Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 420: Tenth Blood Son

Augusto nodded slightly, "This seat also thinks it must be the case, this junior has a good plan. Since he dares to do so, he must have a hole card in his hand. If he is to succeed, he will be able to get countless crystals. By then, It ’s hard to get into the stone tower, and you have to wait for it. You know, my family is running out of time. "

His Highness Blood Prisoner's face became extremely gloomy instantly, and the atmosphere became more dignified.

"My lord, I will go to the transmission square immediately and break the calculation of Xiao Chen. The appearance of my blood prison monk will surely make the monks in the Three Realms feel afraid to sign a challenge contract with Xiao Chen."

Another strong blood prisoner yelled, and Gu Ji Ba Qu was repaired to shake the earth. There was a sound of wind and thunder in his breath.

Augusto frowned and showed anxiety.

Xu Li flashed his eyes and arched his hand, "Master Frost said that this is indeed a solution, but it is not the best policy. When the news reached the Blood Temple, Xiao Chen did not know how many contracts had been harvested, even if my blood prisoners came forward to This matter has been destroyed, he has already harvested enough crystal coins. And more importantly, he can wait, tortoise shrinks in the God of War Palace and does not go half a step into the wilderness, but my blood prisoners have few days and ca n’t stand it This meaningless loss must help the ancient Augusto to take the next step in the shortest time, promoted and destroyed into the God of War, and added some hope for the preservation of my blood prisoners! "

"The battlefield of the gods was originally a battlefield where Yuanshen entered the simulation. Although the monk was injured or slain, he would not really die, but Yuanshen will inevitably be seriously injured. Among the monks in the Four Realms, there are still some outstanding juniors in Qugu. As long as Xiao Chen met any one of them, he did not want to win easily. After gaining the surge of power by secret technique, after all, it is not his own power. After use, there will be hidden dangers. In addition, Yuan Shen will be injured, then how long can Xiao Chen persist. Therefore, the subordinates felt that instead of obstructing the incident at this moment, the adults should look forward to all efforts to pull Xiao Chen into the terrible situation. If the adults are still not assured, among my blood prisoners, Qu Gujing will fall below. You can also pick out a few little guys who can get it. With their strength, even if Xiao Chen has a hole card in hand, he may not be their opponent. As long as one of them destroys Xiao Chen Yuanshen in the battlefield of God, the interval is short. In just one month, how can he recover as before, it will be difficult to escape the game. If his subordinates remember correctly, they should have not yet broken into Qu Gujing .. "

"If you lose too much, you will owe crystal coins, and it is an incalculable amount of crystal coins. Even if the Terrans try their best, they cannot be repaid. According to the rules of the Ares Temple, Xiao Chen must complete the task and return the debt. At that time, even if he wants to stay in the God of War Palace, once he set foot in the wilderness, he will use adult cultivation as a force, and then other friends such as Frost will join hands to help him. Fight for adults! "

Ogudo bowed his head and groaned. "Xu Li" chuckled after a while, "Xu Li, you are indeed the old man's think tank, really good plan. I know that Xiao Chen killed your bloodline descendant Xu Ya, you can rest assured that the old man will definitely Let him be tortured before he devours him. "

"Thank you, Lord!"

"The order, Zhao Ducha exited for the ten blood sons, went to the teleportation square, and completed the contract! This time, the old man will push Xiao Chen into the Jedi!"


"Xiao Chen is for the crystal coin." Tai Adao people are distressed. "The abominable Chunyang and Xiling do not know the general situation. The short-sighted monk of the tribe actually forces him to such a situation. If he has any accidents, my tribe Hopeless rise, you and I are also sinners! "

Mingxia Fairy nodded slowly and comforted: "Tao Dadao friends don't have to be too guilty. You and I have tried our best to be ashamed. Moreover, Xiao Chen is careful and behaves well. With this move, she must take it. I am a bit sure. Dao You must forget that when he was rehabilitated in the early days of ancient times, it was amazing with the use of mysterious explosive ancient pole strikes. Now it is soaring to the middle of the ancient times. If you use the hole cards, the combat power will be more amazing. "

"It may not be difficult to win a battle, but there will be days when you meet the strong. If you are damaged, how can you recover as much as possible in the rest of the month, then it will become weaker and weaker. Time. "Tai Adao people frowned, anxious.

"唉 .. Daoyou said well, but now that the contract has been issued, you and I have no power to interfere, and can only wait silently. Hope Xiao Chen is not acting recklessly, breaking through this calamity."

"Today's plan, that's it."


Time passed and three days passed.

Xiao Chen slowly opened his eyes, while at the same time, above the void above his head, the runner's shadow trembled and slowly dissipated.

A little bit of divine thought is entered into the dark blue bracelet, and the challenge option with a strong blood color is thrown into the eyes.

Seventeen thousand two thousand five hundred and forty-eight.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly in the corner of her mouth, but she didn't look down on her.

With this challenge, he will turn himself into the Jedi, and he will need to be weak and succeed.

Xu Sheng is not allowed to lose, no defeat is allowed!

That being the case, how dare he carelessly.

Minutes moved, and a list of 172,548 challenged monks automatically appeared, and some information was automatically marked afterwards.

Like a waterfall, the list information suddenly stopped. Looking at the ten **** names in front of him, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed.

After entering the shrine, the blood prisoner was Xiao Chen's first enemy, and the resentment between the two sides was unadjustable. Therefore, after the stone tower changed, he must be killed by the blood prisoner monk. That being the case, choose them.

Douza, Cooloy, Ferro, Arthur, Ivan, Andre, Bazel, Sangu, Bennet, Genna.

Ten Blood Sons in Hell!

In the Ares Palace, he is famous and shocks the Five Realms, known as the Xeon below Qugu!

Conveying the square, signing the challenge contract, the monks all have a hot meaning, waiting for the battle to begin!

I just don't know who Xiao Chen will choose as his first opponent, which really makes people look forward to it.

The exotic strong men waiting, the blood flowing in the blood vessels gradually burns, making them breathe thicker and the eyes brighter!

Among the many cruel eyes, Xiao Chen rose up, his eyes glanced at the countless monks, and he said lightly, "The first war, the blood prisoner, Genna!"

As the words fell, the entire transmission square snorted instantly, and no more came out!

After hearing this name, many strong foreigners were instantly stiff, and a chill emerged from the bottom of their hearts, spreading rapidly, penetrating deep into the blood marrow, letting the hot blood heat instantly freeze, and the pride of the chest disappeared.

Genna of the blood prisoner, the tenth blood son of blood prison!

Those who can be honored as blood sons are all the strongest, most experienced warriors and the most cruel and fierce junior monks among the blood prisoners. Each of them is a fierce and powerful character.

In the God of War Palace, the Ten Blood Princes retreat all year round, but once they set foot in the wilderness, they will turn into the most terrifying killing machine, and there are countless powerful aliens who fall into the hands of the Ten Blood Sons.

Their reputation is based on the pouring of blood and bones, and the blood is dripping, so they have a deterrent effect!

Because of this, Xiao Chen opened her mouth and had such a powerful impact force.

Challenge the tenth blood son Genna!

act recklessly!

The exotic strong men who have returned to God look weird, but their eyes clearly show the above four characters.

I thought Xiao Chen would pick the weakest man to take the shot. If he was lucky, maybe he could persist for some time, but he did not expect that he was so arrogant.

Let ’s see what happens!

Xiao Chen's expression was calm, and he was not angry with the indifference and glance, but at this moment his mind moved slightly, and he slowly looked up to somewhere.

The strong aliens of the Four Realms retreated to the sides like the tide, their expressions were difficult to hide their fear and fear, and ten figures came in silence.

The **** robe, the **** skin, the **** eyes, faintly cold and lingering around the surroundings, perforated like fine needles, and falling into them made people fall like an ice cellar.

The faces of the surrounding monks changed dramatically, and there was anger in their hearts, but they dared not reveal the slightest bit.

There are really few lunatics in the blood prison world who dare to provoke them.

As a monk in the blood prison world, although his skin color is still red, it is not as ugly and horrible as the ordinary blood prison people, but it gives a rather handsome feeling, and it is also slowly raised at the moment.

Two eyes collided in the void.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, but her heart was shocked, and she was secretly surprised!


Absolutely strong!

"Ten brother, since you clicked on your name, it was apparently coming to my blood prisoner, so you should let him know what the sky is, if you can't seriously hurt him, go to Xing Si and punish yourself. "

For a faint mouth.

"Yes, brother!"

Gurner respectfully saluted, turned abruptly, and sneered.

Blood prisoners, all check!

Xiao Chen saw his identity instantly, and took a deep look at the man, slightly arching, "Please."

His words closed, Yuanshen broke out of the body, and went straight to Jiuxiao!

The battlefield of the gods is located on the top of Jiuxiao. The monk of the God of War Palace breaks the body. He uses the dark blue bracelet as the key to open it. He can rush into it and manifest himself with the god.

The bloodthirsty of Gennar's eyes flashed by, and being named by Xiao Chen in the first battle was a shame to him!

And shame can only be washed by the blood of the enemy.

Although it is impossible to really kill the opponent in the battlefield of God, if the damage is too severe, Yuan Shen may also wither and die!

The next moment, this person closed his eyes, and the tyrannical Yuan Shen slammed!

Xiao Chen Yuanshen broke through a certain barrier, his whole body suddenly changed, his eyes swept away, and he was already in a vast endless space.

The whole sky is empty, the ground is barren, and the horizon is endless.

Although it was entered by the Yuanshen, here it is like an entity, the blood flows in the meridians, and the weak pulse sound is clear and audible.

God battlefield, really strange!

But at this moment he didn't wait for him to observe too much. The blood in the void in front of him flashed slightly. The figure of the tenth blood child Genna appeared instantly, and his eyes flashed fiercely. This person is obviously not the second time to enter the battlefield of God, calmly, "Hu Xiaochen, picking this seat as your first war opponent will be your most stupid decision!"

"Why nonsense, what happens, you will know after fighting!"

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed sharply, and he reached out instantly with one hand, grasping the void in front of him!

In the line of sight, the seven lines came out of nothingness, hiding another end, without knowing its beginning or end.

With a palm of your hand, all seven regular lines fall into your hands, and you pull hard!


The terror exploded from his hands, like a smashing wave, smashing wildly to the surroundings.

Xiao Chen's face paled anxiously, the seven lines were slightly curved, and they ended up intersecting, forming an oval, turning sharply, and the source of the horror was scattered from it.

In the middle period of Taikoo, he tried his best to shoot, and the seven regular lines were his limit!

The source of the rule has been completed. The backhand patted his chest, and instantly merged, becoming the second heart in Xiao Chen's body. Between the beatings, the horrible power broke out!


The breath of Xiao Chen has skyrocketed with amazing degrees, climbing all the way, breaking through one after another!

Archaic, Ancestral, and Ancient Limits!

In a short span of time, his breath has continuously climbed to three levels, reaching the ancient realm!

The majestic and mighty majesty breaks the body, and with the majestic power, it comes arrogantly!

An extremely powerful feeling lingered on the Yuanshen, raising his hands and throwing his feet, all have the power to tear the world apart.

"Call Huangquan Mopan!"

Xiao Chen snarled in his mouth, stretched out with one hand, and pointed at Nagner!


[First update today, thank you for your monthly pass support. In addition, please find the monthly pass and flowers in the hands of the mobile reading base Dao You! 】

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