from comparable to the outside monks of the same level.


On the square, the monks of the Four Realms scolded out of sneer to discover the consciousness, got into the runner, and checked the contents of the contract.


Within three days, all monks below the ancient realm of the Qu can sign a contract, and the two sides let go and fight in the battlefield of God. The order of battle is determined by Xiao Chen. Each battle must be separated by one month to restore the loss of Yuanshen. Each battle will be supplemented with 1,018 crystal coins. The loser will automatically transfer to the winner, and the contract is signed. Don't regret it!

The content is simple and clear, without any language traps.

Although the gambling funds for the 2018 crystal coins were a little weird, the foreign powerhouses didn't worry too much. They smirked the spirit of Yuanshen in a sneer and completed the contract signing!

"After three days, let's see how the husband insults you!"

"Haha, this time, not only can I get a class of genius recognized by the stone tower, but also get a thousand crystal coins, really perfect."

"Who borrowed the old man's two hundred crystal coins and doubled it back afterwards!"

"Pride and humiliation!"

"Come back to the tribe and tell the details about the square. How can you and I enjoy such an interesting thing!"

"Good words!"

The powerful foreigners who signed the contract signed the jade letter of communication in order to attach this matter.

For a moment, the square turned around and spread across the Five Realms with an explosive degree!

The powerful aliens of the four realms snarled at the same time, yelling and clamoring for life and death, setting up a stream of light outside their bodies, turning into a shocking rainbow and heading for the transmission square.


"Three brother ... is this little guy crazy?" The young monk was stunned, his face stiff, his face full of wonder.

The middle-aged monk's eyes flickered, and a pensive look suddenly appeared on his face. "Sixth brother, I still remember that I told you that this little guy is short of crystal coins."

"Crypto .." The young monk suddenly turned, his mouth twitching. "The third brother said that this boy's arrogant appearance in the past few days was to anger the strong aliens in the four realms and sign a challenge contract with him?" Where does he come from! "

The middle-aged monk was silent for a moment, slowly speaking, "When I first met this child, his calmness and calmness were evident, otherwise he would not be able to successfully obtain the trace of the original battlewords left by me. Now two thousand years have passed. He has grown a lot and should not do things he is not sure about. "

"So, I believe he has enough cards in his hand, otherwise he would not do the same."

"According to the third brother, this boy has been counting monks from the Four Realms since the beginning."

"Today, this explanation alone is the most reasonable."

"Let's not say whether he has the certainty to win. Even if he wins, this move will completely offend the monks in the Four Realms to death. I am afraid that once stepping out of the Ares Palace in the future, he will be strangled by the Four Realms. "

"Even if it is not today, monks from the Four Realms will not let him go."

"Hmm ... that's true."

"Look right now, I think this kid might surprise you."

"Hope, as Brother San said."


Temple of Blood.

"Challenge the challenge?" Augusto frowned, and his eyes were cloudy for a while. "This is by no means simple, Xu Li, how do you think about this?"

Of the high blood prisoners among his highness, a slightly thin monk stepped forward.

Although this person's cultivation is not the strongest, it is obviously very much valued by Augusto, and the ancient seven Qiqu cultivation is ranked third.

"My lord, this tribe is willing to leave the stone tower, and it is bound to run out of crystal coins. In the current situation of the tribe, if you want to gather the power of the ethnic group to train him to rise, you will be rejected. It was to provoke monks from the Four Realms, and in the name of challenge, it was true to acquire crystal coins. "

Xu Li is an Augusto think-tank, known for his inexhaustible strategy, and he has analyzed the matter clearly.


[Fourth more, today's update is complete, goodbye to you all tomorrow! 】

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